Unit RTL8192CU

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Realtek 8192CU USB Wireless Driver unit

The Realtek RTL8192CU is a single chip IEEE802.11 b/g/n WLAN controller with USB2.0 interface.

The list of USB supported device Ids shown below for this driver is taken from the equivalent Linux driver but not all have been tested. In general if your device works with the 8192cu kernel module under Linux then it should also work with this driver.

Only USB devices are currently supported, PCI and other forms of the same chipset will require a separate driver unit for support.


RTL8192CU specific constants RTL8192CU_*
RTL8192CU_DRIVER_NAME = 'Realtek 8192CU USB Wireless Driver'; Name of RTL8192CU driver

RTL8192CU device count Id RTL8192CU_DEVICE_ID_*
RTL8192CU_DEVICE_ID_COUNT = 80; Number of supported Device Ids
RTL8192CU_DEVICE_ID:array[0..RTL8192CU_DEVICE_ID_COUNT - 1] of TUSBDeviceId = (  
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$8191), Default Id
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$8176), 8188cu 1*1 dongole
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$8170), 8188CE-VAU USB minCard
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$817E), 8188CE-VAU USB minCard
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$817A), 8188cu Slim Solo
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$817B), 8188cu Slim Combo
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$817D), 8188RU High-power USB Dongle
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$8754), 8188 Combo for BC4
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$817F), 8188RU
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$818A), RTL8188CUS-VL
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$018A), RTL8188CTV
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$17C0), RTK demoboard - USB-N10E
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$8177), 8191cu 1*2
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$8178), 8192cu 2*2
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$817C), 8192CE-VAU USB minCard
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$8191), 8192CU 2*2
(idVendor:$1058;idProduct:$0631), Alpha - 8192CU
8188CUS Dongle
(idVendor:$2019;idProduct:$ED17), PCI - Edimax
(idVendor:$0DF6;idProduct:$0052), Sitecom - Edimax
(idVendor:$7392;idProduct:$7811), Edimax - Edimax
(idVendor:$07B8;idProduct:$8189), Abocom - Abocom
(idVendor:$0EB0;idProduct:$9071), NO Brand - Etop
(idVendor:$06F8;idProduct:$E033), Hercules - Edimax
(idVendor:$103C;idProduct:$1629), HP - Lite-On ,8188CUS Slim Combo
(idVendor:$2001;idProduct:$3308), D-Link - Alpha
(idVendor:$050D;idProduct:$1102), Belkin - Edimax
(idVendor:$2019;idProduct:$AB2A), Planex - Abocom
(idVendor:$20F4;idProduct:$648B), TRENDnet - Cameo
(idVendor:$4855;idProduct:$0090), - Feixun
(idVendor:$13D3;idProduct:$3357), - AzureWave
(idVendor:$0DF6;idProduct:$005C), Sitecom - Edimax
(idVendor:$0BDA;idProduct:$5088), Thinkware - CC&C
(idVendor:$4856;idProduct:$0091), NetweeN - Feixun
(idVendor:$0846;idProduct:$9041), Netgear - Cameo
(idVendor:$2019;idProduct:$4902), Planex - Etop
(idVendor:$2019;idProduct:$AB2E), SW-WF02-AD15 -Abocom
(idVendor:$2001;idProduct:$330B), D-LINK - T&W
(idVendor:$CDAB;idProduct:$8010), - - compare
(idVendor:$0B05;idProduct:$17BA), ASUS - Edimax
(idVendor:$0BDA;idProduct:$1E1E), Intel - -
(idVendor:$04BB;idProduct:$094c), I-O DATA - Edimax
(idVendor:$CDAB;idProduct:$8011), - - compare
(idVendor:$0BDA;idProduct:$0A8A), Sony - Foxconn
8188 RU
(idVendor:$0BDA;idProduct:$317F), Netcore - Netcore
(idVendor:$13D3;idProduct:$3359), - Azwave
(idVendor:$13D3;idProduct:$3358), - Azwave
8188CUS Slim Solo
(idVendor:$04F2;idProduct:$AFF7), XAVI - XAVI
(idVendor:$04F2;idProduct:$AFF9), XAVI - XAVI
(idVendor:$04F2;idProduct:$AFFA), XAVI - XAVI
8188CUS Slim Combo
(idVendor:$04F2;idProduct:$AFF8), XAVI - XAVI
(idVendor:$04F2;idProduct:$AFFB), XAVI - XAVI
(idVendor:$04F2;idProduct:$AFFC), XAVI - XAVI
(idVendor:$2019;idProduct:$1201), Planex - Vencer
8192CUS Dongle
(idVendor:$2001;idProduct:$3307), D-Link - Cameo
(idVendor:$2001;idProduct:$330A), D-Link - Alpha
(idVendor:$2001;idProduct:$3309), D-Link - Alpha
(idVendor:$2001;idProduct:$330D), D-Link - DWA 131
(idVendor:$0586;idProduct:$341F), Zyxel - Abocom
(idVendor:$7392;idProduct:$7822), Edimax - Edimax
(idVendor:$2019;idProduct:$AB2B), Planex - Abocom
(idVendor:$07B8;idProduct:$8178), Abocom - Abocom
(idVendor:$07AA;idProduct:$0056), ATKK - Gemtek
(idVendor:$4855;idProduct:$0091), - Feixun
(idVendor:$050D;idProduct:$2102), Belkin - Sercomm
(idVendor:$050D;idProduct:$2103), Belkin - Edimax
(idVendor:$20F4;idProduct:$624D), TRENDnet
(idVendor:$0DF6;idProduct:$0061), Sitecom - Edimax
(idVendor:$0B05;idProduct:$17AB), ASUS - Edimax
(idVendor:$0846;idProduct:$9021), Netgear - Sercomm
(idVendor:$0846;idProduct:$F001), Netgear - Sercomm
(idVendor:$0E66;idProduct:$0019), Hawking,Edimax
(idVendor:$0E66;idProduct:$0020), Hawking - Edimax
(idVendor:$050D;idProduct:$1004), Belkin - Edimax
(idVendor:$0BDA;idProduct:$2E2E), Intel - -
(idVendor:$2357;idProduct:$0100), TP-Link - TP-Link
(idVendor:$06F8;idProduct:$E035), Hercules - Edimax
(idVendor:$04BB;idProduct:$0950), IO-DATA - Edimax
(idVendor:$0DF6;idProduct:$0070), Sitecom - Edimax
(idVendor:$0789;idProduct:$016D), LOGITEC - Edimax
(idVendor:USB_VENDORID_REALTEK;idProduct:$8186)); Intel-Xavi( Azwave)

