Unit SMC91X

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SMSC 91C9x/91C1xx Ethernet Driver unit

The SMSC 91C9x/91C1xx are a family of Non-PCI 10/100 Ethernet Single Chip MAC + PHY devices.

This driver is primarily intended to support the LAN91C111 Ethernet device included in the QEMU Versatile PB emulation however the driver is based on the equivalent Linux driver and as such includes (untested) support for a number of chip variants (see SMC91X_CHIP_* constants below).

The QEMU emulation does not include support for a number of the features provided in the real chip so they are either currently not supported or are untested without access to a physical chip implementation for testing.


SMC91X specific constants SMC91X_*
SMC91X_NETWORK_DESCRIPTION = 'SMSC 91C9x/91C1xx Ethernet'; Description of SMC91X device
SMC91X_COMPLETION_THREAD_STACK_SIZE = SIZE_128K; Stack size of receive and transmit completion thread
SMC91X_COMPLETION_THREAD_PRIORITY = THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHER; Priority of receive and transmit completion thread
SMC91X_COMPLETION_THREAD_NAME = 'SMSC 91C9x/91C1xx Completion'; Name of receive and transmit completion thread
SMC91X_COMPLETION_RECEIVE = 0; A receive message sent to the completion thread
SMC91X_COMPLETION_TRANSMIT = 1; A transmit message sent to the completion thread
SMC91X_COMPLETION_ALLOCATE = 2; An allocate message sent to the completion thread
SMC91X_COMPLETION_TERMINATE = 3; A terminate message sent to the completion thread
SMC91X_MAX_TX_ENTRIES = SIZE_16; Number of Transmit buffers allocated
SMC91X_MAX_RX_ENTRIES = SIZE_256; Number of Receive buffers allocated

SMC91X transmit control register SMC91X_TCR_*
SMC91X_TCR_ENABLE = $0001; Transmit enabled when set
SMC91X_TCR_LOOP = $0002; Loopback. General purpose output port used to control the LBK pin.
SMC91X_TCR_FORCOL = $0004; When set, the FORCOL bit will force a collision by not deferring deliberately.
SMC91X_TCR_PAD_EN = $0080; When set, will pad transmit frames shorter than 64 bytes with 00.
SMC91X_TCR_NOCRC = $0100; Does not append CRC to transmitted frames when set
SMC91X_TCR_MON_CSN = $0400; When set monitors carrier while transmitting
SMC91X_TCR_FDUPLX = $0800; When set will cause frames to be received if they pass the address filter regardless of the source for the frame. When clear the node will not receive a frame sourced by itself.
SMC91X_TCR_STP_SQET = $1000; Stop transmission on SQET error. If this bit is set, will stop and disable the transmitter on SQE test error.
SMC91X_TCR_EPH_LOOP = $2000; Internal loopback at the EPH block
SMC91X_TCR_SWFDUP = $8000; Enables Switched Full Duplex mode
Default settings

SMC91X EPH status (Ethernet Protocol Handler) SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_*
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_TX_SUC = $0001; Last transmit was successful. Set if transmit completes without a fatal error.
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_SNGL_COL = $0002; Single collision detected for the last transmit frame. Set when a collision is detected.
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_MUL_COL = $0004; Multiple collision detected for the last transmit frame. Set when more than one collision was experienced.
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_LTX_MULT = $0008; Last transmit frame was a multicast. Set if frame was a multicast.
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_16COL = $0010; 16 collisions reached. Set when 16 collisions are detected for a transmit frame.
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_SQET = $0020; Signal Quality Error Test
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_LTXBRD = $0040; Last transmit frame was a broadcast. Set if frame was broadcast.
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_TXDEFR = $0080; Transmit Deferred. When set, carrier was detected during the first 6.4us of the inter frame gap.
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_LATCOL = $0200; Late collision detected on last transmit frame. If set a late collision was detected (later than 64 byte times into the frame).
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_LOSTCARR = $0400; Lost Carrier Sense. When set indicates that Carrier Sense was not present at end of preamble.
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_EXC_DEF = $0800; Excessive Deferral. When set last/current transmit was deferred for more than 1518 * 2 byte times.
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_CTR_ROL = $1000; Counter Roll Over. When set one or more 4 bit counters have reached maximum count (15).
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_LINK_OK = $4000; General purpose input port driven by nLNK pin inverted
SMC91X_EPH_STATUS_TXUNRN = $8000; TX Underrun

