Unit NTFSConst
From Ultibo.org
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Ultibo NTFS constants unit
To be documented
NTFS specific constants
ntfsNTFS12 = 0;
4.0 (WinNT) |
ntfsNTFS30 = 1;
5.0 (Win2000) |
ntfsNTFS31 = 2;
5.1/5.2/6.0/6.1 (WinXP/Win2003/WinVista/Win2008/Win7) |
ntfsAnyName = '*';
ntfsDotName = '.';
ntfsDotDotName = '..';
ntfsBlankName = ;
ntfsAnyNameLength = 1;
ntfsDotNameLength = 1;
ntfsDotDotNameLength = 2;
ntfsBlankNameLength = 0;
ntfsOemName = 'NTFS';
Padded with spaces to 8 bytes |
ntfsEntryPadding = $20;
Padded with spaces (32) |
NTFS security constants
ntfsSecurityHashPadding = $00490049;
Unicode string II |
ntfsSecurityHashPaddingSize = 4;
SizeOf(LongWord) |
ntfsSecurityMirrorOffset = $00040000;
256K Offset between primary and mirror entries |
ntfsSecuritySectionOffset = $00040000;
256K Offset between sections (End of one section to Start of next) |
ntfsSecuritySectionShift = 18;
Not Used |
ntfsSecurityOffsetMask = $0003FFFF;
Used to determine the offset within a section from the offset |
ntfsSecuritySectionMask = $FFFC0000;
Used to determine the start of a section from the offset |
ntfsSecurityMirrorTest = $00040000;
Mirror blocks will always be 40000 or C0000 |
NTFS max number constants
ntfsMaxPath = 260;
ntfsMaxFile = 255;
ntfsMaxAlias = 999999;
Max number of lfn aliases (ie ~999999) |
ntfsMaxNameAlias = 4;
ntfsMaxHashAlias = 999;
ntfsMaxHashShift = 16;
ntfsMaxVolumeName = 255;
ntfsMaxAttributeName = 255;
NTFS cluster size constants
ntfsMinClusterSize = 512;
ntfs12MaxClusterSize = 4096;
ntfs30MaxClusterSize = 65536;
NTFS sector constants
ntfsBootSector = 0;
ntfsStartSector = 0;
Int64 |
ntfsUnknownSector = -1;
Int64 |
NTFS cluster constants
ntfsStartCluster = 0;
Int64 |
ntfsUnevenCluster = 1;
Int64 |
ntfsUnknownCluster = -1;
Int64 |
NTFS status constants
ntfsStatusNone = $00000000;
ntfsStatusAdded = $00000001;
Used by Node |
ntfsStatusDeleted = $00000002;
Used by Node |
ntfsStatusChanged = $00000004;
Used by Key, Node, Index |
ntfsStatusLoaded = $00000008;
Used by Index, List |
ntfsStatusInvalid = $00000010;
Used by Key, Item |
ntfsStatusResizing = $00000020;
Used by Record |
ntfsStatusRemoving = $00000040;
Used by Record |
ntfsStatusUpdating = $00000080;
Used by Attribute |
ntfsStatusMirrored = $00000100;
Metafile Records (0 to 3) |
ntfsStatusMetafile = $00000200;
Metafile Records (0 to 11) |
ntfsStatusReserved = $00000400;
Reserved MFT Records (12 to 15)(0C to 0F) |
ntfsStatusExpansion = $00000800;
Expansion MFT Records (16 to 23)(10 to 17) |
ntfsStatusOverflow = $00001000;
Record has an attribute list attribute |
ntfsStatusExtension = $00002000;
Record is an extension of the base record |
ntfsStatusFixed = $00004000;
Attribute is a fixed size (can write single item) Not used due to Fixups |
ntfsStatusSingle = $00008000;
Attribute only allows a single instance (Standard Information, Attribute List, End etc) |
ntfsStatusUnlisted = $00010000;
Attribute is not listed in an Attribute List (Attribute List, End) |
ntfsStatusUnmovable = $00020000;
Attribute cannot be moved from the Base Record (Standard Information, Attribute List) |
