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| Device informational messages, such as a device being attached or detached
| Device informational messages, such as a device being attached or detached
| Device warning messages

Revision as of 01:19, 23 March 2018

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Ultibo Device interface unit

To be documented


Device specific constants DEVICE_*
DEVICE_NAME_PREFIX = 'Device'; Name prefix for Devices

Device signature DEVICE_SIGNATURE_*

Device bus DEVICE_BUS_*
NONE = 0;  
DEVICE_BUS_SPI = 14; Serial Peripheral Interface device
DEVICE_BUS_MMIO = 15; Memory Mapped IO device (No Bus)
DEVICE_BUS_I2C = 17; I2C connected device

Device state DEVICE_STATE_*

Device Id DEVICE_ID_*
DEVICE_ID_ANY = $FFFFFFFF; Any Device (Pass to DeviceFind to match all devices)

Device class DEVICE_CLASS_*
DEVICE_CLASS_USBHOST = 1; A USB Host Controller (eg XHCI/EHCI/UHCI/OHCI or DWCOTG etc) (Implementing a standard USB host interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_PCIHOST = 2; A PCI Host Controller (eg AHCI etc) (Implementing a standard PCI host interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_USB = 3; A USB Device (eg Hub/Keyboard/Mouse/Mass Storage/Vendor Specific etc) (Implementing a standard USB device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_PCI = 4; A PCI Device (eg Graphics/Controller etc) (Implementing a standard PCI device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_NETWORK = 5; A Network Device (Implementing a standard Network device interface). May also be a USB or PCI device
DEVICE_CLASS_STORAGE = 6; A Storage Device (Implementing a standard Storage device interface). May also be a USB, PCI, MMC, SCSI or ATA device
DEVICE_CLASS_FILESYSTEM = 7; A FileSystem Device (eg FAT/NTFS/CDFS/EXTFS etc)(Implementing a standard FileSystem device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_PROTOCOL = 8; A Protocol Device (eg TCP/UDP/IP/ICMP etc) (Implementing a standard Protocol device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD = 9; A Keyboard Device (Implementing a standard Keyboard device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_MOUSE = 10; A Mouse Device (Implementing a standard Mouse device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_BLUETOOTH = 11; A Bluetooth Device (Implementing a standard Bluetooth device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_SERIAL = 12; A Serial Device (Implementing a standard Serial device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIO = 13; An Audio Device (Implementing a standard Audio device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_VIDEO = 14; A Video Device (Implementing a standard Video device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_SCSI = 15; A SCSI Device (Implementing a standard SCSI device interface). May also be a PCI device
DEVICE_CLASS_ATA = 16; An ATA/ATAPI Device (Implementing a standard ATA/ATAPI device interface). May also be a PCI device
DEVICE_CLASS_IMAGE = 17; An Image Device (eg Camera) (Implementing a standard Image device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_PRINTER = 18; A Printer Device (Implementing a standard Printer device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_COMMUNICATIONS = 19; A Communications Device (Implementing a standard Communications device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_SMART_CARD = 20; A Smart Card Device (Implementing a standard Smart Card device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_MONITOR = 21; A Monitor Device (Implementing a standard Monitor device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_DISPLAY = 22; A Display Device (eg Billboard) (Implementing a standard Display device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_AUDIOVIDEO = 23; An Audio/Video Device (Implementing a standard Audio/Video device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_IRDA = 24; An Infrared Device (Implementing a standard Infrared device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_SPI = 25; An SPI Device (Implementing a standard SPI device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_I2C = 26; An I2C Device (Implementing a standard I2C device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_UART = 27; A UART Device (Implementing a standard UART device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_MMC = 28; An MMC Device (Implementing a standard MMC device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_SD = 29; An SD Device (Implementing a standard SD device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_SDHCI = 30; An SD/MMC Host Controller (Implementing a standard SDHCI device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_DFU = 31; A Device Firmware Update Device (Implementing a standard DFU device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_GPIO = 32; A GPIO Device (Implementing a standard GPIO device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_MAILBOX = 33; A Mailbox Device
DEVICE_CLASS_DVB = 35; A Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Device
DEVICE_CLASS_DAB = 36; A Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) Device
DEVICE_CLASS_DMA = 37; A DMA Controller Device (Implementing a standard DMA controller interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_SCSIHOST = 38; A SCSI Host Device (Implementing a standard SCSI host interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_ATAHOST = 39; An ATA Host Device (Implementing a standard ATA host interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_TIMER = 40; A Timer or Counter Device
DEVICE_CLASS_RANDOM = 41; A Random Number Generator Device
DEVICE_CLASS_FRAMEBUFFER = 42; A Frame Buffer Device
DEVICE_CLASS_WATCHDOG = 43; A Watchdog Timer Device
DEVICE_CLASS_CLOCK = 44; A Clock (Date/Time) Device
DEVICE_CLASS_CONSOLE = 45; A Console Device
DEVICE_CLASS_RTC = 46; A Real Time Clock (Battery Backed) Device
DEVICE_CLASS_USBHUB = 47; A USB Hub (Implementing a standard USB hub interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_LOGGING = 48; A Logging Device (Implementing a standard Logging device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_PCM = 49; A PCM Sound Device (Implementing a standard PCM device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_PWM = 50; A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Device
DEVICE_CLASS_1WIRE = 51; A 1-Wire Device (Implementing a standard W1 device interface)
DEVICE_CLASS_CLOCK_MANAGER = 52; A Clock Manager Device
DEVICE_CLASS_CODEC = 53; A CODEC Device (eg Audio or Video)
DEVICE_CLASS_TOUCH = 54; A Touch Device
DEVICE_CLASS_MEMORY = 55; A Memory Device (eg OTP, NVRAM or Flash)
DEVICE_CLASS_GENERIC = 56; A Generic Device
DEVICE_CLASS_ANY = $FFFFFFFF; Any Device (Pass to DeviceFind or DeviceEnumerate to match all devices)

Device notification flag DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_*
DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_NONE = $00000000; Pass to DeviceNotification to cancel an existing Notification

Notifier signature NOTIFIER_SIGNATURE_*

Notifier state NOTIFIER_STATE_*

Notifier flag NOTIFIER_FLAG_*
NOTIFIER_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
NOTIFIER_FLAG_WORKER = $00000001; If set, notification callback event will be scheduled on a worker thread
NOTIFIER_FLAG_UNLOCK = $00000002; If set, the notifier table lock will be released before calling the notification callback event

Device logging DEVICE_LOG_*
DEVICE_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; Device debugging messages
DEVICE_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; Device informational messages, such as a device being attached or detached
DEVICE_LOG_LEVEL_WARN = LOG_LEVEL_WARN; Device warning messages

