Unit Winsock2

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Revision as of 03:41, 16 September 2016 by Ultibo (Talk | contribs)

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To be documented


To be documented

Type definitions

To be documented

Public variables

To be documented

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure WS2Init;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function WS2Start:Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function WS2Stop:Boolean;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

procedure WS2AsyncStart(Data:Pointer);
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

Winsock2 functions

function accept( const s: TSocket; addr: PSockAddr; addrlen: PLongint ): TSocket;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function accept( const s: TSocket; addr: PSockAddr; var addrlen: Longint ): TSocket;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function bind( const s: TSocket; addr: PSockAddr; namelen: Longint ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function bind( const s: TSocket; var addr: TSockAddr; namelen: Longint ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function closesocket( const s: TSocket ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function connect( const s: TSocket; name: PSockAddr; namelen: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function connect( const s: TSocket; var name: TSockAddr; namelen: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function ioctlsocket( const s: TSocket; cmd: Longint; var arg: u_long ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function ioctlsocket( const s: TSocket; cmd: Longint; argp: pu_long ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getpeername( const s: TSocket; var name: TSockAddr; var namelen: Longint ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getsockname( const s: TSocket; var name: TSockAddr; var namelen: Longint ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getsockopt( const s: TSocket; const level, optname: Longint; optval: PChar; var optlen: Longint ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getsockopt( const s: TSocket; const level, optname: Longint; optval: Pointer; var optlen: Longint ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getsockopt( const s: TSocket; const level, optname: Longint; var optval; var optlen: Longint ): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function htonl(hostlong: u_long): u_long;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function htons(hostshort: u_short): u_short;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function inet_addr(cp: PChar): u_long;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function inet_ntoa(inaddr: TInAddr): PChar;
Description: To be documented
Note As per the Winsock specification, the buffer returned by this function is only guaranteed to be valid until the next Winsock function call is made within the same thread. Therefore, the data should be copied before another Winsock call.

function listen(s: TSocket; backlog: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function ntohl(netlong: u_long): u_long;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function ntohs(netshort: u_short): u_short;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function recv(s: TSocket; var Buf; len, flags: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function recv(s: TSocket; Buf: PChar; len, flags: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function recv(s: TSocket; Buf: Pointer; len, flags: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function recvfrom(s: TSocket; Buf: PChar; len, flags: Longint; from: PSockAddr; fromlen: PLongint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function recvfrom(s: TSocket; Buf: Pointer; len, flags: Longint; from: PSockAddr; fromlen: PLongint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function recvfrom(s: TSocket; var Buf; len, flags: Longint; var from: TSockAddr; var fromlen: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function select(nfds: Longint; readfds, writefds, exceptfds: PFDSet; timeout: PTimeVal): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note All sockets contained in the FSSet must by of the same type

function send(s: TSocket; var Buf; len, flags: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function send(s: TSocket; Buf: PChar; len, flags: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function send(s: TSocket; Buf: Pointer; len, flags: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function sendto(s: TSocket; var Buf; len, flags: Longint; var addrto: TSockAddr; tolen: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function sendto(s: TSocket; Buf: PChar; len, flags: Longint; addrto: PSockAddr; tolen: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function sendto(s: TSocket; Buf: Pointer; len, flags: Longint; addrto: PSockAddr; tolen: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function setsockopt(s: TSocket; level, optname: Longint; const optval; optlen: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function setsockopt(s: TSocket; level, optname: Longint; optval: PChar; optlen: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function setsockopt(s: TSocket; level, optname: Longint; optval: Pointer; optlen: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function shutdown(s: TSocket; how: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function socket(af, struct, protocol: Longint): TSocket;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function gethostbyaddr(addr: Pointer; len, family: Longint): PHostEnt;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function gethostbyname(name: PChar): PHostEnt;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function gethostname(name: PChar; len: Longint): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getservbyport(port: Longint; proto: PChar): PServEnt;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getservbyname(name, proto: PChar): PServEnt;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getprotobynumber(proto: Longint): PProtoEnt;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getprotobyname(name: PChar): PProtoEnt;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getaddrinfo(pNodeName, pServiceName: PChar; pHints: PAddrInfo; var ppResult: PAddrInfo): LongInt;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

procedure freeaddrinfo(ai: PAddrInfo);
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function getnameinfo(sa: PSockAddr; salen: Integer; host: PChar; hostlen: DWORD; serv: PChar; servlen: DWORD; flags: Integer): Integer;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function WSAStartup(wVersionRequired: word; var WSData: TWSAData): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function WSACleanup: Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

procedure WSASetLastError(iError: Longint);
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function WSAGetLastError: Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function __WSAFDIsSet(s: TSOcket; var FDSet: TFDSet): Bool;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function inet_pton(Family: Longint; pszAddrString: PChar; pAddrBuf: Pointer): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function InetPtonA(Family: Longint; pszAddrString: PChar; pAddrBuf: Pointer): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function InetPtonW(Family: Longint; pszAddrString: PWideChar; pAddrBuf: Pointer): Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function inet_ntop(Family: Longint; pAddr: Pointer; pStringBuf: PChar; StringBufSize: Longint): PChar;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function InetNtopA(Family: Longint; pAddr: Pointer; pStringBuf: PChar; StringBufSize: Longint): PChar;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

function InetNtopW(Family: Longint; pAddr: Pointer; pStringBuf: PWideChar; StringBufSize: Longint): PWideChar;
Description: To be documented
Note To be documented

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