Unit Platform

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Ultibo Platform Interface unit


Handle flag HANDLE_FLAG_*
HANDLE_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
HANDLE_FLAG_NAMED = $00000001; Set if the handle has a name
HANDLE_FLAG_DUPLICATE = $00000002; Set if the handle can be duplicated
HANDLE_FLAG_INTERNAL = HANDLE_FLAG_NONE + $80000000; Note: Temporary value to avoid warning

Handle constants HANDLE_*
HANDLE_TABLE_MIN = $100; Minimum handle number (Skip first 256)
HANDLE_TABLE_MAX = $7FFFFFFF; Maximum handle number (Avoid MSB as THandle is a signed value)
HANDLE_TABLE_MASK = $7FF; 2048 buckets for handle lookups
HANDLE_NAME_LENGTH = 256; Maximum length of handle name

DMA data flag DMA_DATA_FLAG_*
DMA_DATA_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
DMA_DATA_FLAG_STRIDE = $00000001; Transfer from the source to the destination using 2D stride (If supported)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_SOURCE_NOINCREMENT = $00000002; Don't increment the source address during the DMA request (If supported)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_DEST_NOINCREMENT = $00000004; Don't increment the dest address during the DMA request (If supported)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_SOURCE_DREQ = $00000008; Use DREQ gating on the source address during the DMA request (If supported)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_DEST_DREQ = $00000010; Use DREQ gating on the dest address during the DMA request (If supported)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_SOURCE_WIDE = $00000020; Use wide reads on the source address during the DMA request (If supported)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_DEST_WIDE = $00000040; Use wide writes on the dest address during the DMA request (If supported)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_NOREAD = $00000080; Ignore the source address and zero fill the destination (If supported)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_NOWRITE = $00000100; Ignore the dest address and cache fill from the source (If supported)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_NOCLEAN = $00000200; Do not perform cache clean on the source address (If applicable)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_NOINVALIDATE = $00000400; Do not perform cache invalidate on the dest address (If applicable)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_BULK = $00000800; Perform a bulk transfer (Higher transfer throughput) (If applicable)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_LITE = $00001000; Perform a "lite" transfer (Lower transfer throughput but less waiting for free channel) (If applicable)
DMA_DATA_FLAG_40BIT = $00002000; Perform a 40-bit address transfer (Address to memory above 1GB or 4GB depending on SoC) (If applicable)

Page table flag PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_*
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
Reserved 0x00000001 (Previously used incorrectly for PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_NONE)
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_NORMAL = $00000002; Page Table Entry represents Normal memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_DEVICE = $00000004; Page Table Entry represents Device memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_ORDERED = $00000008; Page Table Entry represents Ordered memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_SHARED = $00000010; Page Table Entry represents Shared memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_CACHEABLE = $00000020; Page Table Entry represents Cacheable memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_READONLY = $00000040; Page Table Entry represents Read Only memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_READWRITE = $00000080; Page Table Entry represents Read Write memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_EXECUTABLE = $00000100; Page Table Entry represents Executable memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_WRITEBACK = $00000200; Page Table Entry is Writeback Cacheable memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_WRITETHROUGH = $00000400; Page Table Entry is Writethrough Cacheable memory
PAGE_TABLE_FLAG_WRITEALLOCATE = $00000800; Page Table Entry is Writeallocate Cacheable memory

Interrupt entry flag INTERRUPT_FLAG_*
INTERRUPT_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
INTERRUPT_FLAG_SHARED = $00000001; A shared interrupt, multiple devices can register for the same interrupt and each will be called until one returns INTERRUPT_RETURN_HANDLED
INTERRUPT_FLAG_LOCAL = $00000002; A local interrupt, generated only on the CPU it is associated with
INTERRUPT_FLAG_IPI = $00000004; A software interrupt or inter processor interrupt, generated by a software request instead of hardware
INTERRUPT_FLAG_FIQ = $00000008; A fast interrupt, takes precedence over all other interrupts (where applicable)
INTERRUPT_FLAG_CHAINED = $00000010; A chained interrupt, multiple devices can register for the same interrupt and all will be called when it occurs

Interrupt priority value INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_*

Interrupt return value INTERRUPT_RETURN_*
INTERRUPT_RETURN_NONE = 0; Shared interrupt not handled or not for this device
INTERRUPT_RETURN_HANDLED = 1; Shared interrupt handled, no further processing

Vector table entry VECTOR_TABLE_ENTRY_*
VECTOR_TABLE_ENTRY_ARM_SWI = 2; ARM Software Interrupt (SWI) Vector

Exception type EXCEPTION_TYPE_*

Firmware throttling flag FIRMWARE_THROTTLE_*
FIRMWARE_THROTTLE_UNDER_VOLTAGE = (1 shl 0); Under voltage is occurring
FIRMWARE_THROTTLE_FREQUENCY_LIMIT = (1 shl 1); Frequency limiting is occurring
FIRMWARE_THROTTLE_THROTTLED = (1 shl 2); Throttling is occurring
FIRMWARE_THROTTLE_WAS_UNDER_VOLTAGE = (1 shl 16); Under voltage has occurred
FIRMWARE_THROTTLE_WAS_FREQUENCY_LIMIT = (1 shl 17); Frequency limiting has occurred
FIRMWARE_THROTTLE_WAS_THROTTLED = (1 shl 18); Throttling has occurred

Platform logging PLATFORM_LOG_LEVEL_*
PLATFORM_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; Platform debugging messages
PLATFORM_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; Platform informational messages
PLATFORM_LOG_LEVEL_WARN = LOG_LEVEL_WARN; Platform warning messages

IRQ_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; IRQ informational messages

FIQ_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; FIQ informational messages

DEBUG = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; SWI debugging messages
SWI_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; SWI informational messages

Type definitions

IRQ mask

TIRQMask = LongWord;

FIQ mask

TFIQMask = LongWord;

IRQ/FIQ mask

TIRQFIQMask = LongWord;

Abort mask

TAbortMask = LongWord;

DMA data

PDMAData = ^TDMAData;

TDMAData = record

Data Properties
Source:Pointer; Source address for DMA (May need to be allocated in accordance with DMA host configuration)
Dest:Pointer; Dest address for DMA (May need to be allocated in accordance with DMA host configuration)
Size:LongWord; Size for DMA transfer (For 2D stride the length of a row multiplied by the count of rows)
Flags:LongWord; Flags for DMA transfer (See DMA_DATA_FLAG_* above)
Stride Properties
StrideLength:LongWord; Length of each row during 2D stride (If supported)
SourceStride:LongInt; Increment between rows for source address during 2D stride (If supported)
DestStride:LongInt; Increment between rows for destination address during 2D stride (If supported)
Next Block
Next:PDMAData; Link to next DMA data block (or nil for the last block)

System call request (SWI)

PSystemCallRequest = ^TSystemCallRequest;

TSystemCallRequest = record


Handle close

THandleClose = procedure(Data:THandle);

Handle close extended

THandleCloseEx = function(Data:THandle):LongWord;

Handle duplicate

THandleDuplicate = function(Data:THandle):THandle;

Handle enumeration callback

THandleEnumerate = function(Handle:PHandleEntry; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Handle entry

PHandleEntry = ^THandleEntry;

THandleEntry = record

Handle Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
Handle:THandle; Handle (Number) of this Handle
HandleType:LongWord; Type of this Handle (eg HANDLE_TYPE_FILE)
Count:LongWord; Reference Count of the Handle
Flags:LongWord; Flags for the Handle (eg HANDLE_FLAG_NAMED)
Name:PChar; The name of the Handle (Optional)
Hash:LongWord; Hash of the Handle name (Only if named)
Data:THandle; Purpose specific data for the Handle (eg a file handle or a socket handle)
Close:THandleClose; Procedure to call on final close (Optional)
CloseEx:THandleCloseEx; Function to call on final close (Optional)
Duplicate:THandleDuplicate; Function to call when duplicating handle (Optional)
Internal Properties
Prev:PHandleEntry; Previous entry in Handle table
Next:PHandleEntry; Next entry in Handle table
Statistics Properties

Handle entries

PHandleEntries = ^THandleEntries;

THandleEntries = array[0..HANDLE_TABLE_MASK + 1] of PHandleEntry;


Handle table

PHandleTable = ^THandleTable;

THandleTable = record

Next:LongWord; The next handle number
Count:LongWord; The current handle count
Handles:PHandleEntries; Array of handle entries hash buckets

Shutdown entry

PShutdownEntry = ^TShutdownEntry;

TShutdownEntry = record

Shutdown Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
Shutdown:procedure(Parameter:Pointer); The procedure to call on Shutdown
Parameter:Pointer; The parameter to pass to the Shutdown procedure (or nil)
Internal Properties
Prev:PShutdownEntry; Previous entry in Shutdown table
Next:PShutdownEntry; Next entry in Shutdown table

Interrupt entry (IRQ/FIQ)

PInterruptEntry = ^TInterruptEntry;

TInterruptEntry = record

Interrupt Properties
Internal Properties
function GetCPUID:LongWord;  
procedure SetCPUID(ACPUID:LongWord);  
procedure SetPriority(APriority:LongWord);  
function GetIsShared:Boolean;  
procedure SetIsShared(AValue:Boolean);  
function GetIsLocal:Boolean;  
procedure SetIsLocal(AValue:Boolean);  
function GetIsIPI:Boolean;  
procedure SetIsIPI(AValue:Boolean);  
function GetIsFIQ:Boolean;  
procedure SetIsFIQ(AValue:Boolean);  
function GetIsChained:Boolean;  
procedure SetIsChained(AValue:Boolean);  
function GetPriorityDefault:Boolean;  
procedure SetPriorityDefault(AValue:Boolean);  
function GetPriorityMinimum:Boolean;  
procedure SetPriorityMinimum(AValue:Boolean);  
function GetPriorityMaximum:Boolean;  
procedure SetPriorityMaximum(AValue:Boolean);  
function GetPriorityFIQ:Boolean;  
procedure SetPriorityFIQ(AValue:Boolean);  
Interrupt Properties
property Number:LongWord read FNumber write FNumber;  
property Flags:LongWord read FFlags write FFlags;  
property CPUMask:LongWord read FCPUMask write FCPUMask;  
property Handler:TInterruptHandler read FHandler write FHandler;  
property HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler read FHandlerEx write FHandlerEx;  
property SharedHandler:TSharedInterruptHandler read FSharedHandler write FSharedHandler;  
property Parameter:Pointer read FParameter write FParameter;  
Internal Properties
property Prev:PInterruptEntry read FPrev write FPrev;  
property Next:PInterruptEntry read FNext write FNext;  
Additional Properties
property CPUID:LongWord read GetCPUID write SetCPUID;  
property Priority:LongWord read FPriority write SetPriority;  
property IsShared:Boolean read GetIsShared write SetIsShared;  
property IsLocal:Boolean read GetIsLocal write SetIsLocal;  
property IsIPI:Boolean read GetIsIPI write SetIsIPI;  
property IsFIQ:Boolean read GetIsFIQ write SetIsFIQ;  
property IsChained:Boolean read GetIsChained write SetIsChained;  
property PriorityDefault:Boolean read GetPriorityDefault write SetPriorityDefault;  
property PriorityMinimum:Boolean read GetPriorityMinimum write SetPriorityMinimum;  
property PriorityMaximum:Boolean read GetPriorityMaximum write SetPriorityMaximum;  
property PriorityFIQ:Boolean read GetPriorityFIQ write SetPriorityFIQ;  

System call entry (SWI)

PSystemCallEntry = ^TSystemCallEntry;

TSystemCallEntry = record

HandlerEx:function(CPUID:LongWord; Thread:TThreadHandle; Request:PSystemCallRequest):TThreadHandle;  

Page table entry

PPageTableEntry = ^TPageTableEntry;

TPageTableEntry = record

Page Table Properties

Platform lock

PPlatformLock = ^TPlatformLock;

TPlatformLock = record


Platform semaphore

PPlatformSemaphore = ^TPlatformSemaphore;

TPlatformSemaphore = record


CPU initialization

TCPUInit = procedure;

FPU initialization

TFPUInit = procedure;

GPU initialization

TGPUInit = procedure;

MMU initialization

TMMUInit = procedure;

SMP initialization

TSMPInit = procedure;

Cache initialization

TCacheInit = procedure;

Board initialization

TBoardInit = procedure;

Memory initialization

TMemoryInit = procedure;

Clock initialization

TClockInit = procedure;

Power initialization

TPowerInit = procedure;

Mailbox initialization

TMailboxInit = procedure;

Interrupt initialization

TInterruptInit = procedure;

Peripheral initialization

TPeripheralInit = procedure;

Framebuffer initialization

TFramebufferInit = procedure;

Parse boot tags

TParseBootTags = procedure;

Parse command line

TParseCommandLine = procedure;

Parse environment

TParseEnvironment = procedure;

Options initialization

TOptionsInit = procedure;

Device tree valid

TDeviceTreeValid = function:Boolean;

Device tree get base

TDeviceTreeGetBase = function:PtrUInt;

Device tree get size

TDeviceTreeGetSize = function:LongWord;

Device tree read

TDeviceTreeRead = function(const Path,Name:String; Buffer:Pointer; var Size:LongWord):LongWord;

Device tree read 32

TDeviceTreeRead32 = function(const Path,Name:String; var Value:LongWord):LongWord;

Device tree read 64

TDeviceTreeRead64 = function(const Path,Name:String; var Value:UInt64):LongWord;

Device tree read string

TDeviceTreeReadString = function(const Path,Name:String; var Value:String):LongWord;

Inter Processor Interrupt (IPI) handler

TIPIHandler = TSharedInterruptHandler; Note: When used for IPI the CPUID parameter will be the sending CPU

System call (SWI) handler

TSystemCallHandler = procedure(Request:PSystemCallRequest);

System call (SWI) ex handler

TSystemCallExHandler = function(CPUID:LongWord; Thread:TThreadHandle; Request:PSystemCallRequest):TThreadHandle;

Thread yield

TThreadYield = function:LongWord;

Thread wait

TThreadWait = function(List:TListHandle; Lock:TSpinHandle; Flags:LongWord):LongWord;