Driver specific constants DRIVER_*
DRIVER_NAME_PREFIX = 'Driver'; Name prefix for Drivers

Driver signature DRIVER_SIGNATURE_*

Driver state DRIVER_STATE_*

Driver Id DRIVER_ID_*
DRIVER_ID_ANY = $FFFFFFFF; Any Driver (Pass to DriverFind to match all drivers)

Driver class DRIVER_CLASS_*
DRIVER_CLASS_USB = 1; A USB Driver (Implementing a standard USB driver interface)
DRIVER_CLASS_PCI = 2; A PCI Driver (Implementing a standard PCI driver interface)
DRIVER_CLASS_SDIO = 3; An SDIO Driver (Implementing a standard SDIO driver interface)
DRIVER_CLASS_BLUETOOTH = 4; A Bluetooth Driver (Implementing a standard Bluetooth driver interface)
DRIVER_CLASS_ANY = $FFFFFFFF; Any Driver (Pass to DriverFind or DriverEnumerate to match all drivers)

Host specific constants HOST_*
HOST_NAME_PREFIX = 'Host'; Name prefix for Hosts

Host signature HOST_SIGNATURE_*

Host state HOST_STATE_*

Host Id HOST_ID_*
HOST_ID_ANY = $FFFFFFFF; Any Host (Pass to HostFind to match all hosts)

Host class HOST_CLASS_*
HOST_CLASS_USB = 1; A USB Host (eg XHCI/EHCI/UHCI/OHCI or DWCOTG etc) (Implementing a standard USB host interface)
HOST_CLASS_PCI = 2; A PCI Host (eg AHCI etc) (Implementing a standard PCI host interface)
HOST_CLASS_SD = 3; An SD Host (eg MMC/SDIO etc) (Implementing a standard SD host interface)
HOST_CLASS_BLUETOOTH = 4; A Bluetooth Host (Implementing a standard Bluetooth host interface)
HOST_CLASS_ANY = $FFFFFFFF; Any Host (Pass to HostFind or HostEnumerate to match all hosts)

Clock specific constants CLOCK_*
CLOCK_NAME_PREFIX = 'Clock'; Name prefix for Clock Devices

Clock device type CLOCK_TYPE_*

Clock device state CLOCK_STATE_*

Clock device flag CLOCK_FLAG_*
CLOCK_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
CLOCK_FLAG_WRITABLE = $00000001; Device supports writing the clock value
CLOCK_FLAG_VARIABLE = $00000002; Device supports setting the clock rate

Timer specific constants TIMER_*
TIMER_NAME_PREFIX = 'Timer'; Name prefix for Timer Devices

Timer device type TIMER_TYPE_*

Timer device state TIMER_STATE_*

Timer device flag TIMER_FLAG_*
TIMER_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
TIMER_FLAG_WRAPPING = $00000001; Device provides a wrapping or self reloading counter
TIMER_FLAG_COUNTER = $00000002; Device will appear as a continuously incrementing counter when read
TIMER_FLAG_DOWN = $00000004; Device counts down from the starting value to zero (And optionally triggers an event)

Timer event flag TIMER_EVENT_FLAG_*
TIMER_EVENT_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  
TIMER_EVENT_FLAG_REPEAT = $00000001; Event will be repeated until cancelled
TIMER_EVENT_FLAG_INTERRUPT = $00000002; Event will be dispatched by interrupt handler (If applicable). Caution: Events called by the interrupt handler must obey interrupt rules with regard to locks, memory allocation and latency.

Random specific constants RANDOM_*
RANDOM_NAME_PREFIX = 'Random'; Name prefix for Random Devices

Random device type RANDOM_TYPE_*

Random device state RANDOM_STATE_*

Random device flag RANDOM_FLAG_*
RANDOM_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  

Mailbox specific constants MAILBOX_*
MAILBOX_NAME_PREFIX = 'Mailbox'; Name prefix for Mailbox Devices

Mailbox device type MAILBOX_TYPE_*

Mailbox device state MAILBOX_STATE_*

Mailbox device flag MAILBOX_FLAG_*
MAILBOX_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  

Watchdog specific constants WATCHDOG_*
WATCHDOG_NAME_PREFIX = 'Watchdog'; Name prefix for Watchdog Devices

Watchdog device type WATCHDOG_TYPE_*

Watchdog device state WATCHDOG_STATE_*

Watchdog device flag WATCHDOG_FLAG_*
WATCHDOG_FLAG_NONE = $00000000;  

Type definitions

Device enumeration callback

TDeviceEnumerate = function(Device:PDevice; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Device notification callback

TDeviceNotification = function(Device:PDevice; Data:Pointer; Notification:LongWord):LongWord;

Device entry

PDevice = ^TDevice;

TDevice = record

Device Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
DeviceId:LongWord; Unique Id of this Device in the Device table
DeviceState:LongWord; Device state (eg Registered/Unregistered)
DeviceName:String; The name of the Device (eg Keyboard0, Storage0 or Network0 etc)
DeviceClass:LongWord; The class of this Device (eg DEVICE_CLASS_USB, DEVICE_CLASS_NETWORK, DEVICE_CLASS_STORAGE etc)
DeviceBus:LongWord; The Bus type for the Device (eg DEVICE_BUS_USB)
DeviceType:LongWord; A class specific Device type (eg KEYBOARD_TYPE_USB, MOUSE_TYPE_USB, NETWORK_TYPE_ETHERNET etc)
DeviceFlags:LongWord; The class specific Device flags
DeviceData:Pointer; A pointer to a class specific Device interface (eg PUSBDevice, PNetworkDevice or PStorageDevice etc) (Used by Drivers)
DeviceDescription:String; A description of the Device (eg BCM2835 PL011 UART)
Internal Properties
Prev:PDevice; Previous entry in Device table
Next:PDevice; Next entry in Device table

Notifier entry

PNotifier = ^TNotifier;

TNotifier = record

Notifier Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
NotifierState:LongWord; Notifier state (eg Registered/Unregistered)
NotifierFlags:LongWord; Notifier flags (eg NOTIFIER_FLAG_WORKER)
Device:PDevice; The Device to notify on (or nil for all devices)
DeviceClass:LongWord; The Device class to notify on (or DEVICE_CLASS_ANY for all devices)
Callback:TDeviceNotification; The callback for device notifications
Data:Pointer; A pointer to callback specific data to be passed with notifications (Optional)
Notification:LongWord; The mask of events to notify on (eg DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_REGISTER etc)
Internal Properties
Prev:PNotifier; Previous entry in Notifier table
Next:PNotifier; Next entry in Notifier table

Notifier task

PNotifierTask = ^TNotifierTask;

TNotifierTask = record


Driver enumeration callback

TDriverEnumerate = function(Driver:PDriver; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Driver entry

PDriver = ^TDriver;