SMC91X receive control register SMC91X_RCR_*
SMC91X_RCR_RX_ABORT = $0001; This bit is set if a receive frame was aborted due to length longer than 2K bytes. The frame will not be received. The bit is cleared by RESET or by the CPU writing it low.
SMC91X_RCR_PRMS = $0002; Promiscuous mode. When set receives all frames. Does not receive its own transmission unless it is in Full Duplex.
SMC91X_RCR_ALMUL = $0004; When set accepts all multicast frames (frames in which the first bit of DA is '1'). When clear accepts only the multicast frames that match the multicast table setting. Defaults low.
SMC91X_RCR_RXEN = $0100; Enables the receiver when set. If cleared, completes receiving current frame and then goes idle. Defaults low on reset.
SMC91X_RCR_STRIP_CRC = $0200; When set, it strips the CRC on received frames. As a result, both the Byte Count and the frame format do not contain the CRC. When clear, the CRC is stored in memory following the packet. Defaults low.
SMC91X_RCR_ABORT_ENB = $0200; Enables abort of receive when collision occurs. Defaults low. When set, will automatically abort a packet being received when the appropriate collision input is activated.
SMC91X_RCR_FILT_CAR = $0400; Filter Carrier. When set filters leading edge of carrier sense for 12 bit times (3 nibble times). Otherwise recognizes a receive frame as soon as carrier sense is active. (Does NOT filter RX DV on MII)
SMC91X_RCR_SOFTRST = $8000; Software-Activated Reset. Active high. Initiated by writing this bit high and terminated by writing the bit low.
Default settings

SMC91X receive/PHY control SMC91X_RPC_*
SMC91X_RPC_SPEED = $2000; Speed select Input (1=100Mbps / 0=0Mbps)
SMC91X_RPC_DPLX = $1000; Duplex Select - This bit selects Full/Half Duplex operation (1=Full Duplex / 0=Half Duplex))
SMC91X_RPC_ANEG = $0800; Auto-Negotiation mode select
SMC91X_RPC_LS2A = $0080; LED select Signal Enable. These bits define what LED control signals are routed to the LEDA output pin on the Ethernet Controller. The default is 10/100 Link detected.
SMC91X_RPC_LS1A = $0040;  
SMC91X_RPC_LS0A = $0020;  
SMC91X_RPC_LS2B = $0010; LED select Signal Enable. These bits define what LED control signals are routed to the LEDB output pin on the Ethernet Controller. The default is 10/100 Link detected.
SMC91X_RPC_LS1B = $0008;  
SMC91X_RPC_LS0B = $0004;  
Default Settings
RPC LS2A/LS1A/LS0A and LS2B/LS1B/LS0B values
SMC91X_RPC_LED_100_10 = $00; LED = 100Mbps OR's with 10Mbps link detect
SMC91X_RPC_LED_RES = $01; LED = Reserved
SMC91X_RPC_LED_10 = $02; LED = 10Mbps link detect
SMC91X_RPC_LED_FD = $03; LED = Full Duplex Mode
SMC91X_RPC_LED_TX_RX = $04; LED = TX or RX packet occurred
SMC91X_RPC_LED_100 = $05; LED = 100Mbps link detect
SMC91X_RPC_LED_TX = $06; LED = TX packet occurred
SMC91X_RPC_LED_RX = $07; LED = RX packet occurred

SMC91X configuration SMC91X_CONFIG_*
SMC91X_CONFIG_EXT_PHY = $0200; External PHY Enabled (1=Enables the external MII / 0=Internal PHY is enabled)
SMC91X_CONFIG_GPCNTRL = $0400; This bit is a general purpose output port. Its inverse value drives pin nCNTRL and it is typically connected to a SELECT pin of the external PHY device such as a power enable.
SMC91X_CONFIG_NO_WAIT = $1000; When set, does not request additional wait states. An exception to this are accesses to the Data Register if not ready for a transfer.
SMC91X_CONFIG_EPH_POWER_EN = $8000; Used to selectively power transition the EPH to a low power mode. When this bit is cleared (0), the Host will place the EPH into a low power mode.
SMC91X_CONFIG_RESERVED = $20B1; Reserved values
Default is powered-up, Internal Phy, Wait States, and pin nCNTRL=low

