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Line 258: Line 258:
| <code>MajorVersion:Word;</code>
| <code>MajorVersion:Word;</code>
| NTFS1.2 is version ?.? / NTFS3.0 is version ?.? / NTFS3.1 is Version 1.1
| NTFS1.2 is version ?.?/NTFS3.0 is version ?.?/NTFS3.1 is Version 1.1
| <code>UpdateSequenceRecord</code>
| <code>UpdateSequenceRecord</code>

Revision as of 03:56, 13 April 2017

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Ultibo NTFS types unit

To be documented


None defined

Type definitions

NTFS specific types

TNTFSType = (ntNONE,ntNTFS12,ntNTFS30,ntNTFS31);

NTFS record number

PNTFSRecordNumber = ^TNTFSRecordNumber;

TNTFSRecordNumber = packed record

Note: 48 bits (Read/Write as Word,LongWord)

NTFS file reference

PNTFSFileReference = ^TNTFSFileReference;

TNTFSFileReference = packed record

Note: 64 bits (Read/Write as Int64) Note endian ordering

NTFS sub node record

PNTFSSubNodeRecord = ^TNTFSSubNodeRecord;

TNTFSSubNodeRecord = packed record

Note: 8 bytes

NTFS update sequence record

PNTFSUpdateSequenceRecord = ^TNTFSUpdateSequenceRecord;

TNTFSUpdateSequenceRecord = packed record

Note: 2 bytes
UpdateSequenceNumber:Word; Update Sequence Number
UpdateSequenceArray:array[0..0] of Word; Update Sequence Array
Padding Padding (align to 8 bytes)

NTFS12 file record

PNTFS12FileRecord = ^TNTFS12FileRecord;

TNTFS12FileRecord = packed record

Note: 42 bytes (Includes NTFS 3.0)
MagicNumber:LongWord; Magic number 'FILE'
UpdateSequenceOffset:Word; Offset to the Update Sequence Record
UpdateSequenceLength:Word; Size in words of the Update Sequence Record
LogFileSequenceNumber:Int64; LogFile Sequence Number (LSN)
SequenceNumber:Word; Sequence number
HardLinkCount:Word; Hard link count
AttributeOffset:Word; Offset to the first Attribute
RecordFlags:Word; Flags
RecordSize:LongWord; Actual size of the FILE record
RecordAllocated:LongWord; Allocated size of the FILE record
BaseReference:Int64; File reference to the base FILE record
NextAttributeId:Word; Next Attribute Id

NTFS31 file record

PNTFS31FileRecord = ^TNTFS31FileRecord;

TNTFS31FileRecord = packed record

Note: 48 bytes
MagicNumber:LongWord; Magic number 'FILE'
UpdateSequenceOffset:Word; Offset to the Update Sequence Record
UpdateSequenceLength:Word; Size in words of the Update Sequence Record
LogFileSequenceNumber:Int64; LogFile Sequence Number (LSN)
SequenceNumber:Word; Sequence number
HardLinkCount:Word; Hard link count
AttributeOffset:Word; Offset to the first Attribute
RecordFlags:Word; Flags
RecordSize:LongWord; Actual size of the FILE record
RecordAllocated:LongWord; Allocated size of the FILE record
BaseReference:Int64; File reference to the base FILE record
NextAttributeId:Word; Next Attribute Id
RecordSegment:Word; Align to 4 byte boundary (Segment of this MFT Record)
RecordNumber:LongWord; Number of this MFT Record

NTFS restart record

PNTFSRestartRecord = ^TNTFSRestartRecord;

TNTFSRestartRecord = packed record

Note: 30 bytes (http://www.disy.cse.unsw.edu.au/lxr/source/fs/ntfs/logfile.h?v=linux-2.6.32)
MagicNumber:LongWord; Magic number 'RSTR'
UpdateSequenceOffset:Word; Offset to the Update Sequence Record
UpdateSequenceLength:Word; Size in words of the Update Sequence Record
LastSequenceNumber:Int64; Last Log File Sequence Number (LSN) only used by Chkdsk when magic is CHKD otherwise 0
SystemPageSize:LongWord; Must be >= 512 and a power of 2 (Normally 4096)
LogPageSize:LongWord; Must be >= 512 and a power of 2 (Normally 4096 if the SystemPageSize is 4096 to 8192 otherwise SystemPageSize)
RestartAreaOffset:Word; Absolute offset to the start of the restart area. Must be 8 byte aligned (After the Update Sequence Array)
MajorVersion:Word; NTFS1.2 is version ?.?/NTFS3.0 is version ?.?/NTFS3.1 is Version 1.1

