Unit Video

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Ultibo Video Interface unit

This unit provides both the Video device interface and the generic USB video device driver.


Video specific constants VIDEO_*
VIDEO_NAME_PREFIX = 'Video'; Name prefix for Video Devices

Video device types VIDEO_TYPE_*

Video device states VIDEO_STATE_*

Video device flags VIDEO_FLAG_*
VIDEO_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  

Video logging VIDEO_LOG_*
VIDEO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; Video debugging messages
VIDEO_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; Video informational messages, such as a device being attached or detached
VIDEO_LOG_LEVEL_WARN = LOG_LEVEL_WARN; Video warning messages

Type definitions

Video properties

PVideoProperties = ^TVideoProperties;

TVideoProperties = record

Flags:LongWord; Device flags (eg VIDEO_FLAG_????)

Video enumeration callback

TVideoEnumerate = function(Video:PVideoDevice; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Video notification callback

TVideoNotification = function(Device:PDevice; Data:Pointer; Notification:LongWord):LongWord;

Video device get properties

TVideoDeviceGetProperties = function(Video:PVideoDevice; Properties:PVideoProperties):LongWord;

Video device

PVideoDevice = ^TVideoDevice;

TVideoDevice = record

Device Properties
Device:TDevice; The Device entry for this Video device
Video Properties
VideoId:LongWord; Unique Id of this Video device in the Video device table
VideoState:LongWord; Video device state (eg VIDEO_STATE_ENABLED)
DeviceGetProperties:TVideoDeviceGetProperties; A Device specific DeviceGetProperties method implementing the standard Video device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
Statistics Properties
Driver Properties
Lock:TMutexHandle; Device lock
Properties:TVideoProperties; Device properties
Internal Properties
Prev:PVideoDevice; Previous entry in Video device table
Next:PVideoDevice; Next entry in Video device table

Public variables

Video logging

VIDEO_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL:LongWord = VIDEO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; Minimum level for Video messages. Only messages with level greater than or equal to this will be printed.

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure VideoInit;
Description: Initialize the Video unit and Video device table
Note Called only during system startup

Video device functions

function VideoDeviceGetProperties(Video:PVideoDevice; Properties:PVideoProperties):LongWord;
Description: Get the properties for the specified Video device
Video The Video device to get properties from
Properties Pointer to a TVideoProperties structure to fill in
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function VideoDeviceCreate:PVideoDevice;
Description: Create a new Video device entry
Return Pointer to new Video device entry or nil if Video device could not be created

function VideoDeviceCreateEx(Size:LongWord):PVideoDevice;
Description: Create a new Video device entry
Size Size in bytes to allocate for new Video device (Including the Video device entry)
Return Pointer to new Video device entry or nil if Video device could not be created

function VideoDeviceDestroy(Video:PVideoDevice):LongWord;
Description: Destroy an existing Video device entry
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceRegister(Video:PVideoDevice):LongWord;
Description: Register a new Video device in the Video device table
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceDeregister(Video:PVideoDevice):LongWord;
Description: Deregister a Video device from the Video device table
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceFind(VideoId:LongWord):PVideoDevice;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceFindByName(const Name:String):PVideoDevice; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceFindByDescription(const Description:String):PVideoDevice; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceEnumerate(Callback:TVideoEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceNotification(Video:PVideoDevice; Callback:TVideoNotification; Data:Pointer; Notification,Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Video helper functions

function VideoGetCount:LongWord;
Description: Get the current Video device count
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceGetDefault:PVideoDevice;
Description: Get the current default Video device
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceSetDefault(Video:PVideoDevice):LongWord;
Description: Set the current default Video device
Note None documented

function VideoDeviceCheck(Video:PVideoDevice):PVideoDevice;
Description: Check if the supplied Video device is in the Video device table
Note None documented

procedure VideoLog(Level:LongWord; Video:PVideoDevice; const AText:String);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure VideoLogInfo(Video:PVideoDevice; const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure VideoLogWarn(Video:PVideoDevice; const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure VideoLogError(Video:PVideoDevice; const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure VideoLogDebug(Video:PVideoDevice; const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

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