Unit Threads

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Ultibo Threads interface unit

Locking Primitives

Spin -

A simple spin lock for fast mutually exclusive access to data. Threads "spin" while waiting to acquire the lock and do not yield the CPU unless pre-empted.

Non recursive (can only be acquired once by the same thread)

Includes IRQ/FIQ entry and exit routines to Save/Restore the IRQ/FIQ state.

Suitable for use by Interrupt handlers if non interrupt callers use the IRQ/FIQ entry and exit routines to Lock and Unlock.

Suitable for use on multiprocessor systems if the lock is allocated from shared memory (Determined during initialization).

Not recommended for long held operations or holding during I/O operations.

Access is not serialized, the next thread to try obtaining the lock when it is released will succeed even if that thread was not the first waiting.



Spin locks are created using SpinCreate() and destroyed using SpinDestroy(), these functions should not be called from within an Interrupt handler. Lock/Unlock (Data accessed only by threads)

To synchronize data access between threads each thread should call SpinLock() before accessing the data and SpinUnlock() when finished accessing the data. These calls do not affect the state of IRQs or FIQs and therefore do not impact interrupt latency. Lock/Unlock (Data accessed by threads and interrupt handlers)

To use a Spin lock to synchronize data access between threads and an interrupt handler each thread should call SpinLockIRQ() or SpinLockFIQ(), depending on whether the interrupt handler is servicing IRQ or FIQ requests, before accessing the data and SpinUnlockIRQ() or SpinUnlockFIQ() when finished accessing the data. These calls disable interrupts before acquiring the lock (with deadlock protection) and restore interrupts after releasing the lock and therefore should only be used to protect very short sections of code accessing shared data to minimize the impact on interrupt latency.

Interrupt handlers should call SpinLock() before accessing the data and SpinUnlock() when finished accessing the data. In a Uniprocessor system it is technically not necessary for interrupt handlers to call lock/unlock as the use of IRQ/FIQ disable/enable will prevent interrupt handlers from executing while a thread has the lock. On a Multiprocessor system however interrupt handlers can execute on one processor while a thread is executing on another (which will not deadlock), to correctly synchronize data access both threads and interrupt handlers should call the appropriate lock/unlock before and after access to the data.

Lock Hierarchy -

It is safe to acquire one lock using SpinLock() then another lock using SpinLock() and then release them in reverse order.

It is also safe to acquire one lock using SpinLock() then another lock using SpinLockIRQ(or FIQ)() and then release them in reverse order.

It is NOT safe to acquire one lock using SpinLockIRQ(or FIQ)() then another lock using SpinLock() and then release them in reverse order. This is because the first SpinLockIRQ(or FIQ)() can disable the scheduling and prevent thread preemption. If another thread is already holding the second lock then this sequence will deadlock (except on a multicore system where the other thread is running on a different CPU).

It is also safe to acquire one lock using SpinLockIRQ(or FIQ)() then another lock using SpinLockIRQ(or FIQ)() and then release them in reverse order. In this case you must ensure that any thread acquiring the second lock also calls SpinLockIRQ(or FIQ)() to thereby avoid the deadlock.

It is NOT safe to acquire one lock using SpinLockIRQ(or FIQ)() then another lock using SpinLockIRQ(or FIQ)() and then release them in the SAME order. If the situation absolutely requires this behaviour then you must use SpinExchangeIRQ(or FIQ)() when holding both locks in order to reverse the order of the IRQ or FIQ re-enabling.

Mutex -

A mutually exclusive lock for controlling access to data. Threads yield while waiting to acquire the lock.

Non recursive (can only be acquired once by the same thread) (Recursive if MUTEX_FLAG_RECURSIVE specified)

Not suitable for use by Interrupt handlers.

Suitable for use on multiprocessor systems if the lock is allocated from shared memory (Determined during initialization).

Recommended for long held operations or holding during I/O operations.

Access is not serialized, the next thread to try obtaining the lock when it is released will succeed even if that thread was not the first waiting.

CriticalSection -

A mutually exclusive lock for serializing access to data. Threads are placed on a wait list while waiting to acquire the lock.

Recursive (can be acquired multiple times by the same thread)

Not suitable for use by Interrupt handlers.

Suitable for use on multiprocessor systems.

Recommended for long held operations or holding during I/O operations.

Access is serialized, the next thread to obtain the lock when it is released will be the thread that has been waiting longest (See also stolen wakeups below).

Semaphore -

Suitable for use by Interrupt handlers for signaling only if created with SEMAPHORE_FLAG_IRQ or FIQ (Interrupt handlers must not call wait).

Suitable for use on multiprocessor systems.

Access is serialized, the next thread to acquire the semaphore when it is signaled will be the thread that has been waiting longest (See also stolen wakeups below).

Synchronizer -

A reader/writer lock for serializing multiple concurrent reads and single writes to data. Threads are placed on a wait list while waiting to acquire the lock.

Recursive (reader lock can be acquired multiple times by the same thread or by other threads/writer lock can be acquired multiple times by the same thread).

Not suitable for use by Interrupt handlers.

Suitable for use on multiprocessor systems.

Recommended for long held operations or holding during I/O operations.

Access is serialized, the next thread to obtain the lock when it is released will be the thread that has been waiting longest (See also stolen wakeups below).

Condition -

A condition variable for coordinating synchronized access to resources by multiple threads. Condition variables are similar in concept to both Semaphores and Events but do not retain any internal state information so threads always wait until they are woken or the specified timeout interval expires.

Not suitable for use by Interrupt handlers.

Suitable for use on multiprocessor systems.

Access is serialized, the next thread released when a condition is woken will be the thread that has been waiting longest (See also stolen wakeups below).

Completion -

A completion is similar in concept to both condition variables and events but behaves differently to each of them. Completions are designed to be similar to the Linux synchronization object of the same name and provide a light weight mechanism for allowing one or more threads to wait for a signal that they can proceed. The completion differs from a condition variable because it maintains an internal state, once the state has been set (complete) threads pass through the completion without waiting (until the state is reset). This is similar to an event (see below) but in the case of a completion the state remains set indefinitely or until reset is called, a completion also allows explicitly releasing one thread at a time or all threads at once. More generally the event was created to model a behaviour that is similar to the same object in Windows and the completion models the Linux object instead.

Completions can use a counted state rather than a single state if they are created with COMPLETION_FLAG_COUNTED, this is to mimic the implementation of the Linux variation however there is a slight but important change in the way counted completions are implemented in Ultibo. The Linux completion sets the count to UMAX_INT / 2 on complete_all() which is documented as "effectively infinite". This is of course incorrect and seriously flawed because the count value is only set to a little over 2 billion, a long running application could easily consume this count with calls to wait_for_completion() and then the application would potentially fail without explanation.

To prevent this same fatal flaw the Ultibo implementation sets the count at LongWord(-1) on CompletionCompleteAll() and all other operations check for this value before incrementing or decrementing the count further. In this way the setting of complete all is genuinely infinite and will not fail on a long running application.

Suitable for use by Interrupt handlers to call complete only if created with COMPLETION_FLAG_IRQ or FIQ (Interrupt handlers must not call wait).

Suitable for use on multiprocessor systems.

Access is serialized, the next thread released when a completion is set will be the thread that has been waiting longest (See also stolen wakeups below).

Stolen wakeups:

Locking and synchronization types such as CriticalSection, Semaphore, Condition, Event, Messageslot and Mailslot use a wait queue internally to determine which thread has been waiting the longest. When a thread is removed from the wait queue so it can obtain the lock, semaphore, event etc there is a small window where the lock, semaphore or event may be acquired by another thread before the thread that was just woken from the wait queue. This is called a stolen wakeup and can happen in many systems including Windows and Linux, in some systems the caller is expected to check the state of a predicate value on return in order to detect a stolen wakeup. In Ultibo the code within the lock, semaphore, event etc functions automatically checks for a stolen wakeup and takes appropriate action to either return the thread to the wait queue or return with a timeout (where appropriate) so that the caller can respond accordingly.

In no case will a call to a locking or synchronization function fail due to a stolen wakeup, the worst case scenario is that a thread may wait longer than it should have (ie it is returned to the back of the queue) or it may return with a timeout before the specified timeout value has expired.


Lock flag LOCK_FLAG_*
LOCK_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
LOCK_FLAG_IRQ = $00000001;  
LOCK_FLAG_FIQ = $00000002;  
LOCK_FLAG_IRQFIQ = $00000004;  

Spin signature SPIN_SIGNATURE_*

Spin state SPIN_STATE_*

Mutex signature MUTEX_SIGNATURE_*

Mutex state MUTEX_STATE_*

Mutex flags MUTEX_FLAG_*
MUTEX_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
MUTEX_FLAG_RECURSIVE = $00000001; Mutex can be locked multiple times by the same thread if set (Must be unlocked the same number of times)
MUTEX_FLAG_ERRORCHECK = $00000002; Mutex will perform a deadlock check if set, will return with an error if already owned by the same thread (and not recursive)

Critical section signature CRITICAL_SECTION_SIGNATURE_*

Critical section state CRITICAL_SECTION_STATE_*

Semaphore signature SEMAPHORE_SIGNATURE_*

Semaphore flag SEMAPHORE_FLAG_*

Synchronizer signature SYNCHRONIZER_SIGNATURE_*

Synchronizer state SYNCHRONIZER_STATE_*

Synchronizer flag SYNCHRONIZER_FLAG_*
SYNCHRONIZER_FLAG_READ_PRIORITY = $00000001; Synchronizer prioritises readers over writers
SYNCHRONIZER_FLAG_WRITE_PRIORITY = $00000002; Synchronizer prioritises writers over readers

Condition constants CONDITION_*

Condition flags CONDITION_FLAG_*
CONDITION_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  

Condition lock flags CONDITION_LOCK_FLAG_*
CONDITION_LOCK_FLAG_WRITER = $00000001; Condition should release and acquire the writer lock on a Synchronizer when ConditionWaitSynchronizer is called (otherwise release and acquire the reader lock)

Completion constants COMPLETION_*

Completion state COMPLETION_STATE_*

Completion flag COMPLETION_FLAG_*
COMPLETION_FLAG_IRQ = LOCK_FLAG_IRQ; Disable IRQ during completion operations (Wait/Reset/Complete)
COMPLETION_FLAG_FIQ = LOCK_FLAG_FIQ; Disable FIQ during completion operations (Wait/Reset/Complete)
COMPLETION_FLAG_IRQFIQ = LOCK_FLAG_IRQFIQ; Disable IRQ and FIQ during completion operations (Wait/Reset/Complete)
COMPLETION_FLAG_COUNTED = $00000008; Use a counted value instead of a single state (Affects behaviour of Wait and Complete)

List signature LIST_SIGNATURE_*

List type LIST_TYPE_*
LIST_TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED = 0; A generic thread list without a specific purpose
LIST_TYPE_WAIT_SECTION = 1; A Critical Section Wait List
LIST_TYPE_WAIT_SEMAPHORE = 2; A Semaphore Wait List
LIST_TYPE_WAIT_SYNCHRONIZER = 3; A Synchronizer Wait List
LIST_TYPE_WAIT_CONDITION = 4; A Condition Wait List
LIST_TYPE_WAIT_COMPLETION = 5; A Condition Wait List
LIST_TYPE_WAIT_EVENT = 6; An Event Wait List
LIST_TYPE_WAIT_THREAD = 7; A Thread Wait List
LIST_TYPE_WAIT_MESSAGESLOT = 8; A Messageslot Wait List
LIST_TYPE_WAIT_OTHER = 9; Another type of Wait List (Suitable for passing to ThreadWait/ThreadWaitEx/ThreadWaitMultiple/ThreadRelease)

List flag LIST_FLAG_*

Queue signature QUEUE_SIGNATURE_*

Queue type QUEUE_TYPE_*
QUEUE_TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED = 0; A generic thread queue without a specific purpose
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_SLEEP = 1; A Scheduler Sleep Queue
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT = 2; A Scheduler Timeout Queue
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_TERMINATION = 3; A Scheduler Termination Queue (Threads are placed on termination queue when they exit or are terminated)
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_NONE = 4; A Scheduler No Priority Queue (Only used for IRQ/FIQ threads which are never selected for scheduling)
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_IDLE = 5; A Scheduler Idle Priority Queue
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_LOWEST = 6; A Scheduler Lowest Priority Queue
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_LOWER = 7; A Scheduler Lower Priority Queue
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_NORMAL = 8; A Scheduler Normal Priority Queue
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_HIGHER = 9; A Scheduler Higher Priority Queue
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_HIGHEST = 10; A Scheduler Highest Priority Queue
QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_CRITICAL = 11; A Scheduler Critical Priority Queue

Queue flag QUEUE_FLAG_*
QUEUE_FLAG_DELTA = $00000010;  

Queue key QUEUE_KEY_*
QUEUE_KEY_NONE = Integer($7FFFFFFF); Null key value returned from an empty Queue
QUEUE_KEY_MAX = Integer($7FFFFFFE); Max key that can be ordered in a Queue
QUEUE_KEY_MIN = Integer($80000000); Min key that can be ordered in a Queue

Thread signature THREAD_SIGNATURE_*

Thread type THREAD_TYPE_*
THREAD_TYPE_NORMAL = 0; A Normal thread (No special case handling)
THREAD_TYPE_IDLE = 1; An Idle thread (Used to calculate ultilization and provide an always ready thread)
THREAD_TYPE_IRQ = 2; An IRQ thread (Used by the IRQ handler during interrupt time)
THREAD_TYPE_FIQ = 3; An FIQ thread (Used by the FIQ handler during interrupt time)
THREAD_TYPE_SWI = 4; A Software Interrupt (SWI) thread (Used by the SWI handler during a system call)

