Unit PlatformQEMUVPB

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Ultibo Platform Interface unit for QEMU VersatilePB


QEMUVPB specific constants QEMUVPB_*
QEMUVPB_STARTUP_ADDRESS = $00010000; Address of StartupHandler on Reset (Obtain from linker)

QEMUVPB_PAGE_TABLE_BASE = $00004000; Place the first level Page Table after the interrupt vectors at 0x00001000 and before the code start at 0x00010000
QEMUVPB_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE = SIZE_16K; ARMv7 first level Page Table is exactly 16KB in size (4096 32 bit (4 byte) entries)

QEMUVPB_VECTOR_TABLE_BASE = $00001000; Place the Interrupt Vector Table at 0x00001000 before the code start at 0x00010000
QEMUVPB_VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE = SIZE_64; The Interrupt Vector Table is exactly 64 bytes (16 32 bit (4 byte) entries)
QEMUVPB_VECTOR_TABLE_COUNT = 8; The Interrupt Vector Table contains 8 entries on an ARMv7 device


QEMUVPB_SWI_COUNT = 256; Number of available SWI entries

QEMUVPB_KERNEL_NAME = 'kernel.bin';  
QEMUVPB_KERNEL_NAME = 'kernel64.bin';  
QEMUVPB_KERNEL_CONFIG = ; Not available as a file
QEMUVPB_KERNEL_COMMAND = ; Not available as a file
QEMUVPB_FIRMWARE_FILES = ; Not available as a file
QEMUVPB_DTB_FILES = ; Not available as a file

PL110 specific constants PL110_*
PL110_FRAMEBUFFER_DESCRIPTION = 'ARM PrimeCell PL110 Color LCD'; Description of PL110 device

PL110 mode PL110_MODE_*
PL110_MODE_VGA = 1; Connected to a VGA display
PL110_MODE_SVGA = 2; Connected to a SVGA display
PL110_MODE_TFT = 3; Connected to a TFT display
PL110_MODE_STN = 4; Connected to an STN display

PL110 register offset PL110_CLCD_*
See: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0161e/I913915.html
PL110_CLCD_TIMING0 = $00000000; Horizontal Axis Panel Control Register
PL110_CLCD_TIMING1 = $00000004; Vertical Axis Panel Control Register
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2 = $00000008; Clock and Signal Polarity Control Register
PL110_CLCD_TIMING3 = $0000000c; Line End Control Register
PL110_CLCD_UPBASE = $00000010; Upper Panel Frame Base Address Registers
PL110_CLCD_LPBASE = $00000014; Lower Panel Frame Base Address Registers
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL = $00000018; Control Register Note: Reversed in VersatilePB implementation, 0x0000001c in PL110 TRM
PL110_CLCD_IMSC = $0000001c; Interrupt Mask Set/Clear Register Note: Reversed in VersatilePB implementation, 0x00000018 in PL110 TRM
PL110_CLCD_RIS = $00000020; Raw Interrupt Status Register
PL110_CLCD_MIS = $00000024; Masked Interrupt Status Register
PL110_CLCD_ICR = $00000028; Interrupt Clear Register
PL110_CLCD_UPCURR = $0000002C; Upper Panel Current Address Value Registers
PL110_CLCD_LPCURR = $00000030; Lower Panel Current Address Value Registers
PL110_CLCD_PALETTE = $00000200; Color Palette Register

PL110 CLCD timing0 PL110_CLCD_TIMING0_*
See: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0161e/I913915.html
PL110_CLCD_TIMING0_HBP = ($FF shl 24); Horizontal back porch
PL110_CLCD_TIMING0_HFP = ($FF shl 16); Horizontal front porch
PL110_CLCD_TIMING0_HSW = ($FF shl 8); Horizontal synchronization pulse width
PL110_CLCD_TIMING0_PPL = ($FC shl 2); Pixels-per-line (Actual pixels-per-line = 16 * (PPL + 1))

PL110 CLCD timing1 PL110_CLCD_TIMING1_*
See: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0161e/I913915.html
PL110_CLCD_TIMING1_VBP = ($FF shl 24); Vertical back porch
PL110_CLCD_TIMING1_VFP = ($FF shl 16); Vertical front porch
PL110_CLCD_TIMING1_VSW = ($FC shl 10); Vertical synchronization pulse width
PL110_CLCD_TIMING1_LPP = ($3FF shl 0); Lines per panel is the number of active lines per screen (Program to number of lines required minus 1)

