Unit CP1253ANSI

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Ultibo CP1253 (ANSI) Interface unit

The CP1253ANSI unit provides the ANSI to Unicode (and reverse) and Uppercase/Lowercase mappings for the CP1253 ANSI (Greek) character set. To use this unit include it in the uses clause of any unit in your program, the code page will be registered during unit initialization and will be available for string translation functions such as AnsiUpperCase.

This unit can be used as the default ANSI code page in a call to the SetACP function in the Ultibo unit, the corresponding OEM code page will be set to CP737OEM.

Code page ID: CP_ANSI_1253


None defined

Type definitions

None defined

Public variables

None defined

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure CP1253ANSIInit;
Description: Initialize the CP1253ANSI unit
Note This function is called automatically by unit initialization

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