TDriver = record

Driver Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
DriverId:LongWord; Unique Id of this Driver in the Driver table
DriverState:LongWord; Driver state (eg Registered/Unregistered)
DriverName:String; Descriptive name for the Driver (eg USB Mouse Driver)
DriverClass:LongWord; The class of this Driver (eg DRIVER_CLASS_USB etc)
Internal Properties
Prev:PDriver; Previous entry in Driver table
Next:PDriver; Next entry in Driver table

Host enumeration callback

THostEnumerate = function(Host:PHost; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Host entry

PHost = ^THost;

THost = record

Host Properties
Signature:LongWord; Signature for entry validation
HostId:LongWord; Unique Id of this Host in the Host table
HostState:LongWord; Host state (eg Registered/Unregistered)
HostName:String; Descriptive name for the Host (eg DWC OTG Host)
HostClass:LongWord; The class of this Host (eg HOST_CLASS_USB etc)
Internal Properties
Prev:PHost; Previous entry in Host table
Next:PHost; Next entry in Host table

Clock properties

PClockProperties = ^TClockProperties;

TClockProperties = record

Flags:LongWord; Device flags (eg CLOCK_FLAG_WRITABLE)
Rate:LongWord; Device current clock rate (Hz)
MinRate:LongWord; Device minimum clock rate (Hz)
MaxRate:LongWord; Device maximum clock rate (Hz)

Clock enumeration callback

TClockEnumerate = function(Clock:PClockDevice; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Clock notification callback

TClockNotification = function(Device:PDevice; Data:Pointer; Notification:LongWord):LongWord;

Clock device start

TClockDeviceStart = function(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;

Clock device stop

TClockDeviceStop = function(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;

Clock device read

TClockDeviceRead = function(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;

Clock device read 64

TClockDeviceRead64 = function(Clock:PClockDevice):Int64;

Clock device write 64

TClockDeviceWrite64 = function(Clock:PClockDevice; const Value:Int64):LongWord;

Clock device get rate

TClockDeviceGetRate = function(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;

Clock device set rate

TClockDeviceSetRate = function(Clock:PClockDevice; Rate:LongWord):LongWord;

Clock device get properties

TClockDeviceGetProperties = function(Clock:PClockDevice; Properties:PClockProperties):LongWord;

Clock device

PClockDevice = ^TClockDevice;

TClockDevice = record

Device Properties
Device:TDevice; The Device entry for this Clock device
Clock Properties
ClockId:LongWord; Unique Id of this Clock device in the Clock device table
ClockState:LongWord; Clock device state (eg CLOCK_STATE_ENABLED)
DeviceStart:TClockDeviceStart; A device specific DeviceStart method implementing a standard clock device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceStop:TClockDeviceStop; A device specific DeviceStop method implementing a standard clock device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceRead:TClockDeviceRead; A device specific DeviceRead method implementing a standard clock device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceRead64:TClockDeviceRead64; A device specific DeviceRead64 method implementing a standard clock device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceWrite64:TClockDeviceWrite64; A device specific DeviceWrite64 method implementing a standard clock device interface (Optional)
DeviceGetRate:TClockDeviceGetRate; A device specific DeviceGetRate method implementing a standard clock device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceSetRate:TClockDeviceSetRate; A device specific DeviceSetRate method implementing a standard clock device interface (Optional)
DeviceGetProperties:TClockDeviceGetProperties; A device specific DeviceGetProperties method implementing a standard clock device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
Statistics Properties
Driver Properties
Lock:TMutexHandle; Device lock
Address:Pointer; Device register base address
Rate:LongWord; Device rate (Hz)
MinRate:LongWord; Device minimum rate (Hz)
MaxRate:LongWord; Device maximum rate (Hz)
Internal Properties
Prev:PClockDevice; Previous entry in Clock device table
Next:PClockDevice; Next entry in Clock device table

Timer callback

TTimerCallback = TCounterCallback; Counter callback from Platform

Timer properties

PTimerProperties = ^TTimerProperties;

TTimerProperties = record

Flags:LongWord; Device flags (eg TIMER_FLAG_WRAPPING)
Bits:LongWord; Number of valid bits in timer read (eg 32 or 64)
MinRate:LongWord; Device minimum clock rate (Hz)
MaxRate:LongWord; Device maximum clock rate (Hz)
MinInterval:LongWord; Device minimum interval (Ticks)
MaxInterval:LongWord; Device maximum interval (Ticks)

Timer waiter

PTimerWaiter = ^TTimerWaiter;

TTimerWaiter = record

Note: TTimerEvent is used already by the Threads unit
Timer:PTimerDevice; Timer device this waiter belongs to
Callback:TTimerCallback; Callback function to call when event occurs
Data:Pointer; Pointer to pass to the callback function when event occurs
Prev:PTimerWaiter; Previous event in the list
Next:PTimerWaiter; Next event in the list

Timer enumeration callback

TTimerEnumerate = function(Timer:PTimerDevice; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Timer notification callback

TTimerNotification = function(Device:PDevice; Data:Pointer; Notification:LongWord):LongWord;

TImer device start

TTimerDeviceStart = function(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;

Timer device stop

TTimerDeviceStop = function(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;

Timer device read

TTimerDeviceRead = function(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;

Timer device read 64

TTimerDeviceRead64 = function(Timer:PTimerDevice):Int64;

Timer device wait

TTimerDeviceWait = function(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;

Timer device event

TTimerDeviceEvent = function(Timer:PTimerDevice; Flags:LongWord; Callback:TTimerCallback; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Timer device cancel

TTimerDeviceCancel = function(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;

Timer device get rate

TTimerDeviceGetRate = function(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;

Timer device set rate

TTimerDeviceSetRate = function(Timer:PTimerDevice; Rate:LongWord):LongWord;

Timer device get interval

TTimerDeviceGetInterval = function(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;

Timer device set interval

TTimerDeviceSetInterval = function(Timer:PTimerDevice; Interval:LongWord):LongWord;

Timer device get properties

TTimerDeviceGetProperties = function(Timer:PTimerDevice; Properties:PTimerProperties):LongWord;

Timer device

PTimerDevice = ^TTimerDevice;