NTFS restart area

PNTFSRestartArea = ^TNTFSRestartArea;

TNTFSRestartArea = packed record

Note: 48 Bytes (http://www.disy.cse.unsw.edu.au/lxr/source/fs/ntfs/logfile.h?v=linux-2.6.32)
CurrentSequenceNumber:Int64; The Current (Last Written) Log File Sequence Number (LSN) on create this will be 0
LogClientCount:Word; Must be 1
FirstFreeClient:Word; The index of the first free log record (When clean normally 0 on Win2k or below and 0xFFFF on WinXP or above)
FirstUsedClient:Word; The index of the first used log record (When clean normally 0xFFFF on Win2k or below and 0 on WinXP or above)
Flags:Word; On Win2k or below always 0, on WinXP or above $0002 if clean
SequenceNumberBits:LongWord; The number of bits to use for the sequence number (67 - the number of bits to store the logfile size in bytes
RestartAreaLength:Word; Length of the restart area and log clients
ClientArrayOffset:Word; Offset from the start of the restart area to the first log client
FileSize:Int64; Usable byte size of the log file (rounded down to a multiple of LogPageSize, must be large enough to hold 2 restart records and 48 log records)
LastSequenceDataLength:LongWord; Length of data of last LSN not including log record header (On create this will be 0)
LogRecordHeaderLength:Word; Byte size of the log record header. Must be a multiple of 8.
LogPageDataOffset:Word; Offset to the start of data in a log record. Must be a multiple of 8. (After the Update Sequence Array)
LogFileOpenCount:LongWord; On create this will be a random value
Reserved:LongWord; Alignment to 8 bytes

NTFS log client

PNTFSLogClient = ^TNTFSLogClient;

TNTFSLogClient = packed record

Note: 160 bytes (http://www.disy.cse.unsw.edu.au/lxr/source/fs/ntfs/logfile.h?v=linux-2.6.32)
OldestSequenceNumber:Int64; Oldest LSN of this log client (On create this will be 0)
CurrentSequenceNumber:Int64; Current LSN within the log client (On create this will be 0)
PrevClient:Word; Offset of the previous log client or 0xFFFF if first (Always 0xFFFF)
NextClient:Word; Offset of the next log client or 0xFFFF if last (Always 0xFFFF)
SequenceNumber:Word; On Win2K or below 0 when dirty and 1 when clean, on WinXP or above always 0
Reserved:array[0..5] of Byte; Reserved/Alignment
ClientNameLength:LongWord; Client name length in bytes. Should always be 8
ClientName:array[0..63] of WideChar; Should always be NTFS in unicode

NTFS log record

PNTFSLogRecord = ^TNTFSLogRecord;

TNTFSLogRecord = packed record

Note: ? Bytes
MagicNumber:LongWord; Magic number 'RCRD'
UpdateSequenceOffset:Word; Offset to the Update Sequence Record
UpdateSequenceLength:Word; Size in words of the Update Sequence Record
LastLSN:Int64;  ???????
Flags:LongWord;  ???????
PageCount:Word;  ???????
PagePosition:Word;  ???????
NextRecordOffset:Int64;  ???????
LastEndLSN:Int64;  ???????

NTFS index record

PNTFSIndexRecord = ^TNTFSIndexRecord;

TNTFSIndexRecord = packed record

Note: 24 bytes
MagicNumber:LongWord; Magic number 'INDX'
UpdateSequenceOffset:Word; Offset to the Update Sequence Record
UpdateSequenceLength:Word; Size in words of the Update Sequence Record
LogFileSequenceNumber:Int64; LogFile sequence number
RecordNumber:Int64; Number of this INDX record in the Index Allocation

NTFS index header

PNTFSIndexHeader = ^TNTFSIndexHeader;

TNTFSIndexHeader = packed record

Note: 16 bytes
EntryOffset:LongWord; Offset to first Index Entry
IndexSize:LongWord; Total size of the Index Entries
IndexAllocated:LongWord; Allocated size of the Index Entries
IndexFlags:Word; Flags (See Consts)
Reserved1:Word; Padding (Align to 8 bytes)

NTFS index entry

PNTFSIndexEntry = ^TNTFSIndexEntry;

