Unit GlobalConst

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To be documented


Universal error constants ERROR_*
ERROR_SUCCESS = 0; Success
NO_ERROR = 0; Success
ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION = 1; Invalid function
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2; The file cannot be found
ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = 3; The path cannot be found
ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES = 4; Too many open files
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5; Access is denied
ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE = 6; Invalid handle}
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = DWORD(8); Not enough storage is available to process this command
ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS = 12; Invalid access
ERROR_INVALID_DATA = 13; The data is invalid
ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY = 14; Not enough memory is available
ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE = 15; Cannot find the drive specified
ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY = 16; Current directory cannot be removed
ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE = 17; Cannot move the file to a different disk drive
ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES = 18; There are no more files
ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT = 19; Media is write protected
ERROR_BAD_UNIT = 20; Cannot find the device specified
ERROR_NOT_READY = 21; The device is not ready
ERROR_BAD_COMMAND = 22; The device does not recognise the command
ERROR_WRITE_FAULT = 29; The device cannot be written to
ERROR_READ_FAULT = 30; The device cannot be read from
ERROR_GEN_FAILURE = 31; The device has failed
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 50; The request is not supported
ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST = 55; The device does not exist
ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE = 66; Invalid device type
ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED = 85; The device name is already in use
ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD = 86; Invalid pasword
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87; Invalid parameter
ERROR_SEM_IS_SET = 102; The semaphore is in use and cannot be closed
ERROR_OPEN_FAILED = 110; The file or device could not be opened
ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 120; The function is not currently implemented
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = 122; The buffer passed is too small for the requested data
ERROR_WAIT_NO_CHILDREN = 128; There are no child processes to wait for
ERROR_NOT_LOCKED = 158; The entry is not locked
ERROR_LOCK_FAILED = 167; The lock operation failed
ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS = 183; The file or object already exists
ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND = 203; The environment variable could not be found
ERROR_LOCKED = 212; The entry is already locked
ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234; More data is available than the provided buffer
ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 258; The operation timed out
ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259; No more items available
ERROR_NOT_OWNER = 288; The current thread is not the owner
ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED = DWORD(995); The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request
ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE = DWORD(996); Overlapped I/O event is not in a signaled state
ERROR_IO_PENDING = DWORD(997); Overlapped I/O operation is in progress
ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE = 1003; Cannot complete the function
ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 1168; The entry or device was not found
ERROR_INVALID_ACL = DWORD(1336); The access control list (ACL) structure is invalid
ERROR_INVALID_SID = DWORD(1337); The security ID structure is invalid
ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR = DWORD(1338); The security descriptor structure is invalid
ERROR_TIMEOUT = 1460; The operation returned because the timeout expired
ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED = 1627; The function call failed
Errors below here have no compatibility equivalent  
ERROR_NOT_VALID = 1000001; The entry or device is not valid
ERROR_NOT_ASSIGNED = 1000002; The device is not assigned
ERROR_IN_USE = 1000003; The device is in use
ERROR_OPERATION_FAILED = 1000004; The operation failed
ERROR_NOT_OPEN = 1000005; The file or device is not open
ERROR_ALREADY_OPEN = 1000006; The file or device is already open
ERROR_WAIT_ABANDONED = 1000007; The operation was abandoned
ERROR_IN_PROGRESS = 1000008; An operation is already in progress
ERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR = 1000009; A run time occurred
ERROR_EXCEPTION = 1000010; An exception occurred
ERROR_NOT_PROCESSED = 1000011; The entry has not been processed
ERROR_NOT_COMPLETED = 1000012; The entry or operation has not completed
ERROR_NOT_COMPATIBLE = 1000013; The entry is not compatible for the operation
ERROR_CANCELLED = 1000014; The entry or operation has been cancelled

To be documented

Type definitions

None defined

Public variables

None defined

Function declarations

None defined

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