SMC91X control SMC91X_CTL_*
SMC91X_CTL_RCV_BAD = $4000; When set, bad CRC packets are received. When clear bad CRC packets do not generate interrupts and their memory is released.
SMC91X_CTL_AUTO_RELEASE = $0800; When set, transmit pages are released by transmit completion if the transmission was successful (when TX_SUC is set).
SMC91X_CTL_LE_ENABLE = $0080; Link Error Enable. When set it enables the LINK_OK bit transition as one of the interrupts merged into the EPH INT bit.
SMC91X_CTL_CR_ENABLE = $0040; Counter Roll over Enable. When set, it enables the CTR_ROL bit as one of the interrupts merged into the EPH INT bit.
SMC91X_CTL_TE_ENABLE = $0020; Transmit Error Enable. When set it enables Transmit Error as one of the interrupts merged into the EPH INT bit.
SMC91X_CTL_EEPROM_SELECT = $0004; This bit allows the CPU to specify which registers the EEPROM RELOAD or STORE refers to
SMC91X_CTL_RELOAD = $0002; When set it will read the EEPROM and update relevant registers with its contents
SMC91X_CTL_STORE = $0001; When set, stores the contents of all relevant registers in the serial EEPROM.

SMC91X MMU command SMC91X_MMU_CMD_*
SMC91X_MMU_CMD_BUSY = 1; When 1 the last command has not completed
SMC91X_MMU_CMD_ALLOC = (1 shl 5); ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR TX (OR with number of 256 byte packets)
SMC91X_MMU_CMD_RESET = (2 shl 5); RESET MMU TO INITIAL STATE (Frees all memory allocations, clears relevant interrupts, resets packet FIFO pointers)
SMC91X_MMU_CMD_REMOVE = (3 shl 5); REMOVE FRAME FROM TOP OF RX FIFO (To be issued after CPU has completed processing of present receive frame)
SMC91X_MMU_CMD_RELEASE = (4 shl 5); REMOVE AND RELEASE TOP OF RX FIFO (Like 3) but also releases all memory used by the packet presently at the RX FIFO output)
SMC91X_MMU_CMD_FREEPKT = (5 shl 5); RELEASE SPECIFIC PACKET (Frees all pages allocated to the packet specified in the PACKET NUMBER REGISTER)
SMC91X_MMU_CMD_ENQUEUE = (6 shl 5); ENQUEUE PACKET NUMBER INTO TX FIFO (This is the normal method of transmitting a packet just loaded into RAM)
SMC91X_MMU_CMD_RSTTXFIFO = (7 shl 5); RESET TX FIFOs (This command will reset both TX FIFOs)

SMC91X allocation result SMC91X_AR_*
SMC91X_AR_FAILED = $80; FAILED - A zero indicates a successful allocation completion. If the allocation fails the bit is set and only cleared when the pending allocation is satisfied.

SMC91X_TXFIFO_TEMPTY = $80; TEMPTY - No transmit packets in completion queue. For polling purposes, uses the TX_INT bit in the Interrupt Status Register.

SMC91X_RXFIFO_REMPTY = $80; REMPTY - No receive packets queued in the RX FIFO. For polling purposes, uses the RCV_INT bit in the Interrupt Status Register.

SMC91X pointer SMC91X_PTR_*
SMC91X_PTR_RCV = $8000; When RCV is set the address refers to the receive area and uses the output of RX FIFO as the packet number, when RCV is clear the address refers to the transmit area and uses the packet number at the Packet Number Register.
SMC91X_PTR_AUTOINC = $4000; It will auto-increment on accesses to the data register when AUTO INCR is set. The increment is by one for every byte access, by two for every word access, and by four for every double word access.
SMC91X_PTR_READ = $2000; Determines the type of access to follow. If the READ bit is high the operation intended is a read.