TNTFSIndexEntry = packed record

Note: 16 bytes (Not including Key of SubNodeNumber)
Reserved1:Int64; Padding (Align to 8 bytes)
EntrySize:Word; Length of the index entry
KeySize:Word; Length of the key entry
EntryFlags:Word; Flags (See Consts)
Reserved2:Word; Padding (Align to 8 bytes)
Key:array[0..0] of Byte; Key (Only present when the last entry flag is not set) Note: No Offset so always in the same location
SubNodeNumber:Int64 Number of the sub-node in the index allocation attribute (Only present when the sub-node flag is set)

NTFS data index entry

PNTFSDataIndexEntry = ^TNTFSDataIndexEntry;

TNTFSDataIndexEntry = packed record

Note: 16 bytes (Not including Key, Data or SubNodeNumber)
DataOffset:Word; Offset to the data (Only valid when the last entry flag is not set)
DataSize:Word; Size of the data (Only valid when the last entry flag is not set)
Reserved1:LongWord; Padding (Align to 8 bytes)
EntrySize:Word; Length of the index entry
KeySize:Word; Length of the key entry
EntryFlags:Word; Flags (See Consts)
Reserved2:Word; Padding (Align to 8 bytes)
Key:array[0..0] of Byte; Key (Only present when the last entry flag is not set) Note: No Offset so always in the same location
Data:array[0..0] of Byte Data (Only present when the last entry flag is not set)
SubNodeNumber:Int64 Number of the sub-node in the index allocation attribute (Only present when the sub-node flag is set)

Note: Key data depends on what is indexed (See ObjId/Quota/Owner/SecurityId/SecurityHash/Reparse structures below)

NTFS attribute index entry

PNTFSAttributeIndexEntry = ^TNTFSAttributeIndexEntry;

TNTFSAttributeIndexEntry = packed record

Note: 16 bytes (Not including Key of SubNodeNumber)
FileReference:Int64; File reference (Only valid when the last entry flag is not set)
EntrySize:Word; Length of the index entry
KeySize:Word; Length of the key entry
EntryFlags:Word; Flags (See Consts)
Reserved1:Word; Padding (Align to 8 bytes)
Key:array[0..0] of Byte; Key (Only present when the last entry flag is not set) Note: No Offset so always in the same location
SubNodeNumber:Int64 Number of the sub-node in the index allocation attribute (Only present when the sub-node flag is set)

Note: Key data depends on what is indexed but for an $I30 index it will be a FileName Attribute

NTFS attribute header

PNTFSAttributeHeader = ^TNTFSAttributeHeader;

TNTFSAttributeHeader = packed record

Note: 16 bytes
AttributeType:LongWord; Attribute Type (e.g. 0x80, 0xA0)
AttributeSize:LongWord; Length of the Attribute (including header)
NonResident:Byte; Non-resident flag
AttributeNameLength:Byte; Name length
AttributeNameOffset:Word; Offset to the Name
AttributeFlags:Word; Flags
AttributeId:Word; Attribute Id

NTFS resident attribute header

PNTFSResidentAttributeHeader = ^TNTFSResidentAttributeHeader;

TNTFSResidentAttributeHeader = packed record

Note: 24 bytes
AttributeType:LongWord; Attribute Type (e.g. 0x80, 0xA0)
AttributeSize:LongWord; Length of the Attribute (including header)
NonResident:Byte; Non-resident flag (Always 0)
AttributeNameLength:Byte; Name length
AttributeNameOffset:Word; Offset to the Name
AttributeFlags:Word; Flags
AttributeId:Word; Attribute Id
DataSize:LongWord; Length of the Attribute Data
DataOffset:Word; Offset to the Attribute Data
Indexed:Byte; Indexed flag
Reserved1:Byte; Padding
AttributeName:array[0..0] of WideChar; Unicode Attribute Name (if NameLength > 0)
Data:array[0..0] of Byte Attribute Data

NTFS non resident attribute header

PNTFSNonResidentAttributeHeader = ^TNTFSNonResidentAttributeHeader;