Thread wait ex

TThreadWaitEx = function(List:TListHandle; Lock:TSpinHandle; Flags,Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Thread release

TThreadRelease = function(List:TListHandle):LongWord;

Thread abandon

TThreadAbandon = function(List:TListHandle):LongWord;

Thread wake

TThreadWake = function(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;

Thread ready

TThreadReady = function(Thread:TThreadHandle; Reschedule:Boolean):LongWord;

Thread timeout

TThreadTimeout = function(Thread:TThreadHandle):LongWord;

Timer event

TTimerEvent = procedure(Data:Pointer);

Worker task

TWorkerTask = procedure(Data:Pointer);

Worker callback

TWorkerCallback = procedure(Data:Pointer);

Counter callback

TCounterCallback = procedure(Data:Pointer);

GPIO callback

TGPIOCallback = procedure(Data:Pointer; Pin,Trigger:LongWord);

Boot blink

TBootBlink = procedure;

Boot output

TBootOutput = procedure(Value:LongWord);

Boot console start

TBootConsoleStart = procedure;

Boot console write

TBootConsoleWrite = procedure(const Value:String);

Boot console write ex

TBootConsoleWriteEx = procedure(const Value:String; X,Y:LongWord);

Boot console get x

TBootConsoleGetX = function:LongWord;

Boot console get y

TBootConsoleGetY = function:LongWord;

Power LED enable

TPowerLEDEnable = procedure;

Power LED on

TPowerLEDOn = procedure;

Power LED off

TPowerLEDOff = procedure;

Activity LED enable

TActivityLEDEnable = procedure;

Activity LED on

TActivityLEDOn = procedure;

Activity LED off

TActivityLEDOff = procedure;

Counter available

TCounterAvailable = function:Boolean;

Counter read

TCounterRead = function:LongWord;

Counter read64

TCounterRead64 = function:Int64;

Counter wait

TCounterWait = function:LongWord;

Counter event

TCounterEvent = function(Callback:TCounterCallback; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Counter cancel

TCounterCancel = function:LongWord;

Counter get rate

TCounterGetRate = function:LongWord;

Counter set rate

TCounterSetRate = function(Rate:LongWord):LongWord;

Counter get interval

TCounterGetInterval = function:LongWord;

Counter set interval

TCounterSetInterval = function(Interval:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox receive

TMailboxReceive = function(Mailbox,Channel:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox send

TMailboxSend = procedure(Mailbox,Channel,Data:LongWord);

Mailbox call

TMailboxCall = function(Mailbox,Channel,Data:LongWord; var Response:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox call ex

TMailboxCallEx = function(Mailbox,Channel,Data:LongWord; var Response:LongWord; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox property call

TMailboxPropertyCall = function(Mailbox,Channel:LongWord; Data:Pointer; var Response:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox property call ex

TMailboxPropertyCallEx = function(Mailbox,Channel:LongWord; Data:Pointer; var Response:LongWord; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox property tag

TMailboxPropertyTag = function(Tag:LongWord; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord):LongWord;

Random available

TRandomAvailable = function:Boolean;

Random seed

TRandomSeed = procedure(Seed:LongWord);

Random read long int

TRandomReadLongInt = function(Limit:LongInt):LongInt;

Random read int64

TRandomReadInt64 = function(Limit:Int64):Int64;

Random read double

TRandomReadDouble = function:Double;

Watchdog available

TWatchdogAvailable = function:Boolean;

Watchdog start

TWatchdogStart = function(Milliseconds:LongWord):LongWord;

Watchdog stop

TWatchdogStop = function:LongWord;

Watchdog refresh

TWatchdogRefresh = function(Milliseconds:LongWord):LongWord;

Request IRQ

TRequestIRQ = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Release IRQ

TReleaseIRQ = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Request ex IRQ

TRequestExIRQ = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Release ex IRQ

TReleaseExIRQ = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Request FIQ

TRequestFIQ = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Release FIQ

TReleaseFIQ = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; arameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Request ex FIQ

TRequestExFIQ = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Request IPI

TRequestIPI = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TIPIHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Release IPI

TReleaseIPI = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TIPIHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Register interrupt handler

TRegisterInterrupt = function(Number,Mask,Priority,Flags:LongWord; Handler:TSharedInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

Deregister interrupt handler

TDeregisterInterrupt = function(Number,Mask,Priority,Flags:LongWord; Handler:TSharedInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord;

System call

TSystemCall = procedure(Number:LongWord; Param1,Param2,Param3:PtrUInt);

Register system call

TRegisterSystemCall = function(Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler):LongWord;

Deregister system call

TDeregisterSystemCall = function(Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler):LongWord;

Register system call ex

TRegisterSystemCallEx = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler; HandlerEx:TSystemCallExHandler):LongWord;

Deregister system call ex

TDeregisterSystemCallEx = function(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler; HandlerEx:TSystemCallExHandler):LongWord;

Get interrupt count

TGetInterruptCount = function:LongWord;

Get interrupt start

TGetInterruptStart = function:LongWord;

Get interrupt entry

TGetInterruptEntry = function(Number,Instance:LongWord; var Interrupt:TInterruptEntry):LongWord;

Get local interrupt count

TGetLocalInterruptCount = function:LongWord;

Get local interrupt start

TGetLocalInterruptStart = function:LongWord;

Get local interrupt entry

TGetLocalInterruptEntry = function(CPUID,Number,Instance:LongWord; var Interrupt:TInterruptEntry):LongWord;

Get software interrupt count

TGetSoftwareInterruptCount = function:LongWord;

Get software interrupt start

TGetSoftwareInterruptStart = function:LongWord;

Get software interrupt entry

TGetSoftwareInterruptEntry = function(CPUID,Number,Instance:LongWord; var Interrupt:TInterruptEntry):LongWord;

Get system call count

TGetSystemCallCount = function:LongWord;

Get system call entry

TGetSystemCallEntry = function(Number:LongWord):TSystemCallEntry;

System restart

TSystemRestart = function(Delay:LongWord):LongWord;

System shutdown

TSystemShutdown = function(Delay:LongWord):LongWord;

System get uptime

TSystemGetUptime = function:Int64;

System get command line

TSystemGetCommandLine = function:String;

System get environment

TSystemGetEnvironment = function:Pointer;

CPU get arch

TCPUGetArch = function:LongWord;

CPU get type

TCPUGetType = function:LongWord;

CPU get boot

TCPUGetBoot = function:LongWord;

CPU get mask

TCPUGetMask = function:LongWord;

CPU get count

TCPUGetCount = function:LongWord;

CPU get mode

TCPUGetMode = function:LongWord;

CPU get state

TCPUGetState = function:LongWord;

CPU get group

TCPUGetGroup = function:LongWord;

CPU get current

TCPUGetCurrent = function:LongWord;

CPU get memory

TCPUGetMemory = function(var Address:PtrUInt; var Length:UInt64):LongWord;

CPU get percentage

TCPUGetPercentage = function(CPUID:LongWord):Double;

CPU get utilization

TCPUGetUtilization = function(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord;

CPU get model

TCPUGetModel = function:LongWord;

CPU get revision

TCPUGetRevision = function:LongWord;

CPU get description

TCPUGetDescription = function:String;

FPU get type

TFPUGetType = function:LongWord;

FPU get state

TFPUGetState = function:LongWord;

GPU get type

TGPUGetType = function:LongWord;

GPU get state

TGPUGetState = function:LongWord;

GPU get memory

TGPUGetMemory = function(var Address:PtrUInt; var Length:UInt64):LongWord;

L1 cache get type

TL1CacheGetType = function:LongWord;

L1 data cache get size

TL1DataCacheGetSize = function:LongWord;

L1 data cache get line size

TL1DataCacheGetLineSize = function:LongWord;

L1 instruction cache get size

TL1InstructionCacheGetSize = function:LongWord;

L1 instruction cache get line size

TL1InstructionCacheGetLineSize = function:LongWord;

L2 cache get type

TL2CacheGetType = function:LongWord;

L2 cache get size

TL2CacheGetSize = function:LongWord;

L2 cache get line size

TL2CacheGetLineSize = function:LongWord;

Board get type

TBoardGetType = function:LongWord;

Board get model

TBoardGetModel = function:LongWord;

Board get serial

TBoardGetSerial = function:Int64;

Board get revision

TBoardGetRevision = function:LongWord;

Board get MAC address

TBoardGetMACAddress = function:String;

Chip get revision

TChipGetRevision = function:LongWord;

Firmware get revision

TFirmwareGetRevision = function:LongWord;

Firmware get throttled

TFirmwareGetThrottled = function:LongWord;

Machine get type

TMachineGetType = function:LongWord;

Memory get base

TMemoryGetBase = function:PtrUInt;

Memory get size

TMemoryGetSize = function:UInt64;

Memory get page size

TMemoryGetPageSize = function:LongWord;

Memory get large page size

TMemoryGetLargePageSize = function:LongWord;

Memory get section size

TMemoryGetSectionSize = function:LongWord;

Memory get large section size

TMemoryGetLargeSectionSize = function:LongWord;

Power get wait

TPowerGetWait = function(PowerId:LongWord):LongWord;

Power get state

TPowerGetState = function(PowerId:LongWord):LongWord;

Power set state

TPowerSetState = function(PowerId,State:LongWord; Wait:Boolean):LongWord;

Clock get count

TClockGetCount = function:LongWord;

Clock get total

TClockGetTotal = function:Int64;

Clock update offset

TClockUpdateOffset = function:LongWord;

Clock get rate

TClockGetRate = function(ClockId:LongWord):LongWord;

Clock set rate

TClockSetRate = function(ClockId,Rate:LongWord; Turbo:Boolean):LongWord;

Clock get state

TClockGetState = function(ClockId:LongWord):LongWord;

Clock set state

TClockSetState = function(ClockId,State:LongWord):LongWord;

Clock get min rate

TClockGetMinRate = function(ClockId:LongWord):LongWord;

Clock get max rate

TClockGetMaxRate = function(ClockId:LongWord):LongWord;

Turbo get state

TTurboGetState = function(TurboId:LongWord):LongWord;

Turbo set state

TTurboSetState = function(TurboId,State:LongWord):LongWord;

Voltage get value

TVoltageGetValue = function (VoltageId:LongWord):LongWord;

Voltage set value

TVoltageSetValue = function (VoltageId,Value:LongWord):LongWord;

Voltage get min value

TVoltageGetMinValue = function(VoltageId:LongWord):LongWord;

Voltage get max value

TVoltageGetMaxValue = function(VoltageId:LongWord):LongWord;

Temperature get current

TTemperatureGetCurrent = function(TemperatureId:LongWord):LongWord;

Temperature get maximum

TTemperatureGetMaximum = function(TemperatureId:LongWord):LongWord;

GPU memory allocate

TGPUMemoryAllocate = function(Length,Alignment,Flags:LongWord):THandle;

GPU memory release

TGPUMemoryRelease = function(Handle:THandle):LongWord;

GPU memory lock

TGPUMemoryLock = function(Handle:THandle):LongWord;

GPU memory unlock

TGPUMemoryUnlock = function(Handle:THandle):LongWord;

GPU execute code

TGPUExecuteCode = function(Address:Pointer; R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5:LongWord):LongWord;

Dispmanx handle get

TDispmanxHandleGet = function(Resource:THandle):THandle;

EDID block get

TEDIDBlockGet = function(Block:LongWord; Buffer:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer available

TFramebufferAvailable = function:Boolean;

Framebuffer allocate

TFramebufferAllocate = function(Alignment:LongWord; var Address,Length:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer release

TFramebufferRelease = function:LongWord;

Framebuffer set state

TFramebufferSetState = function(State:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get dimensions

TFramebufferGetDimensions = function(var Width,Height,Top,Bottom,Left,Right:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get physical

TFramebufferGetPhysical = function(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer set physical

TFramebufferSetPhysical = function(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer test physical

TFramebufferTestPhysical = function(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get virtual

TFramebufferGetVirtual = function(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer set virtual

TFramebufferSetVirtual = function(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer test virtual

TFramebufferTestVirtual = function(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get depth

TFramebufferGetDepth = function(var Depth:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer set depth

TFramebufferSetDepth = function(var Depth:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer test depth

TFramebufferTestDepth = function(var Depth:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get pixel order

TFramebufferGetPixelOrder = function(var Order:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer set pixel order

TFramebufferSetPixelOrder = function(var Order:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer test pixel order

TFramebufferTestPixelOrder = function(var Order:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get alpha mode

TFramebufferGetAlphaMode = function(var Mode:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer set alpha mode

TFramebufferSetAlphaMode = function(var Mode:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer test alpha mode

TFramebufferTestAlphaMode = function(var Mode:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get pitch

TFramebufferGetPitch = function:LongWord;

Framebuffer get offset

TFramebufferGetOffset = function(var X,Y:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer set offset

TFramebufferSetOffset = function(var X,Y:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer test offset

TFramebufferTestOffset = function(var X,Y:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get overscan

TFramebufferGetOverscan = function(var Top,Bottom,Left,Right:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer set overscan

TFramebufferSetOverscan = function(var Top,Bottom,Left,Right:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer test overscan

TFramebufferTestOverscan = function(var Top,Bottom,Left,Right:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get palette

TFramebufferGetPalette = function(Buffer:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer set palette

TFramebufferSetPalette = function(Start,Count:LongWord; Buffer:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer test palette

TFramebufferTestPalette = function(Start,Count:LongWord; Buffer:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get layer

TFramebufferGetLayer = function(var Layer:LongInt):LongWord;

Framebuffer set layer

TFramebufferSetLayer = function(var Layer:LongInt):LongWord;

Framebuffer test layer

TFramebufferTestLayer = function(var Layer:LongInt):LongWord;

Framebuffer test vsync

TFramebufferTestVsync = function:LongWord;

Framebuffer set vsync

TFramebufferSetVsync = function:LongWord;

Framebuffer set backlight

TFramebufferSetBacklight = function(Brightness:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get num displays

TFramebufferGetNumDisplays = function(var NumDisplays:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get display id