TTimerDevice = record

Note: Forward declared for TimerWaiter
Device Properties
Device:TDevice; The Device entry for this Timer device
Timer Properties
TimerId:LongWord; Unique Id of this Timer device in the Timer device table
TimerState:LongWord; Timer device state (eg TIMER_STATE_ENABLED)
DeviceStart:TTimerDeviceStart; A device specific DeviceStart method implementing a standard timer device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceStop:TTimerDeviceStop; A device specific DeviceStop method implementing a standard timer device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceRead:TTimerDeviceRead; A device specific DeviceRead method implementing a standard timer device interface (One of Read or Read64 is Mandatory)
DeviceRead64:TTimerDeviceRead64; A device specific DeviceRead64 method implementing a standard timer device interface (One of Read or Read64 is Mandatory
DeviceWait:TTimerDeviceWait; A device specific DeviceWait method implementing a standard timer device interface (Or nil if the operation is not supported)
DeviceEvent:TTimerDeviceEvent; A device specific DeviceEvent method implementing a standard timer device interface (Or nil if the operation is not supported)
DeviceCancel:TTimerDeviceCancel; A device specific DeviceCancel method implementing a standard timer device interface (Or nil if the operation is not supported)
DeviceGetRate:TTimerDeviceGetRate; A device specific DeviceGetRate method implementing a standard timer device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceSetRate:TTimerDeviceSetRate; A device specific DeviceSetRate method implementing a standard timer device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceGetInterval:TTimerDeviceGetInterval; A device specific DeviceGetInterval method implementing a standard timer device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceSetInterval:TTimerDeviceSetInterval; A device specific DeviceSetInterval method implementing a standard timer device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceGetProperties:TTimerDeviceGetProperties; A device specific DeviceGetProperties method implementing a standard timer device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
Statistics Properties
Driver Properties
Lock:TMutexHandle; Device lock
Address:Pointer; Device register base address
Rate:LongWord; Device rate (Hz)
Interval:LongWord; Device interval (Ticks)
Properties:TTimerProperties; Device properties
Event Properties
Flags:LongWord; Event flags for this timer (eg TIMER_EVENT_FLAG_REPEAT)
Count:Longword; Count of threads and events waiting for this timer
Event:TEventHandle; Event for threads waiting for this timer
Waiters:PTimerWaiter; List of events waiting for this timer
Internal Properties
Prev:PTimerDevice; Previous entry in Timer device table
Next:PTimerDevice; Next entry in Timer device table

Random enumeration callback

TRandomEnumerate = function(Random:PRandomDevice; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Random notification callback

TRandomNotification = function(Device:PDevice; Data:Pointer; Notification:LongWord):LongWord;

Random device start

TRandomDeviceStart = function(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;

Random device stop

TRandomDeviceStop = function(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;

Random device seed

TRandomDeviceSeed = function(Random:PRandomDevice; Seed:LongWord):LongWord;

Random device read byte

TRandomDeviceReadByte = function(Random:PRandomDevice):Byte;

Random device read word

TRandomDeviceReadWord = function(Random:PRandomDevice):Word;

Random device read long word

TRandomDeviceReadLongWord = function(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;

Random device read quad word

TRandomDeviceReadQuadWord = function(Random:PRandomDevice):Int64;

Random device read extended

TRandomDeviceReadExtended = function(Random:PRandomDevice):Extended;

Random device

PRandomDevice = ^TRandomDevice;

TRandomDevice = record

Device Properties
Device:TDevice; The Device entry for this Random device
Random Properties
RandomId:LongWord; Unique Id of this Random device in the Random device table
RandomState:LongWord; Random device state (eg RANDOM_STATE_ENABLED)
DeviceStart:TRandomDeviceStart; A device specific DeviceStart method implementing a standard random device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceStop:TRandomDeviceStop; A device specific DeviceStop method implementing a standard random device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceSeed:TRandomDeviceSeed; A device specific DeviceSeed method implementing a standard random device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceReadByte:TRandomDeviceReadByte; A device specific DeviceReadByte method implementing a standard random device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceReadWord:TRandomDeviceReadWord; A device specific DeviceReadWord method implementing a standard random device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceReadLongWord:TRandomDeviceReadLongWord; A device specific DeviceReadLongWord method implementing a standard random device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceReadQuadWord:TRandomDeviceReadQuadWord; A device specific DeviceReadQuadWord method implementing a standard random device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceReadExtended:TRandomDeviceReadExtended; A device specific DeviceReadExtended method implementing a standard random device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
Statistics Properties
Driver Properties
Lock:TMutexHandle; Device lock
Address:Pointer; Device register base address
Internal Properties
Prev:PRandomDevice; Previous entry in Random device table
Next:PRandomDevice; Next entry in Random device table

Mailbox enumeration callback

TMailboxEnumerate = function(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Mailbox notification callback

TMailboxNotification = function(Device:PDevice; Data:Pointer; Notification:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox device start

TMailboxDeviceStart = function(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord;

Mailbox device stop

TMailboxDeviceStop = function(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord;

Mailbox device receive

TMailboxDeviceReceive = function(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Channel:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox device send

TMailboxDeviceSend = function(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Channel,Data:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox device call

TMailboxDeviceCall = function(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Channel,Data:LongWord; var Response:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox device get timeout

TMailboxDeviceGetTimeout = function(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord;

Mailbox device set timeout

TMailboxDeviceSetTimeout = function(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Mailbox device

PMailboxDevice = ^TMailboxDevice;

TMailboxDevice = record

Device Properties
Device:TDevice; The Device entry for this Mailbox device
Mailbox Properties
MailboxId:LongWord; Unique Id of this Mailbox device in the Mailbox device table
MailboxState:LongWord; Mailbox device state (eg MAILBOX_STATE_ENABLED)
DeviceStart:TMailboxDeviceStart; A device specific DeviceStart method implementing a standard mailbox device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceStop:TMailboxDeviceStop; A device specific DeviceStop method implementing a standard mailbox device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceReceive:TMailboxDeviceReceive; A device specific DeviceReceive method implementing a standard mailbox device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceSend:TMailboxDeviceSend; A device specific DeviceSend method implementing a standard mailbox device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceCall:TMailboxDeviceCall; A device specific DeviceCall method implementing a standard mailbox device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceGetTimeout:TMailboxDeviceGetTimeout; A device specific DeviceGetTimeout method implementing a standard mailbox device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceSetTimeout:TMailboxDeviceSetTimeout; A device specific DeviceSetTimeout method implementing a standard mailbox device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
Statistics Properties
Driver Properties
Lock:TMutexHandle; Device lock
Address:Pointer; Device register base address
Timeout:LongWord; Device timeout (Milliseconds)
Internal Properties
Prev:PMailboxDevice; Previous entry in Mailbox device table
Next:PMailboxDevice; Next entry in Mailbox device table

Watchdog enumeration callback

TWatchdogEnumerate = function(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice; Data:Pointer):LongWord;

Watchdog notification callback

TWatchdogNotification = function(Device:PDevice; Data:Pointer; Notification:LongWord):LongWord;

Watchdog device start

TWatchdogDeviceStart = function(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;

Watchdog device stop

TWatchdogDeviceStop = function(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;

Watchdog device refresh

TWatchdogDeviceRefresh = function(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;