Thread flag THREAD_FLAG_*
THREAD_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
THREAD_FLAG_PERSIST = $00000001; If set thread handle will persist until explicitly destroyed (Otherwise destroyed after termination quantum has elapsed)
THREAD_FLAG_CANCELLED = $00000002; Indicates that thread has been cancelled, for support of external thread APIs eg. pThreads (Not used internally by Ultibo)
THREAD_FLAG_CANCEL_DISABLE = $00000004; Indicates that thread cancellation is disabled for a thread, for support of external thread APIs eg. pThreads (Not used internally by Ultibo)
THREAD_FLAG_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS = $00000008; Indicates that asynchronous thread cancellation is enabled for a thread, for support of external thread APIs eg. pThreads (Not used internally by Ultibo)
THREAD_FLAG_INTERNAL = THREAD_FLAG_NONE + $80000000; Note: Temporary value to avoid warning

Thread state THREAD_STATE_*
THREAD_STATE_RUNNING = 1; Thread is currently running
THREAD_STATE_READY = 2; Thread is on ready queue
THREAD_STATE_SLEEP = 3; Thread is sleeping
THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED = 4; Thread is suspended
THREAD_STATE_WAIT = 5; Thread is on a wait list
THREAD_STATE_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 6; Thread is on a wait list with timeout
THREAD_STATE_RECEIVE = 7; Thread is waiting to receive a message
THREAD_STATE_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 8; Thread is waiting to receive a message with timeout
THREAD_STATE_HALTED = 9; Thread has been halted (Due to an unhandled exception etc)
THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED = 10; Thread has been terminated

Thread priority THREAD_PRIORITY_*
THREAD_PRIORITY_NONE = 0; Only used for IRQ/FIQ threads which are never selected for scheduling
THREAD_PRIORITY_COUNT = THREAD_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM + 1; Number of thread priority levels
Additional priority aliases for compatibility

Thread name THREAD_NAME_*
THREAD_NAME_LENGTH = 256; Length of thread name

Thread priority *_THREAD_PRIORITY

Thread create THREAD_CREATE_*
THREAD_CREATE_NONE = $00000000;  

THREAD_TLS_FREE = $00000000;  
THREAD_TLS_USED = $00000001;  
THREAD_TLS_MAXIMUM = SIZE_64; The maximum number TLS index slots available

THREAD_TLS_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
THREAD_TLS_FLAG_FREE = $00000001; If set then pointer in thread TLS index will be freed on ThreadReleaseTlsIndex or ThreadDestroy

Thread wait THREAD_LISTS_*
THREAD_LISTS_MAXIMUM = SIZE_64; Maximum number of lists a thread can wait on at the same time

Messageslot signature MESSAGESLOT_SIGNATURE_*

Messageslot flag MESSAGESLOT_FLAG_*

Mailslot signature MAILSLOT_SIGNATURE_*

Buffer signature BUFFER_SIGNATURE_*

Buffer flag BUFFER_FLAG_*
BUFFER_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
BUFFER_FLAG_SHARED = $00000001; If set the buffer memory (Not the buffer entry itself) is allocated from shared memory

Event signature EVENT_SIGNATURE_*

Event state EVENT_STATE_*

Event flag EVENT_FLAG_*
EVENT_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  

Timer signature TIMER_SIGNATURE_*

Timer state TIMER_STATE_*

Timer flag TIMER_FLAG_*
TIMER_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
TIMER_FLAG_RESCHEDULE = $00000001; Timer should be rescheduled each time the event completes
TIMER_FLAG_IMMEDIATE = $00000002; Timer event should be executed immediately and then each interval milliseconds
TIMER_FLAG_WORKER = $00000004; Timer event should be executed by a worker thread instead of a timer thread
TIMER_FLAG_PRIORITY = $00000008; Timer event should be executed by a priority timer thread

Timer key TIMER_KEY_*
TIMER_KEY_NONE = Integer($7FFFFFFF); Null key value returned from an empty Timer list
TIMER_KEY_MAX = Integer($7FFFFFFE); Max key that can be ordered in a Timer list
TIMER_KEY_MIN = Integer($80000000); Min key that can be ordered in a Timer list

Worker signature WORKER_SIGNATURE_*

Worker flag WORKER_FLAG_*
WORKER_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
WORKER_FLAG_RESCHEDULE = $00000001; Worker task should be rescheduled each time the task completes
WORKER_FLAG_IMMEDIATE = $00000002; Worker task should be executed immediately and then each interval milliseconds
WORKER_FLAG_CANCEL = $00000004; Internal flag to indicate the worker task should be cancelled next time the interval expires
WORKER_FLAG_NOFREE = $00000008; Internal flag to tell worker execute not to free the worker request when it is completed
WORKER_FLAG_TERMINATE = $00000010; Internal flag to tell worker execute to terminate the worker thread
WORKER_FLAG_IRQ = $00000020; Internal flag to tell worker execute to free IRQ memory when the request is completed
WORKER_FLAG_FIQ = $00000040; Internal flag to tell worker execute to free FIQ memory when the request is completed
WORKER_FLAG_PRIORITY = $00000080; Worker task should be executed by a priority worker thread

Tasker task TASKER_TASK_*
TASKER_TASK_THREADSENDMESSAGE = 1; Perform a ThreadSendMessage() function using the tasker list
TASKER_TASK_MESSAGESLOTSEND = 2; Perform a MessageslotSend() function using the tasker list
TASKER_TASK_SEMAPHORESIGNAL = 3; Perform a SemaphoreSignal() function using the tasker list

Scheduler migration SCHEDULER_MIGRATION_*

Scheduler preempt SCHEDULER_PREEMPT_*

Scheduler allocation SCHEDULER_ALLOCATION_*

Scheduler mask SCHEDULER_MASK_*

Scheduler quantum SCHEDULER_QUANTUM_*

Thread logging THREAD_LOG_*
THREAD_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; Thread debugging messages
THREAD_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; Thread informational messages, such as a thread being created or destroyed
THREAD_LOG_LEVEL_WARN = LOG_LEVEL_WARN; Thread warning messages

Type definitions

Spin entry

PSpinEntry = ^TSpinEntry;

TSpinEntry = record

Spin Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
State:LongWord; State of the lock (Locked/Unlocked)
Mask:LongWord; IRQ/FIQ Mask for Save/Restore
Owner:TThreadHandle; Currently owning thread (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if not locked)
Internal Properties
Prev:PSpinEntry; Previous entry in Spin table
Next:PSpinEntry; Next entry in Spin table
Statistics Properties

Mutex entry

PMutexEntry = ^TMutexEntry;

TMutexEntry = record

Mutex Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
State:LongWord; State of the lock (Locked/Unlocked)
Owner:TThreadHandle; Currently owning thread (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if not locked)
Yield:TThreadYield; Yield function to call while waiting
Count:LongWord; Count of lock recursions (only if Flags includes MUTEX_FLAG_RECURSIVE)
Flags:LongWord; Mutex Flags (eg MUTEX_FLAG_RECURSIVE)
SpinCount:LongWord; Number of times to spin wait for lock before Yield is called (Always 0 if SCHEDULER_CPU_COUNT = 1)
Internal Properties
Prev:PMutexEntry; Previous entry in Mutex table
Next:PMutexEntry; Next entry in Mutex table
Statistics Properties

Critical section entry

PCriticalSectionEntry = ^TCriticalSectionEntry;

TCriticalSectionEntry = record

Critical Section Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
State:LongWord; State of the lock (Locked/Unlocked)
Count:LongWord; Count of lock recursions
Owner:TThreadHandle; Currently owning thread (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if not locked)
SpinCount:LongWord; Number of times to spin wait for lock before Wait is called (Always 0 if SCHEDULER_CPU_COUNT = 1)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Critical Section Lock
List:TListHandle; List of threads waiting on this CriticalSection (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if never used)
Wait:TThreadWait; Wait function to call to wait on the CriticalSection if it is already locked
WaitEx:TThreadWaitEx; Wait function to call to wait with timeout on the CriticalSection if it is already locked
Release:TThreadRelease; Release function to call if any threads are waiting when CriticalSection is unlocked
Abandon:TThreadAbandon; Abandon function to call if any threads are waiting when CriticalSection is destroyed
Internal Properties
Prev:PCriticalSectionEntry; Previous entry in CriticalSection table
Next:PCriticalSectionEntry; Next entry in CriticalSection table
Statistics Properties

Semaphore entry

PSemaphoreEntry = ^TSemaphoreEntry;

TSemaphoreEntry = record

Semaphore Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
Count:LongWord; Count for this Semaphore (Can be negative when Threads are waiting)
Maximum:LongWord; Maximum count for this Semaphore
Flags:LongWord; Semaphore Flags (eg SEMAPHORE_FLAG_IRQ)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Semaphore Lock
List:TListHandle; List of threads waiting on this Semaphore (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if never used)
Wait:TThreadWait; Wait function to call to wait on the Semaphore if the count is equal to zero on SemaphoreWait
WaitEx:TThreadWaitEx; Wait function to call to wait with timeout on the Semaphore if the count is equal to zero on SemaphoreWait
Release:TThreadRelease; Release function to call if any threads are waiting on SemaphoreSignal
Abandon:TThreadAbandon; Abandon function to call if any threads are waiting when SemaphoreSignal is destroyed
Internal Properties
Prev:PSemaphoreEntry; Previous entry in Semaphore table
Next:PSemaphoreEntry; Next entry in Semaphore table
Statistics Properties

Synchronizer entry

PSynchronizerEntry = ^TSynchronizerEntry;

TSynchronizerEntry = record

Synchronizer Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
State:LongWord; State of the lock (Locked/Unlocked)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Synchronizer Lock
ReaderCount:LongWord; Count of current reader locks
WriterCount:LongWord; Count of current writer lock recursions
ReaderLast:TThreadHandle; Last thread to acquire reader lock (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if no reader)
WriterOwner:TThreadHandle; Currently owning writer thread (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if no writer)
ReaderList:TListHandle; List of reader threads waiting on this Synchronizer (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if never used)
WriterList:TListHandle; List of writer threads waiting on this Synchronizer (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if never used)
Wait:TThreadWait; Wait function to call to wait on the Synchronizer if it is already locked
WaitEx:TThreadWaitEx; Wait function to call to wait with timeout on the Synchronizer if it is already locked
Release:TThreadRelease; Release function to call if any threads are waiting when Synchronizer is unlocked
Abandon:TThreadAbandon; Abandon function to call if any threads are waiting when Synchronizer is destroyed
Internal Properties
Prev:PSynchronizerEntry; Previous entry in Synchronizer table
Next:PSynchronizerEntry; Next entry in Synchronizer table
Statistics Properties

Condition entry

PConditionEntry = ^TConditionEntry;

TConditionEntry = record

Condition Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
Flags:LongWord; Condition Flags (eg CONDITION_FLAG_NONE)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Condition Lock
List:TListHandle; List of threads waiting on this Condition (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if never used)
Wait:TThreadWait; Wait function to call to wait on the Condition
WaitEx:TThreadWaitEx; Wait function to call to wait with timeout on the Condition
Release:TThreadRelease; Release function to call if any threads are waiting when Condition is woken
Abandon:TThreadAbandon; Abandon function to call if any threads are waiting when Condition is destroyed
Internal Properties
Prev:PConditionEntry; Previous entry in Condition table
Next:PConditionEntry; Next entry in Condition table
Statistics Properties

Completion entry

PCompletionEntry = ^TCompletionEntry;

TCompletionEntry = record

Completion Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
State:LongWord; State of the completion (Reset/Complete)
Count:LongWord; Count of the completion (Only applicable if COMPLETION_FLAG_COUNTED)
Flags:LongWord; Completion Flags (eg COMPLETION_FLAG_IRQ)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Completion Lock
List:TListHandle; List of threads waiting on this Completion (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if never used)
Wait:TThreadWait; Wait function to call to wait on the Completion
WaitEx:TThreadWaitEx; Wait function to call to wait with timeout on the Completion
Release:TThreadRelease; Release function to call if any threads are waiting when Completion is completed
Abandon:TThreadAbandon; Abandon function to call if any threads are waiting when Completion is destroyed
Internal Properties
Prev:PCompletionEntry; Previous entry in Completion table
Next:PCompletionEntry; Next entry in Completion table
Statistics Properties

List entry

PListEntry = ^TListEntry;

TListEntry = record

List Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
ListType:LongWord; Type of this List (eg LIST_TYPE_WAIT_SECTION)
Count:LongWord; Count of items currently in this List
Flags:LongWord; List Flags (eg LIST_FLAG_IRQ)
Lock:TSpinHandle; List Lock
First:PListElement; First element in List
Last:PListElement; Last element in List
Internal Properties
Prev:PListEntry; Previous entry in List table
Next:PListEntry; Next entry in List table
Statistics Properties

List element

PListElement = ^TListElement;

TListElement = record

Thread:TThreadHandle; The thread referenced by this List element
Prev:PListElement; Previous element in List
Next:PListElement; Next element in List

List handles

PListHandles = ^TListHandles;

TListHandles = array[0..THREAD_LISTS_MAXIMUM - 1] of TListHandle;


Queue entry

PQueueEntry = ^TQueueEntry;

TQueueEntry = record

Queue Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
QueueType:LongWord; Type of this Queue (eg QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_IDLE)
Count:LongWord; Count of items currently in this Queue
Flags:LongWord; Queue Flags (eg QUEUE_FLAG_IRQ)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Queue Lock
First:PQueueElement; First element in Queue
Last:PQueueElement; Last element in Queue
Internal Properties
Prev:PQueueEntry; Previous entry in Queue table
Next:PQueueEntry; Next entry in Queue table
Statistics Properties

Queue element

PQueueElement = ^TQueueElement;

TQueueElement = record

Key:Integer; Ordering key for Queue
Thread:TThreadHandle; The thread referenced by this Queue element
Prev:PQueueElement; Previous element in Queue
Next:PQueueElement; Next element in Queue

Message list

PMessageList = ^TMessageList;

TMessageList = record

Header Properties
Maximum:LongWord; Maximum number of messages in list
Count:LongWord; Current number of messages in list
Start:LongWord; First message available in list
Internal Properties
List:PMessage; Message list
Statistics Properties


PMessage = ^TMessage;

TMessage = record


Thread entry

PThreadEntry = ^TThreadEntry;