TFramebufferGetDisplayId = function(DisplayNum:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer set display num

TFramebufferSetDisplayNum = function(DisplayNum:LongWord):LongWord;

Framebuffer get display settings

TFramebufferGetDisplaySettings = function(DisplayNum:LongWord; var DisplaySettings:TDisplaySettings):LongWord;

Framebuffer display id to name

TFramebufferDisplayIdToName = function(DisplayId:LongWord):String;

Touch get buffer

TTouchGetBuffer = function(var Address:PtrUInt):LongWord;

Touch set buffer

TTouchSetBuffer = function(Address:PtrUInt):LongWord;

Cursor set default

TCursorSetDefault = function:LongWord;

Cursor set info

TCursorSetInfo = function(Width,Height,HotspotX,HotspotY:LongWord; Pixels:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord;

Cursor set state

TCursorSetState = function(Enabled:Boolean; X,Y:LongWord; Relative:Boolean):LongWord;

DMA available

TDMAAvailable = function:Boolean;

DMA transfer

TDMATransfer = function(Data:PDMAData; Direction,Peripheral:LongWord):LongWord;

DMA fill memory

TDMAFillMemory = function(Dest:Pointer; Size:LongWord; Value:Byte):LongWord;

DMA copy memory

TDMACopyMemory = function(Source,Dest:Pointer; Size:LongWord):LongWord;

DMA read peripheral

TDMAReadPeripheral = function(Address,Dest:Pointer; Size,Peripheral:LongWord):LongWord;

DMA write peripheral

TDMAWritePeripheral = function(Source,Address:Pointer; Size,Peripheral:LongWord):LongWord;

DMA allocate buffer

TDMAAllocateBuffer = function(Size:LongWord):Pointer;

DMA allocate buffer ex

TDMAAllocateBufferEx = function(var Size:LongWord):Pointer;

DMA release buffer

TDMAReleaseBuffer = function(Buffer:Pointer):LongWord;

DMA get channels

TDMAGetChannels = function:LongWord;

GPIO available

TGPIOAvailable = function:Boolean;

GPIO read

TGPIORead = function(Reg:LongWord):LongWord;

GPIO write

TGPIOWrite = procedure(Reg,Value:LongWord);

GPIO input get

TGPIOInputGet = function(Pin:LongWord):LongWord;

GPIO input wait

TGPIOInputWait = function(Pin,Trigger,Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

GPIO input event

TGPIOInputEvent = function(Pin,Trigger,Timeout:LongWord; Callback:TGPIOCallback; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

GPIO output set

TGPIOOutputSet = function(Pin,Level:LongWord):LongWord;

GPIO pull get

TGPIOPullGet = function(Pin:LongWord):LongWord;

GPIO pull select

TGPIOPullSelect = function(Pin,Mode:LongWord):LongWord;

GPIO function get

TGPIOFunctionGet = function(Pin:LongWord):LongWord;

GPIO function select

TGPIOFunctionSelect = function(Pin,Mode:LongWord):LongWord;

Virtual GPIO input get

TVirtualGPIOInputGet = function(Pin:LongWord):LongWord;

Virtual GPIO output set

TVirtualGPIOOutputSet = function(Pin,Level:LongWord):LongWord;

Virtual GPIO function get

TVirtualGPIOFunctionGet = function(Pin:LongWord):LongWord;

Virtual GPIO function select

TVirtualGPIOFunctionSelect = function(Pin,Mode:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI available

TSPIAvailable = function:Boolean;

SPI start

TSPIStart = function(Mode,ClockRate,ClockPhase,ClockPolarity:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI stop

TSPIStop = function:LongWord;

SPI read

TSPIRead = function(ChipSelect:Word; Dest:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI write

TSPIWrite = function(ChipSelect:Word; Source:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI write read

TSPIWriteRead = function(ChipSelect:Word; Source,Dest:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI get mode

TSPIGetMode = function:LongWord;

SPI set mode

TSPISetMode = function(Mode:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI get clock rate

TSPIGetClockRate = function(ChipSelect:Word):LongWord;

SPI set clock rate

TSPISetClockRate = function(ChipSelect:Word; ClockRate:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI get clock phase

TSPIGetClockPhase = function:LongWord;

SPI set clock phase

TSPISetClockPhase = function(ClockPhase:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI get clock polarity

TSPIGetClockPolarity = function:LongWord;

SPI set clock polarity

TSPISetClockPolarity = function(ClockPolarity:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI get select polarity

TSPIGetSelectPolarity = function(ChipSelect:Word):LongWord;

SPI set select polarity

TSPISetSelectPolarity = function(ChipSelect:Word; SelectPolarity:LongWord):LongWord;

SPI get description

TSPIGetDescription = function(Id:LongWord):String;

I2C available

TI2CAvailable = function:Boolean;

I2C start

TI2CStart = function(Rate:LongWord):LongWord;

I2C stop

TI2CStop = function:LongWord;

I2C read

TI2CRead = function(Address:Word; Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;

I2C write

TI2CWrite = function(Address:Word; Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;

I2C write read

TI2CWriteRead = function(Address:Word; Initial:Pointer; Len:LongWord; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;

I2C write write

TI2CWriteWrite = function(Address:Word; Initial:Pointer; Len:LongWord; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;

I2C get rate

TI2CGetRate = function:LongWord;

I2C set rate

TI2CSetRate = function(Rate:LongWord):LongWord;

I2C get address

TI2CGetAddress = function:Word;

I2C set address

TI2CSetAddress = function(Address:Word):LongWord;

I2C get description

TI2CGetDescription = function(Id:LongWord):String;

PWM available

TPWMAvailable = function:Boolean;

PWM start

TPWMStart = function:LongWord;

PWM stop

TPWMStop = function:LongWord;

PWM write

TPWMWrite = function(Value:LongWord):LongWord;

PWM set mode

TPWMSetMode = function(Mode:LongWord):LongWord;

PWM set range

TPWMSetRange = function(Range:LongWord):LongWord;

PWM set frequency

TPWMSetFrequency = function(Frequency:LongWord):LongWord;

PWM configure

TPWMConfigure = function(DutyNS,PeriodNS:LongWord):LongWord;

PWM get description

TPWMGetDescription = function(Id,Channel:LongWord):String;

RTC available

TRTCAvailable = function:Boolean;

RTC get time

TRTCGetTime = function:Int64;

RTC set time

TRTCSetTime = function(const Time:Int64):Int64;

UART get description

TUARTGetDescription = function(Id:LongWord):String;

Serial available

TSerialAvailable = function:Boolean;

Serial open

TSerialOpen = function(BaudRate,DataBits,StopBits,Parity,FlowControl,ReceiveDepth,TransmitDepth:LongWord):LongWord;

Serial close

TSerialClose = function:LongWord;

Serial read

TSerialRead = function(Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;

Serial write

TSerialWrite = function(Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord;

Peripheral get base

TPeripheralGetBase = function:PtrUInt;

Peripheral get size

TPeripheralGetSize = function:LongWord;

Peripheral read

TPeripheralRead = function(Base,Reg:LongWord):LongWord;

Peripheral write

TPeripheralWrite = procedure(Base,Reg,Value:LongWord);

Local Peripheral get base

TLocalPeripheralGetBase = function:PtrUInt;

Local peripheral get size

TLocalPeripheralGetSize = function:LongWord;

Get SP

TGetSP = function:PtrUInt;

Get PC

TGetPC = function:PtrUInt;


TGetIRQ = function:Boolean;

Enable IRQ

TEnableIRQ = procedure;

Disable IRQ

TDisableIRQ = procedure;

Save IRQ

TSaveIRQ = function:TIRQMask;

Restore IRQ

TRestoreIRQ = function(IRQMask:TIRQMask):TIRQMask;


TGetFIQ = function:Boolean;

Enable FIQ

TEnableFIQ = procedure;

Disable FIQ

TDisableFIQ = procedure;

Save FIQ

TSaveFIQ = function:TFIQMask;

Restore FIQ

TRestoreFIQ = function(FIQMask:TFIQMask):TFIQMask;

Enable IRQ/FIQ

TEnableIRQFIQ = procedure;

Disable IRQ/FIQ

TDisableIRQFIQ = procedure;


TSaveIRQFIQ = function:TIRQFIQMask;

Restore IRQ/FIQ

TRestoreIRQFIQ = function(IRQFIQMask:TIRQFIQMask):TIRQFIQMask;

Get abort

TGetAbort = function:Boolean;

Enable abort

TEnableAbort = procedure;

Disable abort

TDisableAbort = procedure;

Save abort

TSaveAbort = function:TAbortMask;

Restore abort

TRestoreAbort = function(AbortMask:TAbortMask):TAbortMask;


THalt = procedure;


TPause = procedure;

Halt thread

THaltThread = function(ExitCode:LongWord):LongWord;

Send event

TSendEvent = procedure;

Wait for event

TWaitForEvent = procedure;

Wait for interrupt

TWaitForInterrupt = procedure;

Read memory barrier

TReadMemoryBarrier = procedure;

Write memory barrier

TWriteMemoryBarrier = procedure;

Data memory barrier

TDataMemoryBarrier = procedure;

Data synchronization barrier

TDataSynchronizationBarrier = procedure;

Instruction memory barrier

TInstructionMemoryBarrier = procedure;

Invalidate TLB

TInvalidateTLB = procedure;

Invalidate data TLB

TInvalidateDataTLB = procedure;

Invalidate instruction TLB

TInvalidateInstructionTLB = procedure;

Invalidate cache

TInvalidateCache = procedure;

Clean data cache

TCleanDataCache = procedure;

Invalidate data cache

TInvalidateDataCache = procedure;

Clean and invalidate data cache

TCleanAndInvalidateDataCache = procedure;

Invalidate instruction cache

TInvalidateInstructionCache = procedure;

Clean data cache range

TCleanDataCacheRange = procedure(Address:PtrUInt; Size:LongWord);

Invaliate data cache range

TInvalidateDataCacheRange = procedure(Address:PtrUInt; Size:LongWord);

Clean and invalidate data cache range

TCleanAndInvalidateDataCacheRange = procedure(Address:PtrUInt; Size:LongWord);

Invalidate instruction cache range

TInvalidateInstructionCacheRange = procedure(Address:PtrUInt; Size:LongWord);

Flush prefetch buffer

TFlushPrefetchBuffer = procedure;

Flush branch target cache

TFlushBranchTargetCache = procedure;

Context switch

TContextSwitch = procedure(OldStack,NewStack:Pointer; NewThread:TThreadHandle);

Context switch IRQ

TContextSwitchIRQ = procedure(OldStack,NewStack:Pointer; NewThread:TThreadHandle);

Context switch FIQ

TContextSwitchFIQ = procedure(OldStack,NewStack:Pointer; NewThread:TThreadHandle);

Context switch SWI

TContextSwitchSWI = procedure(OldStack,NewStack:Pointer; NewThread:TThreadHandle);

Interlocked or

TInterlockedOr = function(var Target:LongInt; Value:LongInt):LongInt;

Interlocked x or

TInterlockedXor = function(var Target:LongInt; Value:LongInt):LongInt;

Interlocked and

TInterlockedAnd = function(var Target:LongInt; Value:LongInt):LongInt;

Interlocked decrement

TInterlockedDecrement = function(var Target:LongInt):LongInt;

Interlocked increment

TInterlockedIncrement = function(var Target:LongInt):LongInt;

Interlocked exchange

TInterlockedExchange = function(var Target:LongInt; Source:LongInt):LongInt;

Interlocked add exchange

TInterlockedAddExchange = function(var Target:LongInt; Source:LongInt):LongInt;

Interlocked compare exchange

TInterlockedCompareExchange = function(var Target:LongInt; Source,Compare:LongInt):LongInt;

Page table get levels

TPageTableGetLevels = function:LongWord;

Page directory get base

TPageDirectoryGetBase = function:PtrUInt;

Page directory get size

TPageDirectoryGetSize = function:LongWord;

Page table get base

TPageTableGetBase = function:PtrUInt;

Page table get size

TPageTableGetSize = function:LongWord;

Page table get entry

TPageTableGetEntry = procedure(Address:PtrUInt; var Entry:TPageTableEntry);

Page table set entry

TPageTableSetEntry = function(const Entry:TPageTableEntry):LongWord;

Page table get page size

TPageTableGetPageSize = function(Address:PtrUInt):LongWord;

Page table get page flags

TPageTableGetPageFlags = function(Address:PtrUInt):LongWord;

Page table get page physical

TPageTableGetPagePhysical = function(Address:PtrUInt):PtrUInt;

Page tables get address

TPageTablesGetAddress = function:PtrUInt;

Page tables get length

TPageTablesGetLength = function:LongWord;

Page tables get count

TPageTablesGetCount = function:LongWord;

Page tables get shift

TPageTablesGetShift = function:LongWord;

Page tables get next

TPageTablesGetNext = function:PtrUInt;

Page tables get used

TPageTablesGetUsed = function:LongWord;

Page tables get free

TPageTablesGetFree = function:LongWord;

Vector table get base

TVectorTableGetBase = function:PtrUInt;

Vector table get size

TVectorTableGetSize = function:LongWord;

Vector table get count

TVectorTableGetCount = function:LongWord;

Vector table get entry

TVectorTableGetEntry = function(Number:LongWord):PtrUInt;

Vector table set entry

TVectorTableSetEntry = function(Number:LongWord; Address:PtrUInt):LongWord;

First bit set

TFirstBitSet = function(Value:LongWord):LongWord;

Count leading zeros

TCountLeadingZeros = function(Value:LongWord):LongWord;

Text IO write char

TTextIOWriteChar = function(ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Text IO read char

TTextIOReadChar = function(var ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Text IO write buffer

TTextIOWriteBuffer = function(ABuffer:PChar; ACount:LongInt; AUserData:Pointer):LongInt;

Console get key

TConsoleGetKey = function(var ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Console peek key

TConsolePeekKey = function(var ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Console write char

TConsoleWriteChar = function(ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Console read char

TConsoleReadChar = function(var ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Console read wide char

TConsoleReadWideChar = function(var ACh:WideChar; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Console hide mouse

TConsoleHideMouse = function(AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Console show mouse

TConsoleShowMouse = function(X,Y:LongWord; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Console read mouse

TConsoleReadMouse = function(var X,Y,Buttons:LongWord; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean;

Code page to wide char

TCodePageToWideChar = function(Ch:Char):WideChar;

Wide char to code page

TWideCharToCodePage = function(Ch:WideChar):Char;

Host get name

THostGetName = function:String;

Host set name

THostSetName = function(const AName:String):Boolean;

Host get domain

THostGetDomain = function:String;

Host set domain

THostSetDomain = function(const ADomain:String):Boolean;

Module load

TModuleLoad = function(const AName:String):THandle;

Module unload

TModuleUnload = function(AHandle:THandle):Boolean;

Module get name

TModuleGetName = function(AHandle:THandle):String;

Symbol add

TSymbolAdd = function(AHandle:THandle; const AName:String; AAddress:PtrUInt):Boolean;

Symbol remove

TSymbolRemove = function(AHandle:THandle; const AName:String):Boolean;

Symbol get address

TSymbolGetAddress = function(AHandle:THandle; const AName:String):PtrUInt;

Logging output

TLoggingOutput = procedure(const AText:String);

Logging output ex

TLoggingOutputEx = procedure(AFacility,ASeverity:LongWord; const ATag,AContent:String);

Text IO data

PTextIOData = ^TTextIOData;

TTextIOData = record


Class definitions

Platform specific classes

EHardwareException = class(Exception)
EDataAbort = class(EHardwareException);
EPrefetchAbort = class(EHardwareException);
EUndefinedInstruction = class(EHardwareException);

Public variables

Platform logging

PLATFORM_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL:LongWord = PLATFORM_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; Minimum level for Platform messages. Only messages with level greater than or equal to this will be printed.