ntfsStatusManaged = $00040000;
Attribute is handled as a record or list, data member is not valid (Standard Information, Attribute List, FileName etc) |
ntfsStatusAny = $FFFFFFFF;
NTFS compare constants
ntfsCompareLess = -1;
ntfsCompareEqual = 0;
ntfsCompareGreater = 1;
NTFS instance constants
ntfsInstanceFirst = 0;
ntfsInstanceLast = -1;
NTFS attribute constants
ntfsAttrDefNoMinimum = 0;
Int64 |
ntfsAttrDefNoMaximum = -1;
Int64 |
NTFS file reference constants
ntfsFileReferenceNone = 0;
Int64 |
ntfsRecordNumberMask = $0000FFFFFFFFFFFF;
Get a record number from a file reference |
ntfsUnknownRecordNumber = -1;
Int64 |
NTFS bitmap constants
ntfsBitmapUnknown = LongWord(-1);
NTFS block count mask constants
ntfsBlockCountMask8 = $FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8;
0000000000000007 |
ntfsBlockCountMask64 = $FFFFFFFFFFFFFFC0;
000000000000003F |
NTFS MFT zone constants
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem - NtfsMftZoneReservation - DWORD | |
ntfsMftZone50percent = 500;
Registry value 4 |
ntfsMftZone37percent = 375;
Registry value 3 |
ntfsMftZone25percent = 250;
Registry value 2 |
ntfsMftZone12percent = 125;
Registry value 1 (Default) |
ntfsMftZone0percent = 0;
Registry value 0 (Not allowed) |
NTFS MFT fixed zone constants
Vista/2008 | |
ntfsMftFixedZone1000MB = 1000;
Registry value 0 (Not allowed) |
ntfsMftFixedZone800MB = 800;
Registry value 4 |
ntfsMftFixedZone600MB = 600;
Registry value 3 |
ntfsMftFixedZone400MB = 400;
Registry value 2 |
ntfsMftFixedZone200MB = 200;
Registry value 1 (Default) |
ntfsMftFixedZone0MB = 0;
Registry value 0 (Not allowed) |
ntfsMftFixedZone1000MBSize = 1048576000;
ntfsMftFixedZone800MBSize = 838860800;
ntfsMftFixedZone600MBSize = 629145600;
ntfsMftFixedZone400MBSize = 419430400;
ntfsMftFixedZone200MBSize = 209715200;
ntfsMftFixedZone0MBSize = 0;
NTFS run offset mask constants
ntfsRunOffsetMask = $F0;
shr 4 |
ntfsRunLengthMask = $0F;
NTFS run encode mask constants
(and) | |
ntfsRunEncodeMasks:array[0..8] of Int64 = (
| |
Not Used |
NTFS run encode test constants
(and) | |
(*ntfsRunEncodeTests:array[0..8] of Int64 = (
| |
Not Used |
ntfsRunEncodeTests:array[0..8] of Int64 = (
| |
Not Used |
NTFS run negative test constants
ntfsRunNegativeTests:array[0..8] of Int64 = (
| |
Not Used |
NTFS run decode mask constants
(and) (or not) | |
ntfsRunDecode1Masks:array[1..1] of Byte = (
| |
ntfsRunDecode2Masks:array[2..2] of Word = (
| |
ntfsRunDecode4Masks:array[3..4] of LongWord = (
| |
ntfsRunDecode8Masks:array[5..8] of Int64 = (
| |
NTFS run decode test constants
(>=) | |
ntfsRunDecode1Tests:array[1..1] of Byte = (
| |
ntfsRunDecode2Tests:array[2..2] of Word = (
| |
ntfsRunDecode4Tests:array[3..4] of LongWord = (
| |
ntfsRunDecode8Tests:array[5..8] of Int64 = (
| |
NTFS compression tag constants
ntfsCompressionTags:array[1..8] of Byte = (
| |
ntfsCompressionTagMask = $0FFF;
The default mask for encoding and decoding the offset and length of a tag |
ntfsCompressionTagShift = 12;
The default shift for encoding and decoding the offset and length of a tag.