TThreadEntry = record

Thread Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
State:LongWord; State of the Thread (eg THREAD_STATE_RUNNING)
Flags:LongWord; Flags of the Thread (eg THREAD_FLAG_PERSIST)
Priority:LongWord; Priority of the Thread (eg THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)
Affinity:LongWord; CPU Affinity mask of the Thread
StackBase:Pointer; Base (Top) of the thread stack
StackSize:LongWord; Stack length in bytes
Name:array[0..THREAD_NAME_LENGTH - 1] of Char; The name of the Thread
Lock:TSpinHandle; Thread Lock
Parent:TThreadHandle; Handle of the parent thread
Messages:TMessageList; Messages sent to this thread
TlsPointer:Pointer; Thread Local Storage Memory (RTL ThreadVars)
TlsTable:array[0..THREAD_TLS_MAXIMUM - 1] of Pointer; Thread Local Storage Index Pointers (for ThreadGetTlsValue/ThreadSetTlsValue)
TlsFlags:array[0..THREAD_TLS_MAXIMUM - 1] of LongWord; Thread Local Storage Index Flags (eg THREAD_TLS_FLAG_FREE)
ExitCode:LongWord; Thread Exit Code
LastError:LongWord; Thread Last Error
Locale:LCID; Thread Locale
Internal Properties
CurrentCPU:LongWord; Saved current CPU from last ContextSwitch
StackPointer:Pointer; Saved current stack pointer from last ContextSwitch
TargetCPU:LongWord; Target CPU of the Thread for next ContextSwitch
TargetPriority:LongWord; Target Priority of the Thread for next ContextSwitch (eg THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)
List:TListHandle; List of threads waiting on this thread (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if never used)
WaitList:TListHandle; The wait list this thread is currently in (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
WaitLists:PListHandles; The wait lists this thread is currently in if doing a multiple wait (or nil)
WaitResult:LongWord; The result code for the last wait with timeout (eg WAIT_TIMEOUT)
ReceiveResult:LongWord; The result code for the last receive with timeout (eg WAIT_TIMEOUT)
ListElement:TListElement; List element for this thread when in a Wait List
QueueElement:TQueueElement; Queue element for this thread when in a Schedule Queue
Prev:PThreadEntry; Previous entry in Thread table
Next:PThreadEntry; Next entry in Thread table
Statistics Properties
CreateTime:Int64; The time when this thread was created
ExitTime:Int64; The time when this thread exited or was terminated
KernelTime:Int64; The total amount of time this thread has been in the running state (ie CPU time consumed)
SwitchCount:Int64; The number of times this thread has been selected to run by a context switch

Thread snapshot

PThreadSnapshot = ^TThreadSnapshot;

TThreadSnapshot = record

Note: Data returned by ThreadSnapshotCreate
Snapshot Properties
Handle:TThreadHandle; Handle of the thread
State:LongWord; State of the Thread (eg THREAD_STATE_RUNNING)
Flags:LongWord; Flags of the Thread (eg THREAD_FLAG_PERSIST)
CPU:LongWord; CPU from last ContextSwitch
Priority:LongWord; Priority of the Thread (eg THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)
Affinity:LongWord; CPU Affinity mask of the Thread
StackBase:Pointer; Base (Top) of the thread stack
StackSize:LongWord; Stack length in bytes
StackPointer:Pointer; Stack pointer from last ContextSwitch
Name:array[0..THREAD_NAME_LENGTH - 1] of Char; The name of the Thread
Parent:TThreadHandle; Handle of the parent thread
ExitCode:LongWord; Thread Exit Code
LastError:LongWord; Thread Last Error
Locale:LCID; Thread Locale
TargetCPU:LongWord; Target CPU of the Thread for next ContextSwitch
TargetPriority:LongWord; Target Priority of the Thread for next ContextSwitch (eg THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)
CreateTime:Int64; The time when this thread was created
ExitTime:Int64; The time when this thread exited or was terminated
KernelTime:Int64; The total amount of time this thread has been in the running state (ie CPU time consumed)
SwitchCount:Int64; The number of times this thread has been selected to run by a context switch
Internal Properties
Next:PThreadSnapshot; Next entry in Thread snapshot

Messageslot entry

PMessageslotEntry = ^TMessageslotEntry;

TMessageslotEntry = record

Messageslot Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
Flags:LongWord; Messageslot Flags (eg MESSAGESLOT_FLAG_IRQ)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Messageslot Lock
List:TListHandle; List of threads waiting on this Messageslot (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if never used)
Messages:TMessageList; Messageslot message queue
Wait:TThreadWait; Wait function to call to wait on the Messageslot if there are no messages
WaitEx:TThreadWaitEx; Wait function to call to wait with timeout on the Messageslot if there are no messages
Release:TThreadRelease; Release function to call if any threads are waiting when a message is sent
Abandon:TThreadAbandon; Abandon function to call if any threads are waiting when Messageslot is destroyed
Internal Properties
Prev:PMessageslotEntry; Previous entry in Messageslot table
Next:PMessageslotEntry; Next entry in Messageslot table
Statistics Properties

Mailslot entry

PMailslotEntry = ^TMailslotEntry;

TMailslotEntry = record

Mailslot Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
Maximum:LongWord; Maximum number of messages in Mailslot
Count:LongWord; Current number of messages in Mailslot
Start:LongWord; First message available in Mailslot
Lock:TSpinHandle; Mailslot Lock
Sender:TSemaphoreHandle; Mailslot send Semaphore
Receiver:TSemaphoreHandle; Mailslot receive Semaphore
Messages:PPtrInt; Mailslot message queue
Internal Properties
Prev:PMailslotEntry; Previous entry in Mailslot table
Next:PMailslotEntry; Next entry in Mailslot table
Statistics Properties

Buffer entry

PBufferEntry = ^TBufferEntry;

TBufferEntry = record

Buffer Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
Size:LongWord; Size of each buffer
Count:LongWord; Number of buffers
Flags:LongWord; Buffer Flags (eg BUFFER_FLAG_SHARED)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Buffer Lock
Available:TSemaphoreHandle; Buffer available Semaphore
Buffers:PBufferItem; Buffer list
Internal Properties
Prev:PBufferEntry; Previous entry in Buffer table
Next:PBufferEntry; Next entry in Buffer table
First:PBufferItem; First available buffer item
Statistics Properties

Buffer item

PBufferItem = ^TBufferItem;

TBufferItem = record

Parent:TBufferHandle; Handle of Buffer owning this item
Next:PBufferItem; Next item in list
Buffer:Pointer; Pointer to item data
Reserved:LongWord; Align to 16 bytes

Event entry

PEventEntry = ^TEventEntry;

TEventEntry = record

Event Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
State:LongWord; State of the event (Signaled/Unsignaled)
Flags:LongWord; Event Flags (eg EVENT_FLAG_MANUAL)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Event Lock
List:TListHandle; List of threads waiting on this Event (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if never used)
Wait:TThreadWait; Wait function to call to wait on the Event if it is not Signaled
WaitEx:TThreadWaitEx; Wait function to call to wait with timeout on the Event if it is not Signaled
Release:TThreadRelease; Release function to call if any threads are waiting when Event is Signaled
Abandon:TThreadAbandon; Abandon function to call if any threads are waiting when Event is destroyed
Internal Properties
Prev:PEventEntry; Previous entry in Event table
Next:PEventEntry; Next entry in Event table
Statistics Properties

Timer list

PTimerList = ^TTimerList;

TTimerList = record

List Properties
Count:LongWord; Count of items currently in the Timer list
Flags:LongWord; Timer list Flags (eg LOCK_FLAG_IRQ)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Timer list Lock
First:PTimerItem; First item in Timer list
Last:PTimerItem; Last item in Timer list
Internal Properties
Statistics Properties

Timer item

PTimerItem = ^TTimerItem;

TTimerItem = record

Key:Integer; Ordering key for Timer list
Timer:TTimerHandle; The timer referenced by this Timer list item
Prev:PTimerItem; Previous item in Timer list
Next:PTimerItem; Next item in Timer list

Timer entry

PTimerEntry = ^TTimerEntry;

TTimerEntry = record

Timer Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
Interval:LongWord; Interval for timer (Milliseconds)
State:LongWord; State of the timer (Enabled/Disabled)
Flags:LongWord; Timer Flags (eg TIMER_FLAG_RESCHEDULE)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Timer Lock
Event:TTimerEvent; Function to call when timer triggers
Data:Pointer; Data to pass to function when timer triggers
Internal Properties
TimerList:PTimerList; The timer list this timer is currently in (or nil)
TimerItem:TTimerItem; Timer list item for this timer when in a Timer list
Prev:PTimerEntry; Previous entry in Timer table
Next:PTimerEntry; Next entry in Timer table
Statistics Properties

Worker request

PWorkerRequest = ^TWorkerRequest;

TWorkerRequest = record

Worker Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
Interval:LongWord; Interval for worker (Milliseconds)
Flags:LongWord; Worker Flags (eg WORKER_FLAG_RESCHEDULE)
Lock:TSpinHandle; Worker Lock (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if Interval is 0 and Flags is not WORKER_FLAG_RESCHEDULE)
Timer:TTimerHandle; Worker Timer (or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if Interval is 0)
Task:TWorkerTask; Task to call by worker
Data:Pointer; Data to pass to task
Callback:TWorkerCallback; Callback when task is completed

Tasker list

PTaskerList = ^TTaskerList;

TTaskerList = record

List Properties
Count:LongWord; Count of tasks currently in the Tasker list
Lock:TSpinHandle; Tasker list Lock
First:PTaskerTask; First task in Tasker list
Last:PTaskerTask; Last task in Tasker list
Internal Properties
Statistics Properties

Tasker task

PTaskerTask = ^TTaskerTask;

TTaskerTask = record

Task:LongWord; The task to be performed
Prev:PTaskerTask; Previous task in Tasker list
Next:PTaskerTask; Next task in Tasker list

Tasker thread send message

PTaskerThreadSendMessage = ^TTaskerThreadSendMessage;

TTaskerThreadSendMessage = record

Task:LongWord; The task to be performed
Prev:PTaskerTask; Previous task in Tasker list
Next:PTaskerTask; Next task in Tasker list
Internal Properties
Thread:TThreadHandle; Handle of the thread to send a message to
Message:TMessage; Message to send to the thread

Tasker messageslot send

PTaskerMessageslotSend = ^TTaskerMessageslotSend;

TTaskerMessageslotSend = record

Task:LongWord; The task to be performed
Prev:PTaskerTask; Previous task in Tasker list
Next:PTaskerTask; Next task in Tasker list
Internal Properties
Messageslot:TMessageslotHandle; Handle of the messageslot to send to
Message:TMessage; Message to be sent

Tasker semaphore signal

PTaskerSemaphoreSignal = ^TTaskerSemaphoreSignal;

TTaskerSemaphoreSignal = record

Task:LongWord; The task to be performed
Prev:PTaskerTask; Previous task in Tasker list
Next:PTaskerTask; Next task in Tasker list
Internal Properties
Semaphore:TSemaphoreHandle; Handle of the semaphore to signal
Count:LongWord; The count to be signalled

Thread info

PThreadInfo = ^TThreadInfo;

TThreadInfo = record


CPU start

TCPUStart = procedure(CPUID:LongWord);

Primary initialization

TPrimaryInit = procedure;

Scheduler initialization

TSchedulerInit = procedure;

Scheduler start

TSchedulerStart = procedure(CPUID:LongWord);

Secondary initialization

TSecondaryInit = procedure;

Secondary boot

TSecondaryBoot = procedure(CPUID:LongWord);

Spin lock

TSpinLock = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin unlock

TSpinUnlock = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin lock IRQ

TSpinLockIRQ = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin unlock IRQ

TSpinUnlockIRQ = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin lock FIQ

TSpinLockFIQ = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin unlock FIQ

TSpinUnlockFIQ = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin lock IRQ/FIQ

TSpinLockIRQFIQ = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin unlock IRQ/FIQ

TSpinUnlockIRQFIQ = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin check IRQ

TSpinCheckIRQ = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):Boolean;

Spin check FIQ

TSpinCheckFIQ = function(Spin:PSpinEntry):Boolean;

Spin exchange IRQ

TSpinExchangeIRQ = function(Spin1,Spin2:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin exchange FIQ

TSpinExchangeFIQ = function(Spin1,Spin2:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Spin mask exchange

TSpinMaskExchange = function(Spin1,Spin2:PSpinEntry):LongWord;

Mutex lock

TMutexLock = function(Mutex:PMutexEntry):LongWord;

Mutex unlock

TMutexUnlock = function(Mutex:PMutexEntry):LongWord;

Mutex try lock

TMutexTryLock = function(Mutex:PMutexEntry):LongWord;

Critical section lock

TCriticalSectionLock = function(CriticalSection:PCriticalSectionEntry):LongWord;

Critical section lock ex

TCriticalSectionLockEx = function(CriticalSection:PCriticalSectionEntry; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Critical section unlock

TCriticalSectionUnlock = function(CriticalSection:PCriticalSectionEntry):LongWord;

Critical section try lock

TCriticalSectionTryLock = function(CriticalSection:PCriticalSectionEntry):LongWord;

Semaphore wait

TSemaphoreWait = function(Semaphore:PSemaphoreEntry):LongWord;

Semaphore wait ex

TSemaphoreWaitEx = function(Semaphore:PSemaphoreEntry; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Semaphore signal

TSemaphoreSignal = function(Semaphore:PSemaphoreEntry):LongWord;

Synchronizer lock

TSynchronizerLock = function(Synchronizer:PSynchronizerEntry):LongWord;

Synchronizer lock ex

TSynchronizerLockEx = function(Synchronizer:PSynchronizerEntry; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Synchronizer unlock

TSynchronizerUnlock = function(Synchronizer:PSynchronizerEntry):LongWord;

Synchronizer convert

TSynchronizerConvert = function(Synchronizer:PSynchronizerEntry):LongWord;

Synchronizer convert ex

TSynchronizerConvertEx = function(Synchronizer:PSynchronizerEntry; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Condition wait

TConditionWait = function(Condition:PConditionEntry; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Condition wait mutex