Type definitions

None defined

Public variables

None defined

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure RTL8192CUInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

RTL8192CU network functions

function RTL8192CUDeviceOpen(Network:PNetworkDevice):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkDeviceOpen for the RTL8192CU device
Note None documented

function RTL8192CUDeviceClose(Network:PNetworkDevice):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkDeviceClose for the RTL8192CU device
Note None documented

function RTL8192CUDeviceRead(Network:PNetworkDevice; Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Length:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkDeviceRead for the RTL8192CU device
Note None documented

function RTL8192CUDeviceWrite(Network:PNetworkDevice; Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Length:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkDeviceWrite for the RTL8192CU device
Note None documented

function RTL8192CUDeviceControl(Network:PNetworkDevice; Request:Integer; Argument1:PtrUInt; var Argument2:PtrUInt):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of NetworkDeviceControl for the RTL8192CU device
Note None documented

RTL8192CU USB functions

function RTL8192CUDriverBind(Device:PUSBDevice; Interrface:PUSBInterface):LongWord;
Description: Bind the RTL8192CU driver to a USB device if it is suitable
Device The USB device to attempt to bind to
Interrface The USB interface to attempt to bind to (or nil for whole device)
Return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS if completed, USB_STATUS_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED if unsupported or another error code on failure.

function RTL8192CUDriverUnbind(Device:PUSBDevice; Interrface:PUSBInterface):LongWord;
Description: Unbind the RTL8192CU driver from a USB device
Device The USB device to unbind from
Interrface The USB interface to unbind from (or nil for whole device)
Return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

RTL8192CU helper functions

function RTL8192CUCheckDevice(Device:PUSBDevice):LongWord;
Description: Check the Vendor and Device Id against the supported devices
Device USB device to check
Return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

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