Tag is encoded as Offset:Length by varying the mask and shift based on the position. |
ntfsCompressionUnitSize = 4;
The default shift count for compression unit to cluster conversion |
ntfsCompressionBlockSize = 4096;
The fixed size of a compression block inside the variable compression unit |
ntfsCompressionLengthMask = $0FFF;
The mask for the maximum length of a compressed block |
ntfsCompressionMarkerMask = $B000;
The mask for the marker of a compressed block |
ntfsCompressionMarkerTest = $8000;
The test for the marker of a compressed block |
ntfsCompressionTableInit = $FF;
The initialization value for the compression table |
ntfsCompressionTableUnused = $FFFF;
The unused or unseen value for the compression table |
NTFS bitmap mask constants
ntfsBitmapMaskBits = 64;
Int64 Bitmap Masks |
ntfsBitmapMaskNone = $0000000000000000;
Int64 (Used for fast counting of free blocks) |
ntfsBitmapMaskAll = $FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
Int64 (Used for fast counting of used blocks) |
NTFS signature constants
ntfsFileSignature = $454C4946;
ntfsIndexSignature = $58444E49;
ntfsRecordSignature = $44524352;
ntfsRestartSignature = $52545352;
ntfsCheckedSignature = $00000000;
ntfsNullGUID:TGUID = (D1:$00000000;D2:$0000;D3:$0000;D4:($00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00));
ntfsNullFileTime:TFileTime = (dwLowDateTime:$00000000;dwHighDateTime:$00000000);
NTFS table type constants
ntfsTableTypeMft = $00000000;
ntfsTableTypeMftMirr = $00000001;
NTFS file type constants
ntfsFileTypeMft = $00000000;
ntfsFileTypeMftMirr = $00000001;
ntfsFileTypeLogFile = $00000002;
ntfsFileTypeVolume = $00000003;
ntfsFileTypeAttrDef = $00000004;
ntfsFileTypeRoot = $00000005;
ntfsFileTypeBitmap = $00000006;
ntfsFileTypeBoot = $00000007;
ntfsFileTypeBadClus = $00000008;
ntfsFileTypeSecure = $00000009;
ntfs12FileTypeQuota = $00000009;
Version 1.2 only |
ntfsFileTypeUpCase = $0000000A;
ntfsFileTypeExtend = $0000000B;
ntfsFileTypeObjId = $10000000;
Any record number |
ntfsFileTypeQuota = $20000000;
Any record number |
ntfsFileTypeReparse = $30000000;
Any record number |
ntfsFileTypeUsnJrnl = $40000000;
Any record number |
ntfsFileTypeFile = $50000000;
Any record number (Not Used) |
ntfsFileTypeDirectory = $60000000;
Any record number (Not Used) |
ntfsFileTypeReserved1 = $0000000C;
Reserved Records |
ntfsFileTypeReserved2 = $0000000D;
ntfsFileTypeReserved3 = $0000000E;
ntfsFileTypeReserved4 = $0000000F;
ntfsFileTypeExpansion1 = $00000010;
Expansion Records |
ntfsFileTypeExpansion2 = $00000011;
ntfsFileTypeExpansion3 = $00000012;
ntfsFileTypeExpansion4 = $00000013;
ntfsFileTypeExpansion5 = $00000014;
ntfsFileTypeExpansion6 = $00000015;
ntfsFileTypeExpansion7 = $00000016;
ntfsFileTypeExpansion8 = $00000017;
NTFS record number constants
ntfsQuotaRecordNumber = $00000018;
Only used during Format |
ntfsObjIdRecordNumber = $00000019;
Only used during Format |
ntfsReparseRecordNumber = $0000001A;
Only used during Format |
ntfsUsnJrnlRecordNumber = $0000001B;
Not Used |
ntfsDefaultRecordCount = $0000001B;
Files up to $Reparse |
ntfsDefaultMirrorCount = $00000004;
Files up to $Volume |
NTFS file reference constants
ntfsRootFileReference = $0005000000000005;
