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Ultibo HID Mouse Consumer unit

This is a consumer for any generic HID mouse device, it accepts HID application collections in the generic desktop page (HID_PAGE_GENERIC_DESKTOP) with the usage set to mouse (HID_DESKTOP_MOUSE).

The consumer will bind to any mouse collection that implements at a minimum the X and Y axis and the primary button. However the data reported can include X, Y and wheel as well as up to 5 buttons including left, right and middle.

A mouse can report either absolute or relative positioning, an absolute position for X, Y or wheel will be reported in the buttons field of the mouse data packet using the MOUSE_ABSOLUTE_* flags.


HID mouse specific constants HID_MOUSE_*
HID_MOUSE_CONSUMER_NAME = 'HID Mouse Consumer'; Name of HID Mouse consumer
HID_MOUSE_DESCRIPTION = 'HID Mouse'; Description of HID Mouse device

Type definitions

HID mouse device

PHIDMouseDevice = ^THIDMouseDevice;

THIDMouseDevice = record

Mouse Properties
HID Properties
Collection:PHIDCollection; The HID collection this mouse is bound to
Definitions:PHIDDefinition; The input report definitions that can be accepted as mouse reports

Public variables

None defined

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure HIDMouseInit;
Description: Initialize the HID Mouse unit and HID Mouse driver
Note Called only during system startup

HID mouse helper functions

function HIDMouseCheckCollection(Collection:PHIDCollection):LongWord;
Description: Check if a HID collection is suitable for use as a mouse device
Note None documented

function HIDMouseCheckDefinition(Definition:PHIDDefinition):LongWord;
Description: Check if a HID definition is suitable for use as a mouse input report
Note None documented

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