TNTFSNonResidentAttributeHeader = packed record

Note: 64 bytes
AttributeType:LongWord; Attribute Type (e.g. 0x80, 0xA0)
AttributeSize:LongWord; Length of the Attribute (including header)
NonResident:Byte; Non-resident flag (Always 1)
AttributeNameLength:Byte; Name length
AttributeNameOffset:Word; Offset to the Name
AttributeFlags:Word; Flags
AttributeId:Word; Attribute Id
StartVCN:Int64; Starting VCN
LastVCN:Int64; Last VCN
RunOffset:Word; Offset to the Data Run
CompressionUnit:Word; Compression Unit Size
Reserved1:LongWord; Padding
StreamAllocated:Int64; Allocated size of the attribute
StreamSize:Int64; Real size of the attribute
InitializedSize:Int64; Initialized data size of the stream (Portion which has been Written)
AttributeName:array[0..0] of WideChar; Unicode Attribute Name (if NameLength > 0)
Run:array[0..0] of Byte Attribute Data Runs

NTFS compressed attribute header

PNTFSCompressedAttributeHeader = ^TNTFSCompressedAttributeHeader;

TNTFSCompressedAttributeHeader = packed record

Note: 64 bytes
AttributeType:LongWord; Attribute Type (e.g. 0x80, 0xA0)
AttributeSize:LongWord; Length of the Attribute (including header)
NonResident:Byte; Non-resident flag (Always 1)
AttributeNameLength:Byte; Name length
AttributeNameOffset:Word; Offset to the Name
AttributeFlags:Word; Flags
AttributeId:Word; Attribute Id
StartVCN:Int64; Starting VCN
LastVCN:Int64; Last VCN
RunOffset:Word; Offset to the Data Run
CompressionUnit:Word; Compression Unit Size
Reserved1:LongWord; Padding
StreamAllocated:Int64; Allocated size of the attribute
StreamSize:Int64; Real size of the attribute
InitializedSize:Int64; Initialized data size of the stream (Portion which has been Written)
StreamUsed:Int64; The actual Allocated size of the attribute (Only present when compressed and only in the first instance)
AttributeName:array[0..0] of WideChar; Unicode Attribute Name (if NameLength > 0)
Run:array[0..0] of Byte Attribute Data Runs

NTFS12 standard information

PNTFS12StandardInformation = ^TNTFS12StandardInformation;

TNTFS12StandardInformation = packed record

Note: 48 bytes (0x10)
Standard Attribute Header
CreateTime:TFileTime; File Creation
WriteTime:TFileTime; File Altered
ChangeTime:TFileTime; MFT Changed
AccessTime:TFileTime; File Read
Attributes:LongWord; DOS File Permissions
MaxVersions:LongWord; Maximum Number of Versions
VersionNo:LongWord; Version Number
ClassId:LongWord; Class Id

NTFS30 standard information

PNTFS30StandardInformation = ^TNTFS30StandardInformation;

TNTFS30StandardInformation = packed record

Note: 72 bytes (0x10) Includes NTFS 3.1
Standard Attribute Header
CreateTime:TFileTime; File Creation
WriteTime:TFileTime; File Altered
ChangeTime:TFileTime; MFT Changed
AccessTime:TFileTime; File Read
Attributes:LongWord; DOS File Permissions
MaxVersions:LongWord; Maximum Number of Versions
VersionNo:LongWord; Version Number
ClassId:LongWord; Class Id
OwnerId:LongWord; Owner Id
SecurityId:LongWord; Security Id
QuotaCharge:Int64; Quota Charged
UpdateSequenceNumber:Int64; Update Sequence Number

NTFS attribute list

PNTFSAttributeList = ^TNTFSAttributeList;

TNTFSAttributeList = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0x20)
Standard Attribute Header
Item:array[0..0] of Byte; Attribute List Items

NTFS file name

PNTFSFileName = ^TNTFSFileName;

TNTFSFileName = packed record

Note: 66 bytes (0x30)
Standard Attribute Header
ParentReference:Int64; File reference to the parent directory.
CreateTime:TFileTime; C Time - File Creation Note: These fields are only updated when the filename is changed. See Standard Information instead.
WriteTime:TFileTime; A Time - File Altered Note: These fields are only updated when the filename is changed. See Standard Information instead.
ChangeTime:TFileTime; M Time - MFT Changed Note: These fields are only updated when the filename is changed. See Standard Information instead.
AccessTime:TFileTime; R Time - File Read
FileAllocated:Int64; Allocated size of the file
FileSize:Int64; Real size of the file
FileFlags:LongWord; Flags, e.g. Directory, Compressed, Hidden
ReparseTag:LongWord; Used by EAs and Reparse
FileNameLength:Byte; Filename length in characters
NameSpace:Byte; Filename namespace
FileName:array[0..0] of WideChar; File name in Unicode (not null terminated) Note: NameLength but no NameOffset so Name