Watchdog device get remain

TWatchdogDeviceGetRemain = function(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;

Watchdog device get timeout

TWatchdogDeviceGetTimeout = function(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;

Watchdog device set timeout

TWatchdogDeviceSetTimeout = function(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;

Watchdog device

PWatchdogDevice = ^TWatchdogDevice;

TWatchdogDevice = record

Device Properties
Device:TDevice; The Device entry for this Watchdog device
Watchdog Properties
WatchdogId:LongWord; Unique Id of this Watchdog device in the Watchdog device table
WatchdogState:LongWord; Watchdog device state (eg WATCHDOG_STATE_ENABLED)
DeviceStart:TWatchdogDeviceStart; A device specific DeviceStart method implementing a standard watchdog device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceStop:TWatchdogDeviceStop; A device specific DeviceStop method implementing a standard watchdog device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceRefresh:TWatchdogDeviceRefresh; A device specific DeviceRefresh method implementing a standard watchdog device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceGetRemain:TWatchdogDeviceGetRemain; A device specific DeviceGetRemain method implementing a standard watchdog device interface (Mandatory)
DeviceGetTimeout:TWatchdogDeviceGetTimeout; A device specific DeviceGetTimeout method implementing a standard watchdog device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
DeviceSetTimeout:TWatchdogDeviceSetTimeout; A device specific DeviceSetTimeout method implementing a standard watchdog device interface (Or nil if the default method is suitable)
Statistics Properties
Driver Properties
Lock:TMutexHandle; Device lock
Address:Pointer; Device register base address
Timeout:LongWord; Device timeout (Milliseconds)
Internal Properties
Prev:PWatchdogDevice; Previous entry in Watchdog device table
Next:PWatchdogDevice; Next entry in Watchdog device table

Public variables

Device logging

DEVICE_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL:LongWord = DEVICE_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; Minimum level for Device messages. Only messages with level greater than or equal to this will be printed.

Function declarations

Initialization functions

procedure DevicesInit;
Description: Initialize the Devices unit and device, notifier and driver tables
Note Called only during system startup

Device functions

function DeviceCreate:PDevice;
Description: Create a new Device entry
Return Pointer to new Device entry or nil if device could not be created

function DeviceCreateEx(Size:LongWord):PDevice;
Description: Create a new Device entry
Size Size in bytes to allocate for new device (Including the device entry)
Return Pointer to new Device entry or nil if device could not be created

function DeviceDestroy(Device:PDevice):LongWord;
Description: Destroy an existing Device entry
Device The device to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DeviceGetName(Device:PDevice):String;
Description: Get the name of the supplied Device
Device The device to get the name from
Return The name of the device or a blank string on error

function DeviceSetName(Device:PDevice; const Name:String):LongWord;
Description: Set the name of the supplied Device
Device The device to set the name for
Name The device name to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DeviceGetDescription(Device:PDevice):String;
Description: Get the description of the supplied Device
Device The device to get the description from
Return The description of the device or a blank string on error

function DeviceSetDescription(Device:PDevice; const Description:String):LongWord;
Description: Set the description of the supplied Device
Device The device to set the description for
Description The device description to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DeviceRegister(Device:PDevice):LongWord;
Description: Register a new Device in the Device table
Device The device to register
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DeviceDeregister(Device:PDevice):LongWord;
Description: Deregister a Device from the Device table
Device The device to deregister
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DeviceFind(DeviceClass,DeviceId:LongWord):PDevice;
Description: Find a device by ID in the device table
DeviceClass The class of the device to find (DEVICE_CLASS_ANY for all classes)
DeviceId The ID number of the device to find
Return Pointer to device entry or nil if not found

function DeviceFindByDeviceData(DeviceData:Pointer):PDevice;
Description: Find a device with matching DeviceData property in the device table
DeviceData The value to match against the DeviceData property
Return Pointer to device entry or nil if not found

function DeviceFindByName(const Name:String):PDevice;
Description: Find a device by name in the device table
Name The name of the device to find (eg Timer0)
Return Pointer to device entry or nil if not found

function DeviceFindByDescription(const Description:String):PDevice;
Description: Find a device by description in the device table
Description The description of the device to find (eg BCM2836 ARM Timer)
Return Pointer to device entry or nil if not found

function DeviceEnumerate(DeviceClass:LongWord; Callback:TDeviceEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Enumerate all devices in the device table
DeviceClass The class of device to enumerate (DEVICE_CLASS_ANY for all classes)
Callback The callback function to call for each device in the table
Data A private data pointer to pass to callback for each device in the table
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DeviceNotification(Device:PDevice; DeviceClass:LongWord; Callback:TDeviceNotification; Data:Pointer; Notification,Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Register a notification for device changes
Device The device to notify changes for (Optional, pass nil for all devices)
DeviceClass The class of device to notify changes for (DEVICE_CLASS_ANY for all classes)
Callback The function to call when a notification event occurs
Data A private data pointer to pass to callback when a notification event occurs
Notification The events to register for notification of (eg DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_REGISTER)
Flags The flags to control the notification (eg NOTIFIER_FLAG_WORKER)

function NotifierAllocate(Device:PDevice; DeviceClass:LongWord; Callback:TDeviceNotification; Data:Pointer; Notification,Flags:LongWord):PNotifier;
Description: Create and Register a new Notifier entry in the Notifier table
Note None documented

function NotifierRelease(Notifier:PNotifier):LongWord;
Description: Deregister and Destroy a Notifier from the Notifier table
Note None documented

function NotifierFind(Device:PDevice; DeviceClass:LongWord; Callback:TDeviceNotification; Data:Pointer):PNotifier;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NotifierNotify(Device:PDevice; Notification:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure NotifierWorker(Task:PNotifierTask);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Driver functions

function DriverCreate:PDriver;
Description: Create a new Driver entry
Return Pointer to new Driver entry or nil if driver could not be created

function DriverCreateEx(Size:LongWord):PDriver;
Description: Create a new Driver entry
Size Size in bytes to allocate for new driver (Including the driver entry)
Return Pointer to new Driver entry or nil if driver could not be created

function DriverDestroy(Driver:PDriver):LongWord;
Description: Destroy an existing Driver entry
Driver The driver to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DriverGetName(Driver:PDriver):String;
Description: Get the name of the supplied Driver
Driver The driver to get the name from
Return The name of the driver or a blank string on error

function DriverSetName(Driver:PDriver; const Name:String):LongWord;
Description: Set the name of the supplied Driver
Driver The driver to set the name for
Name The driver name to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DriverRegister(Driver:PDriver):LongWord;
Description: Register a new Driver in the Driver table
Driver The driver to register
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DriverDeregister(Driver:PDriver):LongWord;
Description: Deregister a Driver from the Driver table
Driver The driver to deregister
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function DriverFind(DriverClass,DriverId:LongWord):PDriver;
Description: Find a driver by ID in the driver table
DriverClass The class of the driver to find (DRIVER_CLASS_ANY for all classes)
DriverId The ID number of the driver to find
Return Pointer to driver entry or nil if not found

function DriverFindByName(const Name:String):PDriver;
Description: Find a driver by name in the driver table
Name The name of the driver to find (eg USB Hub Driver)
Return Pointer to driver entry or nil if not found

function DriverEnumerate(DriverClass:LongWord; Callback:TDriverEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Enumerate all drivers in the driver table
DriverClass The class of driver to enumerate (DRIVER_CLASS_ANY for all classes)
Callback The callback function to call for each driver in the table
Data A private data pointer to pass to callback for each driver in the table
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