Only used during Format |
ntfsExtendFileReference = $000B00000000000B;
Only used during Format |
ntfsVolumeFileReference = $0003000000000003;
Only used during Format |
NTFS file name constants
ntfsFileNameMft = '$MFT';
ntfsFileNameMftMirr = '$MFTMirr';
ntfsFileNameLogFile = '$LogFile';
ntfsFileNameVolume = '$Volume';
ntfsFileNameAttrDef = '$AttrDef';
ntfsFileNameRoot = '.';
ntfsFileNameBitmap = '$Bitmap';
ntfsFileNameBoot = '$Boot';
ntfsFileNameBadClus = '$BadClus';
ntfsFileNameSecure = '$Secure';
ntfsFileNameUpCase = '$UpCase';
ntfsFileNameExtend = '$Extend';
ntfsFileNameObjId = '$ObjId';
ntfsFileNameQuota = '$Quota';
ntfsFileNameReparse = '$Reparse';
ntfsFileNameUsnJrnl = '$UsnJrnl';
NTFS attribute type constants
ntfsAttrTypeNone = $00000000;
Marker only |
ntfsAttrTypeStandardInformation = $00000010;
ntfsAttrTypeAttributeList = $00000020;
ntfsAttrTypeFileName = $00000030;
ntfsAttrTypeVolumeVersion = $00000040;
Version 1.2 only |
ntfsAttrTypeSecurityDescriptor = $00000050;
ntfsAttrTypeVolumeName = $00000060;
ntfsAttrTypeVolumeInformation = $00000070;
ntfsAttrTypeData = $00000080;
ntfsAttrTypeIndexRoot = $00000090;
ntfsAttrTypeIndexAllocation = $000000A0;
ntfsAttrTypeBitmap = $000000B0;
ntfsAttrTypeReparsePoint = $000000C0;
ntfsAttrTypeSymbolicLink = $000000C0;
Version 1.2 only |
ntfsAttrTypeExtendedAttrInformation = $000000D0;
ntfsAttrTypeExtendedAttr = $000000E0;
ntfsAttrTypePropertySet = $000000F0;
Version 3.0 only |
ntfsAttrTypeLoggedUtilityStream = $00000100;
ntfsAttrTypeEnd = $FFFFFFFF;
Marker only |
ntfsAttrTypeAny = $00000000;
Used to return all attributes |
NTFS attribute name constants
ntfsAttrNameNone = '$NONE';
Marker only |
ntfsAttrNameStandardInformation = '$STANDARD_INFORMATION';
ntfsAttrNameAttributeList = '$ATTRIBUTE_LIST';
ntfsAttrNameFileName = '$FILE_NAME';
ntfsAttrNameObjectId = '$OBJECT_ID';
ntfsAttrNameVolumeVersion = '$VOLUME_VERSION';
Version 1.2 only |
ntfsAttrNameSecurityDescriptor = '$SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR';
ntfsAttrNameVolumeName = '$VOLUME_NAME';
ntfsAttrNameVolumeInformation = '$VOLUME_INFORMATION';
ntfsAttrNameData = '$DATA';
ntfsAttrNameIndexRoot = '$INDEX_ROOT';
ntfsAttrNameIndexAllocation = '$INDEX_ALLOCATION';
ntfsAttrNameBitmap = '$BITMAP';
ntfsAttrNameReparsePoint = '$REPARSE_POINT';
ntfsAttrNameSymbolicLink = '$SYMBOLIC_LINK';
Version 1.2 only |
ntfsAttrNameExtendedAttrInformation = '$EA_INFORMATION';
ntfsAttrNameExtendedAttr = '$EA';
ntfsAttrNamePropertySet = '$PROPERTY_SET';
Version 3.0 only |
ntfsAttrNameLoggedUtilityStream = '$LOGGED_UTILITY_STREAM';
ntfsAttrNameEnd = '$END';
Marker only |
NTFS owner Id constants
ntfsOwnerIdNull = $00000001;
ntfsOwnerIdFirst = $00000100;
ntfsOwnerIdUnknown = $FFFFFFFF;
NTFS default owner Id constants
ntfsDefaultOwnerId1 = $00000001;
ntfsDefaultOwnerId100 = $00000100;
NTFS default sid constants
ntfsMaxDefaultSid = 1;
ntfsDefaultSidNone = 0;
ntfsDefaultSid100 = 1;
ntfsDefaultSids:array[1..ntfsMaxDefaultSid] of TNTFSDefaultSid = (
| |
100 |
NTFS security Id constants
ntfsSecurityIdNull = $00000001;
ntfsSecurityIdFirst = $00000100;
ntfsSecurityIdUnknown = $FFFFFFFF;
NTFS default security Id constants
ntfsDefaultSecurityId100 = $00000100;
ntfsDefaultSecurityId101 = $00000101;
