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To be documented

Class definitions

TNTFSPaddedIndex = class(TNTFSDataIndex)

Note: A DataIndex that allows a block of Padding to be specified.
function CreateBlank:TBtreeObject; override;  
function CreateKey(ANode:TNTFSDiskNode; ABlank:Boolean):TNTFSDiskKey; override;  
function NewKey(AKey,AData:Pointer; AKeySize,ADataSize:Word):TNTFSDiskKey; override;  
function NewKeyEx(AKey,AData,APadding:Pointer; AKeySize,ADataSize,APaddingSize:Word):TNTFSDiskKey; override;  

Function declarations

function TNTFSPaddedIndex.CreateBlank:TBtreeObject;
Description: Create a blank key when a node is added (Split/Empty)
Note None documented

function TNTFSPaddedIndex.CreateKey(ANode:TNTFSDiskNode; ABlank:Boolean):TNTFSDiskKey;
Description: Create a key in the supplied node do not insert in index or mark as added
Note None documented

function TNTFSPaddedIndex.NewKey(AKey,AData:Pointer; AKeySize,ADataSize:Word):TNTFSDiskKey;
Description: Create a key with the supplied data do not insert in index or mark as added
Note None documented

function TNTFSPaddedIndex.NewKeyEx(AKey,AData,APadding:Pointer; AKeySize,ADataSize,APaddingSize:Word):TNTFSDiskKey;
Description: Create a key with the supplied data do not insert in index or mark as added
Note None documented

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