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Return to Unit CDFS


To be documented

Class definitions

TCDFSDiskExtended = class(TObject)

Note: Represents a CDFS extended attribute.
constructor Create(ALocalLock:TMutexHandle);  
destructor Destroy; override;  
FOwnerId:Word; Owner Identification
FGroupId:Word; Group Identification
FPermissions:Word; Permissions 16 bits
FCreateTime:TFileTime; File Creation Date and Time
FModifyTime:TFileTime; File Modification Date and Time
FExpireTime:TFileTime; File Expiration Date and Time
FEffectiveTime:TFileTime; File Effective Date and Time
FRecordFormat:Byte; Record Format
FRecordAttributes:Byte; Record Attributes
FRecordLength:Word; Record Length
FSystemIdentifier:String; System Identifier a-characters, a1-characters
FSystemData:Pointer; System Use not specified
FExtendedVersion:Byte; Extended Attribute Record Version
FEscapeSequenceSize:Byte; Length of Escape Sequences (LEN_ESC)
FApplicationDataSize:Word; Length of Application Use (LEN_AU)
FApplicationData:Pointer; Application Use LEN_AU bytes
FEscapeSequence:Pointer; Escape Sequences LEN_ESC bytes
function AcquireLock:Boolean;  
function ReleaseLock:Boolean;  
function GetSystemIdentifier:String;  
procedure SetSystemIdentifier(const ASystemIdentifier:String);  
property StartCluster:LongWord read FStartCluster write FStartCluster;  
property ClusterCount:LongWord read FClusterCount write FClusterCount;  
property OwnerId:Word read FOwnerId write FOwnerId;  
property GroupId:Word read FGroupId write FGroupId;  
property Permissions:Word read FPermissions write FPermissions;  
property CreateTime:TFileTime read FCreateTime write FCreateTime;  
property ModifyTime:TFileTime read FModifyTime write FModifyTime;  
property ExpireTime:TFileTime read FExpireTime write FExpireTime;  
property EffectiveTime:TFileTime read FEffectiveTime write FEffectiveTime;  
property RecordFormat:Byte read FRecordFormat write FRecordFormat;  
property RecordAttributes:Byte read FRecordAttributes write FRecordAttributes;  
property RecordLength:Word read FRecordLength write FRecordLength;  
property SystemIdentifier:String read GetSystemIdentifier write SetSystemIdentifier;  
property SystemData:Pointer read FSystemData write FSystemData;  
property ExtendedVersion:Byte read FExtendedVersion write FExtendedVersion;  
property EscapeSequenceSize:Byte read FEscapeSequenceSize write FEscapeSequenceSize;  
property ApplicationDataSize:Word read FApplicationDataSize write FApplicationDataSize;  
property ApplicationData:Pointer read FApplicationData write FApplicationData;  
property EscapeSequence:Pointer read FEscapeSequence write FEscapeSequence;  
function ExtendedRecordSize:Byte;  

Function declarations

constructor TCDFSDiskExtended.Create(ALocalLock:TMutexHandle);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

destructor TCDFSDiskExtended.Destroy;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TCDFSDiskExtended.AcquireLock:Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TCDFSDiskExtended.ReleaseLock:Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TCDFSDiskExtended.GetSystemIdentifier:String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure TCDFSDiskExtended.SetSystemIdentifier(const ASystemIdentifier:String);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function TCDFSDiskExtended.ExtendedRecordSize:Byte;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

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