ntfsDefaultSecurityId102 = $00000102;
ntfsDefaultSecurityId103 = $00000103;
NTFS default descriptor constants
ntfsMaxDefaultDescriptor = 7;
ntfsDefaultDescriptorNone = 0;
ntfsDefaultDescriptorVolume = 1;
ntfsDefaultDescriptorAttrDef = 2;
ntfsDefaultDescriptorRoot = 3;
ntfsDefaultDescriptor102 = 4;
ntfsDefaultDescriptor103 = 5;
ntfsDefaultDescriptorFile = 6;
Used by NTFSDefaultSecurity option |
ntfsDefaultDescriptorFolder = 7;
Used by NTFSDefaultSecurity option |
ntfsDefaultDescriptorBoot = 2;
Same as ntfsDefaultDescriptorAttrDef |
ntfsDefaultDescriptor100 = 2;
Same as ntfsDefaultDescriptorAttrDef |
ntfsDefaultDescriptor101 = 1;
Same as ntfsDefaultDescriptorVolume |
ntfsDefaultDescriptorReserved = 1;
Same as ntfsDefaultDescriptorVolume |
NTFS security offset constants
ntfsSecurityOffsetFirst = 0;
Int64 |
ntfsSecurityOffsetUnknown = -1;
Int64 |
NTFS index name constants
ntfsIndexNameFileName = '$I30';
ntfsIndexNameSecurityId = '$SII';
ntfsIndexNameSecurityHash = '$SDH';
ntfsIndexNameObjectId = '$O';
ntfsIndexNameOwnerId = '$O';
ntfsIndexNameQuota = '$Q';
ntfsIndexNameReparse = '$R';
NTFS index order constants
ntfsIndexOrderFileName = 38;
ntfsIndexOrderSecurityId = 100;
ntfsIndexOrderSecurityHash = 100;
ntfsIndexOrderObjectId = 100;
ntfsIndexOrderOwnerId = 100;
ntfsIndexOrderQuota = 100;
ntfsIndexOrderReparse = 100;
NTFS stream name constants
ntfsStreamNameSecurity = '$SDS';
ntfsStreamNameBadClus = '$Bad';
ntfsStreamNameMountMgr = '$MountMgrDatabase';
ntfsStreamNameJournal = '$J';
ntfsStreamNameJrnlMax = '$Max';
NTFS file namespace constants
ntfsNameSpacePosix = $00;
ntfsNameSpaceWin32 = $01;
ntfsNameSpaceDos = $02;
ntfsNameSpaceBoth = ntfsNamespaceWin32 or ntfsNamespaceDos;
NTFS display type constants
ntfsDisplayTypeNone = $00000000;
NTFS collate type constants
ntfsCollateTypeBinary = $00000000;
Binary, where the first byte is most significant |
ntfsCollateTypeFileName = $00000001;
Filename Unicode strings (This is a case insensitive compare) |
ntfsCollateTypeUnicode = $00000002;
Unicode strings, except that upper case letters should come first (This is a case sensitive compare) |
ntfsCollateTypeLongWord = $00000010;
An unsigned long (32 bits, little endian) |
ntfsCollateTypeSID = $00000011;
A Security Identifier |
ntfsCollateTypeSecurityHash = $00000012;
First compare by the Security Hash, then by Security Descriptor (Sorting is by Security Hash then Security Id) |
ntfsCollateTypeGUID = $00000013;
Object GUIDs |
NTFS volume flag constants
ntfsVolumeFlagNone = $0000;
ntfsVolumeFlagDirty = $0001;
ntfsVolumeFlagResizeLogFile = $0002;
ntfsVolumeFlagUpgradeMount = $0004;
ntfsVolumeFlagMountedNT4 = $0008;
ntfsVolumeFlagDeleteUSN = $0010;
ntfsVolumeFlagRepairObjectIds = $0020;
ntfsVolumeFlagModifiedChkdsk = $8000;
NTFS file record flag constants
ntfsFileRecordFlagNone = $0000;
ntfsFileRecordFlagInUse = $0001;
ntfsFileRecordFlagDirectory = $0002;
ntfsFileRecordFlagUnknown1 = $0004;
Used by $Quota,$ObjId,$Reparse |
ntfsFileRecordFlagIndexView = $0008;
Used by $Secure,$Quota,$ObjId,$Reparse |
NTFS attribute flag cosntants
ntfsAttrDefFlag* ntfsAttributeFlag*
ntfsAttrDefFlagNone = $00000000;
ntfsAttrDefFlagIndexed = $00000002;
ntfsAttrDefFlagResident = $00000040;
