Unit Crypto

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Ultibo Crypto interface unit

To be documented


Crypto cipher algorithms CRYPTO_CIPHER_ALG_*

Crypto cipher modes CRYPTO_CIPHER_MODE_*
CRYPTO_CIPHER_MODE_ECB = 0; Electronic Codebook
CRYPTO_CIPHER_MODE_CBC = 1; Cipher Block Chaining
CRYPTO_CIPHER_MODE_CFB = 2; Cipher Feedback
CRYPTO_CIPHER_MODE_OFB = 3; Output Feedback

Crypto hash algorithms CRYPTO_HASH_ALG_*

AES block size AES_BLOCK_*
AES_BLOCK_SIZE = 16; 128 bit blocks

AES key size AES_KEY_*
AES_KEY_SIZE128 = 16; 128 bit keys
AES_KEY_SIZE192 = 24; 192 bit keys
AES_KEY_SIZE256 = 32; 256 bit keys

DES block size DES_BLOCK_*
DES_BLOCK_SIZE = 8; 64 bit blocks

DES key size DES_KEY_*
DES_KEY_SIZE = 8; 64 bit keys

DES key type DES_KEYTYPE_*
DES_BYTEBIT:array[0..7] of LongWord = (
$80, $40, $20, $10, $08, $04, $02, $01);  

3DES block size DES3_BLOCK_*
DES3_BLOCK_SIZE = 8; 64 bit blocks

3DES key size DES3_KEY_*
DES3_KEY_SIZE = 24; 192 bit (3 x 64 bit) keys

SHA1 constants SHA1_*
SHA1_K20 = $5A827999;  
SHA1_K40 = $6ED9EBA1;  
SHA1_K60 = $8F1BBCDC;  
SHA1_K80 = $CA62C1D6;  

MIME64 constants MIME64_*
MIME64EncodingTable:String = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';  

Type definitions

To be documented

Public variables

To be documented

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure CryptoInit;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Crypto functions

function HashCreate(Algorithm:LongWord; Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord):PHashContext;
Description: Initialize a hash context based on an algorithm and an optional key
Note None documented

function HashDestroy(Context:PHashContext):Boolean;
Description: Free a hash context allocated by HashCreate
Note None documented

function HashUpdate(Context:PHashContext; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: Add a block of data to a hash context
Note None documented

function HashFinish(Context:PHashContext; Digest:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: Finalize a hash context and return the digest (Hash) value
Note None documented

function CipherCreate(Algorithm:LongWord; Vector,Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord):PCipherContext;
Description: Initialize a cipher context based on an algorithm and a key
Note For block ciphers also include an initialization vector for CBC mode

function CipherDestroy(Context:PCipherContext):Boolean;
Description: Free a cipher context allocated by CipherCreate
Note None documented

function CipherEncrypt(Context:PCipherContext; Plain,Crypt:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: Encrypt a block of data using an existing cipher context
Note None documented

function CipherDecrypt(Context:PCipherContext; Crypt,Plain:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: Decrypt a block of data using an existing cipher context
Note None documented

MD5 functions

function MD5DigestData(Data:PMD5Block; Digest:PMD5Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a 128 bit MD5 digest (Hash) from the supplied data
Data A linked list which can contain multiple independent blocks to be included in the hash. The data block itself does not form part of the hash.

function MD5DigestString(const Value:String; Digest:PMD5Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a 128 bit MD5 digest (Hash) from the supplied string value
Note None documented

function HMACMD5DigestData(const Key:String; Data:PMD5Block; Digest:PMD5Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate an MD5 HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code) using the Key and Data
Key If Key is more than 64 bytes it will be hashed to Key = MD5(Key) instead. If Key is less than 64 bytes it will be padded with zeros.
Note The MD5 HMAC algorithm is: MD5(Key xor oPad, MD5(Key xor iPad, Data)). Where iPad is the byte $36 repeated 64 times, oPad is the byte $5c repeated 64 times.

function HMACMD5DigestString(const Key,Value:String; Digest:PMD5Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate an MD5 HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code) using the Key and Value
Key If Key is more than 64 bytes it will be hashed to Key = MD5(Key) instead. If Key is less than 64 bytes it will be padded with zeros.
Note The MD5 HMAC algorithm is: MD5(Key xor oPad, MD5(Key xor iPad, Value)). Where iPad is the byte $36 repeated 64 times, oPad is the byte $5c repeated 64 times.