TConditionWaitMutex = function(Condition:PConditionEntry; Mutex:TMutexHandle; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Condition wait synchronizer

TConditionWaitSynchronizer = function(Condition:PConditionEntry; Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle; Flags,Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Condition wait critical section

TConditionWaitCriticalSection = function(Condition:PConditionEntry; CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Condition wake

TConditionWake = function(Condition:PConditionEntry):LongWord;

Condition wake all

TConditionWakeAll = function(Condition:PConditionEntry):LongWord;

Completion wait

TCompletionWait = function(Completion:PCompletionEntry; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Completion try wait

TCompletionTryWait = function(Completion:PCompletionEntry):LongWord;

Completion reset

TCompletionReset = function(Completion:PCompletionEntry):LongWord;

Completion complete

TCompletionComplete = function(Completion:PCompletionEntry):LongWord;

Completion complete all

TCompletionCompleteAll = function(Completion:PCompletionEntry):LongWord;

Messageslot send

TMessageslotSend = function(Messageslot:PMessageslotEntry; Message:PMessage):LongWord;

Messageslot receive

TMessageslotReceive = function(Messageslot:PMessageslotEntry; Message:PMessage):LongWord;

Messageslot receive ex

TMessageslotReceiveEx = function(Messageslot:PMessageslotEntry; Message:PMessage; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailslot send

TMailslotSend = function(Mailslot:PMailslotEntry; Data:PtrInt):LongWord;

Mailslot send ex

TMailslotSendEx = function(Mailslot:PMailslotEntry; Data:PtrInt; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailslot receive

TMailslotReceive = function(Mailslot:PMailslotEntry):PtrInt;

Mailslot receive ex

TMailslotReceiveEx = function(Mailslot:PMailslotEntry; Timeout:LongWord):PtrInt;

Buffer get

TBufferGet = function(Buffer:PBufferEntry):Pointer;

Buffer get ex

TBufferGetEx = function(Buffer:PBufferEntry; Timeout:LongWord):Pointer;

Buffer free

TBufferFree = function(Buffer:Pointer):LongWord;

Buffer iterate

TBufferIterate = function(Buffer:PBufferEntry; Previous:Pointer):Pointer;

Event wait

TEventWait = function(Event:PEventEntry):LongWord;

Event wait ex

TEventWaitEx = function(Event:PEventEntry; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Event set

TEventSet = function(Event:PEventEntry):LongWord;

Event reset

TEventReset = function(Event:PEventEntry):LongWord;

Event pulse

TEventPulse = function(Event:PEventEntry):LongWord;

Timer enable

TTimerEnable = function(Timer:PTimerEntry):LongWord;

Timer enable ex

TTimerEnableEx = function(Timer:PTimerEntry; Interval:LongWord; Event:TTimerEvent; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Timer disable

TTimerDisable = function(Timer:PTimerEntry):LongWord;

Timer check

TTimerCheck = function:LongWord;

Timer trigger

TTimerTrigger = function:LongWord;

Tasker check

TTaskerCheck = function:LongWord;

Tasker trigger

TTaskerTrigger = function:LongWord;

Thread get current

TThreadGetCurrent = function:TThreadHandle;

Thread set current

TThreadSetCurrent = function(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;

Thread start

TThreadStart = function(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;

Thread end

TThreadEnd = procedure(ExitCode:LongWord);

Scheduler check

TSchedulerCheck = function(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;

Scheduler wakeup

TSchedulerWakeup = function(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;

Scheduler expire

TSchedulerExpire = function(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;

Scheduler switch

TSchedulerSwitch = function(CPUID:LongWord; Thread:TThreadHandle):TThreadHandle;

Scheduler select

TSchedulerSelect = function(CPUID:LongWord; Thread:TThreadHandle; Yield:Boolean):TThreadHandle;

Scheduler reschedule

TSchedulerReschedule = function (Yield:Boolean):LongWord;

Scheduler migration enable

TSchedulerMigrationEnable = function:LongWord;

Scheduler migration disable

TSchedulerMigrationDisable = function:LongWord;

Scheduler preempt enable

TSchedulerPreemptEnable = function(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;

Scheduler preempt disable

TSchedulerPreemptDisable = function(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;

Scheduler allocation enable

TSchedulerAllocationEnable = function(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;

Scheduler allocation disable

TSchedulerAllocationDisable = function(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;

Thread setup stack

TThreadSetupStack = function(StackBase:Pointer; StartProc:TThreadStart; ReturnProc:TThreadEnd; Parameter:Pointer):Pointer;

Public variables

Thread logging

THREAD_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL:LongWord = THREAD_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; Minimum level for Thread messages. Only messages with level greater than or equal to this will be printed.

Scheduler variables

SchedulerThreadNext:LongWord; The CPU to assign the next created thread to, round robin incremented on each create (Protected by ThreadTableLock)
SchedulerThreadMigration:LongWord; Enable or Disable thread migration (SCHEDULER_MIGRATION_DISABLED or SCHEDULER_MIGRATION_ENABLED
SchedulerMigrationQuantum:LongWord; Quantum for thread migration checks (CPU 0 only)
SchedulerThreadCount:array of LongWord; Current number of ready threads per CPU (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization) (Protected by InterlockedIncrement/Decrement)
SchedulerThreadQuantum:array of LongWord; Quantum of current thread per CPU (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerThreadPreempt:array of LongWord; Current state of thread preemption per CPU (eg SCHEDULER_PREEMPT_DISABLED) (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerThreadAllocation:array of LongWord; Current state of thread allocation per CPU (eg SCHEDULER_ALLOCATION_DISABLED) (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerPriorityMask:array of LongWord; Mask of ready threads at each priority level (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization) (Protected by InterlockedOr/And)
SchedulerYieldCurrent:array of LongBool; Scheduler yield to current priority level status (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerStarvationNext:array of LongWord; Scheduler starvation priority round robin (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerStarvationQuantum:array of LongWord; Quantum for thread starvation checks per CPU (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerNoneQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are ready to run at priority level none (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerIdleQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are ready to run at priority level idle (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerLowestQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are ready to run at priority level lowest (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerLowerQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are ready to run at priority level lower (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerNormalQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are ready to run at priority level normal (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerHigherQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are ready to run at priority level higher (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerHighestQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are ready to run at priority level highest (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerCriticalQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are ready to run at priority level critical (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerSleepQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are currently sleeping (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerTimeoutQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that are currently waiting with a timeout (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerTerminationQueue:array of TQueueHandle; Queue of threads that have been terminated (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerLast:array of LongWord; The timer value of the last scheduler interrupt (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)
SchedulerInterrupts:array of LongWord; Current number of scheduler interrupts per CPU (When this reaches SCHEDULER_INTERRUPTS_PER_SECOND then UtilizationLast is updated and UtilizationCurrent is reset) (One per CPU, allocated by scheduler initialization)

Scheduler debug

SchedulerInterruptCounter:array of Int64;
SchedulerInterruptOffset:array of LongWord;
SchedulerInterruptMinOffset:array of LongWord;
SchedulerInterruptMaxOffset:array of LongWord;
SchedulerInterruptRollover:array of LongWord;
SchedulerSelectEntry:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler select routine has been called (One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectYield:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler select routine has been called with yield equal to true (One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectForce:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler forced a thread switch due to starvation quantum (One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectNoMask:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler selection encountered an empty priority mask (Should never happen)(One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectNormal:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler selection used normal next highest priority to select thread (One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectInvalid:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler selection resulted in INVALID_THREAD_HANDLE (Should never happen)(One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectFailure:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler failed to enqueue the currently running thread (Should never happen)(One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectNoReady:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler selection found no ready thread available to run (Should never happen)(One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectDefaulted:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler selection defaulted to an IDLE or NONE thread (Should never happen)(One per CPU)
SchedulerStarvationReset:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler reset the starvation quantum (One per CPU)
SchedulerStarvationDecrement:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler decremented the starvation quantum (One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectCPU:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler selection changed the CurrentCPU on a running thread (One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectPriority:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler selection changed the Priority on a running thread (One per CPU)
SchedulerSelectAffinity:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler selection changed the CurrentCPU on a running thread due to Affinity mismatch (One per CPU)
SchedulerSwitchEntry:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler switch routine has been called (One per CPU)
SchedulerSwitchThread:array of TThreadHandle; The thread returned by scheduler select on the last scheduler switch call (One per CPU)
SchedulerSwitchCounter:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler switch resulted in a thread switch (One per CPU)
SchedulerSwitchCurrent:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler switch resulted in the current thread continuing (One per CPU)
SchedulerSwitchInvalid:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler switch was returned INVALID_THREAD_HANDLE by scheduler select (Should never happen)(One per CPU)
SchedulerRescheduleEntry:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler reschedule routine has been called (One per CPU)
SchedulerRescheduleThread:array of TThreadHandle; The thread returned by scheduler select on the last scheduler reschedule call (One per CPU)
SchedulerRescheduleCounter:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler reschedule resulted in a thread switch (One per CPU)
SchedulerRescheduleCurrent:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler reschedule resulted in the current thread continuing (One per CPU)
SchedulerRescheduleInvalid:array of Int64; Number of times the scheduler reschedule was returned INVALID_THREAD_HANDLE by scheduler select (Should never happen)(One per CPU)
SchedulerMigrationCounter:Int64; Number of times scheduler select invoked a thread migration (CPU 0 only)
SchedulerTerminationCounter:array of Int64; Number of threads destroyed by scheduler reschedule (After termination quantum)(One per CPU)
SchedulerSecondaryWaitCounter:array of Int64; Number of wait cycles performed by secondary CPUs while waiting for init completion (One per CPU)

Lock debug


Spin debug


Mutex debug


Heap manager variables


RTL thread manager variables


Initialization handlers


SpinLock/Unlock handlers


MutexLock/Unlock handlers


CriticalSection Lock/Unlock/TryLock handlers


Semaphore Wait/Signal handlers


Synchronizer Reader/WriterLock/Unlock handlers


Condition Wait/Wake/WakeAll Handlers


Completion Wait/TryWait/Reset/Complete/CompleteAll Handlers


Messageslot send and receive handlers


Mailslot send and receive handlers


Buffer Get/GetEx/Free handlers


Event Wait/Set/Reset/Pulse handlers


Timer Enable/Disable/Check/Trigger handlers


Tasker Check/Trigger handlers


Thread Get/SetCurrent handlers


Scheduler Check/Wakeup/Expire/Select/Switch handlers


Thread SetupStack handlers


Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure LocksInit;
Description: Initialize Locks
Note Called only during system startup

procedure ThreadsInit;
Description: Initialize Threading
Note Called only during system startup

procedure PrimaryInit;
Description: Initialize the primary CPU
Note Called only during system startup

procedure SchedulerInit;
Description: Initialize the thread scheduler
Note Called only during system startup

procedure SchedulerStart(CPUID:LongWord);
Description: Initialize the thread scheduler for secondary CPUs (Where Applicable)
Note Called only during system startup

procedure SecondaryInit;
Description: Initialize the secondary CPUs (Where Applicable)
Note Called only during system startup

procedure SecondaryBoot(CPUID:LongWord);
Description: Boot the specified secondary CPU (Where Applicable)
Note Called only during system startup

procedure SecondaryStart(CPUID:LongWord);
Description: Startup procedure for secondary CPUs (Where Applicable)
Note The Secondary Boot procedure should have already cleared L1 cache, enabled FPU, MMU, Vectors and PageTables before calling this function. The thread Id of the IRQ or FIQ should also have been loaded into the appropriate registers.

Called only during system startup.

function IRQExecute(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: IRQ thread function
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function FIQExecute(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: FIQ thread function
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function SWIExecute(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: SWI thread function
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function IdleExecute(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: Idle thread function
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function MainExecute(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: Main thread function
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function TimerExecute(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: Timer thread function
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function WorkerExecute(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: Worker thread function
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function TimerPriorityExecute(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: Priority Timer thread function
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function WorkerPriorityExecute(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: Priority Worker thread function
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function IdleCalibrate:LongWord;
Description: Calibrate the idle thread loop by counting the number of loops in 100ms
Note Called only during system startup