IRQ logging

IRQ_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL:LongWord = IRQ_LOG_LEVEL_INFO; Minimum level for IRQ messages. Only messages with level greater than or equal to this will be printed.

FIQ logging

FIQ_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL:LongWord = FIQ_LOG_LEVEL_INFO; Minimum level for FIQ messages. Only messages with level greater than or equal to this will be printed.

SWI logging

SWI_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL:LongWord = SWI_LOG_LEVEL_INFO; Minimum level for SWI messages. Only messages with level greater than or equal to this will be printed.

Platform specific variables


Lock variables


Semaphore variables


Clock variables

ClockBase:Int64 = TIME_TICKS_TO_1899; The system time as of the last setting of the clock
ClockLast:LongWord; The timer value of the last clock tick
ClockTicks:LongWord; Current number of clock ticks (When this reaches CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND then ClockSeconds is incremented and this is reset to zero)
ClockSeconds:LongWord; Current number of clock seconds (This forms the system clock)
ClockRTCInvalid:LongBool; True if available time from RTC is invalid

Utilization variables

UtilizationLast:array of LongWord; The per CPU utilization for the last second (Allocated by scheduler initialization)
UtilizationCurrent:array of LongWord; The per CPU utilization for the current second (Updated by Idle thread and reset by Scheduler interrupt) (Allocated by scheduler initialization)

Initialization handlers


Device tree handlers


Blink/Output handlers


LED handlers


Counter handlers


Mailbox handlers


Random handlers


Watchdog handlers


Interrupt request (IRQ) handlers


Fast interrupt request (FIQ) handlers


Inter processor interrupt (IPI) handlers


Interrupt register/deregister handlers


System call (SWI) handlers


Interrupt entry handlers


Local interrupt entry handlers


Software interrupt entry (IPI) handlers


System call entry (SWI) handlers


System handlers


CPU handlers


FPU handlers


GPU handlers


Cache handlers


Board handlers


Chip handlers


Firmware handlers


Machine handlers


Memory handlers


Power handlers


Clock handlers


Turbo handlers


Voltage handlers


Temperature handlers


GPU memory handlers


GPU miscellaneous handlers


Framebuffer handlers


Cursor handlers


Touch handlers


DMA handlers


GPIO handlers


Virtual GPIO handlers


SPI handlers


I2C handlers


PWM handlers


RTC handlers


UART handlers


Serial handlers


Peripheral handlers


Get SP/PC handlers


Enable/Disable/Save/Restore IRQ/FIQ handlers


Halt/Pause handlers


Halt thread handlers


SendEvent/WaitForEvent/Interrupt handlers


Barrier handlers


TLB handlers


Cache handlers


Prefetch buffer handlers


Branch target cache handlers


Context switch handlers


And/Xor/Or/Increment/Decrement/Exchange handlers


Page table handlers


Page tables handlers


Vector table handlers


First bit set handlers


Count leading zeros handlers


Text IO handlers


Console handlers


Code page handlers


Name handlers


Module handlers


Symbol handlers


Logging handlers


Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure PlatformInit;
Description: Initialize platform specific information for the current hardware
Note None documented

procedure CPUInit;
Description: Initialize the CPU including performance features etc (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure FPUInit;
Description: Initialize the Floating Point Processor Unit (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure GPUInit;
Description: Initialize the Graphics Processor Unit (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure MMUInit;
Description: Initialize the Memory Management Unit (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure SMPInit;
Description: Initialize the Symetric Multi Processor support (Where Applicable)
Note Secondary CPU boot is performed by SecondaryInit in Threads

procedure CacheInit;
Description: Initialize CPU Data and Instruction Caching (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure BoardInit;
Description: Initialize Board specific information (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure MemoryInit;
Description: Initialize Memory specific information (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure ClockInit;
Description: Initialize the Clock handling
Note None documented

procedure PowerInit;
Description: Initialize Power management (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure MailboxInit;
Description: Initialize Mailbox access (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InterruptInit;
Description: Initialize Interrupt handling
Note None documented

procedure PeripheralInit;
Description: Initialize Peripheral devices (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure ParseBootTags;
Description: Parse any boot tag information passed by the bootloader (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure ParseCommandLine;
Description: Setup argc, argv and cmdline and process known command line options (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure ParseEnvironment;
Description: Setup envp and process known environment options (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure OptionsInit;
Description: Process known command line and environment options (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

Device tree functions

function DeviceTreeValid:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if valid Device Tree information was provided by the firmware/bootloader
Note None documented

function DeviceTreeGetBase:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the base address of the Device Tree Blob (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function DeviceTreeGetSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the total size of the Device Tree Blob (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function DeviceTreeRead(const Path,Name:String; Buffer:Pointer; var Size:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Read the raw value of a Device Tree property (Where Applicable)
Path The path of the requested property
Name The name of the requested property
Buffer A pointer to a buffer to receive the raw value
Size The size in byte of the buffer, updated on return with the actual size of the value.
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the property value was read or another error code on failure

function DeviceTreeRead32(const Path,Name:String; var Value:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Read a 32-bit value from a Device Tree property (Where Applicable)
Path The path of the requested property
Name The name of the requested property
Value The returned value of the property
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the property value was read or another error code on failure

function DeviceTreeRead64(const Path,Name:String; var Value:UInt64):LongWord; inline;
Description: Read a 64-bit value from a Device Tree property (Where Applicable)
Path The path of the requested property
Name The name of the requested property
Value The returned value of the property
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the property value was read or another error code on failure

function DeviceTreeReadString(const Path,Name:String; var Value:String):LongWord; inline;
Description: Read a string value from a Device Tree property (Where Applicable)
Path The path of the requested property
Name The name of the requested property
Value The returned value of the property
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the property value was read or another error code on failure

Boot functions

procedure BootBlink; inline;
Description: Blink the Activity LED (Where Applicable)
Note Intended for startup diagnostics when bootstrapping a new board

procedure BootOutput(Value:LongWord); inline;
Description: Output boot time information (Where Applicable)
Note Intended for startup diagnostics when bootstrapping a new board

procedure BootConsoleStart; inline;
Description: Start the boot time console display (Where Applicable)
Note Intended for startup diagnostics when bootstrapping a new board

procedure BootConsoleWrite(const Value:String); inline;
Description: Output text to the boot time console display (Where Applicable)
Note Intended for startup diagnostics when bootstrapping a new board

procedure BootConsoleWriteEx(const Value:String; X,Y:LongWord); inline;
Description: Output text to the boot time console display at the specified X and Y position (Where Applicable)
Note Intended for startup diagnostics when bootstrapping a new board

function BootConsoleGetX:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current X position of the boot time console display (Where Applicable)
Note Intended for startup diagnostics when bootstrapping a new board

function BootConsoleGetY:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current Y position of the boot time console display (Where Applicable)
Note Intended for startup diagnostics when bootstrapping a new board

LED functions

procedure PowerLEDEnable; inline;
Description: Enable the Power LED (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure PowerLEDOn; inline;
Description: Turn On the Power LED (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure PowerLEDOff; inline;
Description: Turn Off the Power LED (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure ActivityLEDEnable; inline;
Description: Enable the Activity LED (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure ActivityLEDOn; inline;
Description: Turn On the Activity LED (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure ActivityLEDOff; inline;
Description: Turn Off the Activity LED (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

Counter functions (Timer device)

function CounterAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if a counter is currently available
Note None documented

function CounterRead:LongWord; inline;
Description: Read the current value of the default counter
Return The 32 bit current value of the counter or 0 on failure

function CounterRead64:Int64; inline;
Description: Read the current value of the default counter
Return The 64 bit current value of the counter or 0 on failure

function CounterWait:LongWord; inline;
Description: Wait for the current interval to expire on the default counter
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the interval expired or another error code on failure

function CounterEvent(Callback:TCounterCallback; Data:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Schedule a function to be called when the current interval expires on the default counter
Callback The function to be called when the interval expires
Data A pointer to be pass to the function when the interval expires (Optional)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the callback was scheduled successfully or another error code on failure

function CounterCancel:LongWord; inline;
Description: Cancel a previously scheduled event callback function on the default counter
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the callback was cancelled successfully or another error code on failure

function CounterGetRate:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current clock rate in Hz of the default counter
Return The current clock rate in Hz or 0 on failure

function CounterSetRate(Rate:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the current clock rate in Hz of the default counter
Rate The clock rate in Hz to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the clock rate was set or another error code on failure

function CounterGetInterval:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current interval in ticks of the default counter
Return The current interval in ticks or 0 on failure (or not set)
Note The tick rate is determined by the clock rate

function CounterSetInterval(Interval:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the current interval in ticks of the default counter
Interval The interval in ticks to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the interval was set or another error code on failure
Note The tick rate is determined by the clock rate

Mailbox functions

function MailboxReceive(Mailbox,Channel:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Receive from specified mailbox on specified channel
Note None documented

procedure MailboxSend(Mailbox,Channel,Data:LongWord); inline;
Description: Send to specified mailbox on specified channel
Note None documented

function MailboxCall(Mailbox,Channel,Data:LongWord; var Response:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Perform a transaction (Send/Receive) to specified mailbox on specified channel
Note None documented

function MailboxCallEx(Mailbox,Channel,Data:LongWord; var Response:LongWord; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Perform a transaction (Send/Receive) to specified mailbox on specified channel
Note None documented

function MailboxPropertyCall(Mailbox,Channel:LongWord; Data:Pointer; var Response:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Perform a property tag transaction (Send/Receive) to specified mailbox on specified channel
Note None documented

function MailboxPropertyCallEx(Mailbox,Channel:LongWord; Data:Pointer; var Response:LongWord; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Perform a property tag transaction (Send/Receive) to specified mailbox on specified channel
Note None documented

function MailboxPropertyTag(Tag:LongWord; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request a property tag (Get/Set) from the mailbox property channel
Note None documented

Random number functions

function RandomAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if a hardware random number generator is currently available
Note The software random number generator from the RTL is always available

procedure RandomSeed(Seed:LongWord); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomReadLongInt(Limit:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomReadInt64(Limit:Int64):Int64; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomReadDouble:Double; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomReadExtended:Extended; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note Replaced by RandomReadDouble

Watchdog timer functions

function WatchdogAvailable:Boolean; inline; 
Description: Check if a watchdog timer is currently available
Note None documented

function WatchdogStart(Milliseconds:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogStop:LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogRefresh(Milliseconds:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Interrupt request (IRQ) functions

function RequestIRQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request registration of the supplied handler to the specified IRQ number
CPUID CPU to route IRQ to
Number IRQ number to register
Handler Interrupt handler function to register
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note If the IRQ number is already registered then the request will fail

function ReleaseIRQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied handler from the specified IRQ number
CPUID CPU to unroute IRQ from
Number IRQ number to deregister
Handler Interrupt handler function to deregister
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note If the IRQ number is not currently registered then the request will fail

function RequestExIRQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request registration of the supplied extended handler to the specified IRQ number
CPUID CPU to route IRQ to
Number IRQ number to register
Handler Interrupt handler function to register
HandlerEx Extended Interrupt handler function to register
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note Only one of Handler or HandlerEx can be specified. If the IRQ number is already registered then the request will fail

function ReleaseExIRQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied extended handler from the specified IRQ number
CPUID CPU to unroute IRQ from
Number IRQ number to deregister
Handler Interrupt handler function to deregister
HandlerEx Extended Interrupt handler function to deregister
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note Only one of Handler or HandlerEx can be specified. If the IRQ number is not currently registered then the request will fail

function RequestFIQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request registration of the supplied handler to the specified FIQ number (Where Applicable)
CPUID CPU to route FIQ to
Number FIQ number to register
Handler Interrupt handler function to register
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note If the FIQ number is already registered then the request will fail

function ReleaseFIQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied handler from the specified FIQ number (Where Applicable)
CPUID CPU to unroute FIQ from
Number FIQ number to deregister
Handler Interrupt handler function to deregister
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note If the FIQ number is not currently registered then the request will fail

function RequestExFIQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request registration of the supplied extended handler to the specified FIQ number (Where Applicable)
CPUID CPU to route FIQ to
Number FIQ number to register
Handler Interrupt handler function to register
HandlerEx Extended Interrupt handler function to register
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note Only one of Handler or HandlerEx can be specified. If the FIQ number is already registered then the request will fail

function ReleaseExFIQ(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TInterruptHandler; HandlerEx:TInterruptExHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied extended handler from the specified FIQ number (Where Applicable)
CPUID CPU to unroute FIQ from
Number FIQ number to deregister
Handler Interrupt handler function to deregister
HandlerEx Extended Interrupt handler function to deregister
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note Only one of Handler or HandlerEx can be specified. If the FIQ number is not currently registered then the request will fail