NTFS object ID

PNTFSObjectId = ^TNTFSObjectId;

TNTFSObjectId = packed record

Note: 64 bytes (0x40)
Standard Attribute Header
ObjectId:TGUID; GUID Object Id Unique Id assigned to file
BirthVolumeId:TGUID; GUID Birth Volume Id Volume where file was created
BirthObjectId:TGUID; GUID Birth Object Id Original Object Id of file
DomainId:TGUID; GUID Domain Id Domain in which object was created

NTFS volume version

PNTFSVolumeVersion = ^TNTFSVolumeVersion;

TNTFSVolumeVersion = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0x40)
Standard Attribute Header
Data:array[0..0] of Byte; Unknown data (Structure to be determined)

NTFS security descriptor

PNTFSSecurityDescriptor = ^TNTFSSecurityDescriptor;

TNTFSSecurityDescriptor = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0x50)
Standard Attribute Header
Security:array[0..0] of Byte; Security Descriptor

NTFS volume name

PNTFSVolumeName = ^TNTFSVolumeName;

TNTFSVolumeName = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0x60)
Standard Attribute Header
VolumeName:array[0..0] of WideChar; Unicode name Note: The DataOffset and DataSize in the ?

NTFS volume information

PNTFSVolumeInformation = ^TNTFSVolumeInformation;

TNTFSVolumeInformation = packed record

Note: 16 bytes (0x70)
Standard Attribute Header
Reserved1:Int64; Always zero ?
MajorVersion:Byte; Major version number
MinorVersion:Byte; Minor version number
VolumeFlags:Word; Flags
Reserved2:LongWord; Always zero ? (Padding only, not part of data)

NTFS data


TNTFSData = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0x80)
Standard Attribute Header
Data:array[0..0] of Byte; Any data Note: The DataOffset and DataSize in the header give the pointer to the Data

NTFS index root

PNTFSIndexRoot = ^TNTFSIndexRoot;

TNTFSIndexRoot = packed record

Note: 16 bytes (0x90)
Standard Attribute Header
IndexType:LongWord; Attribute Type
CollateRule:LongWord; Collation Rule
IndexRecordSize:LongWord; Size of Index Allocation Entry (bytes)
IndexCounterOffset:LongWord; Index Record Number increment

NTFS index allocation

PNTFSIndexAllocation = ^TNTFSIndexAllocation;

TNTFSIndexAllocation = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0xA0)
Standard Attribute Header
Run:array[0..0] of Byte; Data run Note: The RunOffset and AttributeSize in the header give the pointer to the Run

NTFS bitmap

PNTFSBitmap = ^TNTFSBitmap;

TNTFSBitmap = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0xB0)
Standard Attribute Header
Bitmap:array[0..0] of Int64; Bit field Note: The DataOffset and DataSize in the header give the pointer to the Bitmap (Bit ordering works as an array of bytes)

NTFS reparse point

PNTFSReparsePoint = ^TNTFSReparsePoint;

TNTFSReparsePoint = packed record

Note: 8 bytes (0xC0)
Standard Attribute Header
ReparseTag:LongWord; Reparse Type (and Flags)
ReparseSize:Word; Reparse Data Length
Reserved1:Word; Padding (align to 8 bytes)
ReparseData:array[0..0] of Byte; Reparse Data

NTFS reparse point Microsoft

PNTFSReparsePointMicrosoft = ^TNTFSReparsePointMicrosoft;

TNTFSReparsePointMicrosoft = TNTFSReparsePoint;

Note: 8 bytes (0xC0)

NTFS reparse point other

PNTFSReparsePointOther = ^TNTFSReparsePointOther;

TNTFSReparsePointOther = packed record

Note: 24 bytes (0xC0)
Standard Attribute Header
ReparseTag:LongWord; Reparse Type (and Flags)
ReparseSize:Word; Reparse Data Length
Reserved1:Word; Padding (align to 8 bytes)
ReparseGUID:TGUID; Reparse GUID
ReparseData:array[0..0] of Byte; Reparse Data

NTFS symbolic link

PNTFSSymbolicLink = ^TNTFSSymbolicLink;

TNTFSSymbolicLink = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0xC0)
Standard Attribute Header
Data:array[0..0] of Byte; Unknown data (Structure to be determined)

NTFS extended attribute information

PNTFSExtendedAttrInformation = ^TNTFSExtendedAttrInformation;

