Unit VirtualDisk
From Ultibo.org
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Ultibo Virtual Disk interface unit
To be documented
Virtual disk specific constants
Virtual flag contants
virtualFlagNone = $00000000;
virtualFlagFixed = $00000001;
virtualFlagDynamic = $00000002;
virtualFlagBase = $00000004;
virtualFlagDelta = $00000008;
virtualFlagDevice = $00000010;
virtualFlagSplit = $00000020;
VMware constants
vmwareFileExtension = '.vmdk';
vmwareFileMask = '*.vmdk';
vmwareNoParentCID = $FFFFFFFF;
not($00000000) |
vmwareSparseMagicNumber = $564d444b;
'VMDK' |
vmwareEsxSparseMagicNumber = $44574f43;
'COWD' |
vmwareEsxSparseMaxParentLength = 1024;
vmwareEsxSparseMaxNameLength = 60;
vmwareEsxSparseMaxDescriptionLength = 512;
vmwareSectorSize = 512;
VMware disk type constants
vmwareMaxDiskType = 0;
vmwareDiskTypeNone = 0;
VMware descriptor tag constants
vmwareTagDisk = 'Disk DescriptorFile';
vmwareTagVersion = 'version';
vmwareTagCID = 'CID';
vmwareTagParentCID = 'parentCID';
vmwareTagCreateType = 'createType';
vmwareTagExtent = 'Extent Description';
vmwareTagDatabase = 'The Disk Data Base';
vmwareTagDDB = 'DDB';
vmwareTagAdapter = 'ddb.adapterType';
vmwareTagSectors = 'ddb.geometry.sectors';
vmwareTagHeads = 'ddb.geometry.heads';
vmwareTagCylinders = 'ddb.geometry.cylinders';
vmwareTagParentHint = 'parentFileNameHint';
VMware create type constants
vmwareMaxCreateType = 11;
vmwareCreateType_monolithicSparse = 0;
vmwareCreateType_vmfsSparse = 1;
vmwareCreateType_monolithicFlat = 2;
vmwareCreateType_vmfs = 3;
vmwareCreateType_twoGbMaxExtentSparse = 4;
vmwareCreateType_twoGbMaxExtentFlat = 5;
vmwareCreateType_fullDevice = 6;
vmwareCreateType_vmfsRaw = 7;
vmwareCreateType_partitionedDevice = 8;
vmwareCreateType_vmfsRawDeviceMap = 9;
vmwareCreateType_vmfsPassthroughRawDeviceMap = 10;
vmwareCreateType_streamOptimized = 11;
VMware access type constants
vmwareMaxAccessType = 2;
vmwareAccessType_RW = 0;
vmwareAccessType_RDONLY = 1;
vmwareAccessType_NOACCESS = 2;
VMware extent type constants
vmwareMaxExtentType = 6;
vmwareExtentType_FLAT = 0;
vmwareExtentType_SPARSE = 1;
vmwareExtentType_ZERO = 2;
vmwareExtentType_VMFS = 3;
vmwareExtentType_VMFSSPARSE = 4;
vmwareExtentType_VMFSRDM = 5;
vmwareExtentType_VMFSRAW = 6;
VMware disk flag constants
vmwareFlagValidTest = $00000001;
bit 0: valid new line detection test |
vmwareFlagRedundantGrain = $00000002;
bit 1: redundant grain table will be used |
vmwareFlagGrainCompressed = $00010000;
bit 16: the grains are compressed. The type of compression is described by compressAlgorithm |
vmwareFlagLBAMarkers = $00020000;
bit 17: there are markers in the virtual disk to identify every block of metadata or data and the markers for the virtual machine data contain a LBA |
VMware compression type constants
vmwareCompressionNone = 0;
vmwareCompressionDeflate = 1;
The deflate algorithm is described in RFC 1951 |
VPC constants
vpcFileExtension = '.vhd';
vpcUndoExtension = '.vud';
vpcFileMask = '*.vhd';
vpcUndoMask = '*.vud';
vpcSplitMask = '*.v??';
.v01, v02 etc up to 64 |
vpcFooterCookie = 'conectix';
vpcDynamicCookie = 'cxsparse';
vpcMaxDiskExtents = 64;
Maximum number of 4GB split files in a disk image |
vpcExtentMaxSize = 4294967296;
Maximum size of s split file (4GB) |
vpcUnixTimeOffset = 946684800;
Offset from 1/1/1970 to 1/1/2000 |
vpcFooterVersion = $00010000;
vpcDynamicVersion = $00010000;
vpcSectorSize = 512;
vpcUnallocatedBlock = $FFFFFFFF;
