Unit GlobalConfig
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The GlobalConfig unit contains variables used throughout Ultibo core to provide configuration and parameters to common modules and sub systems. Many of these variables may also be passed on the command line as environment variables to customize the behavior of Ultibo core without needing to recompile the application. This unit also includes a small number of widely used common functions.
None defined
Type definitions
None defined
Public variables
To be documented
- Registered handler for the global GetLastError function -
- Registered handler for the global SetLastError function
Function declarations
Global functions
function Min(A,B:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Return the minimum value of A and B
Note | None applicable |
function Max(A,B:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Return the maximum value of A and B
Note | None applicable |
function Clamp(Value,Low,High:LongInt):LongInt;
Description: To be documented
Note | None applicable |
function RoundUp(Value,Multiple:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Round Value to the next highest multiple of Multiple
Note | None applicable |
function RoundDown(Value,Multiple:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Round Value to the next lowest multiple of Multiple
Note | None applicable |
function DivRoundClosest(Value,Divisor:LongInt):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note | None applicable |
function HIWORD(L:LongInt):Word; inline;
Description: Return the high word of L
Note | None applicable |
function LOWORD(L:LongInt):Word; inline;
Description: Return the low word of L
Note | None applicable |
function HIBYTE(W:LongInt):Byte; inline;
Description: Return the high byte of W
Note | None applicable |
function LOBYTE(W:LongInt):Byte; inline;
Description: Return the low byte of W
Note | None applicable |
function MAKELONG(A,B:LongInt):LongInt; inline;
Description: Make a longword value from A and B
Note | None applicable |
function MAKEWORD(A,B:LongInt):Word; inline;
Description: Make a word value from A and B
Note | None applicable |
function WordNtoBE(Value:Word):Word; inline;
Description: Convert word Value from native to big endian
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function WordBEtoN(Value:Word):Word; inline;
Description: Convert word Value from big endian to native
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function WordNtoLE(Value:Word):Word; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function WordLEtoN(Value:Word):Word; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function LongWordNtoBE(Value:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Convert longword Value from native to big endian
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function LongWordBEtoN(Value:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: Convert longword Value from big endian to native
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function LongWordNtoLE(Value:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function LongWordLEtoN(Value:LongWord):LongWord; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function Int64NtoBE(const Value:Int64):Int64; inline;
Description: Convert int64 Value from native to big endian
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function Int64BEtoN(const Value:Int64):Int64; inline;
Description: Convert int64 Value from big endian to native
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function Int64NtoLE(const Value:Int64):Int64; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function Int64LEtoN(const Value:Int64):Int64; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note | These functions are simply wrappers to force the compiler to select the correct function without typecasting |
function BCDtoBin(Value:Byte):Byte; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note | None applicable |
function BintoBCD(Value:Byte):Byte; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note | None applicable |
function GetLastError:LongWord; inline;
Description: Return the last error code for the current thread
Note | None applicable |
procedure SetLastError(LastError:LongWord); inline;
Description: Set the last error code for the current thread
Note | None applicable |
Conversion functions
function ErrorToString(Error:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert an error code value to a string
Note | None applicable |
function SysErrorToString(ErrorCode:Integer):String;
Description: Convert an error code value to a string (RTL)
Note | None applicable |
function BooleanToString(Value:Boolean):String;
Description: Convert a boolean value to a string
Note | None applicable |
function CPUArchToString(CPUArch:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note | None applicable |
function CPUTypeToString(CPUType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a CPU type constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function CPUModelToString(CPUModel:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a CPU model constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function CPUIDToString(CPUID:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a CPU ID constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function FPUTypeToString(FPUType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a FPU type constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function GPUTypeToString(GPUType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a GPU type constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function CacheTypeToString(CacheType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a filesystem Cache type constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function BoardTypeToString(BoardType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Board type constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function MachineTypeToString(MachineType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Machine type constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function PowerIDToString(PowerID:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Power ID constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function PowerStateToString(PowerState:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Power state constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function ClockIDToString(ClockID:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Clock ID constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function ClockStateToString(ClockState:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Clock state constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function TurboIDToString(TurboID:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Turbo ID constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function VoltageIDToString(VoltageID:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Voltage ID constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function TemperatureIDToString(TemperatureID:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Temperature ID constant to a string
Note | None applicable |
function ColorFormatToBytes(Format:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Convert a color format constant into the number of bytes per pixel
Format | The color format constant to get bytes for (eg COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB32) |
Return | The number of bytes required for each pixel |
function ColorFormatToString(Format:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note | None applicable |
procedure ColorDefaultToFormat(Format,Color:LongWord; Dest:Pointer; Reverse:Boolean); inline;
Description: Convert a color value in the default format to the specified format
Format | The color format to convert to (eg COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24) |
Color | The color to be converted (Must be in the default format - See: COLOR_FORMAT_DEFAULT) |
Dest | Pointer to the destination buffer for the converted color |
Reverse | If true then reverse the byte order of the destination after conversion |
procedure ColorFormatToDefault(Format:LongWord; Source:Pointer; var Color:Longword; Reverse:Boolean); inline;
Description: Convert a color value in the specified format to the default format
Format | The color format to convert from (eg COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24) |
Source | Pointer to the source buffer for the color to convert |
Color | The converted color (Will be returned in the default format - See: COLOR_FORMAT_DEFAULT) |
Reverse | If true then reverse the byte order of the color after conversion |
procedure ColorDefaultAltToFormat(Format,Color:LongWord; Dest:Pointer; Reverse:Boolean); {Not inline}
Description: Convert a color value in the default format to the specified format (Alternate)
Format | The color format to convert to (eg COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24) |
Color | The color to be converted (Must be in the default format - See: COLOR_FORMAT_DEFAULT) |
Dest | Pointer to the destination buffer for the converted color |
Reverse | If true then reverse the byte order of the destination before conversion (Differs from ColorDefaultToFormat) |
procedure ColorFormatAltToDefault(Format:LongWord; Source:Pointer; var Color:Longword; Reverse:Boolean); inline;
Description: Convert a color value in the specified format to the default format (Alternate)
Format | The color format to convert from (eg COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24) |
Source | Pointer to the source buffer for the color to convert |
Color | The converted color (Will be returned in the default format - See: COLOR_FORMAT_DEFAULT) |
Reverse | If true then reverse the byte order of the source before conversion (Differs from ColorFormatToDefault) |
procedure PixelsDefaultToFormat(Format:LongWord; Source,Dest:Pointer; Count:LongWord; Reverse:Boolean);
Description: Convert one or more pixels in the default color format to the specified format
Format | The color format to convert to (eg COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24) |
Source | Pointer to the source buffer for the pixels to convert |
Dest | Pointer to the destination buffer for the converted pixels |
Count | The number of pixels to be converted |
Reverse | If true then reverse the byte order of the destination after conversion |
procedure PixelsFormatToDefault(Format:LongWord; Source,Dest:Pointer; Count:LongWord; Reverse:Boolean);
Description: Convert one or more pixels in the specified color format to the default format
Format | The color format to convert from (eg COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24) |
Source | Pointer to the source buffer for the pixels to convert |
Dest | Pointer to the destination buffer for the converted pixels |
Count | The number of pixels to be converted |
Reverse | If true then reverse the byte order of the destination after conversion |
procedure PixelsDefaultAltToFormat(Format:LongWord; Source,Dest:Pointer; Count:LongWord; Reverse:Boolean);
Description: Convert one or more pixels in the default color format to the specified format (Alternate)
Format | The color format to convert to (eg COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24) |
Source | Pointer to the source buffer for the pixels to convert |
Dest | Pointer to the destination buffer for the converted pixels |
Count | The number of pixels to be converted |
Reverse | If true then reverse the byte order of the source before conversion (Differs from PixelsDefaultToFormat) |
procedure PixelsFormatAltToDefault(Format:LongWord; Source,Dest:Pointer; Count:LongWord; Reverse:Boolean);
Description: Convert one or more pixels in the specified color format to the default format (Alternate)
Format | The color format to convert from (eg COLOR_FORMAT_RGB24) |
Source | Pointer to the source buffer for the pixels to convert |
Dest | Pointer to the destination buffer for the converted pixels |
Count | The number of pixels to be converted |
Reverse | If true then reverse the byte order of the source before conversion (Differs from PixelsFormatToDefault) |
function LogLevelToLoggingSeverity(LogLevel:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Convert a log level constant to a severity level
Note | None applicable |
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