PL110 CLCD timing2 PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_*
See: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0161e/I913915.html
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_PCD_HI = ($1F shl 27); Upper five bits of Panel Clock Divisor
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_BCD = (1 shl 26); Bypass pixel clock divider
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_CPL = ($3FF shl 16); Clocks per line
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_IOE = (1 shl 14); Invert output enable
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_IPC = (1 shl 13); Invert panel clock
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_IHS = (1 shl 12); Invert horizontal synchron
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_IVS = (1 shl 11); Invert vertical synchronization
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_ACB = ($1F shl 6); AC bias pin frequency
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_CLKSEL = (1 shl 5); This bit drives the CLCDCLKSEL signal which is used as the select signal for the external LCD clock multiplexor
PL110_CLCD_TIMING2_PCD_LO = ($1F shl 0); Lower five bits of Panel Clock Divisor

PL110 CLCD timing3 PL110_CLCD_TIMING3_*
See: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0161e/I913915.html
PL110_CLCD_TIMING3_LEE = (1 shl 16); LCD Line end enable: 0 = CLLE disabled (held LOW)/1 = CLLE signal active
PL110_CLCD_TIMING3_LED = ($3F shl 0); Line-end signal delay from the rising-edge of the last panel clock

PL110 CLCD control PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_*
See: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0161e/I913915.html
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDEN = (1 shl 0);  
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDBPP1 = (0 shl 1); LCD bits per pixel: 000 = 1 bpp
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDBPP2 = (1 shl 1); LCD bits per pixel: 001 = 2 bpp
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDBPP4 = (2 shl 1); LCD bits per pixel: 010 = 4 bpp
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDBPP8 = (3 shl 1); LCD bits per pixel: 011 = 8 bpp
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDBPP16 = (4 shl 1); LCD bits per pixel: 100 = 16 bpp
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDBPP16_565 = (6 shl 1); LCD bits per pixel: 110 = 16 bpp 565 (PL111 only)
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDBPP16_444 = (7 shl 1); LCD bits per pixel: 111 = 16 bpp 444 (PL111 only)
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDBPP24 = (5 shl 1); LCD bits per pixel: 101 = 24 bpp
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDBW = (1 shl 4); STN LCD is monochrome (black and white) (0 = STN LCD is color/1 = STN LCD is monochrome)
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDTFT = (1 shl 5); LCD is TFT (0 = LCD is an STN display, use gray scaler/1 = LCD is TFT, do not use gray scaler)
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDMONO8 = (1 shl 6); Monochrome LCD has an 8-bit interface (0 = mono LCD uses 4-bit interface/1 = mono LCD uses 8-bit interface)
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDDUAL = (1 shl 7); LCD interface is dual panel STN (0 = single panel LCD is in use/1 = dual panel LCD is in use)
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_BGR = (1 shl 8); RGB or BGR format selection (0 = RGB normal output/1 = BGR red and blue swapped.)
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_BEBO = (1 shl 9); Big-endian byte order (0 = little-endian byte order/1 = big-endian byte order)
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_BEPO = (1 shl 10); Big-endian pixel ordering within a byte (0 = little-endian pixel ordering within a byte/1= big-endian pixel ordering within a byte)
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDPWR = (1 shl 11); LCD power enable
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDVCOMP_VSYNC = (0 shl 12); Generate interrupt at: 00 = start of vertical synchronization
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDVCOMP_BPORCH = (1 shl 12); Generate interrupt at: 01 = start of back porch
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDVCOMP_VIDEO = (2 shl 12); Generate interrupt at: 10 = start of active video
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LCDVCOMP_FPORCH = (3 shl 12); Generate interrupt at: 11 = start of front porch
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_LDMAFIFOTIME = (1 shl 15); Unknown
PL110_CLCD_CONTROL_WATERMARK = (1 shl 16); LCD DMA FIFO Watermark level

PL110 control PL110_CONTROL_*

PL110 timing0 PL110_TIMING0_*
PL110_TIMING0_VGA = $3F1F3F9C;  
PL110_TIMING0_SVGA = $1313A4C4;  

PL110 timing1 PL110_TIMING1_*
PL110_TIMING1_VGA = $090B61DF;  
PL110_TIMING1_SVGA = $0505F657;  

PL110 timing2 PL110_TIMING2_*
PL110_TIMING2_VGA = $067F1800;  
PL110_TIMING2_SVGA = $071F1800;  

Type definitions

PL110 CLCD registers

PPL110CLCDRegisters = ^TPL110CLCDRegisters;

