Unit Font

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Ultibo Font Interface unit

The fonts supported by Ultibo are a bitmap format that contains a block of data where each character is represented by a number of consecutive bytes.

Fonts can either be statically compiled as a pascal unit and loaded during startup or can be dynamically loaded by passing a header and data block to the FontLoad() function. A Font Builder tool is available to convert common bitmap font formats into a pascal unit for compiling with a project.

For an 8x16 (8 pixels wide and 16 pixels high) font the data contains 8 bits (1 byte) for each of the 16 rows that make up a character and each character would be 16 bytes long.

For a 12x22 font the data contains 12 bits padded to 16 bits (2 bytes) for each of the 22 rows that make up a character. Therefore each character would be 44 bytes in length.

This unit can support any size font from 8x6 to 32x64 including every combination in between. For fonts where the bits per row is greater than one byte both little endian and big endian format is supported. Allowance has been made for including a Unicode translation table with each font so that writing of Unicode text to the console can be supported as well as an extended bitmap format where character data includes alpha or color information or both. These features are yet to be fully implemented.


Font specific constants FONT_*

Font signature FONT_SIGNATURE_*

Font name FONT_*_LENGTH

Font mode FONT_MODE_*

Font flag FONT_FLAG_*

Type definitions

Font header


PFontHeader = ^TFontHeader;

TFontHeader = record

Font data


PFontData = ^TFontData;

TFontData = record

Font data 8x6


PFontData8x6 = ^TFontData8x6;

TFontData8x6 = record Data:array[0..255,0..5] of Byte;

Font data 8x7


PFontData8x7 = ^TFontData8x7;

TFontData8x7 = record Data:array[0..255,0..6] of Byte;

Font data 8x8


PFontData8x8 = ^TFontData8x8;

TFontData8x8 = record Data:array[0..255,0..7] of Byte;

Font data 8x9


PFontData8x9 = ^TFontData8x9;

TFontData8x9 = record Data:array[0..255,0..8] of Byte;

Font data 8x10


PFontData8x10 = ^TFontData8x10;

TFontData8x10 = record Data:array[0..255,0..9] of Byte;

Font data 8x11


PFontData8x11 = ^TFontData8x11;

TFontData8x11 = record Data:array[0..255,0..10] of Byte;

Font data 8x12


PFontData8x12 = ^TFontData8x12;

TFontData8x12 = record Data:array[0..255,0..11] of Byte;

Font data 8x13


PFontData8x13 = ^TFontData8x13;

TFontData8x13 = record Data:array[0..255,0..12] of Byte;

Font data 8x14


PFontData8x14 = ^TFontData8x14;

TFontData8x14 = record Data:array[0..255,0..13] of Byte;

Font data 8x15


PFontData8x15 = ^TFontData8x15;

TFontData8x15 = record Data:array[0..255,0..14] of Byte;

Font data 8x16


PFontData8x16 = ^TFontData8x16;

TFontData8x16 = record Data:array[0..255,0..15] of Byte;

Font data 12x12


PFontData12x12 = ^TFontData12x12;

TFontData12x12 = record Data:array[0..255,0..11] of Word;

Font data 12x14


PFontData12x14 = ^TFontData12x14;

TFontData12x14 = record Data:array[0..255,0..13] of Word;

Font data 12x16


PFontData12x16 = ^TFontData12x16;

TFontData12x16 = record Data:array[0..255,0..15] of Word;

Font data 12x18


PFontData12x18 = ^TFontData12x18;

TFontData12x18 = record Data:array[0..255,0..17] of Word;

Font data 12x20


PFontData12x20 = ^TFontData12x20;

TFontData12x20 = record Data:array[0..255,0..19] of Word;

Font data 12x22


PFontData12x22 = ^TFontData12x22;

TFontData12x22 = record Data:array[0..255,0..21] of Word;

Font data 16x16


PFontData16x16 = ^TFontData16x16;

TFontData16x16 = record Data:array[0..255,0..15] of Word;

Font data 16x24


PFontData16x24 = ^TFontData16x24;

TFontData16x24 = record Data:array[0..255,0..23] of Word;

Font data 16x32


PFontData16x32 = ^TFontData16x32;

TFontData16x32 = record Data:array[0..255,0..31] of Word;

Font data 32x32


PFontData32x32 = ^TFontData32x32;

TFontData32x32 = record Data:array[0..255,0..31] of LongWord;

Font data 32x48


PFontData32x48 = ^TFontData32x48;

TFontData32x48 = record Data:array[0..255,0..47] of LongWord;

Font data 32x64


PFontData32x64 = ^TFontData32x64;

TFontData32x64 = record Data:array[0..255,0..63] of LongWord;

Font chars 8


PFontChars8 = ^TFontChars8;

TFontChars8 = array[0..0] of Byte;

Font chars 16


PFontChars16 = ^TFontChars16;

TFontChars16 = array[0..0] of Word;

Font chars 32


PFontChars32 = ^TFontChars32;

TFontChars32 = array[0..0] of LongWord;

Font unicode


PFontUnicode = ^TFontUnicode;

TFontUnicode = record

Font properties


PFontProperties = ^TFontProperties;

TFontProperties = record

Font enumeration callback

TFontEnumerate = function(Handle:TFontHandle; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Font entry


PFontEntry = ^TFontEntry;

TFontEntry = record

Public variables

None defined

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure FontInit;
Description: To be documented

Font functions

function FontLoad(Header:PFontHeader; Data:PFontData; Size:LongWord):TFontHandle;
Description: Load a Font from a font data block and add to the Font table

function FontLoadEx(Header:PFontHeader; Data:PFontData; Unicode:PFontUnicode; Size:LongWord; Properties:PFontProperties):TFontHandle;
Description: Load a Font from a font data block and add to the Font table

function FontUnload(Handle:TFontHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented

function FontGetName(Handle:TFontHandle):String;
Description: To be documented

function FontGetDescription(Handle:TFontHandle):String;
Description: To be documented

function FontGetWidth(Handle:TFontHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented

function FontGetHeight(Handle:TFontHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented

function FontGetProperties(Handle:TFontHandle; Properties:PFontProperties):LongWord;
Description: To be documented

function FontCharWidth(Handle:TFontHandle; Character:Word):LongWord;
Description: To be documented

function FontCharHeight(Handle:TFontHandle; Character:Word):LongWord;
Description: To be documented

function FontTextWidth(Handle:TFontHandle; const Text:String):LongWord;
Description: To be documented

function FontTextHeight(Handle:TFontHandle; const Text:String):LongWord;
Description: To be documented

function FontFindByName(const Name:String):TFontHandle;
Description: To be documented

function FontFindByDescription(const Description:String):TFontHandle; 
Description: To be documented

function FontEnumerate(Callback:TFontEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: To be documented

PSF font functions

function PSFFontLoad(const FileName:String):TFontHandle;
Description: To be documented

function PSFFontLoadEx(Data:Pointer;Size:LongWord):TFontHandle;
Description: To be documented

Font helper functions

function FontGetCount:LongWord;
Description: Get the current font count

function FontGetDefault:TFontHandle;
Description: Get the current default font

function FontSetDefault(Handle:TFontHandle):LongWord;
Description: Set the current default font

function FontCheck(Font:PFontEntry):PFontEntry;
Description: Check if the supplied Font is in the Font table

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