SMC91X interrupt mask SMC91X_IM_*
SMC91X_IM_MDINT = $80; PHY MI Register 18 Interrupt
SMC91X_IM_ERCV_INT = $40; Early Receive Interrupt
SMC91X_IM_EPH_INT = $20; Set by Ethernet Protocol Handler section
SMC91X_IM_RX_OVRN_INT = $10; Set by Receiver Overruns
SMC91X_IM_ALLOC_INT = $08; Set when allocation request is completed
SMC91X_IM_TX_EMPTY_INT = $04; Set if the TX FIFO goes empty
SMC91X_IM_TX_INT = $02; Transmit Interrupt
SMC91X_IM_RCV_INT = $01; Receive Interrupt

SMC91X management interface SMC91X_MII_*
SMC91X_MII_MSK_CRS100 = $4000; Disables CRS100 detection during tx half dup
SMC91X_MII_MDOE = $0008; MII Output Enable
SMC91X_MII_MCLK = $0004; MII Clock, pin MDCLK
SMC91X_MII_MDI = $0002; MII Input, pin MDI
SMC91X_MII_MDO = $0001; MII Output, pin MDO
SMC91X_MII_DELAY = 1; The MII clock high/low times. 2 x this number gives the MII clock period in microseconds.

SMC91X_RCV_RCV_DISCRD = $0080; Set to discard a packet being received. Will discard packets only in the process of being received.
SMC91X_RCV_THRESHOLD = $001F; RCV Threshold Mask

SMC91X receive status SMC91X_RCV_*
SMC91X_RCV_ALGNERR = $8000; Frame has alignment error
SMC91X_RCV_BRODCAST = $4000; Receive frame was Broadcast (The Multicast bit may also be set, software must ignore the Multicast bit for a Broadcast packet).
SMC91X_RCV_BADCRC = $2000; Frame has CRC error or RX_ER was asserted during reception
SMC91X_RCV_ODDFRAME = $1000; This bit when set indicates that the received frame has an odd number of bytes
SMC91X_RCV_TOOLONG = $0800; Frame length was longer than 802.3 maximum size (1518 bytes on the cable)
SMC91X_RCV_TOOSHORT = $0400; Frame length was shorter than 802.3 minimum size (64 bytes on the cable)
SMC91X_RCV_MULTICAST = $0001; Receive frame was Multicast

SMC91X bank select SMC91X_BANK_SELECT_*

SMC91X chip SMC91X_CHIP_*
Bits 4-7 of the Revision register
SMC91X_CHIP_9192 = 3;  
SMC91X_CHIP_9194 = 4;  
SMC91X_CHIP_9195 = 5;  
SMC91X_CHIP_9196 = 6;  
SMC91X_CHIP_91100 = 7;  
SMC91X_CHIP_91100FD = 8;  
SMC91X_CHIP_91111FD = 9;  