Inter processor interrupt (IPI) functions

function RequestIPI(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TIPIHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request registration of the supplied handler to the specified IPI (Inter-processor interrupt) number (Where Applicable)
CPUID CPU to route IPI to
Number IPI number to register
Handler Interrupt handler function to register
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note If the IPI number is already registered then the request will fail

function ReleaseIPI(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TIPIHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied handler from the specified IPI (Inter-processor interrupt) number (Where Applicable)
CPUID CPU to unroute IPI from
Number IPI number to deregister
Handler Interrupt handler function to deregister
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Note If the IPI number is not currently registered then the request will fail

Interrupt register/deregister functions

function RegisterInterrupt(Number,Mask,Priority,Flags:LongWord; Handler:TSharedInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request registration of the supplied handler to the specified interrupt number (Where Applicable)
Number The interrupt number to register the handler for
Mask The mask of CPUs to register the handler for (eg CPU_MASK_0, CPU_MASK_1) (Where Applicable)
Priority The priority level of the interrupt to be registered (eg INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM) (Where Applicable)
Flags The flags to control the registration of the interrupt (eg INTERRUPT_FLAG_SHARED) (Where Applicable)
Handler The shared interrupt handler to be called when the interrupt occurs
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the callback was scheduled successfully or another error code on failure
Note None documented

function DeregisterInterrupt(Number,Mask,Priority,Flags:LongWord; Handler:TSharedInterruptHandler; Parameter:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied handler from the specified interrupt number (Where Applicable)
Number The interrupt number to deregister the handler for
Mask The mask of CPUs to deregister the handler for (eg CPU_MASK_0, CPU_MASK_1) (Where Applicable)
Priority The priority level of the interrupt to be deregistered (eg INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_MAXIMUM) (Where Applicable)
Flags The flags to control the deregistration of the interrupt (eg INTERRUPT_FLAG_SHARED, INTERRUPT_FLAG_LOCAL, INTERRUPT_FLAG_FIQ) (Where Applicable)
Handler The shared interrupt handler to be called when the interrupt occurs
Parameter A pointer to be passed to the handler when the interrupt occurs (Optional)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the callback was scheduled successfully or another error code on failure
Note None documented

System call (SWI) functions

procedure SystemCall(Number:LongWord; Param1,Param2,Param3:PtrUInt); inline;
Description: Perform a System Call function with the supplied parameters (Where Applicable)
Number The System Call number to be called
Param1 The first parameter to pass to the function (Optional/Function defined)
Param2 The second parameter to pass to the function (Optional/Function defined)
Param3 The third parameter to pass to the function (Optional/Function defined)

function RegisterSystemCall(Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request registration of the supplied handler to the specified System Call number (Where Applicable)
Number The System Call number to be registered
Handler The handler function to be registered
Note If the System Call number is already registered then the request will fail

function DeregisterSystemCall(Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied handler from the specified System Call number (Where Applicable)
Number The System Call number to be deregistered
Handler The handler function to be deregistered
Note If the System Call number is not currently registered then the request will fail

function RegisterSystemCallEx(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler; HandlerEx:TSystemCallExHandler):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request registration of the supplied extended handler to the specified System Call number (Where Applicable)
CPUID The CPU Id to register the System Call against (or CPU_ID_ALL)
Number The System Call number to be registered
Handler The handler function to be registered (Optional) (Handler or HandlerEx must be specified, not both)
HandlerEx The extended handler function to be registered (Optional) (Handler or HandlerEx must be specified, not both)
Note If the System Call number is already registered then the request will fail

function DeregisterSystemCallEx(CPUID,Number:LongWord; Handler:TSystemCallHandler; HandlerEx:TSystemCallExHandler):LongWord; inline;
Description: Request deregistration of the supplied extended handler from the specified System Call number (Where Applicable)
CPUID The CPU Id to deregister the System Call from (or CPU_ID_ALL)
Number The System Call number to be deregistered
Handler The handler function to be deregistered (Optional) (Handler or HandlerEx must be specified, not both)
HandlerEx The extended handler function to be deregistered (Optional) (Handler or HandlerEx must be specified, not both)
Note If the System Call number is not currently registered then the request will fail

Interrupt entry functions

function GetInterruptCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of interrupt entries for the current platform
Note None documented

function GetInterruptStart:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the starting number of interrupt entries for the current platform
Note None documented

function GetInterruptEntry(Number:LongWord):TInterruptEntry; overload;
Description: Get the interrupt entry for the specified interrupt number
Note None documented

function GetInterruptEntry(Number,Instance:LongWord;var Interrupt:TInterruptEntry):LongWord; inline; overload;
Description: Get the interrupt entry for the specified interrupt number and instance
Note None documented

Local interrupt entry functions

function GetLocalInterruptCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of local interrupt entries for the current platform (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function GetLocalInterruptStart:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the starting number of local interrupt entries for the current platform (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function GetLocalInterruptEntry(CPUID,Number:LongWord):TInterruptEntry;
Description: Get the local interrupt entry for the specified interrupt number (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function GetLocalInterruptEntry(CPUID,Number,Instance:LongWord; var Interrupt:TInterruptEntry):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the local interrupt entry for the specified interrupt number and instance (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

Software interrupt entry (IPI) functions

function GetSoftwareInterruptCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of software interrupt entries for the current platform (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function GetSoftwareInterruptStart:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the starting number of software interrupt entries for the current platform (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function GetSoftwareInterruptEntry(CPUID,Number:LongWord):TInterruptEntry; overload;
Description: Get the software interrupt entry for the specified interrupt number and instance (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function GetSoftwareInterruptEntry(CPUID,Number,Instance:LongWord; var Interrupt:TInterruptEntry):LongWord; inline; overload;
Description: Get the software interrupt entry for the specified interrupt number and instance (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

System call entry (SWI) functions

function GetSystemCallCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of system call entries for the current platform (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function GetSystemCallEntry(Number:LongWord):TSystemCallEntry; inline;
Description: Get the system call entry for the specified system call number (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

System functions

function SystemRestart(Delay:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Restart the system
Note None documented

function SystemShutdown(Delay:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Shutdown the system
Note None documented

function SystemGetUptime:Int64; inline;
Description: Get the current system up time in 100 nanosecond ticks since 1/1/1601
Return The current system up time
Note This is the same time format as Windows FILE_TIME and is intended to allow compatibility with file system functions etc

function SystemGetCommandLine:String; inline;
Description: Get the current command line
Note None documented

function SystemGetEnvironment:Pointer; inline;
Description: Get the current environment
Note None documented

CPU functions

function CPUGetArch:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the CPU architecture for this board
Note None documented

function CPUGetType:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the CPU type for this board
Note None documented

function CPUGetBoot:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the boot CPU for this board
Note None documented

function CPUGetMask:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the CPU mask for this board
Note None documented

function CPUGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the CPU count for this board
Note None documented

function CPUGetMode:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current CPU moded
Note The return value is specific to the CPU type

function CPUGetState:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current CPU state
Note None documented

function CPUGetGroup:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current CPU group
Note None documented

function CPUGetCurrent:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current CPU Id
Note None documented

function CPUGetMemory(var Address:PtrUInt; var Length:UInt64):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the memory start and size available to the CPU
Note None documented

function CPUGetPercentage(CPUID:LongWord):Double; inline;
Description: Get the last second ulitization of the specified CPU in percentage
CPUID The CPU to get utilization from or CPU_ID_ALL for average of all CPUs

function CPUGetUtilization(CPUID:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the last second ulitization of the specified CPU
CPUID The CPU to get utilization from or CPU_ID_ALL for average of all CPUs

function CPUGetModel:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the CPU model of the current CPU
Note None documented

function CPUGetRevision:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the CPU revision of the current CPU
Note The return value is specific to the CPU type and model

function CPUGetDescription:String; inline;
Description: Get the CPU description of the current CPU
Note None documented

FPU functions

function FPUGetType:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the FPU type for this board
Note None documented

function FPUGetState:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current FPU state
Note None documented

GPU functions

function GPUGetType:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the GPU type for this board
Note None documented

function GPUGetState:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current GPU state
Note None documented

function GPUGetMemory(var Address:PtrUInt; var Length:UInt64):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the memory start and size available to the GPU
Note None documented

Cache functions

function L1CacheGetType:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the L1 cache type for this board
Note None documented

function L1DataCacheGetSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the L1 data cache size for this board
Note If data cache is not supported, the size returned is zero. If separate data and instruction caches are not supported, the size returned is the unified size.

function L1DataCacheGetLineSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the L1 data cache line size for this board
Note If data cache is not supported, the size returned is zero. If separate data and instruction caches are not supported, the size returned is the unified size.

function L1InstructionCacheGetSize:LongWord; inline; 
Description: Get the L1 instruction cache size for this board
Note If instruction cache is not supported, the size returned is zero. If separate data and instruction caches are not supported, the size returned is the unified size.

function L1InstructionCacheGetLineSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the L1 instruction cache line size for this board
Note If instruction cache is not supported, the size returned is zero. If separate data and instruction caches are not supported, the size returned is the unified size.

function L2CacheGetType:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the L2 cache type for this board
Note None documented

function L2CacheGetSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the L2 cache size for this board
Note If L2 cache is not supported, the size returned is zero

function L2CacheGetLineSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the L2 cache line size for this board
Note If L2 cache is not supported, the size returned is zero

Version functions

procedure VersionGetInfo(var Major,Minor,Revision:LongWord);
Description: Get the version information of the currently running system
Note None documented

function VersionGetDate:String;
Description: Get the version release date of the currently running system
Note None documented

function VersionGetName:String;
Description: Get the version release name of the currently running system
Note None documented

function VersionGetVersion:String;
Description: Get the version string of the currently running system
Note None documented

Board functions

function BoardGetType:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current Board type
Note None documented

function BoardGetModel:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current Board model
Note None documented

function BoardGetSerial:Int64; inline;
Description: Get the current Board serial number
Note None documented

function BoardGetRevision:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current Board revision number
Note None documented

function BoardGetMACAddress:String; inline;
Description: Get the current Board MAC address (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

Chip functions

function ChipGetRevision:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current Chip revision number
Note None documented

Firmware functions

function FirmwareGetRevision:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current board Firmware Revision
Note None documented

function FirmwareGetThrottled:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current throttling state from the firmware
Return A bit mask of FIRMWARE_THROTTLE_* values for the throttling state

Machine functions

function MachineGetType:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current Machine type
Note None documented

Memory functions

function MemoryGetBase:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the base address of system memory
Note None documented

function MemoryGetSize:UInt64; inline;
Description: Get the total size of system memory
Note None documented

function MemoryGetPageSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the page size of system memory
Note None documented

function MemoryGetLargePageSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the large page size of system memory (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function MemoryGetSectionSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the section size of system memory (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function MemoryGetLargeSectionSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the large section size of system memory (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

Power functions

function PowerOn(PowerId:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Power On the specified device
Note None documented

function PowerOff(PowerId:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Power Off the specified device
Note None documented

function PowerGetWait(PowerId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the enable wait time in Microseconds of the specified device
Note None documented

function PowerGetState(PowerId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the power state of the specified device
Note None documented

function PowerSetState(PowerId,State:LongWord; Wait:Boolean):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the power state of the specified device (Optionally waiting for ready)
Note None documented

Clock functions

function ClockTicks:LongWord;
Description: Get the current number of clock ticks
Return The current number of clock ticks
Note When this reaches CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND then ClockSeconds is incremented and this is reset to zero

function ClockSeconds:LongWord;
Description: Get the number of clock seconds since the system was started
Return The current number of clock seconds
Note This forms the system clock

function ClockMilliseconds:Int64;
Description: Get the number of clock milliseconds since the system was started
Return The current number of clock milliseconds

function ClockMicroseconds:Int64;
Description: Get the number of clock microseconds since the system was started
Return The current number of clock microseconds

function ClockNanoseconds:Int64;
Description: Get the number of clock nanoseconds since the system was started
Return The current number of clock nanoseconds

function ClockGetTime:Int64;
Description: Get the current system time in 100 nanosecond ticks since 1/1/1601
Return The current system time
Note This is the same time format as Windows FILE_TIME and is intended to allow compatibility with file system functions etc. By default the time returned by this function is considered to be UTC but the actual conversion between UTC and local time is handled at a higher level.

function ClockSetTime(const Time:Int64; RTC:Boolean):Int64;
Description: Set the current system time in 100 nanosecond ticks since 1/1/1601
Time The time to be set
RTC Set the default RTC (real time clock) if available
Return The system time after setting
Note This is the same time format as Windows FILE_TIME and is intended to allow compatibility with file system functions etc. By default the time passed to this function is considered to be UTC but the actual conversion between UTC and local time is handled at a higher level.

function ClockGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Gets the current system clock count (32 least significant bits of total)
Note This will normally come from the free running system timer in the board and is useful as a form of tick count but not for time keeping because the actual rate at which this increments is dependent on the system timer clock frequency of the specific board and may not be a measure of time in its raw form.

function ClockGetTotal:Int64; inline;
Description: Gets the total system clock count
Note This will normally come from the free running system timer in the board and is useful as a form of tick count but not for time keeping because the actual rate at which this increments is dependent on the system timer clock frequency of the specific board and may not be a measure of time in its raw form.

function ClockUpdateOffset:LongWord; inline;
Description: Update the system time offset between UTC and Local
Note None documented

function ClockGetRate(ClockId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the clock rate in Hz of the specified Clock
Note None documented

function ClockSetRate(ClockId,Rate:LongWord; Turbo:Boolean):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the clock rate in Hz of the specified Clock
Note None documented

function ClockGetState(ClockId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the state of the specified Clock
Note None documented

function ClockSetState(ClockId,State:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the state of the specified Clock
Note None documented

function ClockGetMinRate(ClockId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the minimum clock rate in Hz of the specified Clock
Note None documented

function ClockGetMaxRate(ClockId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the maximum clock rate in Hz of the specified Clock
Note None documented