TPL110CLCDRegisters = record

Note: Layout of the PL110 registers (See: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0161e/I913915.html)
TIMING0:LongWord; Horizontal Axis Panel Control Register
TIMING1:LongWord; Vertical Axis Panel Control Register
TIMING2:LongWord; Clock and Signal Polarity Control Register
TIMING3:LongWord; Line End Control Register
UPBASE:LongWord; Upper Panel Frame Base Address Registers
LPBASE:LongWord; Lower Panel Frame Base Address Registers
CONTROL:LongWord; Control Register Note: Reversed in VersatilePB implementation, 0x0000001c in PL110 TRM
IMSC:LongWord; Interrupt Mask Set/Clear Register Note: Reversed in VersatilePB implementation, 0x00000018 in PL110 TRM
RIS:LongWord; Raw Interrupt Status Register
MIS:LongWord; Masked Interrupt Status Register
ICR:LongWord; Interrupt Clear Register
UPCURR:LongWord; Upper Panel Current Address Value Registers
LPCURR:LongWord; Lower Panel Current Address Value Registers

PL110 framebuffer

PPL110Framebuffer = ^TPL110Framebuffer;

TPL110Framebuffer = record

Framebuffer Properties
PL110 Properties
Mode:LongWord; PL110 framebuffer mode (eg PL110_MODE_TFT)
Depth:LongWord; Framebuffer color depth (eg FRAMEBUFFER_DEPTH_16)
Width:LongWord; Framebuffer width in pixels
Height:LongWord; Framebuffer height in pixels
Rotation:LongWord; Framebuffer rotation (eg FRAMEBUFFER_ROTATION_180)
Driver Properties
Control:LongWord; Preset Control register value
Timing0:LongWord; Preset Timing0 register value
Timing1:LongWord; Preset Timing1 register value
Timing2:LongWord; Preset Timing2 register value
Timing3:LongWord; Preset Timing2 register value
Registers:PPL110CLCDRegisters; PL110 registers

Public variables

QEMUVPB specific Ultibo variables


Clock variables

ClockGetLast:LongWord; Value of 24MHz Counter on last ClockGetCount or ClockGetTotal call
ClockGetBase:Int64; Base value for 64-bit clock, incremented each time the 24MHz Counter rolls over (Only accurate if ClockGetCount/ClockGetTotal is called at least once per 178 seconds)
ClockGetLock:THandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Lock handle for creating 64-bit clock from a 32-bit register
ClockGetTimer:THandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Timer handle for ensuring clock is read periodically to maintain accurracy

Timer variables

Timer0Registers:PSP804TimerRegisters; Use Timer0 for Clock
Timer2Registers:PSP804TimerRegisters; Use Timer2 for Scheduler

Interrupt variables

InterruptEntries:array[0..(VERSATILEPB_IRQ_COUNT - 1)] of PInterruptEntry;

System call

SystemCallEntries:array[0..QEMUVPB_SWI_COUNT - 1] of TSystemCallEntry;


IRQEnabled:array[0..1] of LongWord; 2 groups of IRQs to Enable/Disable (See: TPL190InterruptRegisters)
FIQEnabled:LongWord; The single IRQ number to Enable as FIQ instead (See: TPL190InterruptRegisters)

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure QEMUVPBInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

QEMUVPB platform functions

procedure QEMUVPBBoardInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBMemoryInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBClockInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBPowerInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBInterruptInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBPeripheralInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBFramebufferInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBPageTableInit;
Description: Initialize the Hardware Page Tables before enabling the MMU
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBRequestExIRQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Request registration of the supplied handler to the specified IRQ number
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBReleaseExIRQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied handler from the specified IRQ number
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBRequestExFIQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Request registration of the supplied handler to the specified FIQ number
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBReleaseExFIQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied handler from the specified FIQ number
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBRegisterInterrupt(Number,Mask,Priority,Flags:LongWord; Handler:TSharedInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Request registration of the supplied handler to the specified interrupt number (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBDeregisterInterrupt(Number,Mask,Priority,Flags:LongWord; Handler:TSharedInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied handler from the specified interrupt number (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBRegisterSystemCallEx(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler; HandlerEx:TSystemCallExHandler):LongWord;
Description: Request registration of the supplied extended handler to the specified System Call number
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBDeregisterSystemCallEx(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler; HandlerEx:TSystemCallExHandler):LongWord;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied extended handler from the specified System Call number
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBGetInterruptEntry(Number,Instance:LongWord; var Interrupt:TInterruptEntry):LongWord;
Description: Get the interrupt entry for the specified interrupt number and instance
Note Get the interrupt entry for the specified interrupt number

function QEMUVPBGetSystemCallEntry(Number:LongWord):TSystemCallEntry;
Description: Get the system call entry for the specified system call number
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBSystemRestart(Delay:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBSystemShutdown(Delay:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBClockGetCount:LongWord;
Description: Gets the current system clock count (32 least significant bits of total)
Note On the VersatilePB this comes from the 24MHz counter which will overflow every 178 seconds and increment the rollover value. Because we return the lower 32 bits then the value returned by this function will rollover to zero every 4295 seconds or about every 71 minutes.