SMC91X_PHY_LAN83C183 = $0016f840; LAN83C183 = LAN91C111 Internal PHY
SMC91X_PHY_LAN83C180 = $02821c50;  
SMC91X PHY Register Addresses (LAN91C111 Internal PHY)
Register 0. Control Register
See: Network Generic MII registers (MII_BMCR)
Register 1. Status Register
See: Network Generic MII registers (MII_BMSR)
Register 2 & 3. PHY Identifier Register
See: Network Generic MII registers (MII_PHYSID1 / MII_PHYSID2)
Register 4. Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register
See: Network Generic MII registers (MII_ADVERTISE)
Register 5. Auto-Negotiation Remote End Capability Register
See: Network Generic MII registers (MII_LPA)
Register 16. Configuration 1- Structure and Bit Definition
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_REG = $10;  
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_LNKDIS = $8000; 1=Rx Link Detect Function disabled
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_XMTDIS = $4000; 1=TP Transmitter Disabled
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_XMTPDN = $2000; 1=TP Transmitter Powered Down
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_BYPSCR = $0400; 1=Bypass scrambler/descrambler
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_UNSCDS = $0200; 1=Unscramble Idle Reception Disable
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_EQLZR = $0100; 1=Rx Equalizer Disabled
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_CABLE = $0080; 1=STP(150ohm), 0=UTP(100ohm)
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_RLVL0 = $0040; 1=Rx Squelch level reduced by 4.5db
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_TLVL_SHIFT = 2; Transmit Output Level Adjust
SMC91X_PHY_CFG1_TRF_MASK = $0003; Transmitter Rise/Fall time
Register 17. Configuration 2 - Structure and Bit Definition
SMC91X_PHY_CFG2_REG = $11;  
SMC91X_PHY_CFG2_APOLDIS = $0020; 1=Auto Polarity Correction disabled
SMC91X_PHY_CFG2_JABDIS = $0010; 1=Jabber disabled
SMC91X_PHY_CFG2_MREG = $0008; 1=Multiple register access (MII mgt)
SMC91X_PHY_CFG2_INTMDIO = $0004; 1=Interrupt signaled with MDIO pulseo
Register 18. Status Output - Structure and Bit Definition
SMC91X_PHY_INT_REG = $12; Status Output (Interrupt Status)
SMC91X_PHY_INT_INT = $8000; 1=bits have changed since last read
SMC91X_PHY_INT_LNKFAIL = $4000; 1=Link Not detected
SMC91X_PHY_INT_LOSSSYNC = $2000; 1=Descrambler has lost sync
SMC91X_PHY_INT_CWRD = $1000; 1=Invalid 4B5B code detected on rx
SMC91X_PHY_INT_SSD = $0800; 1=No Start Of Stream detected on rx
SMC91X_PHY_INT_ESD = $0400; 1=No End Of Stream detected on rx
SMC91X_PHY_INT_RPOL = $0200; 1=Reverse Polarity detected
SMC91X_PHY_INT_JAB = $0100; 1=Jabber detected
SMC91X_PHY_INT_SPDDET = $0080; 1=100Base-TX mode, 0=10Base-T mode
SMC91X_PHY_INT_DPLXDET = $0040; 1=Device in Full Duplex
Register 19. Mask - Structure and Bit Definition
SMC91X_PHY_MASK_REG = $13; Interrupt Mask (Uses the same bit definitions as PHY_INT_REG)
Register 20. Reserved - Structure and Bit Definition

Type definitions

SMC91X bank 0 registers

TSMC91XBank0Registers = packed record

Note: Layout of the SMC91X registers
TCR:Word; Transmit Control Register
EPH_STATUS:Word; EPH Status Register
RCR:Word; Receive Control Register
COUNTER:Word; Counter Register
MIR:Word; Memory Information Register
RPCR:Word; Receive/Phy Control Register
RESERVED:Word; Reserved
BANK:Word; Bank Select Register

SMC91X bank 1 registers

TSMC91XBank1Registers = packed record

CONFIG:Word; Configuration Register
BASE:Word; Base Address Register
ADDR0:Word; Individual Address Registers (0 and 1)
ADDR1:Word; Individual Address Registers (2 and 3)
ADDR2:Word; Individual Address Registers (4 and 5)
GP:Word; General Purpose Register
CTL:Word; Control Register
BANK:Word; Bank Select Register

SMC91X FIFO registers

TSMC91XFIFORegisters = packed record

case Integer of  

SMC91X DATA registers

TSMC91XDATARegisters = packed record

case Integer of  

SMC91X bank 2 registers

TSMC91XBank2Registers = packed record

MMU_CMD:Word; MMU Command Register
PN:Byte; Packet Number Register
AR:Byte; Allocation Result Register
FIFO:TSMC91XFIFORegisters; FIFO Ports Register
PTR:Word; Pointer Register
DATA:TSMC91XDATARegisters; Data Register
INT:Byte; Interrupt Status Register
IM:Byte; Interrupt Mask Register
BANK:Word; Bank Select Register

SMC91X bank 3 registers

TSMC91XBank3Registers = packed record

MCAST1:Word; Multicast Table Registers (0 and 1)
MCAST2:Word; Multicast Table Registers (2 and 3)
MCAST3:Word; Multicast Table Registers (4 and 5)
MCAST4:Word; Multicast Table Registers (6 and 7)
MII:Word; Management Interface Register
REV:Word; Revision Register
RCV:Word; RCV Register
Bank:Word; Bank Select Register

SMC91X registers

PSMC91XRegisters = ^TSMC91XRegisters;

TSMC91XRegisters = packed record

case Integer of  
0:(Bank0:TSMC91XBank0Registers); Bank 0 Registers
1:(Bank1:TSMC91XBank1Registers); Bank 1 Registers
2:(Bank2:TSMC91XBank2Registers); Bank 2 Registers
3:(Bank3:TSMC91XBank3Registers); Bank 3 Registers