Turbo functions

function TurboGetState(TurboId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Turbo state (0 equals Off/1 equals On) of the specified device
Note None documented

function TurboSetState(TurboId,State:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Turbo state (0 equals Off/1 equals On) of the specified device
Note None documented

Voltage functions

function VoltageGetValue(VoltageId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current voltage level of the specified device
Note None documented

function VoltageSetValue(VoltageId,Value:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the current voltage level of the specified device
Note None documented

function VoltageGetMinValue(VoltageId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the minimum voltage level of the specified device
Note None documented

function VoltageGetMaxValue(VoltageId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the maximum voltage level of the specified device
Note None documented

Temperature functions

function TemperatureGetCurrent(TemperatureId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current temperature in thousandths of a degree C of the specified device
Note None documented

function TemperatureGetMaximum(TemperatureId:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the maximum temperature in thousandths of a degree C of the specified device
Note None documented

GPU memory functions

function GPUMemoryAllocate(Length,Alignment,Flags:LongWord):THandle; inline;
Description: Allocate memory from the GPU
Note None documented

function GPUMemoryRelease(Handle:THandle):LongWord; inline;
Description: Release memory allocated from the GPU
Note None documented

function GPUMemoryLock(Handle:THandle):LongWord; inline;
Description: Lock memory allocated from the GPU and return an address
Note None documented

function GPUMemoryUnlock(Handle:THandle):LongWord; inline;
Description: Unlock memory allocated from the GPU
Note None documented

GPU miscellaneous functions

function GPUExecuteCode(Address:Pointer; R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Execute a block of code on the GPU
Note None documented

function DispmanxHandleGet(Resource:THandle):THandle; inline;
Description: Convert a Dispmanx Resouse handle to a Memory handle (Which can be passed to Lock/Unlock above)
Note None documented

function EDIDBlockGet(Block:LongWord; Buffer:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get an EDID block from HDMI
Note None documented

Framebuffer functions

function FramebufferAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if a framebuffer device is currently available
Note None documented

function FramebufferAllocate(Alignment:LongWord; var Address,Length:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Allocate a new Framebuffer
Note None documented

function FramebufferRelease:LongWord; inline;
Description: Release the current Framebuffer
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetState(State:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the current Framebuffer (Display) state (0 for Off/1 for On)
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetDimensions(var Width,Height,Top,Bottom,Left,Right:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the default Dimensions of the Framebuffer (Physical Width, Height and Overscan Top, Bottom, Left, Right in Pixels)
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetPhysical(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Physical Framebuffer Width and Height in Pixels
Note The "physical" size is the size of the allocated buffer in memory, not the resolution of the video signal sent to the display device

function FramebufferSetPhysical(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Physical Framebuffer Width and Height in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestPhysical(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Physical Framebuffer Width and Height in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetVirtual(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Virtual Framebuffer Width and Height in Pixels
Note The "virtual" size is the portion of buffer that is sent to the display device, not the resolution the buffer itself. This may be smaller than the allocated buffer size in order to implement panning

function FramebufferSetVirtual(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Virtual Framebuffer Width and Height in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestVirtual(var Width,Height:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Virtual Framebuffer Width and Height in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetDepth(var Depth:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Framebuffer Depth in Bits per Pixel
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetDepth(var Depth:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Framebuffer Depth in Bits per Pixel
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestDepth(var Depth:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Framebuffer Depth in Bits per Pixel
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetPixelOrder(var Order:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Framebuffer Pixel Order (0 = BGR/1 = RGB)
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetPixelOrder(var Order:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Framebuffer Pixel Order (0 = BGR/1 = RGB)
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestPixelOrder(var Order:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Framebuffer Pixel Order (0 = BGR/1 = RGB)
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetAlphaMode(var Mode:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Framebuffer Alpha Mode
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetAlphaMode(var Mode:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Framebuffer Alpha Mode
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestAlphaMode(var Mode:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Framebuffer Alpha Mode
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetPitch:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Framebuffer Pitch in Bytes per Line
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetOffset(var X,Y:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Framebuffer Virtual Offset in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetOffset(var X,Y:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Framebuffer Virtual Offset in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestOffset(var X,Y:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Framebuffer Virtual Offset in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetOverscan(var Top,Bottom,Left,Right:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Framebuffer Top, Bottom, Left and Right Overscan in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetOverscan(var Top,Bottom,Left,Right:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Framebuffer Top, Bottom, Left and Right Overscan in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestOverscan(var Top,Bottom,Left,Right:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Framebuffer Top, Bottom, Left and Right Overscan in Pixels
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetPalette(Buffer:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Framebuffer Palette in RGBA values
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetPalette(Start,Count:LongWord; Buffer:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Framebuffer Palette in RGBA values
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestPalette(Start,Count:LongWord; Buffer:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Framebuffer Palette in RGBA values
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetLayer(var Layer:LongInt):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Framebuffer Layer
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetLayer(var Layer:LongInt):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Framebuffer Layer
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestLayer(var Layer:LongInt):LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Framebuffer Layer
Note None documented

function FramebufferTestVsync:LongWord; inline;
Description: Test the Framebuffer Vertical Sync (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetVsync:LongWord; inline;
Description: Set (Wait For) the Framebuffer Vertical Sync (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetBacklight(Brightness:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Framebuffer Backlight brightness (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetNumDisplays(var NumDisplays:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of framebuffer displays (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetDisplayId(DisplayNum:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the display id for the specified display number (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function FramebufferSetDisplayNum(DisplayNum:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the current framebuffer display number (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function FramebufferGetDisplaySettings(DisplayNum:LongWord; var DisplaySettings:TDisplaySettings):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the display settings for the specified display number (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function FramebufferDisplayIdToName(DisplayId:LongWord):String; inline;
Description: Get the name for the specified display id (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

Touch functions

function TouchGetBuffer(var Address:PtrUInt):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Touchscreen memory buffer (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function TouchSetBuffer(Address:PtrUInt):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Touchscreen memory buffer (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

Cursor functions

function CursorSetDefault:LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the default Cursor Info (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function CursorSetInfo(Width,Height,HotspotX,HotspotY:LongWord; Pixels:Pointer; Length:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Cursor Info (Width and Height, Hotspot and Pixel image)
Note None documented

function CursorSetState(Enabled:Boolean; X,Y:LongWord; Relative:Boolean):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Cursor State (Enabled, X and Y)
Relative X, Y is relative to Display (Virtual) not Framebuffer (Physical)

DMA functions

function DMAAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if DMA is currently available
Note None documented

function DMATransfer(Data:PDMAData; Direction,Peripheral:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Perform a DMA transfer using the list of DMA data blocks provided
Data A linked list of DMA data blocks for the transfer
Direction The direction of the DMA request (eg DMA_DIR_MEM_TO_MEM)
Peripheral The peripheral Id for data request gating (eg DMA_DREQ_ID_NONE)

function DMAFillMemory(Dest:Pointer; Size:LongWord; Value:Byte):LongWord; inline;
Description: Fill memory at the destination address using DMA
Dest The address to start the memory fill
Size The size of memory to fill in bytes
Value The value to fill the memory with

function DMACopyMemory(Source,Dest:Pointer; Size:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Copy memory from the source to the destination address using DMA
Source The source address to start the memory copy
Dest The destination address to start the memory copy
Size The size of memory to copy in bytes

function DMAReadPeripheral(Address,Dest:Pointer; Size,Peripheral:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Read from a periperal address to the destination address using DMA
Address The address of the periperhal register to read from
Source The destination address to start writing to
Size The size of the read in bytes
Peripheral The peripheral Id for data request gating (eg DMA_DREQ_ID_UART_RX)

function DMAWritePeripheral(Source,Address:Pointer; Size,Peripheral:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Write to a peripheral address from the source address using DMA
Source The source address to start reading from
Address The address of the peripheral register to write to
Size The size of the write in bytes
Peripheral The peripheral Id for data request gating (eg DMA_DREQ_ID_UART_TX)

function DMAAllocateBuffer(Size:LongWord):Pointer; inline;
Description: Allocate a buffer compatible with DMA memory reads or writes
Size The size of the buffer to allocate

function DMAAllocateBufferEx(var Size:LongWord):Pointer; inline;
Description: Allocate a buffer compatible with DMA memory reads or writes
Size The size of the buffer to allocate (Updated on return to actual size)

function DMAReleaseBuffer(Buffer:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Release a buffer allocated with DMAAllocateBuffer
Buffer The buffer to be released

function DMAGetChannels:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the currently enabled DMA channel bitmap (If supported)
Note None documented

Handle functions

function HandleCreate(Data:THandle; AType:LongWord):THandle; inline;
Description: Create and Open a new unnamed handle of the supplied type
Data Purpose specific data to be referenced by the new handle (Optional)
AType The type of the new handle (eg HANDLE_TYPE_FILE)
Return The newly created handle or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function HandleCreateEx(const Name:String; Flags:LongWord; Data:THandle; AType:LongWord):PHandleEntry;
Description: Create and Open a new named or unnamed handle of the supplied type
Name The name of the new handle (Optional)
Flags The flags for the new handle (eg HANDLE_FLAG_DUPLICATE)
Data Purpose specific data to be referenced by the new handle (Optional)
AType The type of the new handle (eg HANDLE_TYPE_FILE)
Return The newly created handle entry or nil on failure

function HandleDestroy(Handle:THandle):LongWord;
Description: Close and Destroy a named or unnamed handle
Handle The handle to be closed and destroyed
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed successfully or another error code on failure
Note For handles which have been opened multiple times, the handle is not destroyed until the last reference is closed. If there are still open references to the handle the return value will be ERROR_IN_USE instead of ERROR_SUCCESS

function HandleGet(Handle:THandle):PHandleEntry;
Description: Get the handle entry for the supplied handle
Handle The handle to get the entry for
Return The handle entry on success or nil on failure

function HandleFind(const Name:String):PHandleEntry;
Description: Find an existing named handle of the supplied type
Name The name of the handle to find
Return The handle entry on success or nil on failure

function HandleEnumerate(Callback:THandleEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Enumerate all handles in the handle table
Callback The callback function to call for each handle in the table
Data A private data pointer to pass to callback for each device in the table
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function HandleOpen(const Name:String):THandle;
Description: Open an existing named handle
Name The name of the handle to open
Return The handle matching the name or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure

function HandleClose(Handle:THandle):LongWord; inline;
Description: Close a named or unnamed handle
Handle The handle to be closed
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed successfully or another error code on failure
Note For handles which have been opened multiple times, the handle is destroyed when the last reference is closed

function HandleDuplicate(Handle:THandle):THandle;
Description: Duplicate an existing named or unnamed handle
Handle The handle to be duplicated
Return The newly duplicated handle or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure
Note Handles must be marked as HANDLE_FLAG_DUPLICATE to support duplication

GPIO functions

function GPIOAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if a GPIO device is available
Reg The memory register to read from
Value The value of the memory register

function GPIORead(Reg:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Perform a direct read from a GPIO register
Reg The memory register to read from
Value The value of the memory register

procedure GPIOWrite(Reg,Value:LongWord); inline;
Description: Perform a direct write to a GPIO register
Reg The memory register to write to
Value The value to write to the register

function GPIOInputGet(Pin:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current state of a GPIO input pin
Pin The pin to get the state for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Return The current state (eg GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) or GPIO_LEVEL_UNKNOWN on failure

function GPIOInputWait(Pin,Trigger,Timeout:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Wait for the state of a GPIO input pin to change
Pin The pin to wait for the state to change (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Trigger The trigger event to wait for (eg GPIO_TRIGGER_HIGH)
Timeout Number of milliseconds to wait for the change (INFINITE to wait forever)
Return The state after the change (eg GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) or GPIO_LEVEL_UNKNOWN on failure or timeout

function GPIOInputEvent(Pin,Trigger,Timeout:LongWord; Callback:TGPIOCallback; Data:Pointer):LongWord; inline;
Description: Schedule a function to be called when the state of a GPIO input pin changes
Pin The pin to schedule the state change for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Trigger The trigger event which will cause the function to be called (eg GPIO_TRIGGER_HIGH)
Timeout The number of milliseconds before the scheduled trigger expires (INFINITE to never expire)
Callback The function to be called when the trigger occurs
Data A pointer to be pass to the function when the trigger occurs (Optional)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the trigger was scheduled successfully or another error code on failure
Note The pin and trigger that caused the event will be passed to the callback function

function GPIOOutputSet(Pin,Level:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Change the state of a GPIO output pin
Pin The pin to change the state for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Level The state to change the pin to (eg GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed successfully or another error code on failure

function GPIOLevelGet(Pin:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current level (state) of a GPIO pin
Pin The pin to get the level for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Return The current level (eg GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) or GPIO_LEVEL_UNKNOWN on failure
Note This function is a synonym for GPIOInputGet as in many cases the level can be read from a pin regardless of input or output mode. This may help to make code clearer or easier to understand in some cases.

function GPIOLevelSet(Pin,Level:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the level (state) of a GPIO pin
Pin The pin to set the level for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Level The level to set the pin to (eg GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed successfully or another error code on failure
Note This function is a synonym for GPIOOutputSet as in many cases the level can be set for a pin regardless of input or output mode. This may help to make code clearer or easier to understand in some cases.

function GPIOPullGet(Pin:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current pull state of a GPIO pin
Pin The pin to get the pull state for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Return The current pull state of the pin (eg GPIO_PULL_UP) or GPIO_PULL_UNKNOWN on failure

function GPIOPullSelect(Pin,Mode:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Change the pull state of a GPIO pin
Pin The pin to change the pull state for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Mode The pull state to set for the pin (eg GPIO_PULL_UP)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed successfully or another error code on failure

function GPIOFunctionGet(Pin:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current function of a GPIO pin
Pin The pin to get the function for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Return The current function of the pin (eg GPIO_FUNCTION_IN) or GPIO_FUNCTION_UNKNOWN on failure

function GPIOFunctionSelect(Pin,Mode:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Change the function of a GPIO pin
Pin The pin to change the function for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Mode The function to set for the pin (eg GPIO_FUNCTION_OUT)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed successfully or another error code on failure