Always resident |
ntfsAttrDefFlagUncompressed = $00000080;
Cannot Compress (Note: Resident Attributes cannot be compressed anyway) |
colspan="2"| | |
ntfsAttrDefFlagResidentIndex = $00000042;
Used by FileName (Resident and Indexed) |
ntfsAttributeFlagNone = $0000;
ntfsAttributeFlagCompressed = $0001;
ntfsAttributeFlagEncrypted = $4000;
ntfsAttributeFlagSparse = $8000;
NTFS attribute constants
ntfsAttributeIndexed = $01;
ntfsAttributeNonIndexed = $00;
ntfsAttributeResident = $00;
ntfsAttributeNonResident = $01;
NTFS index header flag constants
ntfsIndexHeaderFlagNone = $0000;
ntfsIndexHeaderFlagSubNodes = $0001;
Index has Sub Nodes |
NTFS index entry flag constants
ntfsIndexEntryFlagNone = $0000;
ntfsIndexEntryFlagSubNode = $0001;
Entry has Sub Node |
ntfsIndexEntryFlagLastNode = $0002;
Entry is Last Node (Always the Blank Node) |
NTFS quota flag constants
ntfsQuotaFlagNone = $0000;
ntfsQuotaFlagDefaultLimits = $0001;
ntfsQuotaFlagLimitReached = $0002;
ntfsQuotaFlagIdDeleted = $0004;
ntfsQuotaFlagTrackingEnabled = $0010;
ntfsQuotaFlagEnforcementEnabled = $0020;
ntfsQuotaFlagTrackingRequested = $0040;
ntfsQuotaFlagLogThreshold = $0080;
ntfsQuotaFlagLogLimit = $0100;
ntfsQuotaFlagOutOfDate = $0200;
ntfsQuotaFlagCorrupt = $0400;
ntfsQuotaFlagPendingDeletes = $0800;
NTFS reparse tag constants
ntfsReparseTagNone = $00000000;
ntfsReparseTagMountPoint = $A0000003;
ntfsReparseTagHSM = $C0000004;
ntfsReparseTagNSS = $80000005;
ntfsReparseTagNSSRecover = $80000006;
ntfsReparseTagHSM2 |
ntfsReparseTagSIS = $80000007;
ntfsReparseTagDFS = $80000008;
Shown in some documentation |
ntfsReparseTagDFS = $8000000A;
ntfsReparseTagFilterManager = $8000000B;
ntfsReparseTagSymbolicLink = $A000000C;
ntfsReparseTagDFSR = $80000012;
NTSF reparse tag flag constants
ntfsReparseTagFlagNone = $00000000;
ntfsReparseTagFlagIsAlias = $20000000;
ntfsReparseTagFlagIsNameSurrogate |
ntfsReparseTagFlagIsHighLatency = $40000000;
ntfsReparseTagFlagIsMicrosoft = $80000000;
NTFS reparse tag type constants
ntfsReparseTagTypeNone = $00000000;
ntfsReparseTagTypeMountPoint = $00000003;
ntfsReparseTagTypeHSM = $00000004;
ntfsReparseTagTypeNSS = $00000005;
ntfsReparseTagTypeNSSRecover = $00000006;
ntfsReparseTagHSM2 |
ntfsReparseTagTypeSIS = $00000007;
ntfsReparseTagTypeDFS = $00000008;
Shown in some documentation |
ntfsReparseTagTypeDFS = $0000000A;
ntfsReparseTagTypeFilterManager = $0000000B;
ntfsReparseTagTypeSymbolicLink = $0000000C;
ntfsReparseTagTypeDFSR = $00000012;
ntfsReparsePointPrefix = '\??\';
NTFS extended attribute flag constants
ntfsExtendedAttributeFlagNone = $00;
ntfsExtendedAttributeFlagNeedEA = $80;
NTFS default size constants
ntfsDefaultBootRecordSize = 8192;
ntfsDefaultFileRecordSize = 1024;
ntfsDefaultIndexRecordSize = 4096;
ntfsDefaultSecureSdsSize = 262396;
262616 if including Id 102 and 103 |
NTFS log file constants
ntfsRestartPageSize = $1000;
ntfsLogFileClientFirst = $0000;
ntfsLogFileClientUnknown = $FFFF;
ntfsLogFileRestartFlagClean = $0002;
NTFS old log file size constants
ntfsMaxOldLogSize = 10;
ntfsOldLogSizes:array[0..ntfsMaxOldLogSize] of TNTFSLogSize = (
| |
DiskSize,LogSize | |
greater than 8MB, 256KB log |
greater than 16MB, 256KB log |
