Unit NTFSUtils

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Ultibo NTFS Utilities unit


None defined

Type definitions

None defined

Public variables

NTFS specific variables

UpCase:PNTFSUpCaseData = nil; A default $UpCase table

Function declarations

NTFS support functions

function NTFSInitUpCase:Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSGetUpCase:PNTFSUpCaseData;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

NTFS compression functions

function NTFSGetUnitUsed(ABuffer:Pointer; ASize,AShift:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Get the actual size consumed by the compressed data in the unit
Buffer Buffer must always be a full compression unit in size
Size Size is the size of a cluster
Shift Shift is the cluster to compression unit shift count (Usually 4)
Note Caller must have confirmed that the unit is compressed

function NTFSCompressUnit(ASource,ADest:Pointer; ASize,AShift,AStart,ACount,ATotal:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: Compress a unit of data from source to dest buffers
Source Source buffer contains the uncompressed data on entry

Source buffer must always be a full compression unit in size

Dest Dest buffer will contain the compressed data on exit

Dest buffer must always be a full compression unit in size

Size Size is the size of a cluster
Shift Shift is the cluster to compression unit shift count (Usually 4)
Start Start is the starting cluster for the compression (zero to start at the first cluster)
Count Count is the number of clusters to be compressed
Total Total is the number of bytes to be compressed (from start) (may be less than a full unit)
Note Compress block will detect an uncompressable block as the final length after compression will be greater than 4096 in length. If compress block reaches the end of the dest buffer then it will fail the compress block and compress unit and the whole unit will be considered as uncompressable. If the data available for the block is less then 4096 then it may grow after compression but will not be marked as uncompressed unless it exceeds 4096 bytes.

function NTFSDecompressUnit(ASource,ADest:Pointer; ASize,AShift,AStart,ACount,ATotal:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: Decompress a unit (or partial unit) of data from source to dest buffers
Source Source buffer contains the compressed data on entry

Source buffer must always be a full compression unit in size

Dest Dest buffer will contain the uncompressed data on exit

Dest buffer must always be a full compression unit in size

Size Size is the size of a cluster
Shift Shift is the cluster to compression unit shift count (Usually 4)
Start Start is the starting cluster for the decompression (zero to start at the first cluster)
Count Count is the number of blocks to be decompressed
Total Total is the number of bytes to be decompressed (from start) (may be less than a full unit)
Note Caller must have confirmed that the unit is compressed

function NTFSGetBlockShift(ASize:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Get the shift count for cluster to 4k block conversion
Size Size is the size of a cluster

function NTFSCompressBlock(ASource,ADest:Pointer; ASize,ATotal:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: Compress a 4k block of data from source to dest buffers
Source Source buffer contains the uncompressed data on entry

Source buffer must have at least one 4k block available

Dest Dest buffer will contain the compressed data on exit
Size Size is the available bytes in the dest buffer
Total Total is the number of bytes to be compressed (may be less than a full block)
Note Compress block will detect an uncompressable block as the final length after compression will be greater than 4096 in length. If compress block reaches the end of the dest buffer then it will fail the compress block and compress unit and the whole unit will be considered as uncompressable. If the data available for the block is less then 4096 then it may grow after compression but will not be marked as uncompressed unless it exceeds 4096 bytes.

function NTFSDecompressBlock(ASource,ADest:Pointer; ASize:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: Decompress a 4k block of data from source to dest buffers
Source Source buffer contains the compressed data on entry
Dest Dest buffer will contain the uncompressed data on exit

Dest buffer must have at least one 4k block available

Size Size is the available bytes in the source buffer

function NTFSGetTagShiftMask(AOffset:LongWord; var AMask,AShift:Word):Boolean;
Description: Get the Mask bits and Shift count for Tag encode and decode based on the offset
Offset Offset is the offset into the uncompressed data at the point of the tag

NTFS string functions

function NTFSBufferToString(ABuffer:Pointer; AOffset:LongWord; ALength:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSStringToBuffer(const AString:String; ABuffer:Pointer; AOffset:LongWord; ALength:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSWideBufferToString(ABuffer:Pointer; AOffset:LongWord; ALength:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSStringToWideBuffer(const AString:String; ABuffer:Pointer; AOffset:LongWord; ALength:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSTypeToString(AType:TNTFSType):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

NTFS hash functions

function NTFSGenerateNameHash(AName:PWideChar; ASize:Integer; AUpCase:PNTFSUpCaseData):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Size Size is the length of the Name in characters (WideChar or Word)
UpCase UpCase is the UpCase conversion table from NTFS volume or defaults

function NTFSGenerateSecurityHash(ADescriptor:Pointer; ASize:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

NTFS SID functions

function NTFSCreateDefaultSid(AType:LongWord; var ACreated:Pointer; AVersion:Word):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSDestroyDefaultSid(ASid:Pointer; AVersion:Word):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

NTFS descriptor functions

function NTFSCreateDefaultDescriptor(AType:LongWord; var ACreated:Pointer; AVersion:Word):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSCreateInheritedDescriptor(AParent:Pointer; var ACreated:Pointer; AVersion:Word):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSCreateMergedDescriptor(AParent,AChild:Pointer; var ACreated:Pointer; AVersion:Word):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSDestroyDefaultDescriptor(ADescriptor:Pointer; AVersion:Word):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSDestroyInheritedDescriptor(ADescriptor:Pointer; AVersion:Word):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSDestroyMergedDescriptor(ADescriptor:Pointer; AVersion:Word):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

NTFS conversion functions

function NTFSAttributeNameToStreamName(AType:LongWord; const AName:String):String;
Description: Format Attribute Name as a Stream Name (eg :<Name>:<Type>)
Note None documented

function NTFSStreamNameToAttributeName(AType:LongWord; const AName:String):String;
Description: Extract Attribute Name from a Stream Name (eg :<Name>:<Type>)
Note None documented

NTFS rounding functions

function NTFSRoundWordTo8Bytes(AValue:Word):Word;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundWordTo16Bytes(AValue:Word):Word;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundWordTo512Bytes(AValue:Word):Word;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundLongWordTo8Bytes(AValue:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundLongWordTo16Bytes(AValue:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundLongWordTo512Bytes(AValue:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundQuadWordTo8Bytes(const AValue:Int64):Int64;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundQuadWordTo16Bytes(const AValue:Int64):Int64;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundQuadWordTo512Bytes(const AValue:Int64):Int64;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundWordToUnitSize(AValue:Word; AShift,ASize:LongWord):Word;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundLongWordToUnitSize(AValue,AShift,ASize:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundQuadWordToUnitSize(const AValue:Int64; AShift,ASize:LongWord):Int64;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundWordToClusterSize(AValue:Word;AShift,ASize:LongWord):Word;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundLongWordToClusterSize(AValue,AShift,ASize:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NTFSRoundQuadWordToClusterSize(const AValue:Int64; AShift,ASize:LongWord):Int64;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

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