AES functions

function AESEncryptData(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; Vector,Plain,Crypt:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESDecryptData(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; Vector,Crypt,Plain:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

DES functions

function DESEncryptData(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; Vector,Plain,Crypt:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function DESDecryptData(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; Vector,Crypt,Plain:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

3DES functions

function DES3EncryptData(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; Vector,Plain,Crypt:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function DES3DecryptData(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; Vector,Crypt,Plain:Pointer; Size:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

RC4 functions

function RC4EncryptData(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; Plain,Crypt:Pointer; Size,Start:LongWord):Boolean;
Description: Encrypt the supplied data with a key using the RC4 cipher algorithm
Start Specify how many bytes of the RC4 cipher stream to skip to allow for previous blocks of data or to comply with RFC4345 requirements to discard the first 1536 bytes of the RC4 cipher stream

function RC4DecryptData(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; Crypt,Plain:Pointer; Size,Start:LongWord):Boolean; inline;
Description: Decrypt the supplied data with a key using the RC4 cipher algorithm
Note None documented

SHA1 functions

function SHA1DigestData(Data:PSHA1Block; Digest:PSHA1Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a 160 bit SHA1 digest (Hash) from the supplied data
Data A linked list which can contain multiple independent blocks to be included in the hash. The data block itself does not form part of the hash.

function SHA1DigestString(const Value:String; Digest:PSHA1Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a 160 bit SHA1 digest (Hash) from the supplied string value
Note None documented

function HMACSHA1DigestData(const Key:String; Data:PSHA1Block; Digest:PSHA1Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a SHA1 HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code) using the Key and Data
Key If Key is more than 64 bytes it will be hashed to Key = SHA1(Key) instead. If Key is less than 64 bytes it will be padded with zeros.
Note The SHA1 HMAC algorithm is: SHA1(Key xor oPad, SHA1(Key xor iPad, Data)). Where iPad is the byte $36 repeated 64 times, oPad is the byte $5c repeated 64 times.

function HMACSHA1DigestString(const Key,Value:String; Digest:PSHA1Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a SHA1 HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code) using the Key and Value
Key If Key is more than 64 bytes it will be hashed to Key = SHA1(Key) instead. If Key is less than 64 bytes it will be padded with zeros.
Note The SHA1 HMAC algorithm is: SHA1(Key xor oPad, SHA1(Key xor iPad, Value)). Where iPad is the byte $36 repeated 64 times, oPad is the byte $5c repeated 64 times.

SHA256 functions

function SHA256DigestData(Data:PSHA256Block; Digest:PSHA256Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a 256 bit SHA256 digest (Hash) from the supplied data
Data A linked list which can contain multiple independent blocks to be included in the hash. The data block itself does not form part of the hash.

function SHA256DigestString(const Value:String; Digest:PSHA256Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a 256 bit SHA256 digest (Hash) from the supplied string value
Note None documented

function HMACSHA256DigestData(const Key:String; Data:PSHA256Block; Digest:PSHA256Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a SHA256 HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code) using the Key and Data
Key If Key is more than 64 bytes it will be hashed to Key = SHA256(Key) instead. If Key is less than 64 bytes it will be padded with zeros.
Note The SHA256 HMAC algorithm is: SHA256(Key xor oPad, SHA256(Key xor iPad, Data)). Where iPad is the byte $36 repeated 64 times, oPad is the byte $5c repeated 64 times.

function HMACSHA256DigestString(const Key,Value:String; Digest:PSHA256Digest):Boolean;
Description: Generate a SHA256 HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code) using the Key and Value
Key If Key is more than 64 bytes it will be hashed to Key = SHA256(Key) instead. If Key is less than 64 bytes it will be padded with zeros.
Note The SHA256 HMAC algorithm is: SHA256(Key xor oPad, SHA256(Key xor iPad, Value)). Where iPad is the byte $36 repeated 64 times, oPad is the byte $5c repeated 64 times.

