Unit ARP

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Ultibo ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) unit


ARP specific constants ARP_TRANSPORT_*, RARP_TRANSPORT_*

ARP and RARP constants MIN_*, MAX_*, ARP_*, RARP_*
MIN_ARP_PACKET = 46; Not Counting Adapter Header
MAX_ARP_PACKET = 46; Not Counting Adapter Header
ARP_TIMEOUT = 1000; We wait for 1 second approx for reply
ARP_RETRIES = 4; We try the request 4 times
RARP_TIMEOUT = 4000; We wait for 4 seconds for a RARP reply
RARP_RETRIES = 4; We try the request 4 times
ARP_HEADER_SIZE = 46; SizeOf(TARPHeader);

ARP and RARP messages ARP_*, RARP_*, INARP_*
ARP_REQUEST = $0001; ARP/RARP op codes, Request
ARP_REPLY = $0002; ARP/RARP op codes, Reply
RARP_REQUEST = $0003;  
RARP_REPLY = $0004;  
INARP_REQUEST = $0008; Inverse ARP see RFC 1293
INARP_REPLY = $0009;  

Type definitions

ARP specific types

PARPHeader = ^TARPHeader;

TARPHeader = packed record

Note: 46 Bytes
HardwareType:Word; Hardware address space (Network Order)
ProtocolType:Word; Protocol address space (Network Order)
HardwareLength:Byte; Byte length of hardware address
ProtocolLength:Byte; Byte length of each protocol address
Opcode:Word; Op code (eg ARP_REQUEST or ARP_REPLY) (Network Order)
SourceHardware:THardwareAddress; Source hardware address (of sender)
SourceIP:TInAddr; Source protocol address (of sender) (Network Order)
TargetHardware:THardwareAddress; Target hardware address (if known)
TargetIP:TInAddr; Target protocol address (Network Order)
Reserved:array[0..17] of Word;  

RARP specific types

PRARPHeader = ^TRARPHeader;

TRARPHeader = TARPHeader;

Note: 46 Bytes

Class definitions

ARP specific classes

TARPTransportAdapter = class(TTransportAdapter)
TARPTransport = class(TNetworkTransport)
TARPAddressEntry = class(TAddressEntry)
TRARPTransportAdapter = class(TTransportAdapter)
TRARPTransport = class(TNetworkTransport)
TRARPAddressEntry = class(TAddressEntry)

Public variables

None defined

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure ARPInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

ARP functions

function CheckARP(ABuffer:Pointer):Boolean;
Description: Verify that the packet is a valid ARP packet
Buffer Buffer points to the complete packet without Adapter header

function CheckRARP(ABuffer:Pointer):Boolean;
Description: Verify that the packet is a valid RARP packet
Buffer Buffer points to the complete packet without Adapter header

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