vpcFixedDiskTableOffset = $FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
vpcDynamicDiskDataOffset = $FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
vpcMaxBlockGroup = $FF;
vpcBlockGroupMask = $FF;
vpcBlockGroupOffset = $100;
VPC disk type constants
vpcMaxDiskType = 6;
vpcDiskTypeNone = 0;
vpcDiskTypeReserved1 = 1;
vpcDiskTypeFixed = 2;
vpcDiskTypeDynamic = 3;
vpcDiskTypeDifferencing = 4;
vpcDiskTypeReserved2 = 5;
vpcDiskTypeReserved3 = 6;
VPC feature constants
vpcFeatureNone = $00000000;
vpcFeatureTemporary = $00000001;
vpcFeatureReserved = $00000002;
This bit must always be set to 1 |
VPC creator host OS constants
vpcCreatorWindows = $5769326B;
Wi2k |
vpcCreatorMacintosh = $4D616320;
Mac |
VPC platform code constants
vpcPlatformNone = $00000000;
vpcPlatformWi2r = $57693272;
Wi2r deprecated |
vpcPlatformWi2k = $5769326B;
Wi2k deprecated |
vpcPlatformW2ru = $57327275;
W2ru Unicode pathname (UTF-16) on Windows relative to the differencing disk pathname |
vpcPlatformW2ku = $57326B75;
W2ku Absolute Unicode (UTF-16) pathname on Windows |
vpcPlatformMac = $4D616320;
Mac OS alias stored as a blob |
vpcPlatformMacX = $4D616358;
MacX A file URL with UTF-8 encoding conforming to RFC 2396 |
VPC bitmap mask constants
vpcBitmapMaskBits = 32;
LongWord Bitmap Masks |
vpcBitmapMaskNone = $00000000;
LongWord (Used for fast counting of free blocks) |
vpcBitmapMaskAll = $FFFFFFFF;
LongWord (Used for fast counting of used blocks) |
vpcBitmapMasks:array[0..31] of LongWord = (
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
vpcBitmapMasks:array[0..31] of LongWord = (
Ordered to allow for big endian bitmap |
| |
| |
| |
VirtualBox constants
vboxFileExtension = '.vdi';
vboxDiskBanner = '<<< Sun xVM VirtualBox Disk Image >>>';
Plus a LF character in some images (#10) |
vboxDiskVersion = $00010001;
vboxDiskSignature = $BEDA107F;
vboxFileMask = '*.vdi';
vboxPathMask = '*.*';
vboxDeltaPath = '..\Machines\';
vboxParentPath = '..\..\..\VDI\';
vboxNewParentPath = '..\..\..\HardDisks\';
vboxSnapshotPath = '\Snapshots\';
vboxUnallocatedBlock = $FFFFFFFF;
VirtualBox disk type constants
vboxMaxDiskType = 4;
vboxDiskTypeNone = 0;
vboxDiskTypeDynamic = 1;
vboxDiskTypeStatic = 2;
vboxDiskTypeUnknown = 3;
vboxDiskTypeDifferencing = 4;
VirtualBox disk flag constants
vboxDiskFlagsNone = $00000000;
Type definitions
To be documented
Public variables
To be documented
Function declarations
Initialization functions
procedure VirtualInit;
Description: To be documented
Note | None documented |
procedure VirtualQuit;
Description: To be documented
Note | None documented |
Virtual disk helper functions
function VirtualDataToPointer(const AData; ASize:Integer; ASwap:Boolean):Pointer;
Description: Creates a pointer and copies data from a buffer
Note | Allows byte order swapping on copy |
function VirtualPointerToData(APointer:Pointer; var AData; ASize:Integer; ASwap:Boolean):Boolean;
Description: Copies data to a buffer from supplied pointer
Note | Allows byte order swapping on copy |
function VirtualDataToString(const AData; ASize:Integer; AUnicode:Boolean):String;
Description: Converts the supplied data to a string
Note | Accounts for unicode and byte ordering |
function VirtualStringToData(const AString:String; var AData; ASize:Integer ;AUnicode:Boolean):Boolean;
Description: Converts the supplied string to data
Note | Accounts for unicode and byte ordering |
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