SMC91X network

PSMC91XNetwork = ^TSMC91XNetwork;

TSMC91XNetwork = record

Network Properties
SMC91X Properties
Lock:TSpinHandle; Device lock (Differs from lock in Network device) (Spin lock due to use by interrupt handler)
Thread:TThreadHandle; Thread for handling packet receive and transmit completion
Start:LongWord; First receive entry available for incoming packet
Count:LongWord; Number of receive entries available for incoming packets
Entries:array[0..(SMC91X_MAX_RX_ENTRIES - 1)] of PNetworkEntry; Queue of receive entries for handling incoming packets
Registers:PSMC91XRegisters; Device registers
Revision:Word; Device revision
PHYId:LongWord; Physical Interface (PHY) Address
PHYType:LongWord; Physical Interface (PHY) Type
TCRFlags:LongWord; Current Transmit Control Register (TCR) flags
RCRFlags:LongWord; Current Receive Control Register (RCR) flags
RPCFlags:LongWord; Current Receive/PHY Control Register (RPC) flags
Statistics Properties
InterruptCount:LongWord; Number of interrupt requests received by the device
CollisionCount:LongWord; Number of transmit collisions detected by the device

Public variables

SMC91X specific variables

SMC91X_ALLOCATE_WAIT_COUNT:LongWord = 16; How long to wait for the SMC91X to allocate memory before deferring a packet
SMC91X_MAX_IRQ_COUNT:LongWord = 8; How many iterations of the interrupt handler are allowed on each interrupt
SMC91X_THROTTLE_TRANSMIT:Boolean = False; Determines if TX packets are sent one at a time or queued into SMC91X internal memory

Function declarations

SMC91X functions

function SMC91XNetworkCreate(Address:PtrUInt; const Name:String; IRQ:LongWord):PNetworkDevice;
Description: Create and register a new SMC91X Network device which can be accessed using the Network API
Address The address of the SMC91X registers
Name The text description of this device which will show in the device list (Optional)
IRQ The interrupt number for the SMC91X
Return Pointer to the new Network device or nil if the Network device could not be created

function SMC91XNetworkDestroy(Network:PNetworkDevice):LongWord;
Description: Close, deregister and destroy an SMC91X Network device created by this driver
Network The Network device to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

SMC91X network functions

function SMC91XNetworkOpen(Network:PNetworkDevice):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkDeviceOpen API for SMC91X Network
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use NetworkDeviceOpen instead.

function SMC91XNetworkClose(Network:PNetworkDevice):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkDeviceClose API for SMC91X Network
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use NetworkDeviceClose instead.

function SMC91XNetworkControl(Network:PNetworkDevice; Request:Integer; Argument1:PtrUInt; var Argument2:PtrUInt):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkDeviceControl API for SMC91X Network
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use NetworkDeviceControl instead.

function SMC91XBufferAllocate(Network:PNetworkDevice; var Entry:PNetworkEntry):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkBufferAllocate API for SMC91X Network
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use NetworkBufferAllocate instead.

function SMC91XBufferRelease(Network:PNetworkDevice; Entry:PNetworkEntry):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkBufferRelease API for SMC91X Network
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use NetworkBufferRelease instead.

function SMC91XBufferReceive(Network:PNetworkDevice; var Entry:PNetworkEntry):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkBufferReceive API for SMC91X Network
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use NetworkBufferReceive instead.

function SMC91XBufferTransmit(Network:PNetworkDevice; Entry:PNetworkEntry):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkBufferTransmit API for SMC91X Network
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use NetworkBufferTransmit instead.

procedure SMC91XInterruptHandler(Network:PSMC91XNetwork);
Description: Interrupt handler for the SMC91X Network device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

procedure SMC91XInterruptReceive(Network:PSMC91XNetwork);
Description: Interrupt receive handler for the SMC91X Network device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

procedure SMC91XInterruptTransmit(Network:PSMC91XNetwork);
Description: Interrupt transmit handler for the SMC91X Network device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function SMC91XCompletionExecute(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):PtrInt;
Description: Completion handler thread for the SMC91X Network device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

procedure SMC91XTransmitStart(Network:PSMC91XNetwork);
Description: Transmit start function for the SMC91X Network device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