TNTFSExtendedAttrInformation = packed record

Note: 8 bytes (0xD0)
Standard Attribute Header
PackedSize:Word; Size of the packed Extended Attributes
FlagCount:Word; Number of Extended Attributes which have NEED_EA flag
UnpackedSize:LongWord; Size of the unpacked Extended Attributes

NTFS extended attribute

PNTFSExtendedAttr = ^TNTFSExtendedAttr;

TNTFSExtendedAttr = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0xE0)
Standard Attribute Header
Extended:array[0..0] of Byte; Extended Attributes

NTFS property set

PNTFSPropertySet = ^TNTFSPropertySet;

TNTFSPropertySet = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0xF0)
Standard Attribute Header
Data:array[0..0] of Byte; Unknown data (Structure to be determined)

NTFS logged utility stream

PNTFSLoggedUtilityStream = ^TNTFSLoggedUtilityStream;

TNTFSLoggedUtilityStream = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0x100)
Standard Attribute Header
Data:array[0..0] of Byte; Any data Note: The DataOffset and DataSize in the header give the pointer to the Data

NTFS unknown

PNTFSUnknown = ^TNTFSUnknown;

TNTFSUnknown = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0x100)
Standard Attribute Header
Data:array[0..0] of Byte; Any data Note: The DataOffset and DataSize in the header give the pointer to the Data

NTFS end


TNTFSEnd = packed record

Note: 0 bytes (0xFFFFFFFF)
Standard Attribute Header

NTFS run data

PNTFSRunData = ^TNTFSRunData;

TNTFSRunData = packed record

Note: 0 bytes
Run:array[0..0] of Byte; Data Run Note: The RunOffset and AttributeSize in the header give the pointer to the Run

NTFS item data

PNTFSItemData = ^TNTFSItemData;

TNTFSItemData = packed record

Note: 26 bytes (Data of attribute $ATTRIBUTE_LIST)
AttributeType:LongWord; Type
ItemSize:Word; Record length
AttributeNameLength:Byte; Name length
AttributeNameOffset:Byte; Offset to Name
StartVCN:Int64; Starting VCN
FileReference:Int64; File Reference of the attribute
AttributeId:Word; Attribute Id
AttributeName:array[0..0] of WideChar; Name in Unicode (if NameLength > 0)

NTFS object Id data

PNTFSObjIdData = ^TNTFSObjIdData;

TNTFSObjIdData = packed record

Note: 56 bytes (Data of index $O in file $ObjId) Key is ObjectId
FileReference:Int64; MFT Reference
BirthVolumeId:TGUID; GUID Birth Volume Id (This is the ObjectId from the file $Volume)
BirthObjectId:TGUID; GUID Birth Object Id
DomainId:TGUID; GUID Domain Id

NTFS quota data

PNTFSQuotaData = ^TNTFSQuotaData;

TNTFSQuotaData = packed record

Note: 48 bytes Not including SID (Data of index $Q in file $Quota) Key is OwnerId
Version:LongWord; Version (0x02)
Flags:LongWord; Flags
BytesUsed:Int64; Bytes Used
ChangeTime:TFileTime; Change Time
WarningLimit:Int64; Warning Limit
HardLimit:Int64; Hard Limit
ExceedTime:TFileTime; Exceeded Time
SID:array[0..0] of Byte; SID
Padding:array[0..0] of Byte Padding (align to 8 bytes) Handled by Calculation of Index Entry Size

NTFS owner data

PNTFSOwnerData = ^TNTFSOwnerData;

TNTFSOwnerData = packed record

Note: 4 bytes (Data of index $O in file $Quota) Key is SID
OwnerId:LongWord; Owner Id
Padding:array[0..0] of Byte Padding (align to 8 bytes) Handled by Calculation of Index Entry Size

NTFS up case data

PNTFSUpCaseData = ^TNTFSUpCaseData;

TNTFSUpCaseData = packed record

Note: 131072 bytes (Data of file $UpCase)
Data:array[0..65535] of Word; Conversion data

NTFS attribute definition data

PNTFSAttrDefData = ^TNTFSAttrDefData;

TNTFSAttrDefData = packed record

Note: 160 bytes (Data of file $AttrDef)
AttributeName:array[0..63] of WideChar; Label in Unicode
AttributeType:LongWord; Type
DisplayRule:LongWord; Display rule
CollateRule:LongWord; Collation rule
AttrDefFlags:LongWord; Flags (See Consts)
MinimumSize:Int64; Minimum size
MaximumSize:Int64; Maximum size