Clock device functions

function ClockDeviceStart(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;
Description: Start the counter of the specified clock device
Clock The Clock device to start
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ClockDeviceStop(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;
Description: Stop the counter of the specified clock device
Clock The Clock device to stop
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ClockDeviceRead(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;
Description: Read the counter value of the specified clock device
Clock The Clock device to read from
Return The 32 bit counter value of the clock or 0 on failure

function ClockDeviceRead64(Clock:PClockDevice):Int64;
Description: Read the counter value of the specified clock device
Clock The Clock device to read from
Return The 64 bit counter value of the clock or 0 on failure

function ClockDeviceWrite64(Clock:PClockDevice; const Value:Int64):LongWord;
Description: Write the counter value of the specified clock device
Clock The Clock device to write to
Value The counter value to write
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the counter was set or another error code on failure
Note Not all clock devices support setting the counter value, will return an error if unsupported.

function ClockDeviceGetRate(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;
Description: Get the current clock rate in Hz of the specified clock device
Clock The Clock device to get the rate from
Return The current clock rate in Hz or 0 on failure

function ClockDeviceSetRate(Clock:PClockDevice; Rate:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the current clock rate in Hz of the specified clock device
Clock The Clock device to set the rate for
Rate The clock rate in Hz to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the clock rate was set or another error code on failure
Note Not all clock devices support setting the clock rate, will return an error if unsupported.

function ClockDeviceProperties(Clock:PClockDevice; Properties:PClockProperties):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the properties for the specified clock device
Clock The Clock device to get properties from
Properties Pointer to a TClockProperties structure to fill in
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Replaced by ClockDeviceGetProperties for consistency

function ClockDeviceGetProperties(Clock:PClockDevice; Properties:PClockProperties):LongWord;
Description: Get the properties for the specified clock device
Clock The Clock device to get properties from
Properties Pointer to a TClockProperties structure to fill in
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ClockDeviceCreate:PClockDevice;
Description: Create a new Clock entry
Return Pointer to new Clock entry or nil if Clock could not be created

function ClockDeviceCreateEx(Size:LongWord):PClockDevice;
Description: Create a new Clock entry
Size Size in bytes to allocate for new Clock (Including the Clock entry)
Return Pointer to new Clock entry or nil if Clock could not be created

function ClockDeviceDestroy(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;
Description: Destroy an existing clock entry
Clock The clock device to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ClockDeviceRegister(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;
Description: Register a new clock in the clock table
Clock The clock device to register
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ClockDeviceDeregister(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;
Description: Deregister a clock from the clock table
Clock The clock device to deregister
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ClockDeviceFind(ClockId:LongWord):PClockDevice;
Description: Find a clock device by ID in the clock table
ClockId The ID number of the clock to find
Return Pointer to clock device entry or nil if not found

function ClockDeviceFindByName(const Name:String):PClockDevice; inline;
Description: Find a clock device by name in the clock table
Name The name of the clock to find (eg Clock0)
Return Pointer to clock device entry or nil if not found

function ClockDeviceFindByDescription(const Description:String):PClockDevice; inline;
Description: Find a clock device by description in the clock table
Description The description of the clock to find (eg BCM2836 ARM Timer Clock)
Return Pointer to clock device entry or nil if not found

function ClockDeviceEnumerate(Callback:TClockEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Enumerate all clock devices in the clock table
Callback The callback function to call for each clock in the table
Data A private data pointer to pass to callback for each clock in the table
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function ClockDeviceNotification(Clock:PClockDevice; Callback:TClockNotification; Data:Pointer; Notification,Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Register a notification for clock device changes
Clock The clock device to notify changes for (Optional, pass nil for all clocks)
Callback The function to call when a notification event occurs
Data A private data pointer to pass to callback when a notification event occurs
Notification The events to register for notification of (eg DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_REGISTER)
Flags The flags to control the notification (eg NOTIFIER_FLAG_WORKER)

Timer device functions

function TimerDeviceStart(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Start the clock and counter of the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to start
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceStop(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Stop the clock and counter of the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to stop
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceRead(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Read the current value of the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to read from
Return The 32 bit current value of the timer or 0 on failure

function TimerDeviceRead64(Timer:PTimerDevice):Int64;
Description: Read the current value of the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to read from
Return The 64 bit current value of the timer or 0 on failure

function TimerDeviceWait(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Wait for the current interval to expire on the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to wait for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the interval expired or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceEvent(Timer:PTimerDevice; Flags:LongWord; Callback:TTimerCallback; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Schedule a function to be called when the current interval expires on the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to schedule the callback for
Callback The function to be called when the interval expires
Data A pointer to be pass to the function when the interval expires (Optional)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the callback was scheduled successfully or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceCancel(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Cancel a previously scheduled event callback function on the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to cancel the callback for
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the callback was cancelled successfully or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceGetRate(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Get the current clock rate in Hz of the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to get the rate from
Return The current clock rate in Hz or 0 on failure

function TimerDeviceSetRate(Timer:PTimerDevice; Rate:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the current clock rate in Hz of the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to set the rate for
Rate The clock rate in Hz to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the clock rate was set or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceGetInterval(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Get the current interval in ticks of the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to get the interval from
Return The current interval in ticks or 0 on failure (or not set)
Note The tick rate is determined by the clock rate

function TimerDeviceSetInterval(Timer:PTimerDevice; Interval:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the current interval in ticks of the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to set the interval for
Interval The interval in ticks to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the interval was set or another error code on failure
Note The tick rate is determined by the clock rate

function TimerDeviceProperties(Timer:PTimerDevice; Properties:PTimerProperties):LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the properties for the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to get properties from
Properties Pointer to a TTimerProperties structure to fill in
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure
Note Replaced by TimerDeviceGetProperties for consistency

function TimerDeviceGetProperties(Timer:PTimerDevice; Properties:PTimerProperties):LongWord;
Description: Get the properties for the specified Timer device
Timer The Timer device to get properties from
Properties Pointer to a TTimerProperties structure to fill in
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceCreate:PTimerDevice;
Description: Create a new Timer entry
Return Pointer to new Timer entry or nil if Timer could not be created