Spin functions

function SpinCreate:TSpinHandle; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Create and insert a new Spin entry
Return Handle of new Spin entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function SpinCreateEx(InitialOwner:Boolean):TSpinHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Spin entry
InitialOwner If true set the state of the spin to locked and the owner to the current thread
Return Handle of new Spin entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function SpinDestroy(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Spin entry
Spin Handle of Spin entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SpinOwner(Spin:TSpinHandle):TThreadHandle;
Description: Get the current owner of an existing Spin entry
Spin Handle of Spin entry to get owner for
Return Handle of owning thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if not currently owned

function SpinLock(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Lock an existing Spin entry
Spin Handle of Spin entry to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SpinUnlock(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Unlock an existing Spin entry
Spin Handle of Spin entry to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SpinLockIRQ(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Lock an existing Spin entry, disable IRQ and save the previous IRQ state
Spin Handle of Spin entry to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SpinUnlockIRQ(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Unlock an existing Spin entry and restore the previous IRQ state
Spin Handle of Spin entry to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SpinLockFIQ(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Lock an existing Spin entry, disable FIQ and save the previous FIQ state
Spin Handle of Spin entry to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SpinUnlockFIQ(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Unlock an existing Spin entry and restore the previous FIQ state
Spin Handle of Spin entry to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SpinLockIRQFIQ(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Lock an existing Spin entry, disable IRQ and FIQ and save the previous IRQ and FIQ state
Spin Handle of Spin entry to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SpinUnlockIRQFIQ(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Unlock an existing Spin entry and restore the previous IRQ and FIQ state
Spin Handle of Spin entry to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SpinLockPreempt(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Lock an existing Spin entry, disable IRQ or IRQ/FIQ and save the previous IRQ or IRQ/FIQ state
Spin Handle of Spin entry to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note This is a convenience wrapper which determines the appropriate SpinLock call to disable preemption

function SpinUnlockPreempt(Spin:TSpinHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF SPIN_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Unlock an existing Spin entry and restore the previous IRQ or IRQ/FIQ state
Spin Handle of Spin entry to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note This is a convenience wrapper which determines the appropriate SpinUnlock call to enable preemption

function SpinCheckIRQ(Spin:TSpinHandle):Boolean;
Description: Check the mask that stores the previous IRQ state to determine if IRQ is enabled
Spin Handle of Spin entry to check
Return True if the mask would enable IRQ on restore, False if it would not
Note The Spin entry must be locked by the current thread

function SpinCheckFIQ(Spin:TSpinHandle):Boolean;
Description: Check the mask that stores the previous FIQ state to determine if FIQ is enabled
Spin Handle of Spin entry to check
Return True if the mask would enable FIQ on restore, False if it would not
Note The Spin entry must be locked by the current thread

function SpinExchangeIRQ(Spin1,Spin2:TSpinHandle):LongWord;
Description: Exchange the previous IRQ state between two Spin entries
Spin1 Handle of first Spin entry
Spin2 Handle of second Spin entry
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Both Spin entries must be locked by the current thread

function SpinExchangeFIQ(Spin1,Spin2:TSpinHandle):LongWord;
Description: Exchange the previous FIQ state between two Spin entries
Spin1 Handle of first Spin entry
Spin2 Handle of second Spin entry
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Both Spin entries must be locked by the current thread

function SpinLockDefault(SpinEntry:PSpinEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of SpinLock function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use SpinLock instead

function SpinUnlockDefault(SpinEntry:PSpinEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of SpinUnlock function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use SpinUnlock instead

function SpinLockIRQDefault(SpinEntry:PSpinEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of SpinLockIRQ function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use SpinLockIRQ instead

function SpinUnlockIRQDefault(SpinEntry:PSpinEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of SpinUnlockIRQ function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use SpinUnlockIRQ instead

function SpinLockFIQDefault(SpinEntry:PSpinEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of SpinLockFIQ function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use SpinLockFIQ instead

function SpinUnlockFIQDefault(SpinEntry:PSpinEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of SpinUnlockFIQ function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use SpinUnlockFIQ instead

function SpinLockIRQFIQDefault(SpinEntry:PSpinEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of SpinLockIRQFIQ function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use SpinLockIRQFIQ instead

function SpinUnlockIRQFIQDefault(SpinEntry:PSpinEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of SpinUnlockIRQFIQ function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use SpinUnlockIRQFIQ instead

Mutex functions

function MutexCreate:TMutexHandle; {$IFDEF MUTEX_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Create and insert a new Mutex entry
Return Handle of new Mutex entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function MutexCreateEx(InitialOwner:Boolean; SpinCount:LongWord; Flags:LongWord):TMutexHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Mutex entry
InitialOwner If true set the state of the mutex to locked and the owner to the current thread
SpinCount The number of times the mutex will spin before yielding (Always 0 if CPU count equals 1)
Flags The flags for the Mutex entry (eg MUTEX_FLAG_RECURSIVE)
Return Handle of new Mutex entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function MutexDestroy(Mutex:TMutexHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Mutex entry
Mutex Handle of Mutex entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function MutexFlags(Mutex:TMutexHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current flags of an existing Mutex entry
Mutex Handle of Mutex entry to get flags for
Return Current flags or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function MutexCount(Mutex:TMutexHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current lock count of an existing Mutex entry
Mutex Mutex to get count for
Return Current lock count or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error
Note Count is only valid if Flags includes MUTEX_FLAG_RECURSIVE

function MutexOwner(Mutex:TMutexHandle):TThreadHandle;
Description: Get the current owner of an existing Mutex entry
Mutex Handle of Mutex entry to get owner for
Return Handle of owning thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if not currently owned

function MutexLock(Mutex:TMutexHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF MUTEX_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Lock an existing Mutex entry
Mutex Handle of Mutex entry to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function MutexUnlock(Mutex:TMutexHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF MUTEX_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Unlock an existing Mutex entry
Mutex Handle of Mutex entry to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function MutexTryLock(Mutex:TMutexHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF MUTEX_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Try to lock an existing Mutex entry. If the Mutex is not locked then lock it and mark the owner as the current thread. If the Mutex is already locked then return immediately with an error and do not wait for it to be unlocked.
Mutex Mutex to try to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed, ERROR_LOCKED if already locked or another error code on failure

function MutexLockDefault(MutexEntry:PMutexEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of MutexLock function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use MutexLock instead

function MutexUnlockDefault(MutexEntry:PMutexEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of MutexUnlock function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use MutexUnlock instead

function MutexTryLockDefault(MutexEntry:PMutexEntry):LongWord;
Description: Default version of MutexTryLock function used if no handler is registered
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use MutexTryLock instead

Critical section functions

function CriticalSectionCreate:TCriticalSectionHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new CriticalSection entry
Return Handle of new CriticalSection entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function CriticalSectionCreateEx(InitialOwner:Boolean; SpinCount:LongWord):TCriticalSectionHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new CriticalSection entry
CriticalSection If true set the state of the criticalsection to locked and the owner to the current thread
SpinCount The number of times the criticalsection will spin before waiting (Always 0 if CPU count equals 1)
Return Handle of new CriticalSection entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function CriticalSectionDestroy(CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing CriticalSection entry
CriticalSection Handle of CriticalSection entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function CriticalSectionCount(CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current lock count of an existing CriticalSection entry
CriticalSection CriticalSection to get count for
Return Current lock count or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function CriticalSectionOwner(CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle):TThreadHandle;
Description: Get the current owner of an existing CriticalSection entry
CriticalSection CriticalSection to get owner for
Return Handle of owning thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if not currently owned

function CriticalSectionSetSpinCount(CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle; SpinCount:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the spin count of an existing CriticalSection entry
CriticalSection CriticalSection to set spin count for
SpinCount The spin count value to set
Return Current spin count or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function CriticalSectionLock(CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Lock an existing CriticalSection entry
CriticalSection CriticalSection to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the CriticalSection is not locked then lock it, set the count to one and mark the owner as the current thread. If the CriticalSection is already locked by the current thread then increment the count and return immediately. If the CriticalSection is already locked by another thread then wait until it is unlocked.

function CriticalSectionLockEx(CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Lock an existing CriticalSection entry
CriticalSection CriticalSection to lock
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (0 equals do not wait, INFINITE equals wait forever)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the CriticalSection is not locked then lock it, set the count to one and mark the owner as the current thread. If the CriticalSection is already locked by the current thread then increment the count and return immediately. If the CriticalSection is already locked by another thread then wait until it is unlocked.

function CriticalSectionUnlock(CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Unlock an existing CriticalSection entry
CriticalSection CriticalSection to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the CriticalSection is locked by the current thread then decrement the count. If the count is greater than zero then return immediately. If the count reaches zero then unlock the CriticalSection and release the first thread waiting for it to be unlocked. If the CriticalSection is locked by another thread then return an error. If the CriticalSection is not locked then return an error.

function CriticalSectionTryLock(CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Try to lock an existing CriticalSection entry
CriticalSection CriticalSection to try to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed, ERROR_LOCKED if locked by another thread or another error code on failure
Note If the CriticalSection is not locked then lock it, set the count to one and mark the owner as the current thread. If the CriticalSection is already locked by the current thread then increment the count and return immediately. If the CriticalSection is already locked by another thread then return immediately with an error and do not wait for it to be unlocked.

Semaphore functions

function SemaphoreCreate(Count:LongWord):TSemaphoreHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Semaphore entry
Count The initial count of the Semaphore (Must be greater than or equal to zero)
Return Handle of new Semaphore entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function SemaphoreCreateEx(Count,Maximum:LongWord; Flags:LongWord):TSemaphoreHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Semaphore entry
Count The initial count of the Semaphore (Must be greater than or equal to zero)
Maximum The maximum count of the Semaphore (Must be greater than one)
Flags The flags for the Semaphore entry (eg SEMAPHORE_FLAG_IRQ)
Return Handle of new Semaphore entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function SemaphoreDestroy(Semaphore:TSemaphoreHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Semaphore entry
Semaphore Handle of Semaphore entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SemaphoreCount(Semaphore:TSemaphoreHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current count of an existing Semaphore entry
Semaphore Semaphore to get count for
Return Current count or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function SemaphoreWait(Semaphore:TSemaphoreHandle):LongWord;
Description: Wait on an existing Semaphore entry
Semaphore Semaphore to wait on
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Semaphore count is greater than zero it will be decremented and this function will return immediately. If the Semaphore count is zero the current thread will be put on a wait queue until the Semaphore is signalled by another thread calling SemaphoreSignal() or SemaphoreSignalEx().

function SemaphoreWaitEx(Semaphore:TSemaphoreHandle; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Wait on an existing Semaphore entry
Semaphore Semaphore to wait on
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (0 equals do not wait, INFINITE equals wait forever)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Semaphore count is greater than zero it will be decremented and this function will return immediately. If the Semaphore count is zero the current thread will be put on a wait queue until the Semaphore is signalled by another thread calling SemaphoreSignal() or SemaphoreSignalEx().

function SemaphoreSignal(Semaphore:TSemaphoreHandle):LongWord;
Description: Signal an existing Semaphore entry
Semaphore Semaphore to signal
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If any threads are waiting on the Semaphore then one thread will be woken up and placed on the ready queue. If no threads are waiting then the Semaphore count will be incremented by one.

function SemaphoreSignalEx(Semaphore:TSemaphoreHandle; Count:LongWord; Previous:PLongWord):LongWord;
Description: Signal an existing Semaphore entry one or more times
Semaphore Semaphore to signal
Count The number is times to signal the Semaphore, must be greater than zero.
Previous A pointer to a value that receives the previous count of the Semaphore. Can be nil if the previous count is not required.
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If any threads are waiting on the Semaphore then one thread will be woken up and placed on the ready queue for each iteration of the count passed. If no threads are waiting then the Semaphore count will be incremented once for each iteration of the count passed.

Synchronizer functions

function SynchronizerCreate:TSynchronizerHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Synchronizer entry
Return Handle of new Synchronizer entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function SynchronizerCreateEx(InitialReader,InitialWriter:Boolean):TSynchronizerHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Synchronizer entry
InitialReader If true set the state of the synchronizer to locked and the reader count to 1
InitialWriter If true set the state of the synchronizer to locked and the writer owner to the current thread
Return Handle of new Synchronizer entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function SynchronizerDestroy(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Synchronizer entry
Synchronizer Handle of Synchronizer entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SynchronizerReaderCount(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current reader count of an existing Synchronizer entry
Synchronizer Synchronizer to get count for
Return Current reader count or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function SynchronizerReaderLast(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):TThreadHandle;
Description: Get the last reader thread of an existing Synchronizer entry
Synchronizer Synchronizer to last reader for
Return Last reader thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function SynchronizerReaderLock(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):LongWord;
Description: Lock an existing Synchronizer entry for reading
Synchronizer Synchronizer to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Synchronizer is not locked then lock it and set the reader count to one. If the Synchronizer is already locked for reading then increment the reader count and return immediately. If the Synchronizer is already locked for writing then wait until it is unlocked.

function SynchronizerReaderLockEx(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Lock an existing Synchronizer entry for reading
Synchronizer Synchronizer to lock
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (0 equals do not wait, INFINITE equals wait forever)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Synchronizer is not locked then lock it and set the reader count to one. If the Synchronizer is already locked for reading then increment the reader count and return immediately. If the Synchronizer is already locked for writing then wait until it is unlocked.

function SynchronizerReaderUnlock(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):LongWord;
Description: Unlock an existing Synchronizer entry
Synchronizer Synchronizer to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Synchronizer is locked for reading then decrement the count. If the count is greater than zero then return immediately. If the count reaches zero then unlock the Synchronizer and release the first writer thread waiting for it to be unlocked. If the Synchronizer is locked for writing then return an error. If the Synchronizer is not locked then return an error.

function SynchronizerReaderConvert(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):LongWord;
Description: Convert a reader lock on an existing Synchronizer entry to a writer lock
Synchronizer Synchronizer to convert
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Synchronizer is locked for reading then decrement the count. If the count is greater than zero then wait to acquire the writer lock. If the count reaches zero then convert to writer lock with the current thread as the owner. If the Synchronizer is locked for writing then return an error. If the Synchronizer is not locked then return an error. Since reader locks are recursive but do not maintain reader thread ownership, caller must ensure that one and only one reader lock is held by the current thread.

function SynchronizerReaderConvertEx(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Convert a reader lock on an existing Synchronizer entry to a writer lock
Synchronizer Synchronizer to convert
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (0 equals do not wait, INFINITE equals wait forever)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Synchronizer is locked for reading then decrement the count. If the count is greater than zero then wait to acquire the writer lock. If the count reaches zero then convert to writer lock with the current thread as the owner. If the Synchronizer is locked for writing then return an error. If the Synchronizer is not locked then return an error. Since reader locks are recursive but do not maintain reader thread ownership, caller must ensure that one and only one reader lock is held by the current thread.

function SynchronizerWriterCount(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current writer count of an existing Synchronizer entry
Synchronizer Synchronizer to get count for
Return Current writer count or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function SynchronizerWriterOwner(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):TThreadHandle;
Description: Get the current writer owner of an existing Synchronizer entry
Synchronizer Synchronizer to get owner for
Return Handle of owning thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if not currently owned

function SynchronizerWriterLock(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):LongWord;
Description: Lock an existing Synchronizer entry for writing
Synchronizer Synchronizer to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Synchronizer is not locked then lock it, set the writer count to one and mark the owner as the current thread. If the Synchronizer is already locked by the current thread then increment the writer count and return immediately. If the Synchronizer is already locked for reading then wait until it is unlocked.

function SynchronizerWriterLockEx(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Lock an existing Synchronizer entry for writing
Synchronizer Synchronizer to lock
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (0 equals do not wait, INFINITE equals wait forever)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Synchronizer is not locked then lock it, set the writer count to one and mark the owner as the current thread. If the Synchronizer is already locked by the current thread then increment the writer count and return immediately. If the Synchronizer is already locked for reading then wait until it is unlocked.

function SynchronizerWriterUnlock(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):LongWord;
Description: Unlock an existing Synchronizer entry
Synchronizer Synchronizer to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Synchronizer is locked for writing by the current thread then decrement the count. If the count is greater than zero then return immediately. If the count reaches zero then unlock the Synchronizer and release all reader threads waiting for it to be unlocked or the first writer thread waiting for it to be unlocked. If the Synchronizer is locked for reading then return an error. If the Synchronizer is locked for writing by another thread then return an error. If the Synchronizer is not locked then return an error.

function SynchronizerWriterConvert(Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle):LongWord;
Description: Convert a writer lock on an existing Synchronizer entry to a reader lock
Synchronizer Synchronizer to convert
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the Synchronizer is locked for writing by the current thread and the count is one then decrement the count. If the count is greater than one then return an error. If the count reaches zero then convert to reader lock and release all waiting reader threads. If the Synchronizer is locked for reading then return an error. If the Synchronizer is not locked then return an error. Since writer locks are recursive, caller must ensure that one and only one writer lock is held by the current thread.

