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Free Pascal


Raspberry Pi

Forums and Groups

Tutorials and Guides

Pascal Programming

Bare Metal Programming

  • Baking Pi - A detailed online course in bare metal OS development on Raspberry Pi (Assembler language)
  • Bare Metal Programming in C - A 5 part tutorial in bare metal development on Raspberry Pi (C language)

Examples and Information

Bare Metal and Embedded

  • Circle - A bare metal environment for Raspberry Pi in C++
  • dwelch67 - A range of bare metal examples for the Raspberry Pi in assembler
  • PeterLemon - More bare metal examples for the Raspberry Pi in assembler
  • Xinu Pi - A port of embedded Xinu to the Raspberry Pi (C language)

Operating Systems

  • OS Dev Wiki - Lots of detailed information and references including ARM, Raspberry Pi and Pascal

Technical References

ARM Processors



Raspberry Pi

Versatile Platform Baseboard


Raspberry Pi and accessories

  • Farnell Element14 - Raspberry Pi and others, add-ons, accessories and electronic components
  • RS Components - Raspberry Pi and others, add-ons, accessories and electronic components
  • Adafruit - Raspberry Pi, Arduino and others, add-ons, sensors, kits and components (USA)
  • Pimoroni Ltd - Raspberry Pi, Arduino, kits, tools, books and cases (UK)
  • Little Bird Electronics - Raspberry Pi, Arduino and others, kits, components, sensors and tools (Australia)