function QEMUVPBClockGetTotal:Int64;
Description: Gets the total system clock count
Note On the VersatilePB this comes from the 24MHz counter which will overflow every 178 seconds and increment the rollover value. This is only accurate if either ClockGetCount or ClockGetTotal is called at least once per 178 seconds in order to increment the rollover.

procedure QEMUVPBClockGetTimer(Data:Pointer);
Description: Timer procedure to ensure ClockGetTotal is called at least once per rollover interval
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications

QEMUVPB thread functions

procedure QEMUVPBSchedulerInit;
Description: Initialize the scheduler interrupt on the boot CPU
Note None documented

QEMUVPB clock functions

procedure QEMUVPBClockInterrupt(Parameter:Pointer);
Description: Interrupt handler function for the clock interrupt
Note This schedules another clock interrupt to occur CLOCK_CYCLES_PER_TICK in the future, then updates ClockTicks and ClockSeconds and checks for timers to trigger.

procedure QEMUVPBClockUpdate(Cycles:LongWord; var Last:LongWord);
Description: Setup a clock interrupt to trigger after the specified number of clock cycles
Cycles Number of cycles after which the timer interrupt is to be triggered
Note This refers to native clock cycles as specified by CLOCK_FREQUENCY

QEMUVPB scheduler functions

function QEMUVPBSchedulerInterrupt(CPUID:LongWord; Thread:TThreadHandle; Parameter:Pointer):TThreadHandle;
Description: Interrupt handler function for the scheduler interrupt
Note This schedules another scheduler interrupt to occur SCHEDULER_CLOCKS_PER_INTERRUPT in the future, then checks for threads to wakeup or timeout and the next thread to schedule.

procedure QEMUVPBSchedulerUpdate(Cycles:LongWord; var Last:LongWord);
Description: Setup a scheduler interrupt to trigger after the specified number of clock cycles
Cycles Number of cycles after which the scheduler interrupt is to be triggered
Note This refers to native clock cycles as specified by VERSATILEPB_TIMER_FREQUENCY

procedure QEMUVPBSchedulerSystemCall(Request:PSystemCallRequest);
Description: System Call handler for the scheduler
Note This is registered to receive requests for the SYSTEM_CALL_CONTEXT_SWITCH and will perform a context switch from within an SWI

QEMUVPB framebuffer functions

function QEMUVPBFramebufferDeviceAllocate(Framebuffer:PFramebufferDevice; Properties:PFramebufferProperties):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of FramebufferDeviceAllocate API for PL110 Framebuffer
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use FramebufferDeviceAllocate instead.

function QEMUVPBFramebufferDeviceRelease(Framebuffer:PFramebufferDevice):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of FramebufferDeviceRelease API for PL110 Framebuffer
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use FramebufferDeviceRelease instead.

function QEMUVPBFramebufferDeviceBlank(Framebuffer:PFramebufferDevice; Blank:Boolean):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of FramebufferDevicBlank API for PL110 Framebuffer
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use FramebufferDevicBlank instead.

function QEMUVPBFramebufferDeviceCommit(Framebuffer:PFramebufferDevice; Address:PtrUInt; Size,Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Implementation of FramebufferDeviceCommit API for PL110 Framebuffer
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use FramebufferDeviceCommit instead.

QEMUVPB helper functions

procedure QEMUVPBBootBlink; assembler; nostackframe;
Description: Output characters to UART0 without dependency on any other RTL setup
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBBootOutput(Value:LongWord);
Description: Output characters to UART0 without dependency on any other RTL setup
Note Based on hexstrings() function by dwelch67 (https://github.com/dwelch67)

procedure QEMUVPBBootConsoleStart;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBBootConsoleWrite(const Value:String);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure QEMUVPBBootConsoleWriteEx(const Value:String; X,Y:LongWord);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBBootConsoleGetX:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function QEMUVPBBootConsoleGetY:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

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