Condition functions

function ConditionCreate:TConditionHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Condition entry
Return Handle of new Condition entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function ConditionDestroy(Condition:TConditionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Condition entry
Condition Handle of Condition entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ConditionWait(Condition:TConditionHandle; Timeout:LongWord = INFINITE):LongWord;
Description: Wait on an existing Condition
Condition Condition to wait on
Timeout Time in milliseconds to wait to be woken

0 = No Wait
INFINITE = Wait Indefinitely

Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ConditionWaitMutex(Condition:TConditionHandle; Mutex:TMutexHandle; Timeout:LongWord = INFINITE):LongWord;
Description: Release a Mutex and Wait on an existing Condition in an atomic operation
Condition Condition to wait on
Mutex Mutex to release
Timeout Time in milliseconds to wait to be woken

0 = No Wait
INFINITE = Wait Indefinitely

Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure.

Before returning (with either success or failure) the thread will reacquire the Mutex.

Note Caller must be the owner of the Mutex with a count of one on entry to this function

function ConditionWaitSynchronizer(Condition:TConditionHandle; Synchronizer:TSynchronizerHandle; Flags:LongWord; Timeout:LongWord = INFINITE):LongWord;
Description: Release a Synchronizer and Wait on an existing Condition in an atomic operation
Condition Condition to wait on
Synchronizer Synchronizer to release
Flags Flags to indicate reader or writer lock for the Synchronizer (eg CONDITION_LOCK_FLAG_WRITER)
Timeout Time in milliseconds to wait to be woken

0 = No Wait
INFINITE = Wait Indefinitely

Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure.

Before returning (with either success or failure) the thread will reacquire the Synchronizer for either reading or writing depending on the flags value.

Note Caller must be the owner of the Synchronizer with a count of one on entry to this function and the ownership must match the flags value provided.

function ConditionWaitCriticalSection(Condition:TConditionHandle; CriticalSection:TCriticalSectionHandle; Timeout:LongWord = INFINITE):LongWord;
Description: Release a Critical Section and Wait on an existing Condition in an atomic operation
Condition Condition to wait on
CriticalSection Critical Section to release
Timeout Time in milliseconds to wait to be woken

0 = No Wait
INFINITE = Wait Indefinitely

Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure.

Before returning (with either success or failure) the thread will reacquire the Synchronizer for either reading or writing depending on the flags value.

Note Caller must be the owner of the Critical Section with a count of one on entry to this function.

function ConditionWake(Condition:TConditionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Wake one thread waiting on an existing Condition
Condition Condition to wake
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ConditionWakeAll(Condition:TConditionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Wake all threads waiting on an existing Condition
Condition Condition to wake
Note ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

Completion functions

function CompletionLock(Completion:PCompletionEntry):LongWord; {$IFDEF COMPLETION_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Internal function to lock an existing Completion entry based on the entry flags
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function CompletionUnlock(Completion:PCompletionEntry):LongWord; {$IFDEF COMPLETION_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Internal function to unlock an existing Completion entry based on the entry flags
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

function CompletionCreate(Flags:LongWord = COMPLETION_FLAG_NONE):TCompletionHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Completion entry
Flags The flags for the Completion entry (eg COMPLETION_FLAG_IRQ)
Return Handle of new Completion entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function CompletionDestroy(Completion:TCompletionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Completion entry
Completion Handle of Completion entry to destroy
Destroy ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function CompletionState(Completion:TCompletionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current state of an existing Completion entry
Completion Completion to get the state for

function CompletionWait(Completion:TCompletionHandle; Timeout:LongWord = INFINITE):LongWord;
Description: Wait on an existing Completion
Completion Completion to wait on
Timeout Time in milliseconds to wait to be woken

0 = No Wait
INFINITE = Wait Indefinitely

Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the completion is set (complete) then return immediately with success. If the completion is not set then wait for it to be completed before returning. For counted completions, decrement the count if it is not 0 or -1 after testing if the completion is set.

function CompletionTryWait(Completion:TCompletionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Try an existing Completion to see if it is completed
Completion Completion to try
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed, ERROR_NOT_READY if not completed or another error code on failure
Note If the completion is not set (complete) then return immediately with an error and do not wait for it to be completed.

function CompletionReset(Completion:TCompletionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Reset (uncomplete) the state of an existing Completion entry
Completion Completion to reset the state for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the completion is not set then return with no action. If the completion is set then change the state to not set. For counted completions, reset the counter to 0.

function CompletionComplete(Completion:TCompletionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Set (complete) the state of an existing Completion entry
Completion Completion to set the state for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the completion is already set then return with no action. If the completion is not set then release one waiting thread (if any) and return. For counted completions, release one waiting thread, if there are no waiting threads increment the count if it is not -1 and return.

function CompletionCompleteAll(Completion:TCompletionHandle):LongWord;
Description: Set (complete) the state of an existing Completion entry
Completion Completion to set the state for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If the completion is already set then return with no action. If the completion is not set then release all waiting threads (if any) and return. For counted completions, set the count to -1, release all waiting threads (if any) and return.

List functions

function ListCreate:TListHandle; {$IFDEF LIST_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Create and insert a new List entry
Return Handle of new List entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function ListCreateEx(ListType:LongWord; Flags:LongWord):TListHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new List entry
ListType Type of list to create (eg LIST_TYPE_WAIT_SEMAPHORE)
Flags Flags for the new list (eg LIST_FLAG_IRQ)
Return Handle of new List entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function ListDestroy(List:TListHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing List entry
List Handle of List entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListCount(List:TListHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current count from the supplied list
List Handle of List entry to get from
Return List count on success or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ListAddFirst(List:TListHandle; Element:PListElement):LongWord;
Description: Add the supplied element as the first item in the List
List Handle of List entry to add to
Element The list element to be added
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListAddLast(List:TListHandle; Element:PListElement):LongWord;
Description: Add the supplied element as the last item in the List
List Handle of List entry to add to
Element The list element to be added
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListGetThread(List:TListHandle; Thread:TThreadHandle):PListElement;
Description: Find the supplied thread in the List and return its element
List Handle of List entry to find from
Thread The thread handle to be found
Return List element on success, nil on failure or list empty
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListGetFirst(List:TListHandle):PListElement;
Description: Get the first element from the List
List Handle of List entry to get from
Return List element on success, nil on failure or list empty
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListGetFirstEx(List:TListHandle; Remove:Boolean):PListElement;
Description: Get the first element from the List
List Handle of List entry to get from
Remove If true then remove the element from the list
Return List element on success, nil on failure or list empty
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListGetLast(List:TListHandle):PListElement;
Description: Get the last element from the List
List Handle of List entry to get from
Return List element on success, nil on failure or list empty
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListGetLastEx(List:TListHandle; Remove:Boolean):PListElement;
Description: Get the last element from the List
List Handle of List entry to get from
Remove If true then remove the element from the list
Return List element on success, nil on failure or list empty
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListInsert(List:TListHandle; Previous,Element:PListElement):LongWord;
Description: Insert a new element in the List
List Handle of List entry to insert into
Previous The element to insert the new element after
Element The list element to be inserted
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListRemove(List:TListHandle; Element:PListElement):LongWord;
Description: Remove an element from the List
List Handle of List entry to remove from
Element The list element to be removed
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListIsEmpty(List:TListHandle):Boolean;
Description: Check if the supplied List is empty
List Handle of List entry to check
Return True if List is empty or does not exist, False if List is not empty
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListNotEmpty(List:TListHandle):Boolean;
Description: Check if the supplied List is empty
List Handle of List entry to check
Return True if List is not empty, False if List is empty or does not exist
Note If list is part of a synchronisation object then caller must hold the lock on the object containing the list

function ListLock(List:TListHandle):LongWord;
Description: Lock the supplied List
List Handle of List entry to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ListUnlock(List:TListHandle):LongWord;
Description: Unlock the supplied List
List Handle of List entry to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ListLock(List:TListHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF LIST_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Lock the supplied List
List Handle of List entry to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ListUnlock(List:TListHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF LIST_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Unlock the supplied List
List Handle of List entry to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

Queue functions

function QueueCreate:TQueueHandle; {$IFDEF QUEUE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Create and insert a new Queue entry
Return Handle of new Queue entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function QueueCreateEx(QueueType:LongWord; Flags:LongWord):TQueueHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Queue entry}
QueueType Type of queue to create (eg QUEUE_TYPE_SCHEDULE_SLEEP)
Flags Flags for the new queue (eg QUEUE_FLAG_DESCENDING)
Return Handle of new Queue entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function QueueDestroy(Queue:TQueueHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Queue entry
Queue Handle of Queue entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function QueueCount(Queue:TQueueHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current count from the supplied queue
List Handle of Queue entry to get from
Return Queue count on success or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function QueueEnqueue(Queue:TQueueHandle; Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Add the supplied thread as the last item in the Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to add to
Thread Handle of the Thread to enqueue
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If queue is a scheduler queue then caller must hold the lock on the thread

function QueueDequeue(Queue:TQueueHandle):TThreadHandle;
Description: Get and remove the first thread from the Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to get from
Return Handle of dequeued Thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function QueueFirstKey(Queue:TQueueHandle):Integer;
Description: Get the first Key value from the Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to get from
Return First Key value from queue or QUEUE_KEY_NONE on failure

function QueueLastKey(Queue:TQueueHandle):Integer;
Description: Get the last Key value from the Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to get from
Return Last Key value from queue or QUEUE_KEY_NONE on failure

function QueueInsertKey(Queue:TQueueHandle; Thread:TThreadHandle; Key:Integer):LongWord;
Description: Insert the supplied thread in the Queue ordered based on Key and the flags of the Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to insert into
Thread Handle of thread to be inserted
Key The key to order the insertion on
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If queue is a scheduler queue then caller must hold the lock on the thread}

function QueueDeleteKey(Queue:TQueueHandle; Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Delete the supplied thread from the Queue based on the flags of the Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to delete from
Thread Handle of thread to be deleted
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note If queue is a scheduler queue then caller must hold the lock on the thread

function QueueIncrementKey(Queue:TQueueHandle):Integer;
Description: Increment the first Key value in the Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to increment in
Return First Key value in queue after increment or QUEUE_KEY_NONE on failure

function QueueDecrementKey(Queue:TQueueHandle):Integer;
Description: Decrement the first Key value in the Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to decrement in
Return First Key value in queue after decrement or QUEUE_KEY_NONE on failure

function QueueIsEmpty(Queue:TQueueHandle):Boolean;
Description: Check if the supplied Queue is empty
Queue Handle of Queue entry to check
Return True if Queue is empty or does not exist, False if Queue is not empty

function QueueNotEmpty(Queue:TQueueHandle):Boolean;
Description: Check if the supplied Queue is not empty
Queue Handle of Queue entry to check
Return True if Queue is not empty, False if Queue is empty or does not exist

function QueueLock(Queue:TQueueHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF QUEUE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Lock the supplied Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function QueueUnlock(Queue:TQueueHandle):LongWord; {$IFDEF QUEUE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
Description: Unlock the supplied Queue
Queue Handle of Queue entry to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

Thread functions

function ThreadCreate(StartProc:TThreadStart; StackSize,Priority:LongWord; Name:PChar; Parameter:Pointer):TThreadHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Thread entry
StartProc Procedure address where the thread will start running
StackSize Stack size in bytes
Priority Thread priority (eg THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)
Name Name of the thread
Parameter Parameter passed to StartProc of new thread
Return Handle of new thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if a new thread could not be created
Note The new thread will be created suspended so it will not start running until it is scheduled with either ThreadReady or ThreadResume. Calls ThreadCreateEx with: Affinity = SCHEDULER_CPU_MASK (Run on any available CPU) CPU = SchedulerThreadNext (Assign to next CPU in round robin).
Warning ThreadCreate and ThreadCreateEx are only used internally by SysBeginThread and SysBeginThreadEx. These functions do not handle setting up certain RTL functionality such as thread variables, exceptions and standard input/output handles. If you need to create a standard thread use either BeginThread (or BeginThreadEx) or use the TThread class and its descendants. Only use ThreadCreate and ThreadCreateEx if you need to modify the thread creation behaviour and understand that you also need to handle the additional RTL setup.