greater than 32MB, 512KB log (Previously 262144) |
greater than 64MB, 1MB log (Previously 524288) |
greater than 128MB, 2MB log (Previously 1048576) |
greater than 256MB, 2MB log |
greater than 512MB, 4MB log |
greater than 1GB, 8MB log |
greater than 2GB, 16MB log |
greater than 4GB, 32MB log |
greater than 8GB, 64MB log |
NTFS log file size constants
ntfsMaxLogSize = 8;
ntfsLogSizes:array[0..ntfsMaxLogSize] of TNTFSLogSize = (
| |
DiskSize,LogSize | |
less than 128MB, 2MB log |
greater than 128MB, 4MB log |
greater than 256MB, 5MB log |
greater than 512MB, 6MB log |
greater than 768MB, 7MB log |
greater than 1GB, 8MB log |
greater than 2GB, 16MB log |
greater than 4GB, 32MB log |
greater than 8GB, 64MB log |
NTFS MFT/MFTMirr start constants
ntfsMftStartCluster = 786432;
ntfsMftCutoverCount = 4194304;
4194304 * 4096 = 16GB (The point at which the MFT becomes fixed in location) |
NTFS file size constants
ntfsFileSizeMft = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
ntfsFileSizeMftMirr = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
ntfsFileSizeLogFile = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
ntfsFileSizeVolume = 0;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSize12AttrDef = 36864;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSize30AttrDef = 2560;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSize31AttrDef = 2560;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSizeRoot = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
ntfsFileSizeBitmap = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
ntfsFileSizeBoot = 8192;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSizeBadClus = 0;
Starting size |
ntfsFileSizeSecure = 0;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSizeUpCase = 131072;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSizeExtend = 0;
Constant size |
colspan="2"| | |
ntfsFileSizeObjId = 0;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSizeQuota = 0;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSizeReparse = 0;
Constant size |
ntfsFileSizeUsnJrnl = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
NTFS stream size constants
ntfsStreamSizeSecurity = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
ntfsStreamSizeBadClus = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
ntfsStreamSizeMountMgr = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
ntfsStreamSizeJournal = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
ntfsStreamSizeJrnlMax = ntfsUnknownCluster;
Variable size |
NTFS header size constants
ntfsFileRecord12Size = 42;
Constant size |
ntfsFileRecord31Size = 48;
Constant size |
ntfsIndexRecordSize = 24;
Constant size |
ntfsIndexHeaderSize = 16;
Constant size |
ntfsIndexEntrySize = 16;
Minimum size |
ntfsAttributeTypeSize = 4;
Constant size |
ntfsAttributeHeaderSize = 16;
Minimum size |
ntfsResidentHeaderSize = 24;
Minimum size |
ntfsNonResidentHeaderSize = 64;
Minimum size |
ntfsCompressedHeaderSize = 72;
Minimum size |
NTFS attribute size constants
Minimum sizes | |
ntfsStandardInformation12Size = 48;
Constant size |
ntfsStandardInformation30Size = 72;
Constant size |
ntfsAttributeListSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsFileNameSize = 66;