Virtual GPIO functions

function VirtualGPIOInputGet(Pin:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current state of a virtual GPIO input pin
Pin The pin to get the state for (eg VIRTUAL_GPIO_PIN_1)
Return The current state (eg GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) or GPIO_LEVEL_UNKNOWN on failure

function VirtualGPIOOutputSet(Pin,Level:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the state of a virtual GPIO output pin
Pin The pin to set the state for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Level The state to set the pin to (eg GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed successfully or another error code on failure

function VirtualGPIOLevelGet(Pin:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current level (state) of a virtual GPIO pin
Pin The pin to get the level for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Return The current level (eg GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH) or GPIO_LEVEL_UNKNOWN on failure
Note This function is a synonym for VirtualGPIOInputGet as in many cases the level can be read from a pin regardless of input or output mode. This may help to make code clearer or easier to understand in some cases.

function VirtualGPIOLevelSet(Pin,Level:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the level (state) of a virtual GPIO pin
Pin The pin to set the level for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Level The level to set the pin to (eg GPIO_LEVEL_HIGH)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed successfully or another error code on failure
Note This function is a synonym for VirtualGPIOOutputSet as in many cases the level can be set for a pin regardless of input or output mode. This may help to make code clearer or easier to understand in some cases.

function VirtualGPIOFunctionGet(Pin:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current function of a virtual GPIO pin
Pin The pin to get the function for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Return The current function of the pin (eg GPIO_FUNCTION_IN) or GPIO_FUNCTION_UNKNOWN on failure

function VirtualGPIOFunctionSelect(Pin,Mode:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Change the function of a virtual GPIO pin
Pin The pin to change the function for (eg GPIO_PIN_1)
Mode The function to set for the pin (eg GPIO_FUNCTION_OUT)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed successfully or another error code on failure

SPI functions

function SPIAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if an SPI device is available
Note None documented

function SPIStart(Mode,ClockRate,ClockPhase,ClockPolarity:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Start the default SPI device ready for writing and reading
Mode The device mode to set (eg SPI_MODE_4WIRE)
ClockRate The clock rate to set for the device
ClockPhase The clock phase to set (eg SPI_CLOCK_PHASE_LOW)
ClockPolarity The clock polarity to set (eg SPI_CLOCK_POLARITY_LOW)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIStop:LongWord; inline;
Description: Stop the default SPI device and terminate writing and reading
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIRead(ChipSelect:Word; Dest:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Read data from the default SPI device. Because SPI writes and then reads for each byte, dummy data will be written for each byte to be read.
ChipSelect The chip select for the slave to read from (eg SPI_CS_0)
Dest Pointer to a buffer to receive the data
Size The size of the buffer
Count The number of bytes read on return
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIWrite(ChipSelect:Word; Source:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Write data to the default SPI device. Because SPI writes and then reads for each byte, received data will be discarded for each byte written.
ChipSelect The chip select for the slave to write to (eg SPI_CS_0)
Source Pointer to a buffer of data to transmit
Size The size of the buffer
Count The number of bytes written on return
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIWriteRead(ChipSelect:Word; Source,Dest:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Write data to and Read data from the default SPI device in one operation. Because SPI writes and then reads for each byte, both the source and dest buffers must be the same size.
ChipSelect The chip select for the slave to write to and read from (eg SPI_CS_0)
Source Pointer to a buffer of data to transmit
Dest Pointer to a buffer to receive the data
Size The size of the buffer
Count The number of bytes written and read on return
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIGetMode:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the device mode of the default SPI device
Return The device mode or SPI_MODE_UNKNOWN on failure

function SPISetMode(Mode:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the device mode for the default SPI device
Mode The device mode to set (eg SPI_MODE_4WIRE)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIGetClockRate(ChipSelect:Word):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the clock rate of the default SPI device
ChipSelect The chip select number to get clock rate from (SPI_CS_NONE for default)
Return The clock rate in Hz or 0 on failure

function SPISetClockRate(ChipSelect:Word;ClockRate:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the clock rate for the default SPI device
ClockRate The clock rate to set in Hz
ChipSelect The chip select number to set clock rate for (SPI_CS_NONE for default)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIGetClockPhase:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the clock phase of the default SPI device
Return The clock phase or SPI_CLOCK_PHASE_UNKNOWN on failure

function SPISetClockPhase(ClockPhase:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the clock phase for the default SPI device
ClockPhase The clock phase to set (eg SPI_CLOCK_PHASE_LOW)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIGetClockPolarity:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the clock polarity of the default SPI device
Return The clock polarity or SPI_CLOCK_POLARITY_UNKNOWN on failure

function SPISetClockPolarity(ClockPolarity:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the clock polarity for the default SPI device
ClockPolarity The clock polarity to set (eg SPI_CLOCK_POLARITY_LOW)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIGetSelectPolarity(ChipSelect:Word):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the chip select polarity of the default SPI device
ChipSelect The chip select number to get polarity from (SPI_CS_NONE for default)
Return The chip select polarity or SPI_CS_POLARITY_UNKNOWN on failure

function SPISetSelectPolarity(ChipSelect:Word; SelectPolarity:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the chip select polarity for the default SPI device
ChipSelect The chip select number to set polarity for (SPI_CS_NONE for default)
SelectPolarity The chip select polarity to set (eg SPI_CS_POLARITY_LOW)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function SPIGetDescription(Id:LongWord):String; inline;
Description: Return the device description of an SPI device
Id The Id number of the SPI device as shown in the offical documentation
Return The correct device description suitable for passing to SPIDeviceFindByDescription
Note The Id number supplied to this function may differ from the Ultibo device id value

I2C functions

function I2CAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if an I2C device is available
Note None documented

function I2CStart(Rate:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Start the default I2C device ready for reading and writing
Rate The clock rate to set for the device (0 to use the default rate)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function I2CStop:LongWord; inline;
Description: Stop the default I2C device and terminate reading and writing
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function I2CRead(Address:Word; Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Read data from the default I2C device
Address The slave address to read from (I2C_ADDRESS_INVALID to use the current address)
Buffer Pointer to a buffer to receive the data
Size The size of the buffer
Count The number of bytes read on return
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function I2CWrite(Address:Word; Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Write data to the default I2C device
Address The slave address to write to (I2C_ADDRESS_INVALID to use the current address)
Buffer Pointer to a buffer of data to transmit
Size The size of the buffer
Count The number of bytes written on return
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function I2CWriteRead(Address:Word; Initial:Pointer; Len:LongWord; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Write data to and Read data from the default I2C device in one operation. Useful for devices that require a register address specified before a read (eg EEPROM devices)
Address The slave address to write to (I2C_ADDRESS_INVALID to use the current address)
Initial Pointer to the initial buffer to transmit
Len The size of the initial buffer
Data Pointer to a buffer to receive the data
Size The size of the data buffer
Count The number of bytes read on return
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function I2CWriteWrite(Address:Word; Initial:Pointer; Len:LongWord; Data:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Write 2 data blocks to the default I2C device in one operation. Useful for devices that require a register address specified before a write (eg EEPROM devices)
Address The slave address to write to (I2C_ADDRESS_INVALID to use the current address)
Initial Pointer to the initial buffer to transmit
Len The size of the initial buffer
Data Pointer to a buffer of data to transmit
Size The size of the data buffer
Count The number of bytes of data written on return
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function I2CGetRate:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the clock rate of the default I2C device
Return The clock rate in Hz or 0 on failure

function I2CSetRate(Rate:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the clock rate for the default I2C device
Rate The clock rate to set in Hz
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function I2CGetAddress:Word; inline;
Description: Get the slave address for the default I2C device
Return The slave address or I2C_ADDRESS_INVALID on failure

function I2CSetAddress(Address:Word):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the slave address for the default I2C device
Address The slave address to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function I2CGetDescription(Id:LongWord):String; inline;
Description: Get the device description of an I2C device
Id The Id number of the I2C device as shown in the offical documentation
Return The correct device description suitable for passing to I2CDeviceFindByDescription
Note The Id number supplied to this function may differ from the Ultibo device id value

PWM functions

function PWMAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if a PWM device is available
Note None documented

function PWMStart:LongWord; inline;
Description: Start the default PWM device
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function PWMStop:LongWord; inline;
Description: Stop the default PWM device
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function PWMWrite(Value:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Write a value to the default PWM device
Value The value to write
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note The exact meaning of value may depend on the device and other configured options, in many cases the value will represent the "on" time of each pulse with regard to the duty cycle of the waveform output by the device

function PWMSetMode(Mode:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the mode for the default PWM device
Mode The mode value to set (eg PWM_MODE_MARKSPACE)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function PWMSetRange(Range:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the range for the default PWM device
Range The range value to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note The exact meaning of range may depend on the device and other configured options, in many cases the range will represent the period of one full cycle of the waveform output by the device

function PWMSetFrequency(Frequency:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the clock frequency for the default PWM device
Frequency The frequency to set in Hz
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function PWMConfigure(DutyNS,PeriodNS:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the configuration of the default PWM device
DutyNS The "on" time part of the cycle (Nanoseconds)
PeriodNS The duration of one full cycle (Nanoseconds)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function PWMGetDescription(Id,Channel:LongWord):String; inline;
Description: Get the device description of an PWM device
Id The Id number of the PWM device as shown in the offical documentation
Channel The channel number of the PWM device as shown in the offical documentation
Return The correct device description suitable for passing to PWMDeviceFindByDescription
Note The Id number supplied to this function may differ from the Ultibo device id value

RTC functions

function RTCAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if a Real Time Clock (RTC) device is available
Note None documented

function RTCGetTime:Int64; inline;
Description: Get the current time from a Real Time Clock device
Note Returned time is 100 nanosecond ticks since 1 January 1601. The same format as the ClockGetTime function.

function RTCSetTime(const Time:Int64):Int64; inline;
Description: Set the current time for a Real Time Clock device
Time The time to be set
Return The device time after setting (or 0 on failure)
Note Time and returned time is 100 nanosecond ticks since 1 January 1601. The same format as the ClockSetTime function.

UART functions

function UARTGetDescription(Id:LongWord):String; inline;
Description: Get the device description of a UART device
Id The Id number of the UART device as shown in the offical documentation
Return The correct device description suitable for passing to UARTDeviceFindByDescription
Note The Id number supplied to this function may differ from the Ultibo device id value

Serial functions

function SerialAvailable:Boolean; inline;
Description: Check if a Serial device is available
Note None documented

function SerialOpen(BaudRate,DataBits,StopBits,Parity,FlowControl,ReceiveDepth,TransmitDepth:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Open the default Serial device ready for sending and receiving
BaudRate Baud rate for the connection (eg 9600, 57600, 115200 etc
DataBits Size of the data (eg SERIAL_DATA_8BIT)
StopBits Number of stop bits (eg SERIAL_STOP_1BIT)
Parity Parity type for the data (eg SERIAL_PARITY_NONE)
FlowControl Flow control for the connection (eg SERIAL_FLOW_NONE)
ReceiveDepth Size of the receive buffer (0 = Default size)
TransmitDepth Size of the transmit buffer (0 = Default size)

function SerialClose:LongWord; inline;
Description: Close the default Serial device and terminate sending and receiving
Note None documented

function SerialRead(Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Read data from the default Serial device
Buffer Pointer to a buffer to receive the data
Size The size of the buffer
Count The number of bytes read on return

function SerialWrite(Buffer:Pointer; Size:LongWord; var Count:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Write data to the default Serial device
Buffer Pointer to a buffer of data to transmit
Size The size of the buffer
Count The number of bytes written on return

Peripheral functions

function PeripheralGetBase:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the base address of the peripherals
Note None documented

function PeripheralGetSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the total size of the peripherals
Note None documented

function PeripheralRead(Base,Reg:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Read from a Peripheral register
Note None documented

procedure PeripheralWrite(Base,Reg,Value:LongWord); inline;
Description: Write to a Peripheral register
Note None documented

function LocalPeripheralGetBase:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the base address of the local peripherals (Peripherals local to each CPU)
Note None documented

function LocalPeripheralGetSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the total size of the local peripherals (Peripherals local to each CPU)
Note None documented