function TimerDeviceCreateEx(Size:LongWord):PTimerDevice;
Description: Create a new Timer entry
Size Size in bytes to allocate for new Timer (Including the Timer entry)
Return Pointer to new Timer entry or nil if Timer could not be created

function TimerDeviceDestroy(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Destroy an existing Timer entry
Timer The timer device to destroy
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceRegister(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Register a new Timer in the Timer table
Timer The timer device to register
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceDeregister(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord;
Description: Deregister a Timer from the Timer table
Timer The timer device to deregister
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceFind(TimerId:LongWord):PTimerDevice;
Description: Find a timer device by ID in the timer table
TimerId The ID number of the timer to find
Return Pointer to timer device entry or nil if not found

function TimerDeviceFindByName(const Name:String):PTimerDevice; inline;
Description: Find a timer device by name in the timer table
Name The name of the timer to find (eg Timer0)
Return Pointer to timer device entry or nil if not found

function TimerDeviceFindByDescription(const Description:String):PTimerDevice; inline;
Description: Find a timer device by description in the timer table
Description The description of the timer to find (eg BCM2836 ARM Timer)
Return Pointer to timer device entry or nil if not found

function TimerDeviceEnumerate(Callback:TTimerEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Enumerate all timer devices in the timer table
Callback The callback function to call for each timer in the table
Data A private data pointer to pass to callback for each timer in the table
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if completed or another error code on failure

function TimerDeviceNotification(Timer:PTimerDevice; Callback:TTimerNotification; Data:Pointer; Notification,Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Register a notification for timer device changes
Timer The timer device to notify changes for (Optional, pass nil for all timers)
Callback The function to call when a notification event occurs
Data A private data pointer to pass to callback when a notification event occurs
Notification The events to register for notification of (eg DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_REGISTER)
Flags The flags to control the notification (eg NOTIFIER_FLAG_WORKER)

Random device functions

function RandomDeviceStart(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceStop(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceSeed(Random:PRandomDevice; Seed:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceReadByte(Random:PRandomDevice):Byte;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceReadWord(Random:PRandomDevice):Word;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceReadLongWord(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceReadQuadWord(Random:PRandomDevice):Int64;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceReadExtended(Random:PRandomDevice):Extended;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceCreate:PRandomDevice;
Description: Create a new Random entry
Return Pointer to new Random entry or nil if Random could not be created

function RandomDeviceCreateEx(Size:LongWord):PRandomDevice;
Description: Create a new Random entry
Size Size in bytes to allocate for new Random (Including the Random entry)
Return Pointer to new Random entry or nil if Random could not be created

function RandomDeviceDestroy(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;
Description: Destroy an existing Random entry
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceRegister(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;
Description: Register a new Random in the Random table
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceDeregister(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;
Description: Deregister a Random from the Random table
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceFind(RandomId:LongWord):PRandomDevice;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceFindByName(const Name:String):PRandomDevice; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceFindByDescription(const Description:String):PRandomDevice; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceEnumerate(Callback:TRandomEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceNotification(Random:PRandomDevice; Callback:TRandomNotification; Data:Pointer; Notification,Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Mailbox device functions

function MailboxDeviceStart(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceStop(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceReceive(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Channel:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceSend(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Channel,Data:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceCall(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Channel,Data:LongWord; var Response:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceGetTimeout(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceSetTimeout(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceCreate:PMailboxDevice;
Description: Create a new Mailbox entry
Return Pointer to new Mailbox entry or nil if Mailbox could not be created

function MailboxDeviceCreateEx(Size:LongWord):PMailboxDevice;
Description: Create a new Mailbox entry
Size Size in bytes to allocate for new Mailbox (Including the Mailbox entry)
Return Pointer to new Mailbox entry or nil if Mailbox could not be created

function MailboxDeviceDestroy(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord;
Description: Destroy an existing Mailbox entry
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceRegister(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord;
Description: Register a new Mailbox in the Mailbox table
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceDeregister(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord;
Description: Deregister a Mailbox from the Mailbox table
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceFind(MailboxId:LongWord):PMailboxDevice;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceFindByName(const Name:String):PMailboxDevice; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceFindByDescription(const Description:String):PMailboxDevice; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceEnumerate(Callback:TMailboxEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceNotification(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice; Callback:TMailboxNotification; Data:Pointer; Notification,Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Watchdog device functions

function WatchdogDeviceStart(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceStop(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceRefresh(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceGetRemain(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceGetTimeout(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceSetTimeout(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice; Timeout:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceCreate:PWatchdogDevice;
Description: Create a new Watchdog entry
Return Pointer to new Watchdog entry or nil if Watchdog could not be created

function WatchdogDeviceCreateEx(Size:LongWord):PWatchdogDevice;
Description: Create a new Watchdog entry
Size Size in bytes to allocate for new Watchdog (Including the Watchdog entry)
Return Pointer to new Watchdog entry or nil if Watchdog could not be created

function WatchdogDeviceDestroy(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;
Description: Destroy an existing Watchdog entry
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceRegister(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;
Description: Register a new Watchdog in the Watchdog table
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceDeregister(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;
Description: Deregister a Watchdog from the Watchdog table
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceFind(WatchdogId:LongWord):PWatchdogDevice;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceFindByName(const Name:String):PWatchdogDevice; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceFindByDescription(const Description:String):PWatchdogDevice; inline;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceEnumerate(Callback:TWatchdogEnumerate; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceNotification(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice; Callback:TWatchdogNotification; Data:Pointer; Notification,Flags:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

RTL clock functions

function SysClockRead:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysClockRead64:Int64;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

RTL timer (counter) functions

function SysTimerAvailable:Boolean;
Description: Check if a timer device is available
Note None documented

function SysTimerRead:LongWord;
Description: Read the current value of the default counter
Return The 32 bit current value of the counter or 0 on failure

function SysTimerRead64:Int64;
Description: Read the current value of the default counter
Return The 64 bit current value of the counter or 0 on failure

function SysTimerWait:LongWord;
Description: Wait for the current interval to expire on the default counter
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the interval expired or another error code on failure

function SysTimerEvent(Callback:TTimerCallback; Data:Pointer):LongWord;
Description: Schedule a function to be called when the current interval expires on the default counter
Callback The function to be called when the interval expires
Data A pointer to be pass to the function when the interval expires (Optional)
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the callback was scheduled successfully or another error code on failure

function SysTimerCancel:LongWord;
Description: Cancel a previously scheduled event callback function on the default counter
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the callback was cancelled successfully or another error code on failure

function SysTimerGetRate:LongWord;
Description: Get the current clock rate in Hz of the default counter
Return The current clock rate in Hz or 0 on failure

function SysTimerSetRate(Rate:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the current clock rate in Hz of the default counter
Rate The clock rate in Hz to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the clock rate was set or another error code on failure

function SysTimerGetInterval:LongWord;
Description: Get the current interval in ticks of the default counter
Return The current interval in ticks or 0 on failure (or not set)
Note The tick rate is determined by the clock rate

function SysTimerSetInterval(Interval:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: Set the current interval in ticks of the default counter
Interval The interval in ticks to set
Return ERROR_SUCCESS if the interval was set or another error code on failure
Note The tick rate is determined by the clock rate