NTFS reparse data

PNTFSReparseData = ^TNTFSReparseData;

TNTFSReparseData = packed record

Note: 0 bytes Not including Data (Data of attribute $REPARSE_POINT)
Data:array[0..0] of Byte; Any data

NTFS reparse symbolic link data

PNTFSReparseSymLinkData = ^TNTFSReparseSymLinkData;

TNTFSReparseSymLinkData = packed record

Note: 12 bytes Not including Names (Data of attribute $REPARSE_POINT)
SubstituteNameOffset:Word; Substitute Name Offset
SubstituteNameLength:Word; Substitute Name Length (Length is in bytes not characters)
PrintNameOffset:Word; Print Name Offset
PrintNameLength:Word; Print Name Length (Length is in bytes not characters)
Reserved1:LongWord; Always Zero
PrintName:array[0..0] of Byte Path Buffer (Not Null terminated)
SubstituteName:array[0..0] of Byte Path Buffer (Not Null terminated)

NTFS reparse mount point data

PNTFSReparseMountPointData = ^TNTFSReparseMountPointData;

TNTFSReparseMountPointData = packed record

Note: 12 bytes (Minimum 8 bytes plus 2 unicode nulls) Not including Names (Data of attribute $REPARSE_POINT)
SubstituteNameOffset:Word; Substitute Name Offset (Offset includes the null terminator)
SubstituteNameLength:Word; Substitute Name Length (Length is in bytes not characters and does not include the null terminator)
PrintNameOffset:Word; Print Name Offset (Offset includes the null terminator)
PrintNameLength:Word; Print Name Length (Length is in bytes not characters and does not include the null terminator)
SubstituteName:array[0..0] of Byte Path Buffer (Null terminated)
PrintName:array[0..0] of Byte Path Buffer (Null terminated)

NTFS extended data

PNTFSExtendedData = ^TNTFSExtendedData;

TNTFSExtendedData = packed record

Note: 8 bytes Not including Name (Data of attribute $EA)
ExtendedOffset:LongWord; Offset to next Extended Attribute (Offset to next EA is the size of this EA)
ExtendedFlags:Byte; Flags
ExtendedNameLength:Byte; Name Length (N)
ExtendedDataSize:Word; Value Length (V)
ExtendedName:array[0..0] of Char; Name Note: No offset so always in the same location
ExtendedData:array[0..0] of Byte Value

NTFS security data

PNTFSSecurityData = ^TNTFSSecurityData;

TNTFSSecurityData = packed record

Note: 20 bytes Minimum (Data of attribute $SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR and stream $SDS in file $Secure)
Revision:Byte; Revision
Reserved1:Byte; Padding
Control:Word; Control Flags
OwnerOffset:LongWord; Offset to Owner SID
GroupOffset:LongWord; Offset to Group SID
SaclOffset:LongWord; Offset to SACL
DaclOffset:LongWord; Offset to DACL

NTFS SID identifier authority data

PNTFSSidIdentifierAuthorityData = ^TNTFSSidIdentifierAuthorityData;

TNTFSSidIdentifierAuthorityData = packed record

Note: 6 Bytes
Value:array[0..5] of Byte;  


PNTFSSidData = ^TNTFSSidData;

TNTFSSidData = packed record

Note: 8 Bytes Minimum (Not including SubAuthority)
IdentifierAuthority:array[0..5] of Byte;  
SubAuthority:array[0..0] of LongWord; Not included in size

NTFS acl data

PNTFSAclData = ^TNTFSAclData;

TNTFSAclData = packed record

Note: 8 Bytes
Reserved1:Byte; Must be Zero
Reserved2:Word; Must be Zero

NTFS ace header data

PNTFSAceHeaderData = ^TNTFSAceHeaderData;

TNTFSAceHeaderData = packed record

Note: 4 Bytes

NTFS ace data

PNTFSAceData = ^TNTFSAceData;

TNTFSAceData = packed record

Note: 8 Bytes Minimum (Not including Sid)
Sid:array[0..0] of Byte; Not included in size

NTFS object ace data

PNTFSObjectAceData = ^TNTFSObjectAceData;

TNTFSObjectAceData = packed record

Note: 44 Bytes Minimum (Not including Sid)
Sid:array[0..0] of Byte; Not included in size