Caller must hold the network lock.

procedure SMC91XTransmitPacket(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Entry:PNetworkEntry; Packet:PNetworkPacket);
Description: Transmit packet function for the SMC91X Network device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

Caller must hold the network lock

SMC91X helper functions

function SMC91XCurrentBank(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):Word; inline;
Description: Get the currently selected bank from the bank select register
Network The SMC91X Network device to get the bank from
Return The currently selected bank (The high byte must be $33 to be valid)
Note Caller must hold the network lock

procedure SMC91XSelectBank(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Bank:Byte); inline;
Description: Set the currently selected bank in the bank select register
Network The SMC91X Network device to set the bank for
Bank The bank to select
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XGetBase(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):Word; inline;
Description: Get the base address register from a SMC91X Network device
Network The SMC91X Network device to get from
Return The base addres register value
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XGetRevision(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):Word; inline;
Description: Get the revision register from a SMC91X Network device
Network The SMC91X Network device to get from
Return The revision register value
Note Caller must hold the network lock

procedure SMC91XWaitMMUBusy(Network:PSMC91XNetwork); inline;
Description: Wait for the MMU command register BUSY bit to be cleared for a SMC91X Network device
Network The SMC91X Network device to wait for
Note Caller must hold the network lock

procedure SMC91XSetMMUCommand(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Command:Word); inline;
Description: Set the MMU command register of a SMC91X Network device
Network The SMC91X Network device to set for
Command The command to set
Note Caller must hold the network lock

procedure SMC91XSetInterruptMask(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Mask:Byte); inline;
Description: Enable the specified mask in the interrupt mask register of a SMC91X Network device
Note None documented

procedure SMC91XEnableInterrupt(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Interrupt:Byte);
Description: Enable the specified interrupt in the interrupt mask register of a SMC91X Network device
Network The SMC91X Network device to enable the interrupt for
Interrupt The interrupt to enable
Note Caller must hold the network lock

procedure SMC91XDisableInterrupt(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Interrupt:Byte); 
Description: Disable the specified interrupt in the interrupt mask register of a SMC91X Network device
Network The SMC91X Network device to disable the interrupt for
Interrupt The interrupt to disable
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XReset(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):LongWord;
Description: Reset a SMC91X Network device
Network The SMC91X Network device to reset
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XEnable(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):LongWord;
Description: Enable a SMC91X Network device and start sending and receiving
Network The SMC91X Network device to enable
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XShutdown(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):LongWord;
Description: Shutdown a SMC91X Network device and stop sending and receiving
Network The SMC91X Network device to shutdown
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XGetMACAddress(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Address:PHardwareAddress):LongWord;
Description: Get the current MAC address from a SMC91X Network device
Address Pointer to a buffer to return the hardware address
Network The SMC91X Network device to get from
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XSetMACAddress(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Address:PHardwareAddress):LongWord;
Description: Set the current MAC address for a SMC91X Network device
Address Pointer to the hardware address to set
Network The SMC91X Network device to set for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XMIIIn(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Bits:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Input data from the MII Management serial interface
Note Caller must hold the network lock

procedure SMC91XMIIOut(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Value,Bits:LongWord);
Description: Output data to the MII Management serial interface
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XPHYRead(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Addr,Reg:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Reads a register from the MII Management serial interface
Note Caller must hold the network lock

procedure SMC91XPHYWrite(Network:PSMC91XNetwork; Addr,Reg,Data:LongWord);
Description: Writes a register to the MII Management serial interface
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XPHYDetect(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):LongWord;
Description: Detect the PHY type used in a SMC91X device
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XPHYReset(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):LongWord;
Description: Perform a software reset on the PHY in a SMC91X device
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XPHYFixed(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):LongWord;
Description: Configure the PHY with a fixed configuration on a SMC91x device
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XPHYConfigure(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):LongWord;
Description: Configure the PHY using auto-negotiation on a SMC91x device
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XPHYPowerdown(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):LongWord;
Description: Power down a PHY on a SMC91X device
Note Caller must hold the network lock

function SMC91XPHYCheckMedia(Network:PSMC91XNetwork):LongWord;
Description: Check the media status of a PHY on a SMC91X device
Note Caller must hold the network lock

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