RTL random functions

function SysRandomAvailable:Boolean;
Description: Check if a random (RNG) device is available
Note None documented

procedure SysRandomize;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure SysRandomSeed(Seed:LongWord);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysRandomReadLongInt(Limit:LongInt):LongInt;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysRandomReadInt64(Limit:Int64):Int64;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysRandomReadExtended:Extended;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

RTL watchdog functions

function SysWatchdogAvailable:Boolean;
Description: Check if a watchdog timer device is available
Note None documented

function SysWatchdogStart(Milliseconds:LongWord):LongWord; 
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysWatchdogStop:LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function SysWatchdogRefresh(Milliseconds:LongWord):LongWord;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Device helper functions

function DeviceGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current device count
Note None documented

function DeviceCheck(Device:PDevice):PDevice;
Description: Check if the supplied Device is in the device table
Note None documented

function NotifierGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current notifier count
Note None documented

function NotifierCheck(Notifier:PNotifier):PNotifier;
Description: Check if the supplied Notifier is in the notifier table
Note None documented

function DeviceBusToString(DeviceBus:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function DeviceStateToString(DeviceState:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function DeviceClassToString(DeviceClass:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function NotificationToString(Notification:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DeviceLog(Level:LongWord; Device:PDevice; const AText:String);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DeviceLogInfo(Device:PDevice; const AText:String);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DeviceLogError(Device:PDevice; const AText:String);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

procedure DeviceLogDebug(Device:PDevice; const AText:String);
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Driver helper functions

function DriverGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current driver count
Note None documented

function DriverCheck(Driver:PDriver):PDriver;
Description: Check if the supplied Driver is in the driver table
Note None documented

function DriverStateToString(DriverState:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

function DriverClassToString(DriverClass:LongWord):String;
Description: To be documented
Note None documented

Clock device helper functions

function ClockDeviceGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current clock device count
Note None documented

function ClockDeviceGetDefault:PClockDevice; inline;
Description: Get the current default clock device
Note None documented

function ClockDeviceSetDefault(Clock:PClockDevice):LongWord;
Description: Set the current default clock device
Note None documented

function ClockDeviceCheck(Clock:PClockDevice):PClockDevice;
Description: Check if the supplied Clock is in the Clock table
Note None documented

function ClockTypeToString(ClockType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Clock type value to a string
Note None documented

function ClockStateToString(ClockState:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Clock state value to a string
Note None documented

Timer device helper functions

function TimerDeviceGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current timer device count
Note None documented

function TimerDeviceGetDefault:PTimerDevice; inline;
Description: Get the current default timer device
Note None documented

function TimerDeviceSetDefault(Timer:PTimerDevice):LongWord; 
Description: Set the current default timer device
Note None documented

function TimerDeviceCheck(Timer:PTimerDevice):PTimerDevice;
Description: Check if the supplied Timer is in the Timer table
Note None documented

function TimerTypeToString(TimerType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Timer type value to a string
Note None documented

function TimerStateToString(TimerState:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Timer state value to a string
Note None documented

function TimerDeviceCreateWaiter(Timer:PTimerDevice; Callback:TTimerCallback; Data:Pointer):PTimerWaiter;
Description: Create a new waiter using the supplied parameters
Note Waiter must be registered by calling TimerDeviceRegisterWaiter. Caller must hold the Timer device lock.

function TimerDeviceDestroyWaiter(Timer:PTimerDevice; Waiter:PTimerWaiter):LongWord;
Description: Destroy an existing waiter
Note Waiter must be deregistered first by calling TimerDeviceDeregisterWaiter. Caller must hold the Timer device lock.

function TimerDeviceRegisterWaiter(Timer:PTimerDevice; Waiter:PTimerWaiter):LongWord;
Description: Register a waiter in the waiter list of the supplied Timer
Note Waiter must be created by calling TimerDeviceCreateWaiter. Caller must hold the Timer device lock.

function TimerDeviceDeregisterWaiter(Timer:PTimerDevice; Waiter:PTimerWaiter):LongWord;
Description: Deregister a waiter from the waiter list of the supplied Timer
Note Waiter must be destroyed by calling TimerDeviceDestroyWaiter. Caller must hold the Timer device lock.

Random device helper functions

function RandomDeviceGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current random device count
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceGetDefault:PRandomDevice; inline;
Description: Get the current default random device
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceSetDefault(Random:PRandomDevice):LongWord;
Description: Set the current default random device
Note None documented

function RandomDeviceCheck(Random:PRandomDevice):PRandomDevice;
Description: Check if the supplied Random is in the Random table
Note None documented

function RandomTypeToString(RandomType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Random type value to a string
Note None documented

function RandomStateToString(RandomState:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Random state value to a string
Note None documented

Mailbox device helper functions

function MailboxDeviceGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current mailbox device count
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceGetDefault:PMailboxDevice; inline;
Description: Get the current default mailbox device
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceSetDefault(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):LongWord; 
Description: Set the current default mailbox device
Note None documented

function MailboxDeviceCheck(Mailbox:PMailboxDevice):PMailboxDevice;
Description: Check if the supplied Mailbox is in the Mailbox table
Note None documented

function MailboxTypeToString(MailboxType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Mailbox type value to a string
Note None documented

function MailboxStateToString(MailboxState:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Mailbox state value to a string
Note None documented

Watchdog device helper functions

function WatchdogDeviceGetCount:LongWord; inline;
Description: Get the current watchdog device count
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceGetDefault:PWatchdogDevice; inline;
Description: Get the current default watchdog device
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceSetDefault(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):LongWord;
Description: Set the current default watchdog device
Note None documented

function WatchdogDeviceCheck(Watchdog:PWatchdogDevice):PWatchdogDevice;
Description: Check if the supplied Watchdog is in the Watchdog table
Note None documented

function WatchdogTypeToString(WatchdogType:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Watchdog type value to a string
Note None documented

function WatchdogStateToString(WatchdogState:LongWord):String;
Description: Convert a Watchdog state value to a string
Note None documented

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