function ThreadCreateEx(StartProc:TThreadStart; StackSize,Priority,Affinity,CPU:LongWord; Name:PChar; Parameter:Pointer):TThreadHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Thread entry
StartProc Procedure address where the thread will start running
StackSize Stack size in bytes
Priority Thread priority (eg THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)
Affinity Thread affinity (eg CPU_AFFINITY_ALL)
CPU The CPU to assign new thread to
Name Name of the thread
Parameter Parameter passed to StartProc of new thread
Return Handle of new thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if a new thread could not be created
Note The new thread will be created suspended so it will not start running until it is scheduled with either ThreadReady or ThreadResume.
Warning ThreadCreate and ThreadCreateEx are only used internally by SysBeginThread and SysBeginThreadEx. These functions do not handle setting up certain RTL functionality such as thread variables, exceptions and standard input/output handles. If you need to create a standard thread use either BeginThread (or BeginThreadEx) or use the TThread class or its descendants. Only use ThreadCreate and ThreadCreateEx if you need to modify the thread creation behaviour and understand that you also need to handle the additional RTL setup

function ThreadDestroy(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Thread entry
Thread Handle of thread to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadGetCurrent:TThreadHandle; inline;
Description: Get the Handle of currently executing thread
Return Thread handle of the currently running thread

function ThreadSetCurrent(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Handle of currently executing thread
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Must not be called except during initialization

function ThreadGetName(Thread:TThreadHandle):String;
Description: Get the name of a Thread}
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Name of thread or empty string on failure

function ThreadSetName(Thread:TThreadHandle; const Name:String):LongWord;
Description: Set the name of a Thread
Thread Handle of thread to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadGetCPU(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current CPU of a thread (eg CPU_ID_0)
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return CPU of the thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadSetCPU(Thread:TThreadHandle; CPU:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the current CPU of a thread (eg CPU_ID_0)
Thread Handle of thread to set
CPU New thread CPU (eg CPU_ID_0)
Return Previous CPU of thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure
Note The new CPU will not take affect until the thread is next rescheduled

function ThreadGetState(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current state of a thread (eg THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED)
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return State of the thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadGetFlags(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current flags of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Flags of the thread (eg THREAD_FLAG_PERSIST) or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadSetFlags(Thread:TThreadHandle; Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the current flags of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to set
Flags Flags to set (eg THREAD_FLAG_PERSIST)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadAddFlags(Thread:TThreadHandle; Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Add flags to the current flags of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to add flags for
Flags Flags to add (eg THREAD_FLAG_PERSIST)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadRemoveFlags(Thread:TThreadHandle; Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Remove flags from the current flags of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to remove flags from
Flags Flags to remove (eg THREAD_FLAG_PERSIST)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadGetLocale(Thread:TThreadHandle):LCID;
Description: Get the current locale of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Locale of the thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadSetLocale(Thread:TThreadHandle; Locale:LCID):LongWord;
Description: Set the locale of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to set
Locale Locale Id to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadGetTimes(Thread:TThreadHandle; var CreateTime,ExitTime,KernelTime:Int64):LongWord;
Description: Get the current times of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
CreateTime Buffer to receive the CreateTime value
ExitTime Buffer to receive the ExitTime value
KernelTime Buffer to receive the KernelTime value
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadGetSwitchCount(Thread:TThreadHandle; var SwitchCount:Int64):LongWord;
Description: Get the current context switch count of a thread (How many times the thread has been scheduled)
Thread Handle of thread to get
SwitchCount Buffer to receive the SwitchCount value
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadGetStackFree:LongWord;
Description: Get the free stack size of the current thread
Return Free stack size of the current thread or 0 on error
Note No lock required as only ever called by the thread itself

function ThreadGetStackSize(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the current stack size of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Stack size of the thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadGetStackBase(Thread:TThreadHandle):PtrUInt;
Description: Get the current stack base of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Stack base of the thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadSetStackBase(Thread:TThreadHandle; StackBase:PtrUInt):LongWord;
Description: Set the current stack base of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to set
StackBase Stack base to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Must not be called except during initialization

function ThreadGetStackPointer(Thread:TThreadHandle):PtrUInt;
Description: Get the current stack pointer of a thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Stack pointer of the thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadGetExitCode(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the exit code of a Thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Exit code of thread, STILL_ACTIVE if the thread has not terminated or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadGetAffinity(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the scheduling affinity of a Thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Affinity of thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadSetAffinity(Thread:TThreadHandle; Affinity:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the scheduling affinity of a Thread
Thread Handle of thread to set
Affinity New thread affinity (eg CPU_AFFINITY_0)
Return Previous affinity of thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure
Note The new affinity will not take affect until the thread is next rescheduled

function ThreadGetPriority(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the scheduling priority of a Thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Priority of thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function ThreadSetPriority(Thread:TThreadHandle; Priority:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the scheduling priority of a Thread
Thread Handle of thread to set
Priority New thread priority (eg THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL)
Return Previous priority of thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure
Note The new priority will not take affect until the thread is next rescheduled

function ThreadGetLastError:LongWord;
Description: Get the last error value for the current Thread
Return Last Error of thread or ERROR_SUCCESS if no error
Note No lock required as only ever called by the thread itself

procedure ThreadSetLastError(LastError:LongWord);
Description: Set the last error value for the current Thread
Note No lock required as only ever called by the thread itself

function ThreadSetLastErrorEx(LastError:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the last error value for the current Thread
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note No lock required as only ever called by the thread itself

function ThreadGetWaitResult:LongWord;
Description: Get the result of the last wait timeout for the current Thread
Return Result of last wait timeout or ERROR_SUCCESS if no error
Note No lock required as only ever called by the thread itself

function ThreadGetReceiveResult:LongWord;
Description: Get the result of the last receive timeout for the current Thread
Return Result of last receive timeout or ERROR_SUCCESS if no error
Note No lock required as only ever called by the thread itself

function ThreadGetTlsIndex(TlsIndex:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Get the current status of a TLS index in the TLS index table
TlsIndex The TLS index to get the status for
Return THREAD_TLS_FREE if unused, THREAD_TLS_USED if in use or THREAD_TLS_INVALID on error
Note No lock required as only ever reads from the table

function ThreadAllocTlsIndex:LongWord; inline;
Description: Allocate a TLS index in the TLS index table
Return Allocated TLS index or TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES on failure

function ThreadAllocTlsIndexEx(Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Allocate a TLS index in the TLS index table
Flags The flags to apply to the TLS index entries (eg THREAD_TLS_FLAG_FREE)
Return Allocated TLS index or TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES on failure

function ThreadReleaseTlsIndex(TlsIndex:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Deallocate a TLS index from the TLS index table
TlsIndex The TLS index to deallocate
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadGetTlsValue(TlsIndex:LongWord):Pointer;
Description: Get the pointer associated with the TLS index for the current thread
Return Pointer for the specified TLS index or nil if not set or on error
Note No lock required as only ever called by the thread itself

function ThreadSetTlsValue(TlsIndex:LongWord; TlsValue:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Set the pointer associated with the TLS index for the current thread
TlsIndex The TLS index to get the pointer for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note No lock required as only ever called by the thread itself

function ThreadGetTlsPointer(Thread:TThreadHandle):Pointer;
Description: Get the RTL TLS (Thread Local Storage) pointer of a Thread
Thread Handle of thread to get
Return Pointer to the RTL TLS of thread or nil on failure

function ThreadSetTlsPointer(Thread:TThreadHandle; TlsPointer:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Set the RTL TLS (Thread Local Storage) pointer of a Thread
Thread Handle of thread to set
TlsPointer Pointer value to set (Can be nil to clear the pointer)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadReady(Thread:TThreadHandle; Reschedule:Boolean):LongWord;
Description: Place the supplied Thread on the ready queue
Thread Handle of thread to make ready
Reschedule If True then call SchedulerReschedule
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note When called by the scheduler, thread has already been removed from the sleep queue

function ThreadTimeout(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Place the supplied Thread on the ready queue after a timeout waiting on a resource
Thread Handle of thread to make ready
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note When called by the scheduler, thread has already been removed from the timeout queue

function ThreadWake(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Remove a thread prematurely from the sleep or timeout queues
Thread Handle of thread to remove
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note A thread that was sleeping will simply return early. A thread that was waiting or receiving with a timeout will return with the error WAIT_TIMEOUT. A thread that was waiting or receiving with INFINITE timeout will return with the error WAIT_ABANDONED.

function ThreadMigrate(Thread:TThreadHandle; CPU:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Migrate a thread to a new CPU
Thread Handle of thread to migrate
CPU New CPU for the thread
Return Previous CPU of thread or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

procedure ThreadEnd(ExitCode:LongWord);
Description: Terminate the current Thread
ExitCode The return code of the thread

function ThreadHalt(ExitCode:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Halt the current thread so it will never be rescheduled
ExitCode The return code of the thread
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Normally only called due to an unhandled exception etc so that the thread is put to sleep permanently without being terminated

function ThreadTerminate(Thread:TThreadHandle; ExitCode:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Terminate but do not destroy the supplied Thread
Thread Handle of thread to terminate
ExitCode The return code of the thread
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note The terminated thread is placed on the termination queue until any threads waiting on it have been released

function ThreadYield:LongWord;
Description: Make the current thread yield the processor (Same as ThreadSleep(0))
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadSleep(Milliseconds:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Place the current thread on the sleep queue for a specified number of milliseconds
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Milliseconds Number of milliseconds to sleep

function ThreadWait(List:TListHandle; Lock:TSpinHandle; Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Put the current thread into a wait state on the supplied list
List Handle of List entry to put thread into
Lock Handle of Lock to release before going into wait state
Flags Flag to indicate which unlock method to use
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Caller must hold the lock on the synchronisation object containing the list

function ThreadWaitEx(List:TListHandle; Lock:TSpinHandle; Flags,Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Put the current thread into a wait state with timeout on the supplied list
List Handle of List entry to put thread into
Lock Handle of Lock to release before going into wait state
Flags Flag to indicate which unlock method to use
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (INFINITE equals wait forever)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Caller must hold the lock on the synchronisation object containing the list

function ThreadRelease(List:TListHandle):LongWord;
Description: Release the first thread waiting on the supplied list
List Handle of List entry to release thread from
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Caller must hold the lock on the synchronisation object containing the list

function ThreadAbandon(List:TListHandle):LongWord;
Description: Release the first thread waiting on the supplied list and return with WAIT_ABANDONED
List Handle of List entry to release thread from
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Caller must hold the lock on the synchronisation object containing the list

function ThreadWaitTerminate(Thread:TThreadHandle; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Make the current thread wait until the specified thread has terminated
Thread Handle of the thread to wait on
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (0 equals do not wait, INFINITE equals wait forever)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note The wait can be abandoned by calling ThreadWake with the handle of the waiting thread

function ThreadSuspend(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Suspend a thread, placing it in hibernation
Thread Handle of thread to suspend
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Suspending a thread from another thread is not safe unless specific precautions are taken to prevent deadlocks. It is normally safe for a thread to suspend itself as long as it releases any locks it is holding that may be required by other threads before suspending.

function ThreadResume(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Resume a suspended thread, making it ready
Thread Handle of thread to resume
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadWaitMessage:LongWord;
Description: Make the current thread wait until a message is received (indefinitely)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note The received message is not removed from the message list

function ThreadSendMessage(Thread:TThreadHandle; const Message:TMessage):LongWord;
Description: Send a message to another thread
Thread Handle of thread to send to
Message Contents of message to send
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadReceiveMessage(var Message:TMessage):LongWord;
Description: Make the current thread wait to receive a message (indefinitely)
Message The received message if successful, undefined on error
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadReceiveMessageEx(var Message:TMessage; Timeout:LongWord; Remove:Boolean):LongWord;
Description: Make the current thread wait to receive a message
Message The received message if successful, undefined on error
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (0 equals do not wait, INFINITE equals wait forever)
Remove If true then remove the received message from the message list
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ThreadAbandonMessage(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Tell another thread to abandon waiting for a message
Thread Handle of thread to abandon waiting
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note The waiting thread will return with ERROR_WAIT_ABANDONED or ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT

function ThreadLock(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Lock a thread allowing access to internal structures such as the thread stack
Thread Handle of thread to lock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Locking a thread will also disable IRQ or FIQ depending on scheduler settings. The lock should only be held for the briefest time possible.

function ThreadUnlock(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;
Description: Unlock a thread that was locked by ThreadLock
Thread Handle of thread to unlock
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Locking a thread will also disable IRQ or FIQ depending on scheduler settings. The lock should only be held for the briefest time possible.

procedure ThreadTimer(Data:Pointer);
Description: Procedure called internally to process terminated threads
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

Scheduler functions

function SchedulerCheck(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Check if the sleep queue is empty, if not then decrement the first key. Note: Then check if the timeout queue is empty, if not then decrement the first key. If either key reaches zero, return success to indicate there are threads to be woken or threads whose timeout has expired. Finally check if the termination queue is empty, if not then decrement the first key. Items will be removed from the termination queue by SchedulerReschedule.
CPUID The ID of the current CPU
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if either first key is zero, ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS if both queues are empty or another error code on failure
Note Called by scheduler interrupt with IRQ or FIQ disabled and running on the IRQ or FIQ thread

function SchedulerWakeup(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Remove all threads from the sleep queue that have no more time to sleep. Note: Threads will be placed back on the ready queue for rescheduling.
CPUID The ID of the current CPU
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Called by scheduler interrupt with IRQ or FIQ disabled and running on the IRQ or FIQ thread

function SchedulerExpire(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Remove all threads from the timeout queue that have no more time to wait. Note: Threads will be placed back on the ready queue for rescheduling but will return with an error indicating the timeout expired.
CPUID The ID of the current CPU
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Called by scheduler interrupt with IRQ or FIQ disabled and running on the IRQ or FIQ thread

function SchedulerSwitch(CPUID:LongWord; Thread:TThreadHandle):TThreadHandle;
Description: Perform a preemptive thread switch operation under an interrupt handler. Note: The next thread to run will be selected based on remaining quantum of the current thread, ready threads at higher priority levels and scheduler priority quantum for fair scheduling of lower priority threads.
CPUID The ID of the current CPU
Thread The handle of the currently running thread (Before IRQ or FIQ occurred)
Return The handle of the current thread which may be the old thread or a new thread
Note Called by scheduler interrupt with IRQ or FIQ disabled and running on the IRQ or FIQ thread

function SchedulerSelect(CPUID:LongWord; Thread:TThreadHandle; Yield:Boolean):TThreadHandle;
Description: Select the next thread to be run based on state, yield, quantum and priority
CPUID The ID of the current CPU
Thread The handle of the currently running thread (Before IRQ or FIQ occurred or when Reschedule was called)
Yield True if the current thread is giving up its remaining time slice
Return The handle of the next thread to run or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on no selection or error
Note Called either by scheduler interrupt with IRQ or FIQ disabled and running on the IRQ or FIQ thread. Or by scheduler reschedule with IRQ or FIQ disabled and running on the current thread. Caller must either hold a lock on the current thread or have disabled IRQ or FIQ.