NTFS security item data

PNTFSSecurityItemData = ^TNTFSSecurityItemData;

TNTFSSecurityItemData = packed record

Note: 40 Bytes Minimum Including Security (Data of stream $SDS in file $Secure)
SecurityHash:LongWord; Hash of Security Descriptor
SecurityId:LongWord; Security Id
SecurityOffset:Int64; Offset of this entry in $SDS
SecuritySize:LongWord; Size of this entry in $SDS
Security:TNTFSSecurityData; Self-relative Security Descriptor
Padding:array[0..0] of Byte Padding (align to 16 bytes) Handled by Calculation of Stream Size

NTFS security Id data

PNTFSSecurityIdData = ^TNTFSSecurityIdData;

TNTFSSecurityIdData = packed record

Note: 20 Bytes (Data of index $SII in file $Secure) (Key is SecurityId)
SecurityHash:LongWord; Hash of Security Descriptor
SecurityId:LongWord; Security Id
SecurityOffset:Int64; Offset of this entry in $SDS
SecuritySize:LongWord; Size of this entry in $SDS

NTFS security hash data

PNTFSSecurityHashData = ^TNTFSSecurityHashData;

TNTFSSecurityHashData = packed record

Note: 20 Bytes (Data of index $SDH in file $Secure)
SecurityHash:LongWord; Hash of Security Descriptor
SecurityId:LongWord; Security Id
SecurityOffset:Int64; Offset of this entry in $SDS
SecuritySize:LongWord; Size of this entry in $SDS
Padding:LongWord; Padding (align to 8 bytes) Always 4 bytes and always appears to be the Unicode string "II"

NTFS object Id key data

PNTFSObjIdKeyData = ^TNTFSObjIdKeyData;

TNTFSObjIdKeyData = packed record

Note: 16 Bytes (Key of index $O in file $ObjId)
ObjectId:TGUID; GUID Object Id
Data:array[0..0] of Byte Data (see above)

NTFS quota key data

PNTFSQuotaKeyData = ^TNTFSQuotaKeyData;

TNTFSQuotaKeyData = packed record

Note: 4 Bytes (Key of index $Q in file $Quota)
OwnerId:LongWord; Owner Id
Data:array[0..0] of Byte Data (see above)
Padding:array[0..0] of Byte Padding (align to 8 bytes) Handled by Calculation of Index Entry Size

NTFS owner key data

PNTFSOwnerKeyData = ^TNTFSOwnerKeyData;

TNTFSOwnerKeyData = packed record

Note: 0 Bytes Not including SID (Key of index $O in file $Quota)
SID:array[0..0] of Byte; SID
Data:array[0..0] of Byte Data (see above)
Padding:array[0..0] of Byte Padding (align to 8 bytes) Handled by Calculation of Index Entry Size

NTFS security Id key data

PNTFSSecurityIdKeyData = ^TNTFSSecurityIdKeyData;

TNTFSSecurityIdKeyData = packed record

Note: 4 Bytes (Key of index $SII in file $Secure)
SecurityId:LongWord; Security Id
Data:array[0..0] of Byte Data (see above)

NTFS security hash key data

PNTFSSecurityHashKeyData = ^TNTFSSecurityHashKeyData;

TNTFSSecurityHashKeyData = packed record

Note: 8 Bytes (Key of index $SDH in file $Secure)
SecurityHash:LongWord; Hash of Security Descriptor
SecurityId:LongWord; Security Id
Data:array[0..0] of Byte Data (see above)
Padding:array[0..0] of Byte Padding (align to 8 bytes) Handled by Calculation of Index Entry Size

NTFS reparse key data

PNTFSReparseKeyData = ^TNTFSReparseKeyData;

TNTFSReparseKeyData = packed record

Note: 12 Bytes (Key of index $R in file $Reparse) This index contains no data
ReparseTag:LongWord; Reparse Tag (and Flags)
FileReference:Int64; MFT Reference of Reparse Point
Padding:LongWord; Padding (align to 8 bytes) Handled by Calculation of Index Entry Size

NTFS run offset

PNTFSRunOffset = ^TNTFSRunOffset;

TNTFSRunOffset = packed record

Note: 8 Bytes
case Integer of  

NTFS run length

PNTFSRunLength = ^TNTFSRunLength;

TNTFSRunLength = packed record

Note: 8 Bytes
case Integer of  

Public variables

None defined

Function declarations

None defined

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