Minimum size |
ntfsObjectIdSize = 16;
Minimum size |
ntfsObjectIdSize2 = 32;
Minimum size |
ntfsObjectIdSize3 = 48;
Minimum size |
ntfsObjectIdSize4 = 64;
Minimum size |
ntfsVolumeVersionSize = 8;
Constant size |
ntfsSecurityDescriptorSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsVolumeNameSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsVolumeInformationSize = 12;
Constant size |
ntfsDataSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsIndexRootSize = 16;
Constant size |
ntfsIndexAllocationSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsBitmapSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsReparsePointSize = 8;
Minimum size |
ntfsReparsePointMicrosoftSize = 8;
Minimum size |
ntfsReparsePointOtherSize = 24;
Minimum size |
ntfsSymbolicLinkSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsExtendedAttrInformationSize = 8;
Constant size |
ntfsExtendedAttrSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsPropertySetSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsLoggedUtilityStreamSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsUnknownSize = 0;
Variable size |
ntfsEndSize = 4;
Constant size |
NTFS data size constants
Minimum sizes | |
ntfsRunSize = 1;
Minimum size |
ntfsItemSize = 26;
Minimum size |
ntfsObjIdSize = 56;
Constant size |
ntfsQuotaSize = 48;
Minimum size |
ntfsOwnerSize = 4;
Constant size |
ntfsUpCaseSize = 131072;
Constant size |
ntfsAttrDefSize = 160;
Constant size |
ntfsReparseSize = 12;
Minimum size |
ntfsExtendedSize = 8;
Minimum size |
ntfsSecuritySize = 20;
Minimum size |
ntfsSidSize = 8;
Minimum size |
ntfsAclSize = 8;
Minimum size |
ntfsAceSize = 8;
Minimum size |
ntfsSecurityItemSize = 40;
Minimum size (Includes ntfsSecuritySize) |
ntfsSecurityIdSize = 20;
Minimum size |
ntfsSecurityHashSize = 20;
Minimum size (Previously 24 - Modified to remove Padding) |
NTFS key size constants
Minimum sizes | |
ntfsObjIdKeySize = 16;
Minimum size |
ntfsQuotaKeySize = 4;
Minimum size |
ntfsOwnerKeySize = 8;
Minimum size (Includes ntfsSidSize) |
ntfsSecurityIdKeySize = 4;
Minimum size |
ntfsSecurityHashKeySize = 8;
Minimum size |
ntfsReparseKeySize = 12;
Constant size (Not 16 even though CollateType is GUID) |
NTFS update sequence size constants
ntfsUpdateSequenceSize = 512;
Constant size (Always 512 regardless of the sector size) |
NTFS sector count constants
Used for NTFS formatting (Fixed Disk only) | |
ntfs12MaxSectorCount = 4;
ntfs12SectorCounts:array[0..ntfs12MaxSectorCount] of TNTFSSectorCount = (
| |
SectorCount,SectorsPerCluster | |
up to 8 MB, the 0 value for SectorsPerCluster trips an error |
up to 512 MB, sector size cluster |
up to 1 GB, 1k cluster |
up to 2 GB, 2k cluster |
greater than 2 GB, 4k cluster |
ntfs30MaxSectorCount = 4;
ntfs30SectorCounts:array[0..ntfs30MaxSectorCount] of TNTFSSectorCount = (
| |
SectorCount,SectorsPerCluster | |
up to 8 MB, the 0 value for SectorsPerCluster trips an error |
up to 512 MB, sector size cluster |
up to 1 GB, 1k cluster |
up to 2 GB, 2k cluster |
greater than 2 GB, 4k cluster |
Type definitions
To be documented
Public variables
To be documented
Function declarations
None defined
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