System functions

function GetSP:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the current stack pointer (SP)
Note None documented

function GetPC:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the current program counter (PC)
Note None documented

function GetIRQ:Boolean; inline;
Description: Get Interrupts (IRQ) state
Return True is enabled, False if disabled

procedure EnableIRQ; inline;
Description: Enable Interrupts (IRQ) unconditionally
Note None documented

procedure DisableIRQ; inline;
Description: Disable Interrupts (IRQ) unconditionally
Note None documented

function SaveIRQ:TIRQMask; inline;
Description: Disable Interrupts (IRQ) and return the previous state
Return IRQ state when called

function RestoreIRQ(IRQMask:TIRQMask):TIRQMask; inline;
Description: Restore Interrupts (IRQ) to a previous state
IRQMask IRQ state to restore
Return IRQ state when called

function GetFIQ:Boolean; inline;
Description: Get Fast Interrupts (FIQ) state
Return True is enabled, False if disabled

procedure EnableFIQ; inline;
Description: Enable Fast Interrupts (FIQ) unconditionally
Note None documented

procedure DisableFIQ; inline;
Description: Disable Fast Interrupts (FIQ) unconditionally
Note None documented

function SaveFIQ:TFIQMask; inline;
Description: Disable Fast Interrupts (FIQ) and return the previous state
Return FIQ state when called

function RestoreFIQ(FIQMask:TFIQMask):TFIQMask; inline;
Description: Restore Fast Interrupts (FIQ) to a previous state
FIQMask FIQ state to restore
Return FIQ state when called

procedure EnableIRQFIQ; inline;
Description: Enable Interrupts and Fast Interrupts (IRQ/FIQ) unconditionally
Note None documented

procedure DisableIRQFIQ; inline;
Description: Disable Interrupts and Fast Interrupts (IRQ/FIQ) unconditionally
Note None documented

function SaveIRQFIQ:TIRQFIQMask; inline;
Description: Disable Interrupts and Fast Interrupts (IRQ/FIQ) and return the previous state
Return IRQ/FIQ state when called

function RestoreIRQFIQ(IRQFIQMask:TIRQFIQMask):TIRQFIQMask; inline;
Description: Restore Interrupts and Fast Interrupts (IRQ/FIQ) to a previous state
IRQFIQMask IRQ/FIQ state to restore
Return IRQ/FIQ state when called

function GetAbort:Boolean; inline;
Description: Get Abort state
Return True is enabled, False if disabled

procedure EnableAbort; inline;
Description: Enable Abort unconditionally
Note None documented

procedure DisableAbort; inline;
Description: Disable Abort unconditionally
Note None documented

function SaveAbort:TAbortMask; inline;
Description: Disable Abort and return the previous state
Return Abort state when called

function RestoreAbort(AbortMask:TAbortMask):TAbortMask; inline;
Description: Restore Abort to a previous state
AbortMask Abort state to restore
Return Abort state when called

procedure Halt; inline;
Description: Halt the current processor
Note None documented

procedure Pause; inline;
Description: Pause the current processor and wait for an Event or Interrupt (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function HaltThread(ExitCode:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Halt the current thread
Note None documented

procedure SendEvent; inline;
Description: Send a signal that an Event has occurred (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure WaitForEvent; inline;
Description: Wait for an Event to occur (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure WaitForInterrupt; inline;
Description: Wait for an Interrupt to occur (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure ReadMemoryBarrier; inline;
Description: Perform a Read Memory Barrier operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure WriteMemoryBarrier; inline;
Description: Perform a Write Memory Barrier operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure DataMemoryBarrier; inline;
Description: Perform a Data Memory Barrier operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure DataSynchronizationBarrier; inline;
Description: Perform a Data Synchronization Barrier operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InstructionMemoryBarrier; inline;
Description: Perform an Instruction Memory Barrier operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InvalidateTLB; inline;
Description: Perform an Invalidate Entire TLB operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InvalidateDataTLB; inline;
Description: Perform an Invalidate Data TLB operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InvalidateInstructionTLB; inline;
Description: Perform an Invalidate Instruction TLB operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InvalidateCache; inline;
Description: Perform an Invalidate Entire Cache operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure CleanDataCache; inline;
Description: Perform a Clean Data Cache operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InvalidateDataCache; inline;
Description: Perform an Invalidate Data Cache operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure CleanAndInvalidateDataCache; inline;
Description: Perform a Clean and Invalidate Data Cache operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InvalidateInstructionCache; inline;
Description: Perform an Invalidate Instruction Cache operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure CleanDataCacheRange(Address:PtrUInt; Size:LongWord); inline;
Description: Perform a Clean Data Cache Range operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InvalidateDataCacheRange(Address:PtrUInt; Size:LongWord); inline;
Description: Perform an Invalidate Data Cache Range operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure CleanAndInvalidateDataCacheRange(Address:PtrUInt; Size:LongWord); inline;
Description: Perform a Clean and Invalidate Data Cache Range operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure InvalidateInstructionCacheRange(Address:PtrUInt; Size:LongWord); inline;
Description: Perform an Invalidate Instruction Cache Range operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure FlushPrefetchBuffer; inline;
Description: Perform a Flush Prefetch Buffer operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure FlushBranchTargetCache; inline;
Description: Perform a Flush Entire Branch Target Cache operation (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure ContextSwitch(OldStack,NewStack:Pointer; NewThread:TThreadHandle); inline;
Description: Perform a Context Switch from one thread to another
Note None documented

procedure ContextSwitchIRQ(OldStack,NewStack:Pointer; NewThread:TThreadHandle); inline;
Description: Perform a Context Switch from one thread to another from an IRQ handler
Note None documented

procedure ContextSwitchFIQ(OldStack,NewStack:Pointer; NewThread:TThreadHandle); inline;
Description: Perform a Context Switch from one thread to another from an FIQ handler
Note None documented

procedure ContextSwitchSWI(OldStack,NewStack:Pointer; NewThread:TThreadHandle); inline;
Description: Perform a Context Switch from one thread to another from a software interrupt handler
Note None documented

function InterlockedOr(var Target:LongInt;Value:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Perform an atomic OR operation
Note None documented

function InterlockedXor(var Target:LongInt; Value:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Perform an atomic XOR operation
Note None documented

function InterlockedAnd(var Target:LongInt; Value:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Perform an atomic AND operation
Note None documented

function InterlockedDecrement(var Target:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Perform an atomic decrement operation
Note None documented

function InterlockedIncrement(var Target:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Perform an atomic increment operation
Note None documented

function InterlockedExchange(var Target:LongInt; Source:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Perform an atomic exchange operation
Note None documented

function InterlockedAddExchange(var Target:LongInt; Source:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Perform an atomic add and exchange operation
Note None documented

function InterlockedCompareExchange(var Target:LongInt; Source,Compare:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Perform an atomic compare and exchange operation
Note None documented

function PageTableGetLevels:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of page table levels for the current platform
Note None documented

function PageDirectoryGetBase:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the base address of the first level page directory (Where applicable)
Note None documented

function PageDirectoryGetSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the size of the first level page directory (Where applicable)
Note None documented

function PageTableGetBase:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the base address of the first or second level page table
Note None documented

function PageTableGetSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the size of the first or second level page table
Note None documented

function PageTableGetEntry(Address:PtrUInt):TPageTableEntry; overload;
Description: Get the Page Table entry that corresponds to the supplied virtual address
Note None documented

procedure PageTableGetEntry(Address:PtrUInt; var Entry:TPageTableEntry); inline; overload;
Description: Get the Page Table entry that corresponds to the supplied virtual address
Note None documented

function PageTableSetEntry(const Entry:TPageTableEntry):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the Page Table entry that corresponds to the supplied virtual address
Note None documented

function PageTableGetPageSize(Address:PtrUInt):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Size from the Page Table page that corresponds to the supplied virtual address
Note None documented

function PageTableGetPageFlags(Address:PtrUInt):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Flags from the Page Table page that corresponds to the supplied virtual address
Note None documented

function PageTableGetPageRange(Address:PtrUInt):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the Physical Range from the Page Table page that corresponds to the supplied virtual address
Note None documented

function PageTableGetPagePhysical(Address:PtrUInt):PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the Physical Address from the Page Table page that corresponds to the supplied virtual address
Note None documented

function PageTablesGetAddress:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the address of the second or third level page tables
Note None documented

function PageTablesGetLength:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the size of the second or third level page tables
Note None documented

function PageTablesGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of second or third level page tables
Note None documented

function PageTablesGetShift:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the multiplier to convert count to actual size of the second or third level page tables
Note None documented

function PageTablesGetNext:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the address of the next available second or third level page table
Note None documented

function PageTablesGetUsed:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of used second or third level page tables
Note None documented

function PageTablesGetFree:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of available second or third level page tables
Note None documented

function VectorTableGetBase:PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the base address of the interrupt vector table
Note None documented

function VectorTableGetSize:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the size in bytes of the interrupt vector table
Note None documented

function VectorTableGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the number of entries in the interrupt vector table
Note None documented

function VectorTableGetEntry(Number:LongWord):PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Get the interrupt vector table entry that corresponds to the supplied number
Note None documented

function VectorTableSetEntry(Number:LongWord; Address:PtrUInt):LongWord; inline;
Description: Set the interrupt vector table entry that corresponds to the supplied number
Note None documented

Exception functions

procedure HardwareException(AType:LongWord; Address,Frame:Pointer);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure UnhandledException(Obj:TObject; Addr:CodePointer; FrameCount:LongInt; Frames:PCodePointer);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Text IO functions

procedure TextIOOpen(var F:Text; AWrite:TTextIOWriteChar; ARead:TTextIOReadChar; AMode:LongInt; AUserData:Pointer);
Description: Open a text file with the input or output directed to the default text IO device
Note None documented

procedure TextIOClose(var T:TextRec);
Description: Close a text file that was opened by TextIOOpen (Dummy only)
Note None documented

procedure TextIORead(var T:TextRec);
Description: Internal read function for text files using the text IO device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use Read or ReadLn instead

procedure TextIOWrite(var T:TextRec);
Description: Internal write function for text files using the text IO device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use Write or WriteLn instead

function TextIOReadData(ARead:TTextIOReadChar; AUserData:Pointer; ABuffer:PChar; ACount:LongInt):LongInt;
Description: Internal read function for text files using the text IO device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use Read or ReadLn instead

function TextIOWriteChar(ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: Output a character to the default text IO device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use Write or WriteLn instead

function TextIOReadChar(var ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: Input a character from the default text IO device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use Read or ReadLn instead

function TextIOWriteBuffer(ABuffer:PChar; ACount:LongInt; AUserData:Pointer):LongInt;
Description: Output one or more characters to the default text IO device
Note Not intended to be called directly by applications, use Write or WriteLn instead

Console functions

function ConsoleGetKey(var ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ConsolePeekKey(var ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ConsoleWriteChar(ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ConsoleReadChar(var ACh:Char; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ConsoleReadWideChar(var ACh:WideChar; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ConsoleHideMouse(AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ConsoleShowMouse(X,Y:LongWord; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ConsoleReadMouse(var X,Y,Buttons:LongWord; AUserData:Pointer):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

CodePage functions

function CodePageToWideChar(Ch:Char):WideChar; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WideCharToCodePage(Ch:WideChar):Char; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Name functions

function HostGetName:String; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function HostSetName(const AName:String):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function HostGetDomain:String; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function HostSetDomain(const ADomain:String):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Module functions

function ModuleLoad(const AName:String):THandle; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ModuleUnload(AHandle:THandle):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function ModuleGetName(AHandle:THandle):String; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Symbol functions

function SymbolAdd(AHandle:THandle; const AName:String; AAddress:PtrUInt):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SymbolRemove(AHandle:THandle; const AName:String):Boolean; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SymbolGetAddress(AHandle:THandle; const AName:String):PtrUInt; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Logging functions

procedure LoggingOutput(const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure LoggingOutputEx(AFacility,ASeverity:LongWord; const ATag,AContent:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Utility functions

function FirstBitSet(Value:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Find the first set bit in a nonzero 32 bit value
Note Returns 31 for MSB and 0 for LSB (0xFFFFFFFF/-1 if no bits are set)

function CountLeadingZeros(Value:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Count the number of leading 0 bits in a nonzero 32 bit value
Note Returns 32 if no bits are set

function PhysicalToIOAddress(Address:Pointer):PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Convert Physical address to an IO addresses (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function IOAddressToPhysical(Address:Pointer):PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Convert an IO address to a Physical address (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function PhysicalToBusAddress(Address:Pointer):PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Convert a Physical address to a Bus address (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

function BusAddressToPhysical(Address:Pointer):PtrUInt; inline;
Description: Convert a Bus address to a Physical address (Where Applicable)
Note None documented

procedure NanosecondDelay(Nanoseconds:LongWord);
Description: Non sleep wait for a number of nanoseconds
Nanseconds Number of nanoseconds to wait

procedure MicrosecondDelay(Microseconds:LongWord);
Description: Non sleep wait for a number of microseconds
Milliseconds Number of microseconds to wait

procedure MillisecondDelay(Milliseconds:LongWord);
Description: Non sleep wait for a number of milliseconds
Milliseconds Number of milliseconds to wait

procedure NanosecondDelayEx(Nanoseconds:LongWord; Wait:Boolean);
Description: Non sleep wait for a number of nanoseconds
Nanoseconds Number of nanoseconds to wait
Wait Use WaitForEvent on each loop to reduce power consumption
Note Not suitable for use by interrupt handlers if wait is true

procedure MicrosecondDelayEx(Microseconds:LongWord; Wait:Boolean);
Description: Non sleep wait for a number of microseconds
Milliseconds Number of milliseconds to wait
Wait Use WaitForEvent on each loop to reduce power consumption
Note Not suitable for use by interrupt handlers if wait is true

procedure MillisecondDelayEx(Milliseconds:LongWord; Wait:Boolean);
Description: Non sleep wait for a number of milliseconds
Milliseconds Number of milliseconds to wait
Wait Use WaitForEvent on each loop to reduce power consumption
Note Not suitable for use by interrupt handlers if wait is true

System random functions

procedure SystemRandomize;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Dos conversion functions

function DosGetMsCount:Int64;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Dos info/date/time functions

function DosDosVersion:Word;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DosGetDate(var Year,Month,MDay,WDay:Word);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DosSetDate(Year,Month,Day:Word);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DosGetTime(var Hour,Minute,Second,Sec100:Word);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DosSetTime(Hour,Minute,Second,Sec100:Word);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Dos environment functions

function DosEnvCount:Longint;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function DosEnvStr(Index:LongInt):ShortString;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function DosGetEnv(EnvVar:ShortString):ShortString; 
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

SysUtils tick functions

function SysUtilsGetTickCount:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysUtilsGetTickCount64:QWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

SysUtils locale functions

procedure SysUtilsGetLocalTime(var SystemTime:TSystemTime);
Description: Get the current local time as a SystemTime value
Note Includes timezone offset if configured

procedure SysUtilsSetLocalTime(const SystemTime:TSystemTime);
Description: Set the current local time from a SystemTime value
Note Includes timezone offset if configured

function SysUtilsGetUniversalTime(var SystemTime:TSystemTime):Boolean;
Description: Get the current UTC time as a SystemTime value
Note None documented

function SysUtilsGetLocalTimeOffset:Integer;
Description: Get the current local time offset value
Note None documented

function SysUtilsGetLocalTimeOffsetEx(const DateTime:TDateTime; const InputIsUTC:Boolean; out Offset:Integer):Boolean;
Description: Get the current local time offset value at the given date and time
Note None documented

Platform helper functions

function HandleTypeToString(HandleType:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure PlatformLog(Level:LongWord; const AText:String);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure PlatformLogInfo(const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure PlatformLogWarn(const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure PlatformLogError(const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure PlatformLogDebug(const AText:String); inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

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