Unit uScreenshot

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Functions to capture all or part of the Ultibo console screen to a bitmap file.

These functions originally appeared in the Ultibo forum and examples of how to use them can be found there:

SaveScreen(Ex): https://ultibo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=313


To be documented

Type definitions

To be documented

Public variables

To be documented

Function declarations

function SaveScreen(const Filename:String; X,Y,Width,Height,BPP:LongWord):Boolean; inline;
Description: A function for saving all or part of the default Ultibo console screen to a standard bitmap file
Filename The name of the file to save the bitmap to
X The column position for the left edge of the bitmap
Y The row position for the top row of the bitmap
Width The width (in pixels) of the bitmap
Height The height (in pixels) of the bitmap
BPP The bits per pixel value for the bitmap (eg 16, 24 or 32)
Return True if successful or False is an error occurred

function SaveScreenEx(Console:PConsoleDevice; const Filename:String; X,Y,Width,Height,BPP:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: A function for saving all or part of an Ultibo console screen to a standard bitmap file
Console The console device to save the bitmap from
Filename The name of the file to save the bitmap to
X The column position for the left edge of the bitmap
Y The row position for the top row of the bitmap
Width The width (in pixels) of the bitmap
Height The height (in pixels) of the bitmap
BPP The bits per pixel value for the bitmap (eg 16, 24 or 32)
Return True if successful or False is an error occurred

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