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The Abstract Control Model (ACM) is part of the USB Communications Device Class (CDC) standard which allows modem like devices to be supported by USB with a standardized protocol for data transfer and modem control.

A CDC ACM device is defined by information in the interface descriptors and is not specific to any product and vendor ID. There are numerous devices that support the CDC ACM protocol and some of the most important from Ultibo are the Arduino Mega 2560 R3 and the Arduino Due.

This driver presents any device recognized as a CDC ACM as a generic serial interface device that can be accessed using the API in the Serial unit. It should not be necessary to directly call any of the functions in this unit from application code.


To be documented

Type definitions

To be documented

Public variables

To be documented

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure CDCACMInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

CDC ACM serial functions

function CDCACMSerialDeviceOpen(Serial:PSerialDevice; BaudRate,DataBits,StopBits,Parity,FlowControl,ReceiveDepth,TransmitDepth:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function CDCACMSerialDeviceClose(Serial:PSerialDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function CDCACMSerialDeviceRead(Serial:PSerialDevice; Buffer:Pointer; Size,Flags:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function CDCACMSerialDeviceWrite(Serial:PSerialDevice; Buffer:Pointer; Size,Flags:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

CDC ACM USB functions

function CDCACMDriverBind(Device:PUSBDevice; Interrface:PUSBInterface):LongWord;
Description: Bind the CDC ACM driver to a USB device if it is suitable
Device The USB device to attempt to bind to
Interrface The USB interface to attempt to bind to (or nil for whole device)
Return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS if completed, USB_STATUS_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED if unsupported or another error code on failure

function CDCACMDriverUnbind(Device:PUSBDevice; Interrface:PUSBInterface):LongWord;
Description: Unbind the CDC ACM driver from a USB device
Device The USB device to unbind from
Interrface The USB interface to unbind from (or nil for whole device)
Return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

procedure CDCACMReceiveWorker(Request:PUSBRequest);
Description: Called (by a Worker thread) to process a completed USB request from the CDC ACM bulk IN endpoint
Request The USB request which has completed

procedure CDCACMReceiveComplete(Request:PUSBRequest);
Description: Called when a USB request from the CDC ACM bulk IN endpoint completes
Request The USB request which has completed
Note Request is passed to worker thread for processing to prevent blocking the USB completion

procedure CDCACMTransmitStart(Request:PUSBRequest);
Description: Called to continue transmission of data from the transmit buffer
Request The USB transmit request to use
Note Caller must hold the lock on the serial device

procedure CDCACMTransmitWorker(Request:PUSBRequest);
Description: Called (by a Worker thread) to process a completed USB request to the CDC ACM bulk OUT endpoint
Request The USB request which has completed

procedure CDCACMTransmitComplete(Request:PUSBRequest);
Description: Called when a USB request to the CDC ACM bulk OUT endpoint completes
Request The USB request which has completed
Note Request is passed to worker thread for processing to prevent blocking the USB completion

procedure CDCACMInterruptWorker(Request:PUSBRequest);
Description: Called (by a Worker thread) to process a completed USB request to the CDC ACM interrupt IN endpoint
Request The USB request which has completed

procedure CDCACMInterruptComplete(Request:PUSBRequest);
Description: Called when a USB request from the CDC ACM interrupt IN endpoint completes
Request The USB request which has completed
Note Request is passed to worker thread for processing to prevent blocking the USB completion

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