CRC functions

function CRC16CCITT(CRC:Word; Data:PByte; Size:LongWord):Word;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

MIME64 functions

function MIME64EncodeString(const AValue:String):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MIME64DecodeString(const AValue:String):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Crypto helper functions

procedure BytesToLE(Buffer:PByte; Count:LongWord);
Description: Change the byte order of count longwords in the supplied buffer to little endian
Note None documented

procedure BytesToBE(Buffer:PByte; Count:LongWord);
Description: Change the byte order of count longwords in the supplied buffer to big endian
Note None documented

function LongWordToBE(Buffer:PByte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure BEToLongWord(Value:LongWord; Buffer:PByte); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

MD5 helper functions

procedure MD5Init(var Context:TMD5Context);
Description: Initialize an MD5 context with constants
Note None documented

procedure MD5Update(var Context:TMD5Context; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord);
Description: Add more bytes to the data buffer, add to the hash in 64 byte chunks
Note None documented

procedure MD5Final(var Context:TMD5Context; var Digest:TMD5Digest);
Description: Finalize the MD5 context by padding to a 64 Byte boundary, adding QWord count of bits processed and copying the hash to the digest
Note None documented

procedure MD5Transform(var Context:TMD5Context; Buffer:Pointer);
Description: The core MD5 algorithm, adds an additional 64 Bytes (16 LongWords) to the hash
Note None documented

function MD5DigestToString(Digest:PMD5Digest):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

AES helper functions

function AESTE0(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTE1(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTE2(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTE3(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTD0(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTD1(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTD2(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTD3(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTE4_0(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTE4_1(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTE4_2(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESTE4_3(I:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESByte(X,N:LongWord):Byte; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function AESKeySetup(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; AESKey:PAESKey):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure AESEncryptBlock(Plain,Crypt:Pointer; AESKey:PAESKey);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure AESDecryptBlock(Crypt,Plain:Pointer; AESKey:PAESKey);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

DES helper functions

procedure DESKey(Key:PByte; KeyType:LongWord; CryptKey:PDESKey);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DESCook(Raw1:PLongWord; Key:PDESKey);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DESProcess(Block,Key:PLongWord);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function DESKeySetup(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; EncryptKey,DecryptKey:PDESKey):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DESEncryptBlock(Plain,Crypt:Pointer; EncryptKey:PDESKey);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DESDecryptBlock(Crypt,Plain:Pointer; DecryptKey:PDESKey);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

3DES helper functions

function DES3KeySetup(Key:Pointer; KeySize:LongWord; DES3Key:PDES3Key):Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DES3EncryptBlock(Plain,Crypt:Pointer; DES3Key:PDES3Key);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DES3DecryptBlock(Crypt,Plain:Pointer; DES3Key:PDES3Key);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

SHA1 helper functions

procedure SHA1Init(var Context:TSHA1Context);
Description: Initialize a SHA1 context with constants
Note None documented

procedure SHA1Update(var Context:TSHA1Context; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord);
Description: Add more bytes to the data buffer, add to the hash in 64 byte chunks
Note None documented

procedure SHA1Final(var Context:TSHA1Context; var Digest:TSHA1Digest);
Description: Finalize the SHA1 context by padding to a 64 Byte boundary, adding QWord count of bits processed and copying the hash to the digest
Note None documented

procedure SHA1Transform(var Context:TSHA1Context; Buffer:Pointer);
Description: The core SHA1 algorithm, adds an additional 64 Bytes (512 bits) to the hash
Note None documented

function SHA1DigestToString(Digest:PSHA1Digest):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

SHA256 helper functions

procedure SHA256Init(var Context:TSHA256Context);
Description: Initialize a SHA256 context with constants
Note None documented

procedure SHA256Process(var Context:TSHA256Context; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord);
Description: Add more bytes to the data buffer, add to the hash in 64 byte chunks
Note None documented

procedure SHA256Complete(var Context:TSHA256Context; var Digest:TSHA256Digest);
Description: Finalize the SHA256 context by padding to a 64 Byte boundary, adding QWord count of bits processed and copying the hash to the digest
Note None documented

procedure SHA256Compress(var Context:TSHA256Context; Buffer:Pointer);
Description: The core SHA256 algorithm, adds an additional 64 Bytes (512 bits) to the hash
Note None documented

function SHA256DigestToString(Digest:PSHA256Digest):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

MIME64 helper functions

procedure MIME64InitTables;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

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