function SchedulerReschedule(Yield:Boolean):LongWord;
Description: Perform a thread switch operation when a thread yields, sleeps or waits. Note: The next thread to run will be selected based on whether the current thread is yielding or no longer ready, remaining quantum of the current thread, ready threads at higher priority levels and scheduler priority quantum for fair scheduling of lower priority threads.
Yield True if the current thread is giving up its remaining time slice
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Called by the currently running thread to force a reschedule before sleeping, waiting etc

function SchedulerMigrationEnable:LongWord;
Description: Enable scheduler thread migration
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SchedulerMigrationDisable:LongWord;
Description: Disable scheduler thread migration
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SchedulerPreemptEnable(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Enable thread preemption for the specified CPU
CPUID The ID of the CPU to enable for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SchedulerPreemptDisable(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Disable thread preemption for the specified CPU
CPUID The ID of the CPU to disable for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SchedulerAllocationEnable(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Enable thread allocation for the specified CPU
CPUID The ID of the CPU to enable for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SchedulerAllocationDisable(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Disable thread allocation for the specified CPU
CPUID The ID of the CPU to disable for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

Messageslot functions

function MessageslotCreate:TMessageslotHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Messageslot entry
Return Handle of new Messageslot entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function MessageslotCreateEx(Maximum:LongWord; Flags:LongWord):TMessageslotHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Messageslot entry
Maximum Maximum number of messages allowed for the Messageslot (Must be greater than zero)
Flags The flags for the Messageslot entry (eg MESSAGESLOT_FLAG_IRQ)
Return Handle of new Messageslot entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function MessageslotDestroy(Messageslot:TMessageslotHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Messageslot entry
Messageslot Handle of Messageslot entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function MessageslotCount(Messageslot:TMessageslotHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the number of available messages in a Messageslot entry
Messageslot Messageslot to get from
Return Number of messages or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function MessageslotSend(Messageslot:TMessageslotHandle; const Message:TMessage):LongWord;
Description: Send a message to a Messageslot
Messageslot Messageslot to send to
Message Contents of message to send
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function MessageslotReceive(Messageslot:TMessageslotHandle; var Message:TMessage):LongWord;
Description: Receive a message from a Messageslot
Messageslot Messageslot to receive from
Message The received message if successful, undefined on error
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function MessageslotReceiveEx(Messageslot:TMessageslotHandle; var Message:TMessage; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Receive a message from a Messageslot
Messageslot Messageslot to receive from
Message The received message if successful, undefined on error
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (0 equals do not wait, INFINITE equals wait forever)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

Mailslot functions

function MailslotCreate(Maximum:LongWord):TMailslotHandle;
Description: Create and insert a new Mailslot entry
Maximum Maximum number of messages allowed for the Mailslot (Must be greater than zero)
Return Handle of new Mailslot entry or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if entry could not be created

function MailslotDestroy(Mailslot:TMailslotHandle):LongWord;
Description: Destroy and remove an existing Mailslot entry
Mailslot Handle of Mailslot entry to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function MailslotCount(Mailslot:TMailslotHandle):LongWord;
Description: Get the number of available messages in a Mailslot entry
Mailslot Mailslot to get from
Return Number of messages or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function MailslotSend(Mailslot:TMailslotHandle; Data:PtrInt):LongWord;
Description: Send a message to a Mailslot
Mailslot Mailslot to send to
Data Message to send to mailslot
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function MailslotSendEx(Mailslot:TMailslotHandle; Data:PtrInt; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Send a message to a Mailslot
Mailslot Mailslot to send to
Data Message to send to mailslot
Timeout Milliseconds to wait before timeout (0 equals do not wait, INFINITE equals wait forever)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function MailslotReceive(Mailslot:TMailslotHandle):PtrInt;
Description: Receive a message from a Mailslot
Mailslot Mailslot to receive from
Return Received message or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

function MailslotReceiveEx(Mailslot:TMailslotHandle; Timeout:LongWord):PtrInt;
Description: Receive a message from a Mailslot
Timeout Timeout = 0 then No Wait, Timeout = INFINITE then Wait forever

Buffer functions

function BufferCreate(Size,Count:LongWord):TBufferHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function BufferCreateEx(Size,Count,Flags:LongWord):TBufferHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function BufferDestroy(Buffer:TBufferHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function BufferCount(Buffer:TBufferHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function BufferAvailable(Buffer:TBufferHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function BufferGet(Buffer:TBufferHandle):Pointer;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function BufferGetEx(Buffer:TBufferHandle; Timeout:LongWord):Pointer;
Description: To be documented
Timeout Timeout = 0 then No Wait, Timeout = INFINITE then Wait forever

function BufferFree(Buffer:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function BufferIterate(Buffer:TBufferHandle; Previous:Pointer):Pointer;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Event functions

function EventCreate(ManualReset,InitialState:Boolean):TEventHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function EventCreateEx(Flags:LongWord):TEventHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function EventDestroy(Event:TEventHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function EventState(Event:TEventHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function EventWait(Event:TEventHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function EventWaitEx(Event:TEventHandle; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Event Event to wait on
Timeout Time in milliseconds to wait for the event to be signaled

0 = No Wait
INFINITE = Wait Indefinitely

Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function EventSet(Event:TEventHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function EventReset(Event:TEventHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function EventPulse(Event:TEventHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Timer functions

function TimerCreate(Interval:LongWord; Enabled,Reschedule:Boolean; Event:TTimerEvent; Data:Pointer):TTimerHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerCreateEx(Interval,State,Flags:LongWord; Event:TTimerEvent; Data:Pointer):TTimerHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerDestroy(Timer:TTimerHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerEnable(Timer:TTimerHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerEnableEx(Timer:TTimerHandle; Interval:LongWord; Event:TTimerEvent; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerDisable(Timer:TTimerHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerDequeue:TTimerHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerFirstKey:Integer;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerInsertKey(Timer:TTimerHandle; Key:Integer):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerDeleteKey(Timer:TTimerHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerDecrementKey:Integer;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerIsEmpty:Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerNotEmpty:Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerCheck:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerTrigger:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Worker functions

function WorkerSchedule(Interval:LongWord; Task:TWorkerTask; Data:Pointer; Callback:TWorkerCallback):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerScheduleEx(Interval,Flags:LongWord; Task:TWorkerTask; Data:Pointer; Callback:TWorkerCallback):TWorkerHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerCancel(Worker:TWorkerHandle):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerScheduleIRQ(Affinity:LongWord; Task:TWorkerTask; Data:Pointer; Callback:TWorkerCallback):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerScheduleIRQEx(Affinity,Flags:LongWord; Task:TWorkerTask; Data:Pointer; Callback:TWorkerCallback):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerScheduleFIQ(Affinity:LongWord; Task:TWorkerTask; Data:Pointer; Callback:TWorkerCallback):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerScheduleFIQEx(Affinity,Flags:LongWord; Task:TWorkerTask; Data:Pointer; Callback:TWorkerCallback):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerIncrease(Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerIncreaseEx(Count:LongWord; Priority:Boolean):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerDecrease(Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerDecreaseEx(Count:LongWord; Priority:Boolean):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure WorkerTimer(WorkerRequest:PWorkerRequest);
Description: Procedure called internally to schedule worker threads
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

Tasker functions

function TaskerThreadSendMessage(Thread:TThreadHandle; const Message:TMessage):LongWord;
Description: Perform a ThreadSendMessage() function call using the tasker list
Note None documented

function TaskerMessageslotSend(Messageslot:TMessageslotHandle; const Message:TMessage):LongWord;
Description: Perform a MessageslotSend() function call using the tasker list
Note None documented

function TaskerSemaphoreSignal(Semaphore:TSemaphoreHandle; Count:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Perform a SemaphoreSignal() function call using the tasker list
Note None documented

function TaskerEnqueue(Task:PTaskerTask):LongWord;
Description: Add the supplied task to the end of the Tasker list
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function TaskerDequeue:PTaskerTask;
Description: Get and remove the first task from the Tasker list
Return Dequeued Task or nil on failure (or list empty)

function TaskerCheck:LongWord;
Description: Check if the tasker list is empty or contains tasks
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the list contains tasks, ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS if list is empty or another error code on failure
Note Called by clock interrupt with IRQ or FIQ disabled and running on the IRQ or FIQ thread

function TaskerTrigger:LongWord;
Description: Dequeue all tasks in the tasker list and perform the requested task for each
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Called by clock interrupt with IRQ or FIQ disabled and running on the IRQ or FIQ thread

function TaskerGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current tasker count
Note None documented

RTL initialize and exit functions

procedure SysInitProc;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysExitProc;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysInitCompleted:Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

RTL process functions

function SysGetProcessID:SizeUInt;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

RTL thread manager functions

function ThreadMain(Parameter:Pointer):PtrInt;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysBeginThread(SignalAction:Pointer; StackSize:PtrUInt; ThreadFunction:TThreadFunc; ThreadParameter:Pointer; CreationFlags:DWORD; var ThreadId:TThreadID):TThreadID;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysBeginThreadEx(SignalAction:Pointer; StackSize:PtrUInt; ThreadFunction:TThreadFunc; ThreadParameter:Pointer; CreationFlags:DWORD; Priority,Affinity,CPU:LongWord; Name:PChar; var ThreadId:TThreadID):TThreadID;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysEndThread(ExitCode:DWORD);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysSuspendThread(ThreadHandle:TThreadID):DWORD;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysResumeThread(ThreadHandle:TThreadID):DWORD;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysKillThread(ThreadHandle:TThreadID):DWORD;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysCloseThread(ThreadHandle:TThreadID):DWORD;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysThreadSwitch;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysWaitForThreadTerminate(ThreadHandle:TThreadID; TimeoutMs:LongInt):DWORD;
Description: To be documented
Timeout 0=No Timeout

function SysThreadSetPriority(ThreadHandle:TThreadID; Priority:LongInt):Boolean; 
Description: To be documented
Note -15..+15, 0=Normal

function SysThreadGetPriority(ThreadHandle:TThreadID):LongInt;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysGetCurrentThreadId:TThreadID;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysInitCriticalSection(var CriticalSection);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysDoneCriticalSection(var CriticalSection);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysEnterCriticalSection(var CriticalSection);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysTryEnterCriticalSection(var CriticalSection):LongInt;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysLeaveCriticalSection(var CriticalSection);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysInitThreadVar(var Offset:DWORD; Size:DWORD);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysRelocateThreadVar(Offset:DWORD):Pointer;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysAllocateThreadVars;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysReleaseThreadVars;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysBasicEventCreate(EventAttributes:Pointer; AManualReset,InitialState:Boolean; const Name:AnsiString):PEventState;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysBasicEventDestroy(State:PEventState);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysBasicEventResetEvent(State:PEventState);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysBasicEventSetEvent(State:PEventState);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysBasicEventWaitFor(Timeout:Cardinal; State:PEventState):LongInt; 
Description: To be documented
Timeout 0=No Timeout

function SysRTLEventCreate:PRTLEvent;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysRTLEventDestroy(AEvent:PRTLEvent);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysRTLEventSetEvent(AEvent:PRTLEvent);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysRTLEventResetEvent(AEvent:PRTLEvent);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysRTLEventWaitFor(AEvent:PRTLEvent);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysRTLEventWaitForTimeout(AEvent:PRTLEvent; Timeout:LongInt);
Description: To be documented
Timeout 0=No Timeout

function SysSemaphoreInit:Pointer;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysSemaphoreDestroy(const Semaphore:Pointer);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysSemaphorePost(const Semaphore:Pointer);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysSemaphoreWait(const Semaphore:Pointer);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Thread helper functions

function SpinGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MutexGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function CriticalSectionGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SemaphoreGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SynchronizerGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ConditionGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current condition count
Note None documented

function CompletionGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current completion count
Note None documented

function ListGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current list count
Note None documented

function QueueGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ThreadGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ThreadTlsGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ThreadAllocateStack(StackSize:LongWord):Pointer;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure ThreadReleaseStack(StackBase:Pointer; StackSize:LongWord);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ThreadSetupStack(StackBase:Pointer; StartProc:TThreadStart; ReturnProc:TThreadEnd; Parameter:Pointer):Pointer;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ThreadSnapshotCreate:PThreadSnapshot;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ThreadSnapshotDestroy(ASnapshot:PThreadSnapshot):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MessageslotGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailslotGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function BufferGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function EventGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WorkerGetPriorityCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TaskerGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ListTypeToString(ListType:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function QueueTypeToString(QueueType:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ThreadTypeToString(ThreadType:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ThreadStateToString(ThreadState:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ThreadPriorityToString(ThreadPriority:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure ThreadLog(Level:LongWord; const AText:String);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure ThreadLogInfo(const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure ThreadLogWarn(const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure ThreadLogError(const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure ThreadLogDebug(const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Scheduler helper functions

function SchedulerGetListFlags(ListType:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetQueueFlags(QueueType:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetQueueHandle(CPUID:LongWord; QueueType:LongWord):TQueueHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetQueueHandleEx(CPUID:LongWord; Priority:LongWord):TQueueHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetThreadCount(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetThreadQuantum(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetThreadHandle(CPUID:LongWord; ThreadType:LongWord):TThreadHandle;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetPriorityMask(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetPriorityQuantum(Priority:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerSetPriorityQuantum(Priority,Quantum:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetMigrationQuantum:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetStarvationQuantum(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetThreadNext:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetThreadMigration:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetThreadPreempt(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerGetThreadAllocation(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerMigrationToString(Migration:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerPreemptToString(Preempt:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SchedulerAllocationToString(Allocation:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Timer helper functions

function TimerGetListFlags:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TimerGetMessageslotFlags:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Worker helper functions

function WorkerGetMessageslotFlags:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

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